HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of Occupancy,c-ertjfitate,:of occupancy ,Online .address :-.h'1vws ttpl��.,ducI �. Permit 'Qu"k . t Status Lookup Online Building Inspecdon-.System This certificate is issued pursuaritto the�requirernents of theTionda Building Code -certifying that AtIMAkhe of issuance-this:,structure, was in compliance with the -various ordinances -of St. Lucie County regulating- building construction or use. For'th0b.flowing: Budding Permit NO. - 1-8.01-0210 F 454`1 -M 0-, dddi8 660f8 LOW.. :847 Subdivisibri, VENTOREOUTAT" IhbiANRIVER. ftj,(SEc, bj Building Acldrpss: _' - . I'07.0tS WEAN DR"847 Legal'Obscription: VENTURE OUTAT INDIANANLRINC LOT 847 (OR.375317 Permit Job Description: NEVV 2018 MOBILE HOME. 21.'.8 X40157, WOOD.FRAMED'STAIRS, VINYL 8 IRTING Pdftit Firialed: 9/14/201& tb AR P ALIL qR ES, INC T OM'S MOBILE HOMES, .contractor 4,44P - BRADYRD ST CLOUD, FL 34772, (4ot, 709-11490 ProperiTOwner biANA L:60ISGLAIR 22'Tyler IN Norwich, OT.063604027 :Pedperly�.wier , 0 -RICHAkD.T'BOISCLAIR, 22 Tyler LN Norwich, CT 06360740.27- (863) A, .-L, Friday„September 14,2 018 'Gad Peterson Date Printed Building Official Note: the exp jh t, p I t, This'Urtificatebf Occupancy is' issued-tothe'above.named"for-bultdirid,at- 6abov66affiedIbcat!6n:8hIy,U�0 r6ss proiAsign 6 thad 01 can will th 'anc- orouild,in'gGbod �fSajnj1L:uci6C-06'Unt rtainin6lothe erection, ,abide byand comply With -all thdo'conditl6ris''d the 2oning'fOrdinappes,'and .�ilbidin, , e.s :consti­6ctiqn or re' odel ng of b i[difi"s or structures. buildings gi q work have "insisecteddrid1aporpyed, The issuance of this qg0fidae Thisalso'certifies e,electric wnngandlor�equio,���h�-,�ho�thi�oldffibin ik h ebeen that the the ­ d a . ed'Aq changain use WillrequlrezneW, dertficat �y L I 1 ni . e, ofOccupanc; grants permission'to occupy and. usgthe:property.,O!B�b(ibbd:.he�6i6:ohly for e use I. ic t - Any change tCU0U&:F`LAQE ST-INA 00-14", P .