HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA; Hardie, Cem and Prevail Planks & Panels Fiber Cement Siding and SoffitRL"ED _ Iola A'�IA�lt•DA�� JUL :2I - 1vIIAMI-DADS COUNTY l�". Depa' Pennittln9 �auntY, PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION St. l-Ucle 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC .RESOD RCFILE Miami, Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T " (7 6) 315-7.599 NOTICE -OF' ACCEPTANCE (NOA) p�� �Ugov James Hardie Building Product, Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 923�7 REVIEWED FOR SCOPE: CODE COMPLIANCE This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulatiotie��- aterials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by lyflami- d1 o Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Haition (AHJ). this NOA shah, not be valid after the expiration date stated below. me lofiami-Dare ounty Product Control Section (1n Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami.* Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the us of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County .Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. T his product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: "Hardie", "Cem" and "Prevail" Planks and Panels Fiber Cement Siding and Soffit APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. PNL, PLK & SOFF, titled "HardiePanel, CemPanel, Prevail Panel; HardiePlank, CemPlank Prevail Lap Siding; HardieSoffit, CemSoff}t Panel; Installation Details Wood/Metal Stud Construction", sheets 1 through 12 of 12, dated 04/24/2013, prepared by the manufacturer, signed and sealed by Donald I. Ogawa, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. MissiLE DvrLPACT ELATING: Large and 'Small Missile impact Resistant LABELING: A permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, Plant City, Florida, and the following statements: "ASTM C 1186 Type A compliant and Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved" is to be located on each siding plank or panel and per FBC 1710.92 and 1710.9.3 on soffit panels. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after arenewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERN U A TION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, adve%:icing or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. AD` —TRTISENIENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. IN A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA # 17-0406.06 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1 and E-2, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos M. Utrera, P.E . NOA No. 17-0821.21 Expiration Date: May 1, 2022 Approval Date: November 30, 2017 ld2��1� Page 1 James Hardie Building Products, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMIT 'Ii ED 1. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS NOAs A. DRAWINGS "Subritted tinder NOA # 13-0311.07" I. Drawing No. PNL, PEK & SOFr, titled "HardiePanel, CemPaxiel. Prevail Panel; HardiePlank, CemPlank Prevail Lap Siding; HardieSoffit, CemSoffit Panel; Installation Details Wood/Metal Stud Construction", sheets 1 through 12 of 12, dated 04/24/2013, prepared by the manufacturer, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. B. TESTS "Submitted under NOA # 134311.07" 1. Test reports on 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of HardiePlank, HardieSofiit and HardiePanel, prepared by Intertek Testing Services NA I.TD, Test Report No. 100733361.COQ-044, dated 08/24,12012, with revision 1 dated 04/25%2013, signed and sealed by Rick Curkeet. P.E. "Submitted under NOA # 02-0729.02" Laboratory Report Test Date Signature 2. ATI-16423-1 PA 202 & 203 03/18;96 A. N. Reeves P.E. 3. AT! 16423-2 PA 202 & 203 03/18/96 A. N. Reeves P.E. 4. ATI 16423-3 PA 202 & 203 03/18/96 A. N. Reeves P.E. C. CALCUTAI TIONS I. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miaml-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS "Submitted under NO_A # 15-0122.04" I. Statement letter of code conformance to the 5th edition (2014) FBC issued by Ronald I. Ogawa & Associates, Inc., dated 10/26/2014, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. 41 a17 . Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 17-0821.21 Expiration Date- May 1, 2022 Approval Bate: November 30, 2017 E-1 James Hardie Buildim Products, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 2. