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LUCIE COU IAd31-DADS COUNTY CT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND.E NOMI 1C RESUIIRCF.S(RE�B®C C GJ// 805 S11i 26 Street,Room 208 - ���777����++++ 1`6 - BOARD.AND CODE ADMINISTRATION D1'LSION Miami,Ftorida 33175-2474. �T(786)315-2590'F%(786)315-2$99 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) .vvn.miamiaaac eavlecanamy' Polyglaw,USA Inc. 1111:W.'Newport'Center Drive Diced eld Beach,kL' '3442 SCOPE:': This NOA is.being issuecl;under the app cable.rules andregulations governing the use—of"construction materials.The documentation submitted has been revic ed and aacepti d,b}i Miami-Dade County RER=Product Control Section to'be used in Miami-Dade County and other a as wheie allowed by the"Authority:Having Jurisdiction(AH>): This.NOA shall not be valid aflerxhe ex iration.date stated below.The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (in Miami Dade<Coutity},.andlor the A (in areas other tlian'1Viiami Dade County}reserveIhe riglitto have this 'product,or,material"tested"for quality-'as p q ty as ante purposes:If this product or material fails"to perform in the accepted manner,"the maritifacture will`.incitr the; xpense of such testing and the"AH7 may inunediatelyrevake,riiodify,or. "suspend the use of such}roduet or mate alwithin their jurisdiction. R.ER:reserves the right to revoke this acceptance; :-. if it is determined. Maine-Dade Court -Prud"act Caritral.Section thatthis;praduct ormateral faits to:meet the requirements of the.applicabl&building o&e: This;product s approvedas described h em;and has been•designed tacoinply with the ploridaBuilding Cade including the High Velocity Hurricane, 3ne ofthe Florida,Building Code: DESCRIPTION: Polygiass Polystick; iiderl4yments" LABELING:Each unit shalt bear a"pe anent label wtli.the nranufactiirer.'s name or logo,"cit}r;state and following statement:"Miami-Dade Couuty'Produc Control Approved",unless.otheri ise•iioted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be cons ered'affer a renewal application has been filed'and there has been no change. iri the applicalile`building code negative affecting the performance of;this product. " TERMINATION of"this N©A will oc' r"after the expi attyn date.or if there has"been 'a-revision or change in.the. materials;use,and/ofmanufacture of th product,or process.Misuse of,tlits NOA as an endor$ement of any product; for sales,:advertising or any.c►ther purpo s"shall automatically"termimw this,NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall.be cause for terminad o and removal;of NOA. ADVERTISERZENT:;The,NUA n ber preceded°t y the words'Miami-Dade"County;Florida;,and followed by the expiration date nay:be displa d in adyertising literature. ,If any portion of the NOA is displayed,"then, it shallbe Bone n its entirety. INSPECTION: A copyofthis entireA,shall be provided to the user.by the.manufacturer or its distributors-and shall be`availafile for inspection at the j site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA renews and revises NOA No. 4-0'717:08 and consists of page's f througl 8. The subinitted'docximentation.was revie "ed