HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub contractor agreementPERMIT n --_ — iSSU'_ DATD PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division • • BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT _ S((cconAcu" (Company \ame lndivjdual Name) T ---- - �' --- -- the.� i �i Sub -contractor for 1 \ " (Type of Trade 1 (Primary Contractor) n For the project located at � ��.�C <I � � 4 r—' (Project Street Address or Propeng Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. � 4 CTANTRACTIORSICNATI. RE (Quaaa r PRINT NAME 14 ChUNTY' CERTI piCATsnN NUMBER State of Florida, Caunh nf_ C �( I foregoing inatru m was lima d helnrc me 1hia ! L� day of 1 �+ AQ.L'hy IJAILwl who to perinnaay knn..n or has produced SL'B NATL' udNer) f/A PR .TNgx F. / '7 l P�� cor�S C7C C'(lll\'fY <'e.Rllell Alnl. \I-YINhN ----- tittle of Florida, Cotton n( \ Pis () 'rhe Mmg,dn 1gin-xrrumenl signed before"'his dor a( y.zo?Uhf Ai4111- f4trorn I anAII) known _or has produced a f l_ryJC� as iden(ificaliaa idend don. ♦l.i ` .\ f( J �( l�� 5'1'A.MP 9iT.I.W,� f Solarr, P. It, Ior f Notary He STAMP G� lxtll ti _ V1 S PrIM Name of Mary Puhlic Pri I Name of, olary Pahtie AN,ELAt. DAII5 �r2 A:rdron DAVISANGELAL.1HMISSIDNgccA2442`Q: F�PIRFS MY COMMISSION# GG 917244 e100w moo EXPIRES: September 29, 2023 Revised I I to 2010 QaBonded Thru Notary Public UMerwdtera PERMIT a SSJE DATE PLANNING & DEN ELOPMENT SERVICES • r Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PEOUT SUB-CONTWTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be ICumpam Nitric Indntdual Name; the 111k (' I1(C I 1 r C JJ Sub -contractor for ' It A ((I i-\ � � I �Y( r (Ty pe of Trade I I Pntnan Contractor) For the project located at L , , r"r I Project Street Address or Propem Tax I D - i It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. OUNTRACTOR SIGNATk I u 1111 l PR . NAME 04 COI NTH CERTIFICATIONII MBER State of Florida. C—an of �� L fh forepoma instrumear »., ,q;nrd bdore nu thb L daof . � .•h�. i, pcnanall. I.nu»n `� nr ha, produced a a. ld.ntificaaun. / " Pnm No..of NF -4 DAVIS fnv ;;OkMd4S:!CW a GG 91ri41 ..;•-'PIRES-Se;temee�292^.. is ${O\TRACTORS CYATLRE tQWMerI I hc�14s L ►RINT \ANE CAC, k� c S (-, COI NTI CERTIFICATION Nl N1RER State of Florida. Cowen of , 1 •Cu 11 TYe fweaoity iaatrutoeat wu tgaad More ax tYit � daf of JPG�,26��, In _Iflr.twlN �. S�iNPrif-k • ho I, Penotlaaa knot a / dr lw pr"wed a as idealificadod. STAMP STAMP iaaature of No— P. c HCrnA l�/wNt�r� Prlat N tee r Naan PaYae q�r,ds�t.Yg PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES • I , Building &Code Compliance Division - BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT `a ��' e agreed to be (Company lName/Individual Name) l the '�� 1 YVI�O �� Sub -contractor for N(a n I (Type of Trade) 3 (�` n ^ (rirmary._Contractor) For the project located at r] WQ �Aj ( , 1' I_1�� Q �� ! r r-�— U 9v r (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. OR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) (�_ V/ j PRIN7 NAME 14 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of &S 11 rL� T �foreg�oiog i�nstlrument was signed before me this ` l day of f �202 by���YV��iA— who is personally known or has produced a 1AV 1S Public _ �L. DAVIa MY COMMISSION # GG 917244 EXPIRES: September 29, 2023 Revised I STAMP �&L"__ SLONTRACTOR SIGNATU (jualifier) IA �� M UAk— T" 1 U� 61 TZII� PNAME W Onea COUNTY CERTIFICATION gMBER 2S( 0 State of Florida, CounTy of T e foregoing instrument was ingot l/ybefor me this' 1 ay of F i ,, 20�y "1, �-� who is personally known _or has produced a (J'ddficadou. STAMP I lure of Notlu Pno" /�A^n V V'Y l Print Name of otnry Public .�.•• ANGELAL.DAVIS �` �R MY COMMISSION # GG 917244 EXPIRES: September 29, 2023 �"+.�� Puolic Untltm'dtera e6r �;°P� Bottled Thm Notary