HomeMy WebLinkAboutEvaluation ReportFeb 26 08 04:02p 772461P--'9 p.8
Evaluation of Model DS-350 Commercial roll up door — alternate operation
Report #:
Wayne Dalton
14512 Lincoln Way St. E
Dalton, OH 44618
Technical Contact
Dave Monsour, P.E.
Manager, Wayne Dalton Rolling Steel Door Division
Prepared by:
Gordon Thomas, P.E.
Florida # 46718
June 14, 2006
I. Introduction/ Scope
Based on wind load test results & calculations from the direct drive chain operated DS-350 commercial
roll up door, the following evaluation was conducted to estimate the wind load performance of the motor
operated, manual push up and reduced drive chain operated DS-350 commercial roll up doors.
II. Reference Material
The following items were used to prepare the evaluation report:
A. DS-350 Test Reports, Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc
Tested in accordance to ASTM E330-90.
- HETI-01-1113, Uniform Static Air Pressure, 12' wide
- HETI-01-1110, Uniform Static Air Pressure, 16' wide
B. DS-350 Test Reports, AT]
Tested in accordance to ASTM E330-97.
- Report # 01-46385.04, 10' wide, +1- 37 psf
- Report # 01-46385.05, 12' wide, +/- 26 psf
- Report # 01-46385.06, 16' wide, +/- 28 psf
- Report # 01-46385.01, 10' wide, +!- 44 psf
- Report # 01-46385.02, 12' wide, +/- 40 psf
- Report # 01-46385,03, 16' wide, +/- 34 psf
C. Installation Instructions — DS-350 Commercial Roll Up Doors
WD PN 291341 (2002)
Feb 26 08 04: 02p Garai�--�- 7724619 p. 9
III. Evaluation
A. Product Comparison
In summary, the only product design difference between the direct drive chain operated door and
the reduced drive chain operated, manual push up and the motor operated DS 350 commercial
roll up door, are the bracket plates and barrel assembly construction.
DS-350 Wind Load Design
The primary structural components during wind load for a mini roll door are the curtain
construction (curtain material, profile & thickness; wind lock design & attachment) and guide
design. This is supported with calculations and test reports. Since the direct drive chain
operation, reduce drive chain operation, manual push up and motor operation use the exact same
design in these areas, the wind load performance would be identical.
The reduced drive chain hoist, manual push up and motor operated DS-350 commercial roll up
door will achieve equal wind load performance results as compared to the direct drive chain
operated DS-350 commercial roll up door.
Limitation of Use
Commercial roll up door Model DS 350 with manual push, reduced drive chain hoist or motor
operation may be substituted for any application where the direct drive chain operated DS 350
has been tested and approved. This would require that all of the door components (guide angles,
bolts, windlock spacing, etc) are equal or better then the tested DS 350 configuration.
Certification of Independence of Evaluation Entity
I hereby certify that (1) 1 have no financial interest in Wayne Dalton Corporation; (2) 1 am an independent licensed
Professional Engineer in the State of Florida and; (3) 1 comply with the criteria of independence as stated in 9B-
72.110 (3), F.A.C. and 9B-72.110(4), F.A.C.
Feb 26 08 04:03p GaarSaIes 77246L"^',9 p.10
Evaluation of Bracket Types for Model DS-350 Commercial roll up door
Report #:
Wayne Dalton
14512 Lincoln Way St. E
Dalton, OH 44618
Technical Contact
Dave Monsour, P.E.
Manager, Wayne Dalton Rolling Steel Door Division
Prepared by:
Gordon Thomas, P.E.
Florida # 46718
June 14, 2006
1. Introduction! Scope
Based on wind load test results & calculations from the DS-350 commercial roll up door with stamped
bracket plates, the following evaluation was conducted to estimate the wind load performance of the DS-
350 commercial roll up doors with T-shaped bracket plate.
II. Reference Material
The following items were used to prepare the evaluation report:
A. DS-350 Test Reports, Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc.
Tested in accordance to ASTM E330-90.
- HETI-01-1113, Uniform Static Air Pressure, 12' wide
- HETI-01-1110, Uniform Static Air Pressure, 16' wide
B. ATI Test Reports
Tested in accordance to ASTM E330-97.
1. 01-46385.04, 10' wide, +/- 37 psf, DS-350
2. 01-46385.05, 12' wide, +l- 28 psf, DS-350
3. 01-46385.06, 16' wide, +1- 28 psf, DS-350
4. 01-46385.01, 10' wide, +!- 44 psf, DS-350
5. 01-46385.02, 12' wide, +/- 40 psf, DS-350
6. 01-46385.03, 16' wide, +/- 34 psf, DS-350
C. Installation Instructions — DS-350 Commercial Roll Up Doors
WD PN 291341 (2002)
Feb 26 08 04:03p
III. Evaluation
Gara��TloorSa 1 es
Product Comparison
772461 G',�'� 9
The stamped bracket plate is 1 piece triangular shaped stamping that supports the fixed shaft
above the opening. The T-shaped bracket plate is a 3 piece angle weldment in a triangular
shape that supports the fixed shaft above the opening.