by Gaspard Rodriguez. NOXNo •15=8410:04 Expiration-Date: 09f1A121€ Approval Date. 69/ti/14 Psgc l:of'SI t ROOFING'COMPONENT APmd Cateaorvr Roofing, SO-CategoryUnderiaymeq.. Matereali;' ,' SBS,'APP Self..: dhering Modified Bitumen PRODUCTS S DESCRIPTION:, Test Product: Product Oimetisions Som icatioa Description ":Polystick.IR_Xe; `65'x 3'3'/s ASTM D"ly7U A f ne granular/sand tap surface self adhering,;APP Manufacturing Qr Rx 3' polymer mndified,'fiberglass reinforced,b'itiaminoiis Location##l.8r..#? 60'"mils thick sheet material far use as an uni3erlayment`i'n sloped roof assemblies Designed as.an ice&.rain shield: PolystickDual Pre 61'x 31-3%K" TAS103 and A rubberized asphalt self-adhering„glass-fiber/polyester Manufacturing 60:riiils thick ASTM DA 9'70 reinfarced`waterpraofing`tm:m' bra e. Designed as a Location:#2: metal roofing and roof tile,;undertayment. Polystick'Tile.Pro s61'x 3'3 '/a'” TAS 103 and A rubberized asphalt self-adheiing,glass=fiber/polyester, Manufacturing 60.nvls°thick ASTM"D'19.74 reinforced waterproofing membrane.Designed as a metal; .:location#2: roofing and roof`tilt underlayment Polystick:TU Miiz 65'8".x 3'3=318", TAS 103 and, A rubberized asphalt self-adhering polyester,reinforced::: Rlanujacturi»g 60 hilsihickr: ASTM 61970 Waterprnafing membiarie.,Designed as li-tfooif the Iocatiott#1 &#2 underlayment. Paiysttck'TU P 3T!.©"'x 3'3 3/K' TAS 103 and A rubberiz6d asphalt waterproofing membrane,glass- Manufacturing 130anils thick;; ASTM D'1,970 Fibertpolyester reinforced;i th a granular;surrface �iuurfac designed far use;as.a the roof underlay . nt. 11-7 71v Plus 65'x 3'3 3/A" TAS 103' A rubbenzed asphalt sclf a&enng,glass-fiberfpolyester ~,. n 80 rails g),. thick , ASTMD 1970 reinforced waterproofing m-'embrifie Di,igned as a metal; 1 roofin and roo€tile underla eut. Alanufacturarag g � . oca ion 0T sttc :M S 55'8"x­31_3;.3/811, TAS 103= A.homo ,~ ed yg•neous;_rubbenwzed�sphalt waterproofing, ,. Manufacturi' 60 mils.thtck;- membrane;glass_fiber reinforced with polyolefinic-film._ Lacatia�i-# ° on thc.upper surface far use as an underlaymenv for,metal roofing,roof tiles slate tiles and shingle underlays eat Volystiek"MTS Plus 65'$".x 343 '/s" Tr�S 103 A"hamageneous rubberized asphalt waterproofing Lianufactur.ing 60.mis:thick membrane,°glass`fiberreinforced withpolyoleflnicfilm' Location:k on the upper surface for,:itse.as an underlayiiment for metal' roof ng;roof file;slate tiles and shingle:underlayment= Elastaflex:S6 G° 3.'2'10"_ 3'3,.�! ' TAS 103`aud Polyester.rcinfarced,SBS=modified bitumen triernbraine i!?anufaciuri,:,' M Pfi 164 with a sanded back face earl a granule top,s'jiurf ASTace.,F6r Locdtion#2' u"se in roof.-tile underlayment;syste'ms: NOA No 15=041004 ExOirid n Date- 09/13/21 rtipproval�Date: 08111/16`. Page 2.of:.8.. t MANUFACTURING;PLANTS: 1.:"Hazelton,PA- I Winter Haven;FL EVIDENCE:SUBMITTED Test-Agencv est Idents b6i.,: Test"NainefReport. Date: Trimty, ERII' p :087009.08-1t1 TAS:1Q3 12/04/08` 10,870:04.09:' TAS 103/ASTM D4798'&G 15504/13/04; 33360'.0',AQASTMD197Q: 07/01110- : 33370:03.11' TAS-103;' 03/02/11 33370:04:-11 -ASTM DD 1623 04/26/.11 36900.04.11:: TAS:103tASTM-174298`&G155 :09/01711. 