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. None. B. TESTS 1. None. C . CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERNAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEIti ENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 6th Edition (2017)14BC and of no financial interest issued by Ronald i. Ogawa & Associates, Inc.; dated 07/30/2017, signed and sealed by Ronald 1. Ogawa, P.E. Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 17-0821.21. Expiration Date: May 1, 2022 Approval Date: November 30, 2017 E-2 - -WALL L>^ NGTH— Stud Spacing at 16' O.C. DCTAIL.A � 61a" Uhlcic/ 5 ply APA rated rr -� __ �t6if`•a a rA plywaodsheeting in f i I Is +••., i t . accncdance Y41h Florida B I ; i �����t E ' r1 •, ui1d'ng Code Sectiart 23223 WALL^, `& tl1t►I/,? '! l.G �, j �Water resistive MGHT i ` r f . 7 �� barrier per Florida ,oI 1 ,. .z, • .�: � `M 13uilrling Code By - ': S►n! �! '� ~'`. �L�` u��?= r i. t section 1404.2 2" X 4" S.p-F j•l �1 �._ t7ii i/tond Studs PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Florida Building Code NOA-Ma. 17-0406.0E Expiration to 0510/12022 By M A— ria 9 31T Minimum Fdge i:istanca Nails at 16' Q.Q. (typ.) Sheathing lastener, as described in Dote 1 Panel ihstener, as described in Note 2 t HardiePanel, Gempanel, Prevail Panel Siding water -resistive barrier per I✓loridra 8uildinri.Code Section �. 4 �.•� 1404.2 PRODUCT REVISED as complying with the Florida Building Code NOA-No. 17-0821.21 Expiration n to 05/01/2022 By Miami-O4d"roduct Control /I 5/8" thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing fastened in acrx?rdance with Florida Building Code Section 2322.3 2" X 4" S-P.-F Wood Studs The wall and soffit frames are to be: designed by the Architect ar Engineer of Record In compliance Frith the Florida Building Code. l?i7000Cdi✓ igRL t3 HardiePanel(b. CernpaneM, & Prevail(D Panel Siding materials are nonasbestos fiber -comment products tested in accordanceAft ASTM Cl 186 Grade i1, Type A and meeting. the requirements ofthe 1710171da Building Code, PANELLQ1M-EMMMS. Width Length Thickness 4' 8,9, I1Y 51161, DES QN ssttffl RATING Installation Design Pressure Wood Studs -76 psf l�ardiePanei, Impart resistant-- 4 lrCT1CJM g=g Cempanel, Planks installed order 518" thick 15 rely Prevail Panel APA rated plywood sheathing Siding 112�1T�lEJ�)rlldiP�ivrL F'Ri3VAtl,f?lt�dil~,Z�C31NaL1t�l�z�T_Att4s ■ Atl instaifation shall bC done in cgnfonnanc wifh this FicJtice of Acceptance, the menu( aoturer s insta8atian recommendations, and'the applicable sections afthc: Florida Huild'snd� code. ■ Wood studs where FlardiePanel, (.'.empanel, Prevail Panel Siding will be installed shall is designed by an %,gineer ar Architecl per the Florida Building Code and the requiremE.nfst of this N.O A x lKate 1] 518" thick 16 ply APA mated plywood sheathing shall be attached to the studs in accordance with Florida Building Code Section 2322.3, ■ The siding panels shall be installed over 5/8" thick / 6 ply APA rated plywood Sheathing supported by a minimum of2"X4" S-15-F wood studs spaced a maximum of 4la' Q.C. ■ [Mote 21 The siding panel fastener shall be a 2" long, 0.223" head diameter, 0.002" shank diameter, corrosion resistant siding nail; the fasteners shall be spaced at 6" O.C. at panel edges and intenmediste studs; the fasteners shall be driven through the 518" chic t 5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing into wood studs located at '16" t9_C. • Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of3/8" and a minimum clearance of 2" from homers. HARDiEPANEL, CEMPANF.L, PREVAIL PANEL INSTALMTION 1)5 AILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardie Building Products, Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue: Fontana, CA 92337 DMIG No I RFV A I FNLrPLK-SQFF Creator; E. Gonzales I SCALE 1/2"='tt4o" I Date: 4/2412013 Isiicur 1 CrF 12 Fastener Spacing per Florida Building Code•Section 2322.5 t?Ftt93]c1C•i`llkkv'15�D -' in 00MVIri14 with fnwi& • 13owil8 Chat Armptemc M'0 -012 Eitpie ig Mp t at�col 6.00in, ' Fastener spacing per Florida 1uilding Code Section 2322.3 PRODUCT REVISED PKQi3I1Cl bf];V15FD as tempi ing with the Florida - PRODUOT RENEWED Building Code vscauip}yi VfAttrofurad■ as Camplying With tite Florida Non -No. 1 T-0821.21 Hamm C06 r Building Cade Expiration e05101/2022 •'' A`ft� ea � NQA-No. 17-0406.06 Ixyis . .