Wind Load Design- alternate bracket plate
The primary structural components during wind load for a commercial roll door are the curtain
construction (curtain material, profile & thickness; wind lock design & attachment) and guide
design. This is supported with calculations and test reports. Since the bracket plates are above
the opening and are not critical to the wind load design, the wind load performance would be
identical for the two bracket plate configurations.
C. Conclusion
The DS-350 commercial roll up door with stamped bracket plate will achieve equal wind load
performance results as compared to the DS-350 with T shaped bracket plate.
IV Limitation of Use
Commercial roll up door Model DS 360 with T-shaped bracket plate may be substituted for any
application where the DS-350 with stamped bracket plate has been tested and approved. This
would require that all of the door components (guide angles, bolts, windlock spacing, etc) are
equal or better then the tested DS-350 configuration.
Certification of Independence of Evaluation Entity
I hereby certify that (1) 1 have no financial interest in Wayne Dalton Corporation; (2) 1 am an independent licensed
Professional Engineer in the State of Florida and; (3)1 comply with the criteria of independence as stated in 9B-
72.110 (3), F.A.C. and 9B-72.110(4), F.A.C.
Feb 26 08 04:03p Garo o r S a I e s 772461P7-19 p.12
Title: Evaluation of Insulated Roll up Doors - Models DS-7511001350
Report #: WD-2004-10R1
Manufacturer: Wayne Dalton
14512 Lincoln Way St. E
Dalton, OH 44618
Technical Contact Dave Monsour, P.E.
Manager, Wayne Dalton Rolling Steel Door Division
Prepared by: Gordon Thomas, P.E.
Florida # 46718
Date: June 14, 2006
Introduction! Scope
Based on wind load test results & calculations from the DS-75 & DS-350 roll up door, the following
evaluation was conducted to estimate the wind load performance for the insulated roll up doors.
II. Reference Material
The following items were used to prepare the evaluation report:
A. DS-75 Test Reports, Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc
Tested in accordance to ASTM E330-90.
1. HETI-01-1115, Uniform Static Air Pressure, 9' wide, DS 75
2. HETI-01-1117, Uniform Static Air Pressure, 10' wide, DS 75
3. HETI-01-1113, Uniform Static Air Pressure, 12' wide, DS 350
4. HETI-01=1110, Uniform Static Air Pressure, 16' wide, DS 350
B. ATI Test Reports
Tested in accordance to ASTM E330-97.
1. 01-46385.04, 10' wide, +/- 37 psf, DS-350
2. 01-46386.05, 12' wide, +/- 28 psf, DS-350
3. 01-46385.06, 16' wide, +1- 28 psf, DS-350
4. 01-46385.01, 10' wide, +/- 44 psf, DS-350
�5. 01-46385.02, 12' wide, +/- 40 psf, DS-350
6. 01-46385.03, 16' wide, +/- 34 psf, DS-350
C. Installation Instructions—.DS-350 Commercial Roll Up Doors
WD PN 291341 (2002)
D. Installation Instructions — DS-75/100 Commercial Roll Up Doors
WD PN 299013 (2002)
Feb 26 08 04:03p Garap!.,?DoorSales 772461P719 p.13
III. Evaluation
A. Product Comparison
The insulated versions of the DS-75/100/350 are identical to the doors tested except these doors
have an insulated backer added behind the curtain panels.
B. Wind Load Design — Insulated roll up doors
The primary structural components during wind load for a commercial roll up door are the curtain
construction (curtain material, profile & thickness; wind lock design & attachment) and guide
design. This is supported with calculations and test reports. An insulated door panel is equal to a
non -insulated door panel since they both use the same profile, steel thickness and grade. The
insulated backer does not degrade the performance of the curtain panel and may actually
improve it slightly.
C. Conclusion
Insulated DS-75/100/350 roll up doors will achieve equal wind load performance results as
compared to the non insulated DS-75/100/350. Consequently, any wind load test conducted on
the DS-75/1001350 roll up doors could be used to estimate minimum performance for the
insulated roll up doors.
IV Limitation of Use
Insulated DS-75/1001350 may be substituted for any application where the non insulated DS-
75/100/350 has been tested and approved. This would require that all of the other door
components (guide angles, bolts, windlock spacing, etc) are equal or better then the DS-
75/100/350 configuration.