37300;]0.111. TAS 1l'01ASTM"D4798&�D1970 10/1.91.11 0390:08.12-2' AST1v1 D"1623 08/07112' 7590.07.13 `-INSTALLATION PROCEDURES: Deck Type 1 ; Wood;non in' `lated -Beck Description: Mtn t9i32 aad or WOW, lank; System Type E(l) :Anchor sheet echanically;fastened to deck;membrane adhered. Anehor/$asejSheet: r.O a or more P'ies of ASTM'D,226 II Type or=ASTM D 2626 Fastening Per FBG4518 &.151-8.4 Nails and tin cap5,12"grid;6"o.c.at a minimum 4"head:tap base sheet and Meoibrane>; Polystick IR- e,Pdlystick Dual Pro;`P61ystitk Tiie;Pro,i'olysiie TU Max,Pirlysi ck TU P,;PolysH TIF Flus,Folysiick MTS or I'o>yvstick'41TS 1'lus;_self-adhered Sur€acing:: See General; �tatioris Below Deck Type:1 Wood,:'noil latied `Deck Description:. Min, 1.9/32"p ood.or wood=plank :System Type E(2)c „Anchor sheet; 'echanically fastened to.deck,membrane adhered AnehortBase Sheet; Qne or more ` es of;ASTM D,226;Type 1L-or ASTM,D 2626.. astening.: Per FBC 1518 .& 1,518 4 Nails and tin cap ;Fs'42` grid,6"a x."at a minimum 4"head lap '(fbr base sheet onl } Membrane ElaAbMi S6 ,hot asphaltiapphed< Surfacing- See Genera L initatioz s Below Deck Type,l:.: Wood;non4n dated- `Deck Description: Min. l9/32";p wood or wood'plank ,System TyOe EQ); Base:,sheet,' chantcally fastened.toek�s de , uk��equent cap:.membrane self ad}ered. Anchor/Base Sheet; One of,more: yes af.4STM,0226'Ty' 011 of=ASTM D 2626.;.. ::Fastening Per FBC 1 S 1, 2& 151:$4 Nails and tin caps 12"grid,6"o c"at a minimum 4"head lap:.(for base sheet oiil .. Ply Sheet:`; Polystick MTP1us,.self adhered With,minimum 3"honwntal laps and minimum;b"vertical` lap's:, Memhraue; Poiystck TU Plds,self adherei: Surfaci'ng;' See.Generai, "kations'13elows NOA:No 15-0410 Q4' Expu anon°,Date: U9/13121;` ..- Apptroval Date: U8111/1`6 L INSTALLATION REQITIREMENTS 1: All`b6ls in the deck shall lie careilly cliccked fvr protruding heaeIs R&fasteri any loose deck panels,and: - sweep;tlie; eek f6foughly_to re„ Ye any dust and debris pnor,to apppcatioA. 2. Place the ' derlayinent,over m drip edge in accordance 47th RAS 111`. Place the first course of membrai parallel to the dive rolling tlie"inetnbrane to olitain maximum-contact: Remove ihe-release film;as'the"m brane:is applied`. .All.side laps shall;Eie a.mi,iiinum of 3 '/i"and mid-.laps shall be a uvnimum of 6" Roll t. membrane mtq place;;after xemnoving.the release strip: Vertical strapping of" the with Polystick is accepts. e` Membrane shall.be bac k nailed in accordance with.applicable building, ;c ode:_ 4. When applying the mem,brane in a valley,start at the low paint and work to"the high point,rolingthe irieinbranefrom the eentefoutw. m Both directions: 5. For ndgeappi>cation5,center the embiarie and roll"f om the center uutward tni.a tith_d sections. 6. ,'Roll or broom the entire;memlina surface so as to have,fullcontact,with the surface',,,giving soecial.att"enti'on toaap'areas.. . 7. .Elash vent pipes,stacks,chimney .and penetrations imcompliance.with:Roof Assefi4bly current Product Control: Notice of Acceptance: 8 All protrusions or'drains-shall be; ' iially"Japed with a 6"piece of;uiiderlayment. The flashing tape shall be: pressed in place and formed iron the protrusion to ensure'a tight fit. A.second'layer`of Pa!ystick shalf be applied ovcrAhe underlayinent, GENERA.L-Wit A,T1oNs:: I. Fire classfcatiomris not partaf thi ,acceptance. 