� ------ -- By Expiration e05/01/2022 Miami- d 'Product L'ontro! ny� _ n— i�YodruX t Hntrttl By =� Miami- a duct CanEro[ FFtAJv�I�It G • NOMINAL 2" X 4" 3-R- = WOOD STUDS 16" O.C. FASTENED WITH 3-112r 16d COMMON NAILS (2 PER TOP AND BOTTOM CONNEOTION) x THE WALLANd SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA RUILDINC.CODE SH1=i�'>I'NINC7 = NOMINAL 5/8" THICK / 5 PLY APA RATED PLYWOOD 14EATI-IING FASTENED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA 81JILDNG CODE SECTION 23213 PLLM N_O TI E- PANEL IS FASTENED WITH 2 LONG, 0,223" HEAD I�IAMETER, 0.092" SHANK DIAMETER, CORROSION RESISTANT SIDING NAILS, PLACE. NAILS 6" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS Cladding Framing '- Sheathing , 0 0,� DLO i r IONA+ li i FOR METALAND WOOD STUDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGMACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE NOT PAR'1- OF THIS APPROVAL (MUaT PROVIOE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) HARMCPANEL, CEMI�ANLL, PREVAIL PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardie Building ProduaS, VIC, 10901 Elift Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 Shane• 909••356.4M6 — SlZfl Fscid No �— c+,va No - Fax909-421-0634 A PNL-PI.K•-SOFF Creator; E. Gonzales scALEJ 1° 1'.0"1 • D-fr-.! 4/24/2013 SHEE-r 2 OF i2 1 e- ------ -}NALL LENGTH—-LQbLfGT�iJ SCRj�'7[t�j� Stud Spacing at 161 U.C. SEE Hardiel�aneM, Gempanel0, & Pievaii49 Ste. DETAILA Panel Siding materials are nonashestos -- ______ ~i ___M__. .__...... 518" thick 15 ply APA rated fiber -cement products tested in -Tr"' `"" accordance with ASTM C1156 Grade I1, ` I �_r__ -y'i 1 1ilrNri�if���r.�� ii� plywood sheathing fastenOd Q G,�f' " ' 1 to metat studs as described Type A and meeting the requirements of ou p 2EV;g ' I Fitt I,� in Note 1 tFta Florida Building Code, I IS� Comm Y E w3tixtl E�oe& � i 0�1 13WLdh# Cos& AN aLIRMNanus ` 1 i .4pcxQtpl,curr>�r/ j„ J I �Water"resistive Width Length Thickness VJAL.,L t.l t). Nib. -� hanierperFlorida 41 g 9,10' 5/1fi HIM H i l i 4�i - l3ullding Code j I t Section '1404.2 r>±5i_C3N P t~ 1�4T1hJG �!t�'n<1 o t STATE Q ti lsu>3 -- -- -- - i t ' 'i:�installation Design Pressure %"�20ga, s-s h . x-era" Metal C•s id Metal Studs -101 psi -- - r �-- ---- ,�_., �`�-i. ��NA . ��t`i Impau� Resistant— .._.....�;�..� ' iN � HardiePanel' panel installed over 518" thicicl.5 ply -� ('r-- S;-0-10_NljLe � Cerripanal, APA rated plywood sheathing PRODUCT REVISED !3 �y Prevail Panel as complying with the Florida t�idilS cis 6" V.C, (typ:) Building Code 3/8" Minimum Edge Disbal%ce Sidin11 NOA-No. 17-0821.2'I f? i}Q p LGEMPAh1j F�i2EVA�it p�4 F�111L 39-TA AT-n-N jFTAl a 05022 — ■ All Installation shall be done in conformance with this Notice of Acceptance, the. manufacturer's By 1111551TAi?-8 Installation recommendations, and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code, Miain[- a e Product Control -�-" -y �_ * Metal studs whera HardiePanel, Cempancf:l, Prevail Panel Siding will be installed shall be Sheathing fastener, as designed by an Engineer or Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this WV T ��Mca _-descrll5ed in Note 1. N.U.A.#wi liar• Fk>rid� \ [Note 'I] 5/8" thick(15 ply APA r �tecl plywood rhea#ping shah ba attached to metal stasis at 6'oc `� Panel fastener, ps dosaibed in at panel edge: and all Intermediate supports using a No.8-18, 0.316' head diameter 1-11t1" 1Dng bogie head screw ��`Note 2 The siding panels shall be installed over 5/!3"thick!8 ply APA rat®d plywood sheathing supported by a minimum toga, Nominal3-5/8" X 1-51F1" Metal C-studs spaced a maximum of 16" r�&K O.C. HardiePanel1i hiding [Note 2] The siding panel fastener shall be a minimum No. 8-18, 0,$16" head diameter X 1-5W iorig* ribbed bugle; head screw (`or screw shall have at least 3 full threads penetrating.rnetal / framing); the fasteners shall be spared at G' Q.C. at panel edges and intermediate scuds; the / fasteners shall he driven through -the 518" thick / 5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing into metal I Vdater-resistive barrier per studs .located at 16" O,C. Florida Building Code Section r Fasteners shall have a r iinimum edge distance of 318" and a minimum clearance of 2" from '1404.2 cornets. Jy. HARMEPANEL, C:EMPANEL, P1ILVAiL PANEL 518" thick / 5 ply APA rated rR INSTALLATION DETAILS METAL STUD C01VSTRUCTION PRODUCT RENEWED _ plywood sheathing fastened James; Hardie Buildirlc Products, Inc. as complying with the Florida to mratal studs as dt3sel�berl Building Code 10901 >-Im Avenije NQA•-No. 17--0406.06 in Note 1, " �� � : 0 Fontana, CA 92,337 Expiration D eO5101/2022 20ga, 3-5/8"X 1 .5/8" Metal C-stud -- .