HomeMy WebLinkAboutPerformance Test ReportPERFORMANCE W AYNE-DAL,TON CORPORATION Door anti Systems Division Model DS-350 Square 121x 8' Report No: 01-46385.02 Test Date: 09/15/03 Report Date: 11/13/03 Expiration Date: 09/08/07 i Ak III-000V Architectural Testing PERFORNAECE TEST REPORT Rendered to: WAYNE-DAL.TON CORPORATION Door and Systerris Division I Door Drive Mount Elope, Ohio 44660 Report No: 01-46385.02 Test Date: 09/15/03 Report Date: 11/13/03 Project Summary: Architectural Testing, Inc. (AT.I) was contracted by Wayne -Dalton Corporation to perform wind load testing per ASTM E 330-97. The test vas performed upon a Model DS-350 Square commercial roll -up sheet door. The door was 12' wide by 8' high. The door was tested to a +1-40.0 psf design pressure. This report includes test data and drawings. Test Procedure: 'Die test specimen was evaluated in accordance with ASTM E 330-97, Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. Testing was conducted at positive and negative loads as listed in the test results. General Description: The steel test chamber provided a clear opening measuring 12' 0" wide by 8' 0" high. Two jamb conditions were provided. Steel tube with a 5/16" wall thickness was utilized on the left jamb and a 3,000 psi grout filled concrete block column for the right jamb. The head was comprised of two 12" steel channels that were stacked and welded. 130 Derry Court York, PA 17402-9405 phone: 717.764,7700 fax: 717.764.4129 www.archtest.com 0146385.02 Page 2 of 3 Test Specimen: Product: Model DS-350 Square commercial roll -up sheet door Door Opening: 12' 0" wade by 8' 0" high Assembly Details: "G" guides were utilized for both the steel and the grout fill concrete block jambs. The guide anchor spacing was 6" from the bottom and 12" on cen e t ereafter for the steel and the grout filled concrete block jambs. The curtain was fabn h .018" sheet steel with windlocks on alternating beads. The windlocks were f w tli two rivets per lock. Reference Wayne -Dalton Drawing # 035-0010 and 03 V 2 for these details. t Test Results: The following results have been recorded: ASTM E 330-97: "Standard Test Me[laoui for Structural Pekor, arice of exterior Wirtduws, Curtain Walls, and Doors by (Intform Statcc Air Pressure DBe. " Note. .Polyethylene film and tape were used in a ma er �'d'ad not influence the test results, Deflection was measured at the midspan and ends gf'the 9or ith. linear- transducers. Test Pressure Duration Maximum Deflection (inch) Transducer Number 91 #2 #3 Permanent Set (Inch) Transducer Number #1 #2 #3 +17.0 psf (1/2 Design) 10 sec Remove Slack +34.0 psf (Design) 10 sec 0.540 7.700 0,500 0.040 0,220 0.100 +51.0 psf (Overload) 10 sec 0.1670 9.100 0.640 0.080 0.580 0.120 -17.0 psf (1/2 Design) 10 sec Remove Slack -34.0 psf (Design) 10 sec 0.850 9.640 0,920 0,020 0.180 0.020 -51.0 psf (Overload) 10 sec 1,010 10.340 1.190 0.050 0.400 0.080 -56.0 psf (Overload) 10 sec 1.060 10.560 1.260 0.070 0.480 0.100 -+-28.0 psf (1/2 Test) 10 sec Remove Slack +56.0 psf (Overload) 10 sec 0.740 10.200 0.630 0.030 0.440 0.020 +60.0 psf (Overload) 10 sec 0,720 10.420 0.710 0.040 0.640 0.050 -30.0 psf (1/2 Test) 10 sec Remove Slack -60.0 psf (Overload) 10 sec 1,140 10.940 1.300 0,060 0,260 0.050 ,There was no visible damage and the door was operational at the conclusion of testing. List of Official Observers: Mark Daus Wayne -Dalton Corporation Michael Mendez Wayne -Dalton Corporation Scott Kramer Architectural 'resting, Inc. 0146385.02 Page 3 of 3 ASTM ES-01 Test Method: The test specimens were evaluated in accordance with ASTM E8-01, Standard Test Methods for Tensile Testing of Metallic Materials. The test specimens were machined and sized in compliance with section 6.0 of the standard. The specimens were tested using a Satec 50UD Universal Machine with a cross head speed of 0.2 in/min Test Results: The test results are shown on test logs 18876 through 18881 (attached) and surnam ized 'in the following table. Specimen Yield Strength si Yield Strain inlin) Tensile Load b Tensile Strength S Elongation (%) 1 39.729 0.0037 511 45,648 32.00 r 2 41,512 0.0035 509 47,530 34 (?On 8.30 3 38 347 0.0037 499 46,677 1.10 4 36,496 0.0035 509 47,541 3 _.30 23.40 .5 41,393 0.0034 515 48,548 3 .' 