2 Polgshck Dual:Pro,Polystick Ti Pro,Polystick TU Plus,Polystick MTS and'Polysticl.MTS Plus shay lie' used in asphaltic sl ixigles;,woad"sl kes and shingles,non=structur<l'metat,roofing,'raof`tile systems and quarry; slate roof asseisibties: PolyshekTU P maybe used in al the,previous assemblies-list,ed-except metal roufing.. t'olystick IR Xe st ay be used in ' the previous assemblies lisfed.exeept metal roofing and-,roof-tile systems:: Polyshek TU Max:may—tie Used i non-structural meta lroofing and roof file systems: Elas toflex S6:G"-Iay:iieised in r. ftile.systems 3 Dec.requirements shall.be in co lmanee vuith"appIi' e.buildiri�,code. :4. Polystick IR Xe;Polystick Dual ra,rPotystick:Tite'Pro tick,TU Max,Polystick'TU P,Polvshcl:'TU Plus,Polystick MTS and Poo.sti MTS Plus shall.be applicd.to° smooth,clean and dry surface The deck sha11-liefreeofuregiilarities. , .. S.; Polyslick,:IR Xe,Polystick Dual ro,l'alyshck"Tile-Pro,Polystick TU,Maa,P6lystick TU P,Polystick TU Plus;'PolystickMT&and"Polysti .MTS:Plusshnllnofbeadhered.dircctlyover;apse-existtngroofinem,rane asa recover system: 6: Polystick-IR Xe;Polystick'Dual ro,Polystick Tice Fro,Polystick"TU Max,I'olystiek'Ttr P,;Polystick TU Plus,Polystick MT5-and;Polysfi k MTS f lus shall itot be left:exposed as a temporary roof for lotiger than thee. ainount.of days listed in the table; Blow aftcuappl cation. Pblygtass ireserves"the right to revise or;alter,product exposure'times,not to"exceed the reeeeding maximum time hmnitatians: „ E asurelunwil ation's ays .MTS IR-Xe :Elustoflex TU TU P [Vile fto': DualJPro TU 11Raz . WITS Plns S6 G,, Plus. Winte:I3aven'FL 180' W. . ;1 g0 180 ._ 180 I fi0,: L80' 180 :H off- ,N/A,,, N/A., N1A i80,. :NlA azelton FA ,-:: v-NiA . .,,.::90'- ._. ,�; N/A_- NUA No 15=Q410 04` 4 i ExpirationDate "09t1idt ApgrovaiDate .QS/11116 Page 1 7 All products l�steii herein:.shall ha, a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61 G20-3 of the Florida Adtiii istrattve Cade; . In roof file application,data fbfthi attachment resistance of roof tilesshall be as set forth in the rooftile maitufactuiei's Natice ofAccepta e„ Polysbck;Tite Pro,`,Palystick TU, ax,Patystick TU Plus or Elastoflei M G may be used m both adhesive; set:'and,mechanically fastened rod. ileiapplications; f Polystiek.Dua!Praj;�s limited to." ch an" tcally fastenedrooftile applications: PolWI&MTS and'Polystiek Plu&ate lmuted to meclianically fastened with the lia itatians_o tliried:in: 9ection;9; . Polystrck TU P may be us ed in'in hanically fastened roof tile:appl�cations with tt a ezceptton of mortar set.tilel applications. 