HomeMy WebLinkAboutEstimate & Proposal• CENTRAL, MOBILE -HOME.$ 930 W. Hickpochee 807 NE Park`Street 2160 W Hwy 27 5050 Highway 27 South i LaBelle, FL 33935 Okeechobee, FL 34974L Clewiston,, FL .33440 -Sebring, FL 33870. (863) 675-88888, (863) 357-4848 ($ 3) 9834663 (863) 451-5101 Fax (863)675-3977 Fax (863}357-485U:• fax (863)983-90SS Fax:(863)451-5104 .!-` PFfOI "DATE 7 .•ADDRESS �� 1 1 -let >t�7.y Z ` 601SACESPE . DEUVERYADDRESS MAKE &MODEL 9 TEAR BEDROOMS- FL OF, SIZE J5 *CH SIZE STOOK NUMBER (i►►t5i� a � L +W 2$ L W SERIAL WUMiER COLOR, PROPOSED DELIVERY DATE, KEY hUhRBER$ 'NEV " 0 USED` _ . DATE OF BIRTH' DRIVER'S i16ENtE BASE, PRICE OF UNIT BUYER BUYER OPTIONAL•EQUIPMENT EO BUYER''CO-BUYER' LOCAT(QNI R VALUE TH.ICKNESS l TVPE,OF INSIJLATION� . - Sl1B TOTAL CEILING �_ __ _+ I _-- -_. SALE$ TAX EXTERIOR _- . °FLOORS' - THIS INSULATION INFQRMATION WA'S FURNISHED' SY THE MANUFACTURER rr "F70N-TAXABLE tTErAS j� aT . ' VARIOUS FEES AND INSURANCE' AND`1S'DISCLOSED IN'GQMPLIANCE WITH THE FEDERAL -TRADE COMMISSION 'AULE`16CRF, SECTION 460.16. OPTIDIdAL EQUIFIlAEA9T, LABOR•AI�D ACCESSi�RIES CASH PURCHASE TRICE TRADE-1N ALLOWANCEpg $; '� LESS BAL. DUE an above, $ _- NET ALLOWANCE $ ►.'9 _ _ _ CASH DO,INN'PAYtJIENT GASHASAGREEDso F-azlse ^s ' —- ,(� yoq LESS, TOTAL CREDITS TOTAL $ $ L�1 SUB _ SALES -TAX (1UNotIncluded Above ? tintpA!0`1§ht6nce of Cash Sale Price Y _-! Liquidated Ltainages are agreed t® be $ or ------ - - 10;'n'of the :cash price; tvhtcheuer is greAtQr, ;. = BALANCE CARRIED TQ' QPTIONAL EQUIPl41ENT REFER TO PARAGRAPH 4:ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS AGREEMENT. DESCRIPTION OFTRADF4N MAKE " I MODEL ---- j RIAL ED COLOR -- - BROOjMS µAnatourir ovsllps F1' V �l A Y1 F3 OW ES OfU TRADE=1N IS TO BE PAID t3Y q DF,AL.ER. O� BUYERS: - I. - _ "Buyer:.is purchasing the above described rnanutacturerl home,. 11p optional,equipment and. accessories, .the insurance has been voluntary;, 'the B.uyer's trade In is free front all claims whatsoever; except as noted. THE -REVERSE: SIDE`•of this: agreement, contains :A®DITIOf�AL TERMS hlD CONI]ItIIONS; including,. but not.limited to, provisions regartling WARRANTY; EXCLt S gNS;A111I3-L MITATION OF D6AMAGES. Dealer,and Buyer 'ackno.wiedge and certify that such additional ,terms and; conditions. printed on. the other sld ,of this agreement are agreed to as- part, of this agreement;'the"same as if printed above the signatures. �rA nt, r, d['or'wtitten, The agrearnent contains the nttre agreement between the Dealer and Buyer and no otber�e ntat' , has Been made WhF ot_contained m this agreement. Buy®�(s? acknowledge receipf o IIs,�.gr�;em ah ttzat Buyers) IT i , have read and and "stand i back of this. agreement Soo OL-5 171--2.s -ilie PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: JOB rb4td� JQB tt �0�Sc�e� (5 ADDRESS (a ( JOB LOCATI ION DATE CS_ �, 11 QATE.Oc PfiONEnq'Q10 tit PAXii We h reby submit specifications and estimates for: eS _ C - Aft - 1-0 rS -TW A &Z ce --- _..`( -- '� c�v v �t�, _---= � .__-.�! � C��`��`� - - c� _n S �, �•� t ��'1 •� Gam? � I NC P LA e propose hereby to furnish material and labor —complete in accordance with the a. Yej5pd1hcaUonsfbr the sum of: 141 p with payments to be.made as follows: -�-- ---� �� Any alteration or deviation from above specifications, involving exva costs Respectfully u q's 'will be executed only upon v. itten order, and v0HI become an extra chxge Submitted over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidentm, o delays beyond our control. Note — this prod rn be vt dratrm by Us if I i ,..�'pted within _ days. The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the avork as specified'. Payments will be made as outfined ab- ove. o `� Date of Acceptance Signature Signature r L .v