HomeMy WebLinkAboutSoil Nuclear Guage\,) p � O N y,� � ,ERN�`TiU�P ti Port St. Lucie FSPE CA N 4930 607 NW Cofmnod4 Cove ^� Pod St. LUCie. FL 34986 Pnone: 772-92435t51 Fax: 772-924-3580 T 9 LL LL Soil Nuclear Gauge Report Date: 6/5/2019 Test Method: ASTM D 6938 Client: Project: Doyle Masonry, Inc. 17-6476.00 P.O. Box 12339 Doyle Masonry, Inc. 2017-2018 Master Fort Pierce, FL 34979-2339 Agreement Various Locations FL ltesf.Resilifs'.:: Test# Retest Of Test Date ProctorlD Method Soil Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Maximum Dry Density (pc In Place Moisture (%) in Place Dry Density (pef) Probe Depth (in) Percent Compaction Min/Max Comp. (%) Remark 79 6/4/19 P-1 NIA 11.0 108.0 10.6 103.1 12 95 95 / 105 Pass 80 6/4/19 P-1 N/A 11.0 108.0 9.6 104.9 12 97 951105 Pass 81 1 1 6/4/19 P-1 NIA 11.0 1 108.0 10.7 1 103.2 1 12 1 96 1 951105 f Pass T infomiati est o.. Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Gauge Make / Model J SN / Calibrated Field Technician 79 Pad: Lot 847, 10701 S. Ocean Blvd, Jensen Beach, garage pad, Center. 0-12" Troxler / T3430 134784 / Evans, Amber 80 Pad: Lot 847, 10701 S. Ocean Blvd, Jensen Beach, garage pad, NE side. 0-12" Troxler! T3430 134784 / Evans. Amber 81 Pad: Lot 847, 10701 S. Ocean Blvd, Jensen Beach, garage pad, SW side. 0-12" Troxler / T3430 / 34784 / Evans, Amber RemarksCoinirierit:c.°:..: Pass: Tests resulis comply with specifications Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatler". Gauge calibration data on frle with the testing agency. 79, 80, 81: Below stripped surface 0-1, 1-2' HCP=50+, > 95 % Compaction, PASS. HCP tests are empirically correlated to the relative density of the Soil. PERMIT # 19040678 RECEIVED JUN 0 b 2010 ST. Lucie County, Permitting Test Reports shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of GFA International Inc. oHN Tom' No 63 . 8 — P.E. 4& MRQWeer•#.&238 ////!0NAL 1 ���.`� Digitally signed printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. 9 Page 1 of 1 LL