HomeMy WebLinkAboutMfr System PackageA -I 1-Beam Connection eo LaterallLongittadinall Strut C Anchor& Stabilizer V, NOTE: hone or More of the foIIow1rgc--dfU.ns exist Engineer. Lo"Von Is wfthfn 1,500' of the — H'aht xx—AW. • Roof eaves eKoeeds 16'. • Sidewall height exceeds 96'. • Length Of home exceeds 76'. REQUIREMENTS FOR USF 1. The USC Of the LOCk Down Anchoring Syit�rn rpqjlms sidewall yerbril net at no greater than 5'4' un certer. 2. Centedine anchors to be sized according to the 9011 torque conditions. & Sidewalf anchor loads in excess -of 4000 pounds requires a S' anchor. 4. Sidewall vertical ties can use 4' anchors in soil type 4B. -— 1 I, h Nu plUt of LOCK DOWN pNC1Da 5 MBL h' EDED Wino Zones 716 i with roof pitch 6/12 or less. • Single or Douhlp sectfnn homes 37 to 52 rn I"loh (excluding hitcht 4 • Skrgk or Double sectimt homes greater than 52'to 76, in letto (erxlud ng hitch( 6 NOTE: Roof pitches greater than 6/12 will require additional systems, contact Home Pride, Inc, for assistance. NOTE: Homes less than 30' - Lock Down System should not I* used. NOTE: Home manufacturers may provide a placement chart for specific models in their installation manual. The manufacturer's placement chart supersede* the chart below. ANCHOR ASSEMBLY PLACEMENT Using 4 Anchar Assembiies _ _ ::s'cza SArtchar :sssm6!!es I. Gr=-.Si Anchor with St"Attechment Cap 2. 5tabusr 3. Lwew Strut d. Langitudin3f Strut 6. Beam Clamp Assembly Lock Down sWJWrAs aEtiW& li:alrztre j The Ground Anchor with Strut Aitachn—i C±p r;�i rake I;— pa_ of cr.x parhrecar *ears and align with asideurap v rtical strap. tnstail this?itttT, at a 5riQhi ; got to exceed PS degrees.TF.KaKsasnhiyrM'ueesa sia �'Hter prate ti+a2 is ir,r 5.d, the atat,�.�sd attached with a U-boh and two runs. The stati!rser Ote should ce Kin.e into V, groan, when the andwris about 2/3 installed. Attach the 5tabRizer to the anchor sisft Ldingthe ., U-boltand Miisthen=Wetethe wstaiofthaanK}.pfua l&E-awattff& . ,Wl5 Rush to the ground orSvZMIV recessed into the ground, rc nz:e t;za I5 The Di u? Attachment Cap shmshl be installed-MhinWor(hush to" top esnestati:zer P.U. -"r�-""e;, :' '�eV.`t+•: (Sea iilus1r tian to the reht., ys'y.'s• : ;- i` :YX' - .Y . ;l r. �!i.;.%ter. _ '� •',:.. '' . NOR: StateotFlorida zrcwiarppofholes tohed0ledtoa.:ran bora., tarrattantne,trar ,jh.,dsa;tcoyti 1fKtasnrocess6readKYek43 acbmation of the GMU d kdw' w9h-%ndA1 Latta*. CM the 09 mug bel2keedbatk in the od" hose aad e0111130" d al6"'wbemW& This pratanshai3dUke s>laze when the anrirar 537'-ld' from ru!{y iratzned-altnwtnF hoer. tc: ';.a:c:t :_y e � p6^t_tl . ac':: ?n dt= pnnT bore arse properi;•P�sh.a. Once the ground anchor assembly Is fully Installed, attach longitudinal and lateral struts according to the diagram under anchor assembly placement (page 1.). The lateral arm fa;rrner: are to be !nsta!led tightly (nnrt and boltsl. The Seam Clamp assembly has two holes for the bolt and nut placement. Depending on the width of the beam, the corresponding hole should be used that pushes the front of the metal plate as clone as pwslule to the upright of ti -beam. ;ee the lilustratlon on page 2, #S. Lateral struts should be Installed in line with the center anchor head and attached at the top of the I-beam. Lateral strut angles must fall within 30 degree minimum- 60 degree maximum, Longitudinal strut angles mustfall withht 10 degfee+minimum- SO degre&maidum. After the tack DounAncharAssembaes