HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAll APPLICABLE INFE; NIU i BE CORIPEE i ED FOR HPPEICR i ION 10 BE wCCEP i ED Date Permit Number: 97� luu ((�Dig _i;A ° Building Pcrmit AppliLaCun Planning and Development Services auhffing ana Come rregurorion uivision Commercial Realaenticil 2300 Virginia Avenue, Forr Tierce rr ,,y7az Phone: (772)462-15a3 Fax: (r,,c) z+6c-i_)ra PEKMII I RFPULA I 10M FOR: HVAC / Mechanival PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: .%muress: M9 M ,satR 5t Fort Pierce, F[ .szi:94i Property iaxlD;r: 0s-50a-00,1ZF-00v-6 Sate Plan Name: 109 N 39th St Project Name: Marie Beauge DEIAICED MCRIP1-ION OF WORK - Exact AC change out, no duct work 3 Ton, 14 Seer, 10 KW Mew Electrieul Meter Second Electrical Meter LUMS I RUL I IUM I MFORMA 1 IUM: HddiLional work Lobe performed untler tRis permit— cRecR all that apply: �_'sviecnzimic.l _ Gas Tank `Gas Piping _ Shutters _- Electric _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers i oral zq. Ft or Construction:. Cost of ConSLruCLion: 5 4600 Generator ,)M. Ft. or Fir,t Floor: X Lot No. 12 Block No. 3 Windows/Doors _ Pond Roof Pitch Utilities: --,ewer _peptic Building FleigRt: OWNER/LMEt: t L)M I RAL1 un: Dame Marie Beauge name: Dennis Zacek Address: 3204 Indiana Ct Company:'ARS Rescue Rooter City: Fort Pierce State: _ Address:2800 US HWY 1 Zip Code: 34947 Fax: City: vero Seacn btate:FE Phone No. 772-882-0210 Zip Code: 32960 Fax: E-IClail: PRone no I Iz-r94-rz05 Fill in fee simple Title Halder on next page ( if different E -Mail mgillis@ars.com from tRe Owner Iistea alsovel State or County License CMC1249753 If value of construL'ion is 2500 or more, a RECORDED No►Ice of Commencement is required. If value of RmvC is $,,3000 or more, a RECURDtD Notice or Commencement Is requlre0. SUPP[EPIEM iA[ t~uIC5 i Kit. I iulq LIE19 Q[w IlMiRMA I ifJN: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _ Nut Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: NOL Applicable Name: name: Address: Address: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Nat Applicable Name: Address: ivame: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: mpplicadon is RereMy ma'ae to outain a permit to do ilie worn anti instoll.tien ;-., iiizii9i.�tca. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. m. [a -i- Caantx- rriaReB no representation that is arantins a permit will authorize the ermit holder to build the subject structure wRicR is in conflict -1iR anx plie-Ole Flume 0-.ncr.� A33odatlen rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult wim your Rome Owners Association anti re -;ie -,oar Acca for array rCArietivns Rich may apply. In consit]eration or the granting or this reyac,icn per -it, l 29n Iiere6y agree tnat I ..ill, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Eucie County r mendments. i he foliowing Guilt]ing permit applications are exempt morn anaergvirns a Fall evRcarreney retie..-.: roorm additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, rences, wails, signs, screen rooms ant] accessor, a.c., ie mnotRcr non e.iacrltial asc trvARRIIQG 10 OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in paying twice for improvements to your property. H Notice of Commencement must bG i ccurded in the public recc;rds uf St. Lucie County and punted on the jobsite before the first inspection. if you intend to obtain financing, zum3alt with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recordinF,your Notice of Commencement. 0 Rx-'� k- o yW;'- 14= Signature of Owner/ Le a/Contractor as Agent for Owner Signature of Contractor/Li a se Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF stupe Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of x Physical Presence or Online Notarization this !�L-- day of S60-W--miae-(, 2020 by Dennis Zacek Name of person making statement. Personally Known x Type of Identification re of Commission No. GG340178 OR Produced identification REVIEWS lFRONT COUNTER DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OFstwd- Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of x Physical Presence or Online Notarization this 'Qb' day ofy I,yP,� , 2020 by Dennis Zaoek Name of person making statement. Personally Known x OR Produced Identification Type of Identification ++ nature of Notary Public- S MELISSA CHATEAUNEUF EState A CHATEAUNEUF State of Florida - Notary Public C mission No. GG34017e lorida - Notary Public Commission # GG 340178 ssion # GG 340178 My Commission Expires May 30, i n x it s ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW g4 9 � W