--. ---------- -� The wall and soffit fratiies are to be designed phone. 909-356••6300 stzF Fscm w tiWG le) sy_ Fix 909-427-a63a A PNL-PLK-SOFF Miami' a. a Product Control by the Architect or Engineer of Record In �— — ---- _, compliance with the Florida Building Code. Creator; E. Gonzales _ sca.cs' 112" t' o° Date:4124t2o13 si t sr s OF 42 s.aain. • I i I PRODUCY' RENEWED as o 1yZ.q with the Florlefa Building Gocle NOA-No. 17-0406.06 —� =xpiration t9Q5101/2022 S,OOiri, ay _ 4llami a Praduat Control . PrLODlJCT�IE'J1SED >� W'�Y�B wtt3s•tlae �srdnt �'7 1iy miftni Ay, FPry { , s l_LZMNp NOIMINAL20 GAUGE: 3.6/8" X 1,318" STEEL STUDS 16" O.C. FASTENED WITH 518" WAFER HEAP SCREWS P PER TOP AND BOTTOM CONNECTION) THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS FLOR11DDA BUILDING CODE ■ NOMINAL, 518" THICK 16 IDLY APA RATED PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO METAL STUDS AT c" oc AT PANEL EDGE$ AND ALL INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS USING A N0.8-18, 0,315" HEAD OIAMF_.TER X 1-1/4" LONG BUGLE HEAD SCREW CL01T N-1a e THE PANEL 1S W- STENED VVII-14 NO. 8-18, 0.316' 1-15AD DIAMETER 1-5/8" LONG CORROSION RESISTANT RIE BFD 6UGLE HEAD SCREWS (SCREW SHALL HAVE AT LEAST 3 FULL THREADS PENETRATING THE METAL FRAMING), PLACE; SCREWS 6" O.G. AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS 6.001n. Cladding PRODUCT REVISED as complying v"ith the Florida Building Code NOA-No. 17-0821.21 Expiration Dat 05101/2022 l B y j Framing Miaini-U ro uct Control Sheathing I I I,I i I 11��Oct //1�11llyrr� . ll I • i ,t ;k N01 i -fr IST-MOF '/Q�o` ro �io�,�aa•• e �� FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOA13 ARE NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE_' LOADS) HARDIEPANEI, CWPANEL, PREVAIL PANEL INSTALLATION DIr l'Al1S METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION .James Hardie Building Products, Inc. 10901 Flm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 'ph( WE 909-356-6300 SIZr �sorn Nq nwr� ria aX 809-d27-OB3�1_._ A PNL.-PLK-SOFF M Creator: E . Gonzales Sonia 1" a 1'-0" Dat�:�1�h/2013 sHei?r adF t2 1 v Hi Stud Spacing at 16" O.C. WALL LENG'Tf I -•• ----� IJ i VALLy SIGHT jr i I FF `—�� ; "SAYiW' i' _ t i.: 1�ui1d _ --41 _,.._. A-c p1 i i t I�kj17 wjffi Cock i. , I t8rs % i5a a — Y , PCi7 7 INIF Mirinli adt Produ t Cositrol �i• f `A`,`�,til Al k i PRODUCT REVISED as comPlying with the Florida Building Code MOA-Mo. 17-0821.21 Expiratia a 0510112022 By Miami- a e Product C ar +tti k4vim wilts No 3/4" Minimum Edge Distance or LL-A PRODUCT RENEWED Us cornpiying with the Florida Building Code NOA-No. 17-0406.06 -Sheathing fastener, as described in Note 1 Malls ails" O.C. (typ.) "''..�rr�frr��ri i, Siding fastener, as described in Note hiardierPlank, Cernplank, Prevail Lap aiding / Water -resistive barrier per Florida Building Ooda Section 1404.2 t els" thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing fastened in accordance with Florida Building Code Section 2322.3 Expiration te05/0112022 2" X 4" S-P-F Wood Studs rile wall and soffit frames are to be designed 6y f by the Arrhitect ;>r Engineer of Record in Miami I5 a Product Control compliance Mth the Fforfda Suilding Code. si�iE T;RnQ[ Gt r D-ESCR(E'_m0N. I DET14L A HardiePfank(D, GMPlanRO,preva& ng Qriafs Plank sa�berl-•eBm „ thick! 5 pdy APA are noln®si�est nt tested In accordance with rated plywood r t � products STdh C118�S Grade ii•, Type A and sheothlncd in meeting the requirements of thP; accordance with Florida Building Code. Roidda Building Cade Sectlon 7.322.8 P 4Ni�L Dj yt�1EIS_1QNS Water-tc sisiivea Width Length Thickness barrier per Florida Building Cade Section 1404.2 DE �aN PFd ✓,Si1ii1, RA7fNC 2" X 4" s-P-F installation design Pressure Wood Studs Wood Studs -92 psf Lap Siding impact Resistant— SECTJO Planks installed over a/8" thick / 5 ply A;p 1-1w {ail X 6/i6" APA rated plywood sheathing thick starter strip ti Dl�i?l�tiitf�GL14EF�LAhIK,}�i EV IR f._S1A..LdCJIJa'r-_ -- - L]�7'R11.5 ■ All installation shall be done in conformance with this Notice of Acceptance, the manufacturai's Installation recommendations, and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code. K Wood studs where HardfePlank, Cempla.nk, Prevail Lap Siding will be installed shall bb designed by an Engineer or Architect per the Florida Building Coda tand the requirements of this N,D.A. r [tdote, 115181, thick / 5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be a t�.ched to the studs In accordance with Florida Building Code Section 232.2.3. ■ Planks shad bo applied horizontally commencing from the bottom Course otthe wall with 1�i/�" wide laps at the top of the plank such that the exppsure area of each plarilc Is:5 8-11/4" vertically. ■ [Note 2I The siding fastener ;shall be a 2-11Z long, 0.223" head diameter, 0,092" shank diameter, corrosion -resistant siding nail; The siding is fastsmed s 8-1/4" O_C, verticafly and 16" O,C• horizontally: fasteners are driven into wood studs through 518" thloR / 5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing, fasteners are placed In the overlapping area approximately 5141 from the bottom edge. of the- overlapping plank. ■ Vertical joints shall be placed over studs, ■ The planks shalt be installed over 5/8" thick / 5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a minimum of T%4" &R-F Wood studs spqcc d a maximum of 16" O.C. ■ Fasteners shah have a minimum edge distance of ShY. HARDIEPLANk, CEMPLANK, PREVAiL LAP SIDING INSTALLATION 0E7Alt,S WOOD STUD CON5TRIJUION James Hardle Building Products, lnc. '10901 Elm Avenue rontana, CA W S37 A I I PNI.-PLK--SOFF creator; i-, Gonzales ISCALE 1/2" 11-0° l- Datei 412412015 keresST 5OP 12 HEV PRODUC as comply Building C NOA-No. Expiration Miami u Fastener Spacing per Florida Building Code Section 2322.3 T REVISED ng with the Florida ode 17-0821.21 D e 05/01 /2022 e Product Control PRODUCT RENEWED as t:ornplyinrg with the Florida Buliding Code 0.761n - Expiration D e05/0't/2D22 9• 1. 13y.. Miami- n Product Coltirol� at-rr#ying w1%The 45M- & iim"id"mg Cc+tl� Aoe:epf vvX' :58,25in. -- �, I ttt Fastener Spacing per Fiarida Building Code Sectlan 2322.3 jEr MINE • NOMINAL 2" X 4" S-P-F WOOD STUDS 16" O.C. FASTENED WITH 3-112" laid COMMON NAILS (2 PER TOP AND SOTTOM CONNECTION) • THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE OESIGNED BY THE ARCHITEGT OR I=NGINEER 01= R5CORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE S F{EA7;FtMG w NOMINALS/8"THICK/15 PLY APARATHDPLYWOOD SHEATHING FASTENED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE S1=:C11ON 2322.3 C1.A.DPM It PLANKS.OVERIAP 1-114" • THE FYPOSURE 15 s4A/4" 11H2 .PLANKS ARE FACE NAILED WITH 2-112° LONG, 0.223" HEAD DIAMETER, 0.092' SHA14K DIAME17R, CORROSION. I�1 S18TANT SIDING NA1LS,'PLACED 3/4" UP FROM THE BOTTOM FDC31-7OI; TIME PIANKAT EACH STUD LOCAT(OP Ira Cladding Framing Sheathing tas,enntply with i�vfia& b �� `5 •. Y Y jjp�r?':��xL • 'a r y��. •f: `J�IVV. ,� 21 •� ` v SRI By '' STATE OF * r � 1�1 FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND����1`I°Yf LOAD ARE NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) Greator: E. Gonzales HARDIEPIANK, CEMPI.ANK, PREVAIL LAP SIDING IMSTALLATION DUAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION James Flardie Building Products, Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 A I I I PNL: PI_K-SO(:F 1" =1'-0" 1 DatA; 4124/20/9 I SHEET 6 OF 12 REV WALL PRODUCT REVISED as complyin with the Florida Bullding Code MOA-No. 17-0821.21 expiration p e 05101/2022 r PRODUCT RENEWED as Complying with the Florida Building Code HOA Ho. 17-0406.06 V.rd Spacing at 9G" 0,G WALL LENGTH--- SEE HkQQQ-Mr 11r-- Ct�t1�'�tpj_Y. t�I 01 TAIL A HkardiePlankO, C:emplank6i, and 1 -r� 518"1hick15 ply APA PrevailO Plank Lap Siding materials ......... ,,__r ....... 7.._......... r� �` rated plywood are nonasbesto-s fiber -cement it 1 i , I_•�__• - --i ---r�---� � sheathing fastened products tested In acoordance with ' i ? I ' a to metal studs as ASTM C1188 Grade II, 'Type A and i, i meeting the requirements df the described In Note t aacoil ft =s*idii16,r m-lu i try S _ Florida Building Code, t1 �R. 1NateNreclstive r----,zt'-,2 ' ' • barrier per Florida PI.AWIC DiMEL11=�IC.tS Sullding Code Width Length Thickness Seetlnn 1404.2 5 9-112" 12 5/16.1 209a. 3 y1&"X 1L518"Nod i�51CsN Pi7G�,Sl]F2E e Metal (,stud �' ti Installation Design Pressure ------1-------_il.._----.