bawtbeen Jupylnsia:!e0 and a3 per;nitFrandtorsand atrapafea'ry b,staBed and tightened —each strut has isu f tapping screws that muss be installed as the final step- Predrieed holes ateproiXed cn fire outer strut indicating placemenL tithe prtdMW holes can Petiole accessed, Instal the svawsasctose to the predrined hdes as pa,$srb.: -tnef fts—theyare tepphrgirno the inner9eut. The lock Dowa Aralmity Sisterashould atdy be sc_d for boresxn the s'a+aril=:midi, T,t;ua:::ttoingsrstenmrut:esl3ntd, lasted or approved tortcs±at sry otherstale. Contacl Home FrMe Ix. 276-466.OS132 or at for. otvs whops tancetirtgdlis product. Legacy Engineer" losing a 113 11iOtte . PRODDCr WARRANTY Home Pride warrants Its Lock Down Anchor System (HP LD5)"AMA defatts in workmanship and matari¢i at the site of its Initial installatlon. The HP LDS is speciflnfly designed and approved for use in the State of Florida. This product Is not approved for use and should not be used outside the State of Florida. This product must not be feWed or reinstalled at any other location. If used In violation of this Warranty or not Installed in accordance with installation instructions, all written and Implied rrarral dks are void and disdahned. Hp LDS products whirli are found to have defects will be replaced or repaired at Home Pride's option. This Express Warranty is limited to rvplaromem ofp,,d,& only —a does nos cover any Iabcr or 1n,trnariens tests When the prnducr is replaced, air warranty right, Nrb inxiingWahed. This Warranty b only to the benefit of the original purchaser and Is not transferable. There are no other warranties (express or implied) whatsoever which apply to the HP LW product or to Items that are functionally part of the HP Los product. Home Prldedisclalms any end as other implied warranties, inetudihill but not limited to) warranties of habitability, workmanship. Materlais and fitness for &particular purpose to the extent allowed by law and any implied warranty that exits despite this dfi Whier is limited to a perlod-oforte(1) year from the effectivedatc of this Warranty.. These hnuLtilCrti HP LD5 products which are examined and.re-found not to ba defective will be returned to user and all costs associated with examination of the anchor product will be Incurred by the user. Thevseris- responsible for all maintenance of the HP LOS Product Including regtilar monitoringof stability and Integrity of HP LDS products. For e"rfenty claim, contact your distributor or HomePrideJnc.etiSiOO lndustriaf Park Road, Bristol; Vaglnla, 24202 3. 1:,. 1 ..: . Manufactured Housing Installation instructions for Lock Down Anchorine System Wind Zones-2&3 Triple Wide System Chart NUMBER OF LOCKDDIMN ANCHOR ASSEMBLIES NEEOEM wind Zone 2 with side wall haights 9' and less& WindZone3-with only 8' side -wall heights -roof pitch 4112- . 6 Complete LDS systems with longitudinal and lateral struts NOTE: Roof pitches greater than 5/12 will require additional systems, contact Home Pride, Inc, for assistance. NOTE: Homes less than 30' — Lock Down System should not be used. NOTE: Home manufacturers may provide a placernent.chartfor specific models In their installation manual. The manufacturer's placement chartsupersedesthe-chartbelow. ANCHOR ASSEMBLY PLACEMENT r Rin apd R312 q3,,l.Tz.a R311.752 T-M?Q DePth R311.7.8 Handraft R31I.3.&j Co.wfia�,', Rni.7.azilandfa�d fitip Size R312.1.3 GUNd opening UnIlls mv mm A qSMW W 7 Z!4' MOX C,4M aaj-.�;,Qzma r.- rtakil—w-,