HomeMy WebLinkAboutDuct Sealing Cert Planning&Development Services Building&Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave,Rm 201 Fort Pierce,FL.34982 a 772-462-2165 Fax 772-462-6443 FBC ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE Duct Sealing Certification Prescriptive and Performance Method Date: 'Z.? Permitt 0,2(Q Lot#: Contractor. K h e�Q Address: L a ke A F4 Construction: rrPbst Construction Test o Rough-in Test Test Conditions: Date: --� s 2-9 Floor Area(ft2): Time: 4 �0 Primary Location of Supply Ductwork Indoor Temperature(F): Primary Location of Return Ductwork r Outdoor Temperature(F): Total Leakage Test(Outside) Duct Leakage: o Default jKProp.Leak Free ❑Proposed On= O3 Test Pressure: I- f (Pa) Baseline Duct Pressure(optional) 6.1 (Pa) Duct Press.(Pa) Flow Ring Fan Press Flow(ch) Resulls:jOass o Fail Installed Pa p, 1_ 5 Total Leakage(ch): i Total Leakage per 100 sgft: •�D/' °� O `� G CFM25 x 100 divided by the CFA=Duct Leakage CFM/100 sgft. TestIM Company Company Name: Pro-Duct Services Address: V I hereby certify that the above Duct Sealing Leakage results demonstrate compliance with P Edition FBC Energy Conservation requirements in accordance with Section 8403.2.2. Signature: Printed Name: Martin Klein License/Certificate#: 5061633 BUILDING PERFORMANCE INSTITUTE, INC. 107 Hermes Road,Suite 210 _:- Malta,NY 12020 oNk (877)274-1274 `3` Y www,bpi.org M autin Klein 0-;g n(SEE Rc'VERSE SIDE FOR DESIGNATIONS AND EXPIPAMON DATES) CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATION EXPIRATION DATE Infiltration&Duct I.-akage(IDL) ;V26r?021 i BUILDING PERFORMANCE INSTITUTE, INC.