HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter; Documents to Support Purchase price of Mobile HomeWilliam Durden From: James Newman <jwnconstruction@comcast.net> Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 4:31 PM To: William Durden Subject: RE: Perini - 8 Attachments: Scan_0025.pdf Dear Mr. Durden: Attached are the documents to support the purchase price of the mobile home located on the property. Hopefully this will clear up the problem. Shcwo*v N ew nwuw Sharon Newman JWN Builders, LLC 1701 SE Carvalho St. Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 Phone and fax 772-871-9500 From: William Durden [mailto:DurdenW@stlucieco.org] Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 8:17 AM To:'Jwnconstruction@Comcast.net' <Jwnconstruction@Comcast.net> Cc: William Durden <DurdenW@stlucieco.org> Subject: Permit #1904-0678 A new policy will be implemented on July 1st 2017 with respect to the plan review process in an effort to improve turnaround time on permits. The following will be required with each resubmittal. a. A cover letter that includes a response to each comment made by the plans examiner. b. All changes to a plan shall be "clouded" on the plans. c. The applicant or agent is responsible for inserting/changing out of new plan pages upon resubmittal or if the applicant or agent prefers they can resubmit a complete set of new plans with the changes included. Dear St. Lucie County Permit Applicant, Thank you for choosing to build your home and invest in St Lucie County. St Lucie County is committed to assisting you navigate the Building review process. Please know that County staff is committed to customer service and part of that service is providing assistance and `sardance with our processes. Please do not hesitate to contact us to further discuss your building project as needed. Please see the attached plan review comments which have been generated for your permit. As soon as we receive the modified plans and any additional required documentation back from the design professional, contractor or owner we will perform the additional reviews as necessary in order to complete the plan review process. Once the plans have been signed, by all applicable plan reviewers, we will move the permit forward either to the Fire Department or back to permitting for permit issuance. 0,7 MLLIAM E. D URDEN Plans Examiner St Lucie County Code Compliance Div. PH: 772-462-1594 Email: durdenwastlucieco.ora ao r How was your service? Please contact, Gary Stepalavich, Building Official at StepalavichG@stlucieco.ore to submit your suggestions, comments and feedback. Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and / or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. Ceftificate of Qcoupancy Orillneaddressv ,,hop;/!OW.sou'cioo,otolpl4oiiipg/permitgn.g.htrii Oulckbhki: Oermjf$tjtus Lookup Online Building IhspeicUon'Systern, pursUaritto the: requirements of -the.,florida guiWh,g Codecertifying tfiatithatime...Of issuance this. ;structure,was incompliance with the :various ord-iftancesof St. Lucib:C6urdy regulating bu.ildifig. qQns,trqptjph or use. For the following: '9 Ppr , m-' Buildih It N_ �5fl G-0048 Oarp�IJF66o* 4 -5i 46615 ,Lot#: B47 Block iubdivision: VtNTbRt"OuT-'AT*6AN RMERJINC_'(SEC,by i3iiildrng 4egaRVD:escriprion: 'VENTURE -'OUT,ATkbIPO,RMfR. IN G LOT `847;(Ok'316 MOBILE '.8'X 30/57, WOW FRAMEb, StAlkS, VINYL 8KIRTING, Permit ji)6,b6jgd',npfjdn:- NEW-2018 MOBI 14 Permit'-Flnalbcl-9/14/20- I& Contractor.8bwAkD OAQL pRuNbtlL. HOMES,JNQ 446O-BRADY RD- ST CL600,. FL 34772, Propeobwer I)I.ANAL:BQISCLAIR'- llftyleir'14 Norwich, bT.063604027- Owner RICHARDT'SOISCLAIR. Property . 22 Tyler. LN. Kbr4ch,OT-pq604027 16531 .Thit aljocerI6tiesthat - the_,dec.trc. wiring eqt"Iibfi,t;ird'i'th_6p[imbi.gI,,workiave3eennspecxea,anu:appitVw, grantspLrmission11o:occupyon4,us4th6propertydg*crb6d. p1yfdr tteuje,jndfcated. Any require cqte,of Occupant prc " -PO&,, 4NA COW'sOjwo, US PLACE - I -E I jdaxage pai�]}noalf �` f p Ulult P ? � ... 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PATE,:.� �y t `n , r!l� SALESPER , � � DELIVERYADDRESS 6WW• bZ - : 84 c MAKE e� m , BEDRC3Q°rt3 tjj' F OR SIZE fi�TCHSIZr Si0^KNUMBER ., NY , E C O D KC ((vUh!8ERS atdR flRQL? $D= ENERY QATE ';SERIAL NUN'rESEFi- - - S �.:. NEW a ;usED D11TE,OF BIFtiH { - DRIVER'S ZCCEidSE.: BASE;RF3iCE'OF UNiT S -, BUYER BUYER _ OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT - I CO C3UYE'ACO BUYER, ' Lt?CATit?�i V ' UE -FRic SNESS TYPE d�F lf<9SULA'i'i4N SUB T 7AL �u .' 'CEILING •EXTERIOR- • SALES TAX _ FLOORS. TN15 /PUSULATION IAIFQf3NiATfON WA FUFifVISHED 6Y 7KE MA'NUFAG.7URER NON TAXABLE.iTEMS �i�s' �J !T ;VARCOUS FEES'AND INSl1RANCE 4iVD 1511/SCIOSELi iN G(1fl9PL1,4tti10E ItY11H Tt1F`FEDEAAf Tf ADE'CO(VTMISS101V _RULE6CFtF,EC17 ®PTlOtdAL EQiIliREUEi�T,1 BQRAND ACCESS�F€IES. cAsH PURCFtASE PR►GE 1 . 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BALANCECARRIED,�T OPTA!-,EQUIPMENT S RUM TO PARAGRAPH �B7ON THS REVERSE $f0£ OF THISAGR££k7ENi., sQE5GAtpT}ONOFTRADEtN ' flAAK YEAR SiurA , . �YER OWES ON Tr3Aoi<,iiv ISTOB>: PAID'8Y Cl f]EALEt� [3 BUYERr OrsiBuyer is purchasing the. above'descrbed manufactured home, the optional .equipment and -accessories, the insurances: been voluntary';.from jHEREVER§CASHASAGREEDse all -claims w4 atsoever.,except':as noteE S1C1E o1F thts'agreern nt con airs ,�6 dITiONAE.,TE i iiS, AND {COitli?lTIQtdS, including, but not ifrriited ,to, provisions ":regarding"WUARRANTY-, gI KCLtdS80i�a'ANl3 LB liiiA"ti Dealer- and;.l3uyer:acknovuletige' and certify that •such add+tonal terms anal''conditions printed on thd• ojh* s+de �o this°:agreement are` agreed to as part of .this agreement, the same as -if printed.above the signatures. The• agreement contains the, entire agreerent between th6 Dealer and Buyer,and-no',other re nfa 7, z_ ; nt, > or written, . `has: receipt' is r ern" a that- 8uyer(s)' been made whi of .contained fn this ageegm6nt..�Ru0�(5); :acknowledge ',hadand and 'rstad oaclC ofih agreement: