HomeMy WebLinkAboutSun Tek ISFG IIIM,UI-DADE COUNTY Sun -Tek Manufacturing, Inc. 10303 General Drive Orlando, FL 32824 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER- Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: ISFGII Skylight System APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. STI -00000298A-1, titled "ISFGII", sheet 1 & 2 of 2, prepared by Sun -Tek Manufacturing, Inc., dated January 23, 2019, signed and sealed by James D. Wells, Jr., P.E., on July 29, 2019, bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control Approval stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and the approval date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, model/series and the following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA consists of this page 1, evidence submitted page E -I as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Helmy A. Makar, P.E., M.S. °NOA No. 19-0528.02 Expiration Date: 08/29/2024 Approval Date: 08/29/2019 Page 1 Sun -Tek Manufacturing, Inc. 1' t A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. STI -00000298A-1, titled "ISFGII", sheet I & 2 of 2, prepared by Sun - Tek Manufacturing, Inc., dated January 23, 2019, signed and sealed by James D. Wells, Jr., P.E., on July 29, 2019. B. TESTS 1. Test Report on Large Missile Impact Test per PA 201, Cyclic Wind Pressure Test per PA 203 and Uniform Static Air Pressure Test per PA 202 of "Insulated Glass Skylight" prepared by National Certified Testing Laboratories, Report No. 210-4142- 01, dated 03/04/19, signed and sealed by Douglas J. McDougall, P.E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor Calculations for attachment of skylight to decking, dated 04/15/19, signed and sealed by James D. Wells, Jr., P.E. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. By Miami -Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources. E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. A compliance letter, prepared by J & L Wells Consulting LLC, dated May 20, 2019, certify compliance with FBC 2017 edition, signed & sealed by James D. Wells, Jr., P.E. jL` j Helmy A. Makar, P.E., M.S. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No. 19-0528.02 Expiration Date: 08/29/2024 Approval Date: 08/29/2019 E-1 E"I OF 2 1 DWG. NO, STk00000298A-SH_r1 NAME: �SFGI� SKYLpGHT ASSEMBd 8A-cHT1 17/32"GLASS BffE STk215 DECO COVER 0,075 6063 T6 ALUM SNKAFLEAX '555,' G L A /_� 7_Ir',JG (CONTINUOUS) -ed1/'2mm(,090) Kwarayk)utadte 5mm t1,efypered/13i-,m annec-A PVP !rteH(ayc--'/3mm w/ XL Edge --pacer (Car,dvalk glass) POLYURETHANE FOAM'TAPE GLAZ]NG LINER CELLULAR PAC (CONT�NUOUS) a #81 A 4 HEX HD SEILF DRILLING SCREW BIJTYL 3 RINGS Or- SEALANT F L -?NT�NUOUS' 4.. BENEATH'- _,ANGE (CC AROUND PERIMETER OF FLANGE 'CONT�NUOUS) AND ON TI OP OF EACH FLANGE SCREW D u) ~AHI' G L ES 99 CC,, NOTE 1) QOM Enaineer of Record James D. Wells, J,"r,,P,E. Professional Engineer No, 53616 J&L WeUs ConsuAting LLC 1453 Arbitus Circle Ovilledo, R. 322765 (407"496-55489 Certificate, of Authorization N., 12:?7 16 2 8 y: IDATE: 8/15/2013 FRAMER Sl ] -3300 PVC GEON 87416 WHffE 141 EXTER�OR AIR SPACE OR DADILE' COUNTY APPROVED EXPA[NIDED POLYSTYRENE INSULATK)N ROOF DEf1-_K min,p"' thk* DESIGN PRESSURIE RAT iNG+/- 60 psf LARGE WSSILE WPACT RESISTAN,�_F_ NOTE: ALL ETWi " SHALL COMML-Y WITH ROOFING D11_ -0 U.'HAPTER 15 OF THE FLOR0A BUILDING CODE 2017edftion 4" MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM ANGLE I TO R 0 0 F SURFACE 'SFORS)H�NGL.E OR B,U,R, 0THOUTI �NSLJLATICON. FOR �NSLJLATION AND T�LE ROOF ADD TILLE HEIGHT AND INSULA110N THICKNESS TO 4". (3) ANCHORS TO BE MAD E FROM NON-CORROSNVE MATER, COMPATIBLE 0TH ALL)WNUM. (4,1 NO ONEJH�RD �NCREASE IN THE DE'SsGN PRESSURE Vv'AS USEU, (5) TESTED T,0 TAS 201JAS 202JAS 203, AST16'3 x."86 AND AS1-M 1996 PRODUCT NAME-, DRAWN BY� JWF 1 DA1_E-. 