9. When loading roof tiles onxoof til underlayment'for(direct-to-deck},tile assembiies,the maximum roof slope shad be as:follaws'(See fable::Bel w) T11e Profile P►lystick MTS; Elastgf 6t: Palyst ck TU"Ptus,TU P, :.Polvstick Powshck' S6 G Tile Pro,Dual Pro Td U` Mai MTS Plus Flat UP Prohibited 4:12 6;12 6.12 3:12, without battens,,,; TrofiledTile ' Prohibited'* A-12 6:12' 6112 4-112. without battens: .. The>above slope limitations can.be: xeeeded only by'usingbattens'.in accordance uwth.the Approved,Tile System-; Notice oll f Acceptance and appiicab " Florida Building Code re"quir6ne'fi s: When.battens';are required,they"shall` be..utiiited airing loading and inst atlonnaf tiles: 10. Care should be takeci during the lo g procedure:to keep foot traffic to a minimum and to.avoid droppuig;of tale directly ori the uridei layment. ter ti Polygla"ss'Tile loading detail below f6tjoading.praced0d two tiles laid pgrpendiaular:to slope,followe by a iiiaximwi four the stack;parollel to the slape,:fora Iota of 6 tiles—faT" ,.altun e�:cept Polystic MTS wliich shall be loaded onto battens.. Fbpatiflg 7itas . m (8 Max:Pei Stack) =, ti NoANfl,: is=oai0 oa_ low— ExpuahonDate-.09/13/21,: APProvat Date• 8/11/I6 ,Page 6 of 8, S 11. ;Refer to prepared roofing system oduct Control Notice of.Acceptance.for.listed-approval of this;produet with; speei fic prepared;roofing products 1Polysoek IR-Xe,Polystiek Dual Pro;Potystick Tile'Pro,Polysttck_TU' Max,Potystick TU-P,Polys"ck Plus,Polystick MTS;Polvstiek MTS Plus or Elastoflex S6�'G'inay be used with any approved roof cove g Notice of Acceptance hsttng Potystick IR-Xe,Potystick Dual Pra Pglysbek Tile Pro;Polyst ck TU ` ax,Polystiekf TU P,Potystick TU Plus;Ptilystick MTS,PolysticIc MT5 Plus or Elastoflex S6 G'.a&a corn hent part of an assembly in the Notice of Acceptance: 1f:Polystick lR-Xe I'olystick'Du Pro,Polysock Tile Ero,.Polysticic.TU"IKax-Potystick TL P',Potystick TU;Pltis,Polys#c' MT$ Pot sti MTS Plus or�Elastoflex`S6 G are no#hs#ed a request maybe made-to the y Authority Having Jurisdiction( ` )or the Miami Dade CountyProduct Control Section for approval'provided that appropnate,documentation is: nvided to detait;comPatibility of the"_products;witiduplift resistance,and"fire: testing results.- P13LY GLASS GENERAL _ LIGATION GUIDELINES FOR POLYSTICK MEMBRANES'' PLEASE.CHECK WITH LOCAL BUII DING CODES REGARDING LIMITATIONS OF,5PECIFIC APPLICA I IONS. LOCAL CODES MAY SUPER EDE P.OLYGLASS REQUIREMENTS AND REC0141iMENDrATIONS— 1. Pofyglass"does accept the direct ap lication of Potystick underlaytx ent memhtanes;to.wood,deeks.Jnstallers are cautioned to refer.to'applicabte loc 1.building codes prior:to"direct dcck iiistallatioti to ensure this is acceptable. Please.also;refer to;applicable Pro. 'ct Data'Sheets of the corresponding products'. 2., All rolls;with the exception of Pot stick TU Plus should:be back-nailed in selvage edge scam as.per Polyglass Back Nailing Guide:':Nails'hall b''<t-1 gauge ring`:Aiknk.type applied;with a minimum l`S/a'""metal disk as iequired in°Miami Dade County or simplex type hail as,athenvise allowable in other regions,at a minimum rate; of 12'o c. Polystick TU"*Plus sho d be hack nailed in designated'area marked"nail arca.area para elavhi"on the:face of mem ratio with the ab a stated Heals and/or disks The head Iap membrane is..to coverthe area being back nailed_wlease;i fer to.applic ble local building codes prior to ins#allation;)'... I. All seallap"searns(selvage:laps} st besolled with ahand roller to ensure full contact: 4. All:fdbric