Certificate of Product Ratings AFI 171 CwRinea Rorar_aa Mam l5or : v5z0645 C..tv : 0g-W-z0zU Modal Stotaa : Avfty AHRI Type: RCU-A-CB (Split Syskem: mir-Cooleu Conuensing unit, Coil with Blower series: i4 SEER mC Outdoor Omit Bruma N-mv : PAYNE HEAI IPG AAD C601IRG Outdoor Unit Model Number (Conuenser or single 11"acmagel : lum 14IECZ;3o*u**A* Intloor Unit Mo'ael Mumoer (Evaporator anaror Air nandler) : FB4t.dCF035E Ro'g en : 5oetfieast and North (AC, AR, DC, DE, FL, GA, RI, RY, CA, MD. IDIS, NC, OK, SC, TR, TX, VA, AK, CO, CT, ID, IL, In, IM, Rs, ILIA, ME, lull, MR, Mrj, Mi. ICD, ICE, ICM, ICJ, ICT, Uri, UR, FA, RI, 50, 01, vi, vvA, vvv, vvl, vvT, O.s. I errilvr�es) Rovio.. Rote : Control Jr vo„aitionors manafactai od prio, to Janaam y 1, 2015 are eligible to be installed in all regions unth aune 30,Z l'n. Beginning Duly 1, 2015 central air contlitioners cam nl,- lye imotallaa IN ry?ivn(.") To. whi.h they meet the regio, ral efhcienz.y requirement. The manafavtarer .,f this PAYNE HEATING AND COOLING I,roducl is responsible for the raking of tRis system comtlinatlon. Rated as iollora in avwordvriuo with thv latest oaitivn of ANSIIARRI 2101240 with Addenda 1 and 2, Performance Rating of Uniwry mir-Con'aitioning & Atr-source Meat Pump t:quipmenl and suBject to rating accuracy By ARRI-sponsored, imdeppeNdemix, tRiria party teuti..ng, Covlimg Cap..,aity (AZ) - Single or Riyh Stade (951-), Blah : 33000 SEER: 14.00 EER (Az) - single or MigR Stage la3F) : Iz.00 T"Active' Model Status are those that an AHRI Cer ifiawti=n Pr_ar.rm Partieipamt is aa,re..tl7 prodsaing AND z;alllmg or afteri-g for gale: OR no— msedelz thot ..re being marketed but are not yet being produced "Production Slopped" Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is no longer producing BUT is still eel,ing ar offering fo, a-ole. Rat n s khat a,e eccomaanied b y.A$ iridicatc an irrrolionta ru-rata The now L.blis±ted ratin is shown alon wit-1 the rreviaus fi.e. WAS retin DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the products} listed on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantee= a= tv, and a....enies mw reepom,ibllity fe:, the productksr listed on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s). or the onaathariaed akaredan of ..a.a Ils.mu an inie rQRlncatc. Oar.Incu raTings are vaallu on;y r.,: m.,..els and configurations listed In the direetwryot--.ohrldlravtory.erg. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Min This Cenifl, a.o on.a to waicnw arc pn7prlc.cry produ,w or ..NRI. This Certificate small only be used for individual,, personal and � �mfldvmtl_l rofarbi,oa parpo—. The wntenw of .hie Cenlflwo% may no., In hole or in pan, be raprodaoedi �opiea; vlase.Tnn_.; �� entered int- .,-e.,.pst_r d.debeae; a; otherwi=e etilized, In omy form er rrronner or by .my m o_m,, —opt for the e... Kv Imdt:ldaal, personal and confidential reference. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATIONa 11er•meete,.�lon Im.71TUTe The Inf_rwr.,tiam fer the mwdol sited em MI= vertifleata sen bo brlfled ..t .......ohrldlreetery.nrg, .11.11k am 'Vd lfy C�rtifla«W link w� make 16 bcrrcr- and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was isseed, whl..fl Is listed above, and the Certificate No., which Is listed at bottom rlgnt. U2020M-Condldoning, Reating, anG Rerrlgeradon Institute uER i IFIUAI t NU.: 132440577163723465 Michelle Franklin; CFA -- Saint. Lucie County Property Appraiser -- RII rights reserved. Properly Idunvificazion sit.. AdUF,33: rarcei w: Avco—a;-.t IF: Map I": U,.e 1Tpv. Zoning: MtyiCount7: Ownership Marie M B_-z;g. 3204 Indiana CT I o— Piero.., FL 3494 - Legal Description WILBUWE. BLK 3 N 30 FT OF LOT I 1 AND 5 45 FT OF LOT 12 t0.21 AC) rOR 412'--53 5) Current Valzz3 rusuma-teat V-IZv: 378,800 Asacssed Value: 378,800 exemptions: 'Do I-Tablo Volae: 2,73 00 Property taxes are sub;ect to change upon cRange of ownersRip. • ,,-asr taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. • Th= m�le of � p.-vr.c. ty -EII p�otrtpt the �;..v-,.1 of sll exemptions, assessment caps, and special classifications. 1„7;03 tee tn:a t zaveC SLC T..;; COIIOcwr. Uffi,c Download TRIM for this parcel: Down[oad PDF lu9 N syth �iT 2408-603-0034-000-6 JJ -6U5 24:08N UIVo RS -4 Coe.-.: saint Lucie County Total Areas r:n:anvaro-ate. P.i.- (sr): 1,316 Gross Sketched Area (SF): 2,150 La :a (oelv:;): 0.21 Land Size (SF): 9,147.6 nu information is vetieveu to ve correct at alis time, out is sulsject to cna-ge o -a :� r.-a-:a�a-itnvzt U Copyrignt LULU sa:a L--viv l,er4ty r.ererty Af Y »: er. Ah .ants -e8.