011/23/2010 DWG, NO, STI-00000129BA-1 STI -214 DECO RING MITERED AND WRAP AROUND 0,050 6063 T6 ALUM MAIN FRAMLE STI -205 0.060 MITERED AND WELDED 6063T6 ALUM, SICCJNE SEAL TOP AND Bim) TT OM SUB FRAME STI -207 HSF SUB -FRAME MITEREED AND 1AIELDED 0,075 6063 T6 ALUM, #10 X 1" ?gyp ­]ILLIPS PAN HEAD ' r, SC R E W, (9) P E R SIDE RAFTER OR TRUSS -N K MANU-1"IM-111 (JRINIG, INC, 10'3'03 GENiERAL DR�VE ORLANDO, FL 32824 PART NAME: �SFG�� SKYUGHT_ PLAN VIEVV j F�'LE NAME : Z.-\DVVG\D"A""G\0cG STkQ0000' , 54-5, tip Lo UP 0 4,000 4DOO a,„ 1--j-5.8125 5. �3, 1, 2 5 5 12 �85 AA - i FASTENERS SKYLIG,_�-r T'D DECK 48 X V (9) PER SIDE KS Ff, ` A949 ,SYME'MCA'L, FAS -11 L._4 do SUB -FRAME TO IFRAME DGpl PRESSURE RA-lHNG+/- 60, psi I LLARGE__MISS�LE WPACIT RESISTAN-CE—i NOTE (1) ALL ROOFING DETA€LS SHALL COMPLY WI7111 CHAPTER 15 OF THE FLOR�DA BUILD�NG;',`ODE Z-01 7 edft'lon (2` 4" WN�MUM DVS TANC E FROM AN,'GLE LIPTO ROOF SURF A CE �S, FOR Slnll,�NGLE OR B,U-R. WTHOUT �N:S_-,-ULATON. FOR CNSULAT�ON AND TSLE_ ROOF ADD T�LE HEEIGHlFAND �NSULAT�ON THIC"KNESS TO 4", (3) ANCHORS TO BEE MADE FROM NON-CORROSsVE MATERKL, COMPATIBILLE `,,NffH AI_UrVflNW0L (4) NO DNEJHaRD �NCREASE �N 11 -HE DESIGN PRESSURE eft taw. USED. (5` TESTED TO TAS 201 , TAS202JAS 2,03, ASTM1 886 AND ASTM 1996 REVISION: I PRODUC'T NAME� ABY� 1 ), A 1 E: 1 1 DRA',AlN BY DTE: L . JVVF L0 T_ Lo Le-) R-1 DA -11 -CE: 0`1/2'3/201 1JEEI 2 k STI -214 DECO RoNG M;ITERED AND WRAPPED AROUND 0.0150 6063 T6 ALUM SIKAFLEX 552 GLAZING (CONTINUOUS) CELLULAR PVC LIkIER (CONTINUOUS) 3 6 ST 1-205 CMG FRAMEE 0,060 MI TERED AN") 111JIF \IVELDEDCORNERS 6063 T6 ALUNI 14 X HEX HD SELF DRILLING SCREV�ll t rt PER SOE 6 SILICONE SEAL TOP A\,ID BOTTOM (CONI-INUOUS) Consufting LLC STI -207 HSF SUB -FRAME' MITERED 1 2,549 AND VIJELDED CORNERS 0.075 6063 T 6 AL! ifl 7 14 5 3 Ab CI s (2" i r c I e 3 RINGS OF BUTYL SEALANT 3045.54.5 ir, 8.5 253 3 30.5x3 1 BENEATH FLANGE (CON-rINUOUS) AROUND PERIMIETER OF FLANGE (CONTINUOUS) AND ON -TOP OF EACH , FLANGE SCREW =33Mx30.5 2525 Z Ii. F___ SKYLIGIFIT FO DECK T 4'MININLJM LIP TO ACTENER SCHEIDULE - #10 X I" PAN HEAD A ROOF SURFACv-, SCREtAIS Enciineer ol "Record Jannes D. WeAs, Jr.,P,E, Professiord I -Engineer No. 53616 DkA,lG, NO, Slrk00000l298A-SHT2 STI -215 DECO COVER 0,075 6063 4 6 ALUM 5mm tempered/3mm annealed/2nim(.090) ML, -, t PVB Interlayer/3minn w/ XL iraray bu @ute Edge Spacer ( Cardinal GIass) 5 P POLYURETHANE FOAMI I -APE AIR SPACE OR DADE COUNTY APPRO'VED !NSULATION' ST 1-300 PVC LINER P tip to tip MOEL DE�Z I ONPG SIDE SHOER___RT SIDE 54.5x545 i 4949 9 4 646 3T31449____ 9 3333 E 6 6 FASTENER SCHEDULE` SUB -FRAME TO FRAMIE #B X 314HEX HD SELF DRILLING SCRE T_111__ PER PER LONG SIDE SFIORT SIDE 7 7 5 5.41 i 3046 3 6 7 35 5 3030 6 5 Consufting LLC 1 2,549 9 7 14 5 3 Ab CI s (2" i r c I e 3045.54.5 ir, 8.5 253 3 30.5x3 1 6 5 4 , =33Mx30.5 2525 5 5 4 4 0 A i e IJ o �F] ;2 7 635, - f__�21,6 =8 _ _3-7 4 = �17,5)61.5 J (407'496-5489 1 27,5x35.5 2230 2'1274292 5 4 4 4 C faut'a rdfictefAhorL7fion '7,.5 x- 7�E —45— 3 No. 27162 22,`,x3M 173 3 0 4 3 1446 8 - ---------1 4 7 3 5,5 - �q lk- M A _jNjf IN, T A kP 1 N S U I! TA_ 1, 0303 GENERAL DRIVE ORLANDO, 32824 DWG. NO. STk00000298A-SHlF2l REVA ------ - -----