__..--.---...-----� �...LL=fir_::, F .... v tv� i lard ePtank, Metal Studs -92 psf � i C'emplank, Prevail - I I tS �°,�,� 4 Lap Wing Impact Resistant-- AW Minimum Edge Distance Nails at I$" O.C. (typ.) ".r0NA1- �! *u CTL�_ 1"1/4" ts11 x S116., Planks installed over 318" thick/ 6 ply �rfirr�f 1. thick starter strip APA rated plywood sheathing Sheathing fastener, as described in Note 1 1 Siding fastener, as described in Note 2 1 HardiePlank, �•--- Gemplanlc, ,17 Prevail L.',p Siding Water -resistive barrier par Florida Building Code &ectibn 1404.2 5/8" thick 18 ply APA rated plywood sheathing fastened to metal studs as described err Note 1 HAftDIl�F�!_,r�NK. CEINAl_A1�iC pREVAL,�.A,P�IClIiUG��l�i�l'rj_GM1l D��1�LLS K All installation shall be done in coriformancr; with this Notice of Acceptance, the manutacturer's installatlon recommendations, and the applicable sections of the Flarlda Bullding Code, Metal studs where HardiePlank, Gemplanlr, Prevail Lap Siding will be installed shall be designed by an Engineer or Arbhitect perthe Florida Bullding Coda and the requirements of this N.C.A. [Note 115/8" thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to metal studs at 6"oe at panel edges and all intermediate supports using a No.8-18, 0.315" head diameter x 1- IW long bugle head screw x Planks shall be applied horizontally commencing from the bottom routMr; of the wall with 1-114" wide laps at the top of the plank such that the exposure area of each plank is s SAM'vertically. CNote 2] The siding fastener shall bit a minlrimm No, 8.18, 0.315" head diameter X l IW long* bugle head screw over metal studs (*or screw ;hall have at least 3 full threads penetrating metal framing); The siding is fastened s &i!4" O.C. vertically and 16" O:C. horizontally; fasteners are driven into metal studs through 5/8" thick / 5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing,'fasteners are placed In the overlapping area approximately 3/4" from the bottom edge of the overlapping plank, Vertical joints shall be placed over studs. The planks shall be installed over 518" thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a minimum 20ga, Nominal 3-58"X 1.5/8" Metal 0-studs spaced a maximum of 16" D.C. Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 3/8", HARDIEPLANK, CF,MPLANK, PREVAIL LAP SIDING INSTALLATION DE"PAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardle Building Products, Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, GA 92337 Expiration 05101/2022 2nga, 3-51{l" Y.1-518" Metal G sbrd — n Phone; 909 356 6300 LA pSCt�i Nr� DwG NU The wall and soffit frames are to be designedF'ax 909 4?„7 0634 By w_PNL-PLIC SOFF 1111ialni_ly d Nrodilcl Control ^ by the Architect or inninear of record in complianca virth the Florida Building Coda:, "Creator. E. GonzalE s SCALE 1/2" ='1`-0" Date: 412412013 Txr sl' 7 OF: 12 —� 6.001n, �.�y1Oln, a,7,51n PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Florida Building Code NOA--No. 17-0406.06 Expiration r) te0510,112022 PRODUCT REVISED 8y r4! as complying with the Florida Miami — a" Product Control Building Code NOA-No. 17-0821 �2.1 _ _.-_.- Expiration D ,te 05/0112022 an cvmqAyity witil thc &1CMV4 By Ac wwd w No 1-3 4?3w1/ - (mil Miami-aMlami-Uad6 Product ControlIhdo, M! e 9 v8.25in. FkANil1JG a NOMINAL 20 GAUGF 3-518" X 1.5/6" STEEL STUDS 16' O.C. rASTENED WMrH 518" LONG RIBBED BUGLE HEALS SCREWS (2 PER TOP AND E30TTOM CONNECTION ■ THE WALLAND SOFI=IT FRAMES APE 1-0 K! DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FI,ORIDA BUILDING CODE SNEATk•ilt�tC-t NOMINAL, 518" THICK / 5 PLY APA IAA t-ED PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO METAL STUDS AT V OC AT.PANEL EDGES AND ALL INTERMEDIXT2 SUPPORTS U51NG A NO.8-18, 0.315' MEAD DIAMETER 1-1/4' LONG BUGLE HERO SCREW CI�DINN— Y PLANKS OVERLAP 1-114' A THE EXPOSURE IS % 8-1I4" it THE PLANKS ARE FASTENED WITH NO, 8-18, 0.315" HEAD DIAMETER X 2-1I4" I.QNG CORROSION - RESISTANT RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS (SCREW SHALL. HAVE AT LEAST 3 FULL. THREADS PENL`TRATINGTHE METAL. FRAM)NG), PLACED 3W UP FROM THE BOTTOM EDGE Ol= THE PLANKAT EACH STUD LOCATION 6 In. I �+ I s.001i,-OC Yifvcr�.t�ise.O crxl l CQ rvitls the >t Faria. h�[6ee�ai - Prr�auut�`ta�roa Cladding I"raming r Sheathing GA 10 41 N0. 