Certification of Independence of Evaluation Entity
I hereby certify that (1) 1 have no financial interest in Wayne Dalton Corporation; (2) 1 am an independent licensed
Professional Engineer in the State of Florida and; (3)1 comply with the criteria of independence as stated in 913-
72.110 (3), F.A.C. and 96-72.110(4), F.A.C.
Feb 26 08 04:04p Gara'-�u-)oorSales 772461"19 p.14
Title: Evaluation of Lock Types for Models DS-75/100/350 Commercial Roll up doors
Report #: WD-2004-11 R1
Manufacturer: Wayne Dalton
14512 Lincoln Way St. E
Dalton, OH 44618
Technical Contact Dave Monsour, P.E.
Manager, Wayne Dalton Rolling Steel Door Division
Prepared by: Gordon Thomas, P.E.
Florida # 46718
Date: June 14, 2006
Introduction/ Scope
Based on wind load test results & calculations from the DS-75/100 & DS-350 roll up doors with exterior
curtain locks and interior slide bolts respectively, the following evaluation was conducted to estimate the
wind load performance of the DS-75/100 & DS-350 roll up doors with alternate lock configurations.
Il. Reference Material
The following items were used to prepare the evaluation report:
A. DS-75 Test Reports, Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc
Tested in accordance to ASTM E330-90.
1. HETI-01-1115, Uniform Static Air Pressure, 9' wide, DS 75
2. HETI-01-1117, Uniform Static Air Pressure, 10' wide, DS 75
3. HETI-01-1113, Uniform Static Air Pressure, 12' wide, DS 350
4. HETI-01-1110, Uniform Static Air Pressure, 16' wide, DS 350
B. ATI Test Reports
Tested in accordance to ASTM E330-97.
1, 01-46385.04, 10' wide, +/- 37 psf, DS-350
2. 01-46385.05, 12' wide, +/- 28 psf, DS-350
3. 01-46385.06, 16' wide, +/- 28 psf, DS-350
4. 01-46385.0110' wide, +/- 44 psf, DS-350
-5, 01-46385.02:12' wide, +/- 40 psf, DS-350
6. 01-46385.03, 16' wide, +1- 34 psf, DS-350
C. Installation Instructions — DS-350 Commercial Roll Up Doors
WD PN 291341 (2002)
D. Installation Instructions — DS-75/100 Commercial Roll Up Doors
WD PN 299013 (2002)
Feb 26 08 04:04p
III. Evaluation
Gara � ,71oorSa 1 es
Product Comparison
7724612,7' 9
An interior curtain lock is a flat bar & cover assembly mounted on the outside of the curtain
approximately 4 ft from the floor. To open the door, the lock bar is slid to the inside of the
opening so the curtain can be rolled up. In the closed and locked position, the lock bar is slid to
the outside of the opening and engages into the guide assembly. This prevents the curtain from
rolling up and can be pad locked for security. The slide locks are similar to the curtain locks
except they are located on the bottom bar assembly. The lock designs prevent the curtain from
moving up but offer little strength into or away from the opening as experienced during a positive
or negative wind load.
Wind Load Design- alternate lock types
The primary structural components during wind load for a roll up door are the curtain construction
(curtain material, profile & thickness; wind lock design & attachment) and guide design. This is
supported with calculations and test reports. Since the curtain locks provided little structural
strength to curtain deflection, the wind load performance would be identical for lock types.
The DS-75/100 roil up doors with bottom bar slide locks will achieve equal wind load performance
results as compared to the DS-75/100 doors with curtain locks. Likewise, the DS-350 roll up
doors with curtain locks will achieve equal wind load performance results as compared to the DS-
350 doors with bottom bar slide locks.
Limitation of Use
Commercial roll up door Model DS-75/100 with bottom bar slide locks may be substituted for any
application where the DS-75/100 with curtain locks has been tested and approved. This would
require that all of the door components (guide angles, bolts, windlock spacing, etc) are equal or
better then the tested DS-75/100 configuration.
In addition, commercial roll up door Model DS-350 with curtain locks may be substituted for any
application where the DS-350 door with bottom bar slide locks has been tested and approved. '
This would require that all of the door components (guide angles, bolts, windlock spacing, etc) are
equal or better then the tested DS-350 configuration.
Certification of Independence of Evaluation Entity
I hereby certify that (1) 1 have no financial interest in Wayne Dalton Corporation; (2) 1 am an independent licensed
Professional Engineer in the State of Florida and; (3) 1 comply with the criteria of independence as stated in 913-
72.110 (3), F.A.C. and 9B-72.110(4), F.A.C.