over fabric,"and granule v cr granule ettd laps,shalt have a 6"wide,uniform layer of P lyglass P,olypius 55 Premium Modified EI king Cement,Pilyglass Polyplus 50 Premium lyiB Flashing"ement, XtraFlex 50.Premium Modified.W. tfDry Cement,P'16 yglas"s PGS,QQ;IVIB"Flashing Cement:applied n,het ween the.,application of the lap."The use; f rustic between the.laps does not'.apply to.Poly"stick MTS. 5: A.iaximuin of 6 tiles per=sfack.ar allowed wheii.loading:tle.an the underlaymenta.Refer to the l?olyglass;Tile Loading`Guideliiies:See,Geneal: tnitations#9-and`#1Q:. '6. Battens and/or Counter-battens,;as equited by theile manufacturers NOA;must be used op all projects for pitch/Agpes;of 7"'/12"or-greater. -1 is suggested1 at on p tchlslopes in excess of 6:'/a"/12" ;precai tiaiis shouldbe taken,such'asthe use of battens to revenf the sliding during the:loading process: I. Minimum-cure time after membrar installation&before loading of roofing tiles:is=Forty-Eight(48)Hours. 8. Polystickmeinbranes may not lie ed1 any exposed'applicat on.such as crickets,:expoka valleys;or.exposed' roofto_wati details: 9. Repair of Polystick"membranes is, be accomplished byapplying'Polyglass Polyplus 55 Premium vlodified Hlashin Ce,went"P,ol ass Pol " g ygl yp- s 5U Premium MB rlaslniig(cinent Xtra1 lex;S()Yrenuum Modified" Wet/Dry.;Gement,Polyglass PG50MB Flashing Cement:to the area in need of repair;Wowed.by;a,patch of the Polystiek;material of like:kind" shoi Id be set.and,hand.rolled in place ovcr".the area:needing such repair:Patching; membrane."shaUbe a minimum of. 'inches in either direction The repairshould he installed iii su'h away.so' that<water will run para11 Lto aro 'r the top of alC Laps of.the patch: N0A No ]5-Q410 fl4.' Eipirationpbate 09/13/21 . . :Approval Date.,"0811](16; Page,?of`8 . 4 lQ. All self adhered,merAbranes.must: rolled'to ensure full;contact with approved substrates.-'Polyglass requires'a minimum of 40 lbs;for a weighted ller foi"the roll ng,of the ticl'dmembrane Hand ratlers are acceptable for rolling of patches ar siball`areas of he roof,. Broonung inay,be used;w ere'slape prahabxt5 zolltng' All approved substrates should be:. ,clean and prvperlypreparim..bpf fc' application of Polysti& membranes;comme`nces An appro ed substrate teclzmcal bulletin can be fiirnisanhed,<uprequest 1t:Ts. recommended to refer to applicabl building codcslmor to installdtion to;verify acceptable substrates:, 12. the M' jlass Miami Dade„Notice f Acceptance(NOA).appraval^far.Folyst�cl.membranes can,be'furnished upon request by our Tech i6[ ,. ccs Department by:callinggj (800)%$94-4561 13; 94es6ons`m regards to th6 aoplica A64'l'ilyglass*dduets should be.dirmtedlovur::Technical::Services Department at 1 (800)8444,563. 14:. Polyglass recommends that app 1c Drs follow 9604'roo0ng practices and applicable procedures as:outtined by, _. ,.the National Roofing Contractors`. sociation(NRCA)i- PLEA:SE,CHECK WITH'LOC:AL BILI TNG CODES.REGARDING LIMITATIONS OF SPECIFIC APPI ICATION& LOCAL CODES MAY SUPER DKIFOLYGLASS REQUIREMENTS IAND RECOMMENDATIONS ENOF:THIS'ACCEPTANCE NUA No t8=4410 Od Ezplration Date 09/y31Zi ;Approval Date:..0mlii6 Pnge 8 of,8