12� -v SIPTE Or41, RX r FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM AG NON AND ORAVIiY LOAD ARL' NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL_ (MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE= LOADS) HA,RDIEKANK, CENIPLANK, PREVAIL LAP SIDING INSTALLATION DETAILS MEEALSTUD CONSTRUCTION imps Hardie Building Produats,.Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue ° Fontana, CA 92337 h'h4ne: 90J-3S6-6300 SI.`LE FSCM Nn Dwo 11n REV _Fax909-427-0634�` PNI_-PLK-SOFF - 1 Creator: E.Gonazles state 1"= V-0" Date_ 4124/2013 SHED s OF 12 PRODU as compl Building NOA-No. Expiratio By i. l WALL HCIGH1 CT REVISED ying with the Florida +odde —WALL LENGTH— -- ---t, I Stud Spacing at 16" O.C. R 1 I I 318" Minimum fl&Pr-oduct Control :! A-T: \. e �4 / s\ l� iPRODUC'r RENEWED US complying with the Florida Building Code NOA--No, 17-0406.06 t ]Expiratlon ,PVe 05/01/2022 S[z-I- RRQQJ M 1 iE5QR1 _T_(0N DETAIL A HardfeSoffift) & Cemsofft materlals are _ _ T nonasbestos fiber -cement products tested in K accordance with ASTNI C1,186 Grade 11, Type A and meeting the requirements of the Florida Building Code. x ,V„ S-P-F So F1i�D1 _ _j1Q_Nq Width Length Thickness wood studs P�Pa.��t�}?ft1=S5U �tl=rRATi N� Hardiesofft, Installation Design Pressure / Cernsof t Wood Studs -70 psf a-- SGCi'lQ�l B:B Malls at " O.C. (typ41z6E)U(T1Zr'Vf%ED PLtODEl4 T It1vVl5fi� C)isiance to 0MWYbV witAAVFVo" ode, athelFkdridu Nip, -d7, ''"xWmlt+u, )rxar 1i_Gi:"' 1 bd` �r p� ay � ? z�i� 13ado rraa�,rt Cezeenl Soffit faf�teher, as desorlbed In Note 1 HardleSoffit, Cemsoffit r Control r i MIdITIUM 2" X 4" S-P-F Wood Studs The well end soffit frames are to be designed by the Architect or Fnglneer of Record in compliance with the Florida Building Code, oN.Jllsi�sr,,,,{ r 4 _ r No. 4 21, ' STATE of � t" N AV yif/ltlly HAj DlQS0 F1T• Ci MSOE6131:_8AMFLJNS7A>,LLAJJQN b UA_I. $ Y All installation shall be done in conformance; with this Notice of Acceptance, the manufacturer's Installation recommendations, and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code. r Wood studs where HardieSoffit, Cemsoffit will be installed shall be designed by an Engineer or Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this Id.O.A. • The soffit sha.lf be installed over minimum 2"X4" S.-PMF wnori studa spaced a maximum of 16" O.C. [Note 11 The sof d fastener shall be a 2" long, 0.:?23" head diameter, 0.092" shank diameter, corrosion resistant siding nail; the fasteners shall be spaced at 41 D.G. at panel edges and intermediate studs, the fasteners shall be driven Into wood studs located et 16" d'.C. • Fasteners shall have a hvM!mum edgo distance of Sla" and a minimum clearanes oft" from comers. Creator; E. Gonzales HARD1f SOFFIT, CEMSOFF1T PANEL INSTALLA rION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardle Building Products, Inc 10001 Elm Avenue Pontana, CA 92:337 SIZE I PSCM No 5CALH PNL-PLK�SOFF Data: 4/24/2013 1 sFicer 6 OF 12 • s • PRODUCT REVISED as complying with the Florida Building Code NOA-No. 17--0821.21 Expiration Date 05/01/2022 R,. Y a PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Florida . Building Code NOA-No. 1 Y--0406.00 (Expiration Da Q-510112022 ' By 4.001n Ntiami- L Product Control L. PRc ucrE visLT� PRODUCrrai VLIaW. a ctsypiyina with to" F( WAA a% writ, the }F1 grtawhecade - Baridingf-loft Atxopt7 �� ticceptmt�wa2k+L?rC-?�jR*r,J,O% ivfiaAvti mdr l`Y..Aa*ra C.raeml t�iiamJ lJ:�.: i'rz)ttuct C`emm�t • • e Y M& VNG NOMINAL 2" X 4" S-P-F WOOb 8 UDS 9r,�� O.C. FASTENED WITH 3-1/Z 1Bd COMMON NAILS (2 PER TOP •AND BOTTOM CONNECTTIUN) THE WALE. AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARGHTECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE CI,ADD11,yG THE SOFFIT" IS FASTENED WITIi Z LONG, 0223" HEAD DIAMETER, 0.092" SHANK DIAMETER, CORROSION RESISTANT SIDING NAILS, PLACE NAILS 4" O,C. AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS Lip Cladding r=r.ming STATE OF `c ��rr,,yirirfE � b FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (Mu s-r PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR `MFSE LOADS) HARDILSOFFIT, CEMSOFFIT PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUC-1I0N .lames Hardie Building Products, Inc. I 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 PIjone: 908-35B• 6300 n SIZE Facet q0 OVA3 NO — _Fegx 909427-0634 � A F NL-PLK 50E F Creator: E. Garrzales Y- rr. G4ALE i 0 Date: 4(24/2013 ..HEEL' 10 OF 12 r- -- WALL HE1GH1 PRODUCT REViSED as complying with the Florida Building Code NUA-No. 17-0821.21 Expiratio�rodurt /2022 By Miami- amtrnl + —�- - -WALL LI=NGTH•--- Stud Spacing at'16" Q.C. Mti-f1rLA FRODIIJG.'T RENEWED :as complying with the Florida ;Building Code NDA-No. 17-0406.06 Sypirafiun 2' 1/2Q2 Pearls at 8" O.C. (typ. 318" Minimum rage. Disfancer fastener, as ribed In Note HardleSoffit, Camsaffit 20ga, 3 54, 4 1-618" Metal C-Stud yThe wall and snftit frames are to be designed by the Architect or Cnifinear of record in c nrnpilonoe v ith the Florida Building Cocle, SI=E PIM QU(ZT—Q SC1%1PTl —W, HardieSoftiW & GemsoffiM materials C5E TAILA are nonasbastos fiber -cement products _ tested in accordance with ASTM C1186 1 Grade II, TypeA and meating the requirements of the, Florida Building ' Code. 2ocda, 3.5re"x t-:s1s^ SOF�.IT_.7�►�I><�s[nrr� /nrietel G stud Width Length Thickness t (1 7�if HardleSmf[t, Gernsoifit DESIGN PREWSUiiE l4A'1 ShtG { s' installation Design Pressure Metal Studs �55 9 fi )LI1.w jjlo! s c'rlola I3-13 e11t11011F 41:Ot i 1\<�IJV�I Alin 1niT.•F' �` 14 PIiC717flJ4"1' 1Zfi Ul )�I7 tin am Yiu8 wiim too Y'Incidit qe CUROYkIF With thw ii'd"'& Hujtditt0 Cudo [ding CotkC A�roeptemCnNa l31(�:�ll•ll I w`' t1` 121 Aet+>" Exjtirah y' w .per : STA of $ et Cool, Mi ede i' odt>rt Corctroi tk / 11.i'�$ ►1 ti5(3FFI'C CEh+1St�l_PIT PAh1L� It��YAjtLES�iQN I)>rTA[L5 Nj, LNrrlilt ■ All insfakiition shall he done in conformance with this Notice of Acceptall6 , 4Kemanufacturer's installation recommendations, and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code.. Metal studs where HardleSoffrt, Cemsoftitwill be Installed shall he designed by an Engineer or Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this N,D,A: i The sof t shall be installed over minimum 20ga, Nominel $-a/6" X '1-518" Metal C-studs apaced a maximum of 1S" 0,C, X ENofe 11 The soffit fastener shall be a minimum No. 8-18, 0.315" head diameter X 1-114' long* ribbedbugle head screw (*or screw shall have at lenat 3 full threads penetrating meW framing);the fasteners shall be spaced at 0" 0.0. at panel edges and Intermediate stud^-; the fasteners shall be driven into metal stude I ated at 1 G" O.C. Fasteners shall have a minimum edge dlstance oP 318" and a minimum clearance of 2" from corners. Creator, E. Gonzales HARDIESOFFIT, CEMSOFFiT PANEL iNSTALLATION DETAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardie Building Products, Inc. 1000-1 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 02337 PNL-PI,.K-SOFF Ilz,i = 9'-cl" I Dais: 412412018 I SHM M 11 Or 112 Rev f- BAain.—�j — -- ` CleTddlhq Y Framing DUCT REVISED rF mplying with the Florida ng Code $.OQIn. No. 17-082'1.21tion to 05/01/2022 i'Rwucr unvISED Miami a Product Control PRODUCT RIEiJE WIED 'ftgolrorne vim 1hr-1WKQ rR0rA)CTt&V%s M. ` as complying with the Florida Building Code 9*wngCoilz r Amev"M No J i Z"diusco s� +SAY ilftarTbaTi�rr e►Or��✓���i� Y NpA hlo-- �'[7-OLi06_OB F Aa/01 /2022 II -spit _L� S®r,"7t"Tratlor: i�t`r�rnFs� r:ne 1� %'l �%�';") � Ry < •% ', 11711iJ �ANA L By -'`- • y ems«1 Y t 2� j • Nllarni•-D d Product Control _ FsS10NA *NOMINAL 20 GAUGE 3-51$" X 1-518" STr=P-L'STUDS 16" O.C. FASTENED WITH 6Z WAFER HEAD .`iORCWS (2 Pr-R l-UP FOR METAL AND WOOD STUFFS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE AND BOTTOM CONNECTION) . NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL, (MUST PROVIDE ALTERKNI'E PROVI9I0NS FOR THESE LOADS) d THE WALL PAD SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DGSIGNFD . BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF REOORD IN COMPLIANCE WLTH TH, E FLORIDA BUILDING CODJ � --.-� -r---•--- -� - C�- 1-IARDICSOFFIT, CEIVISOFFIT PANEL TIME SOFI=IT IS FASTENED WITH NO. 8-18, 0.315" HEAD INSTALLATION DLTAILS METAL. STUD CONSTRUCTION D"EERX 1•-1/4" LONG CORROSION RESISTANT RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS (SCREW SKAL L HAVE. AT LEAST 3 FULL `fHREADS.PE~NCTRAfING THE METAL FRAMING), P- At,E James Hardie Building Products, Inc. SCRL--V1/S e" O.G. AT FANCL EDGES AND INTERM1 Dl.4i'E 10961 Elm Avenue STUDS Fontana, CA 02337 'home: 909-•366-6300 S12F. F-som NO Dwr,No RE Fa)< 909-4?_"I'-0634 _ ,r _ APNL-PLK-SOFF Cre,-itor: E. Gonntles SME: 1"- ! -0" - 0ate:412412013 SHEET 12 OF 12