37.70 6 38,981 0,0035 511 45 6,04 NI gr 35.00 30.40 Average 39,410 0.0036 509 4.40 36.20 The average Tangent Modulus for the tested specimens was fl(N psi. A copy of this report will be retained by AT][ for a period of four years. This report is the exclusive property of the client so named herein and is applicable to the samples tested. Results obtained are tested values and do not constitute an opinion or endorsement by this laboratory. This report may not be reproduced except in full without the approval of Architectural Testing. For ARCHITECTURAL TESTING, INC.: 4�rn , DVtAys tar:socaa.w: Scott D. Kramer Technician 67� a. A-z,'.. loanph A Ftwd Joseph A. Reed, P.E. Director - Engineering and Product Testing SDK:baw 01-46385.02 00kuysiorM by: cone L o v a Connie Owad Technician DOCUMENT CONTROL ADDENDUM #0146385.00 Current Issue Date: 11/13/03 Report No.: 0146385.01 Requested by: Mark Daus,'lr+Tayne Dalton Corporation Purpose: ASTM E 330 testing of Series/Model DS-350, 10' x 81. Issued Date: 11/13/03 Comments: Florida P.E. seal required on report. Report No.: 0146385.02 Requested by: Mark Daus, Wayne Dalton Corporation 11amp. 0 Purpose: ASTM E 330 testing of Series/Model DS-350, 12' x K Issued Date: 11/13/03 1& cj Comments: Florida P.E. seal required on report. 4000 3000 I 0 20 1000 NOMENEENE ■in■ii� Counter: Elapsed Time: ATI #: Client: Material Type: Sample #: Comments: .Procedure Name: Start Date: Start Time: End Date: End Time: Workstati.olt: Tested By: Strain (in/in) Test Summary 18876 00:04:1.7 01-46385 Wayne Dalton Corporation i est mesuns Width: 0.5070 in After Test Width: 0.4000 in Thickness: 0.0220 in After Test Thickness: 0.0150 in Area: 0.0112 in2 After Test Area: 0.0060 in2 Tensile Strength: 45648 psi Peak Load: 5111bf Load at Yield: 444.9626 lbf Position at Yield: 0.0700 in Time at Yield: 0.3534 min Strain at Yield: 0.0037 in/in Stress at Yield: 39728.8100 psi Elongation at Yield: 0.0074 in Reduction of Area: 46.4 % Total Elongation: 32.0000 % Pretest Punch Length: 2.000 in Posttest Punch Length: 2.64 in Modulus of Elasticity: 700 psi Steel Door 1 (<N 12 x 8-Square 120-32 ASTM E 8-01, Tensile Testing of 10/17/03 8:08:54 AM 10/17/03 8:13:11 AM Architectural Testing Inc. Connie 25 ikesc .cesuits Width: 0.508.5 in After Test Width: 0.4155 in Thickness: 0.0210 in After Test Thickness: 0.0160 in Area: 0.0107 in2 After Test Area: 0.0066 in2 Tensile Strength: 47536 psi Peak Load: 509 lbf Load at Yield: 444.1808 IV Position at Yield: 0.0717 in Time at Yield: 0.3618 min Strain at Yield: 0.0035 in/in Stress at Yield: 41512.2300 psi Elongation at Yield: 0.0069 in Reduction of Area.: 38.3 % Total Elongation: 34.0000 % Pretest Punch Length: 2.000 in Posttest Punch Length: 2.68 in Modulus of Elasticity: 266 6 0 psi Strain (in/in) Test. Summary Counter: 18877 Elapsed Time: 00:04.29 ATT #: 01-46385 Client: Wayne Dalton Corporation Material Type: Steel Door Sample #: 2 Comments: 12 x 8 Square 120-32 Procedure Name: ASTM E "I, Tensile Testing of Start Date: 10/17/03 Start Time: 8:18:13 AM End Date: 10117/03 End Time: 8:22:42 AM Workstation: Architectural Testing Inc. Tested By: Connie 40000 2000C Cn EA r -2000( 4000( n■■ Counter: Elapsed'I'iune: ATI #: Client: Material Type: Sample #: Comments: Procedure Name: Start Date: Start Time: End Date: End Time: Workstation: Tested By: Strain (in/in) Test Summary 25 18878 00:04:28 01-46385 Wayne Dalton Corporation Steel Door 3 1.2 x 8 Square 120-32 A,.STM E 8-01, Tensile Testing of 10/17/03 8:25.34 AM 10/17/03 8:30:02 AM Architectural Testing Inc. Connie A ear Wwuaaa Width: 0.5085 in After Test Width: 0.3965 in Thickness: 0.0210 in After Test Thickness: 0.0160 in Area: 0.0107 in? After Test Area: 0.0063 in2 Tensile Strength: 46677 psi Peak Load: 499 lbf Load at 'Yield: 410.3168 lbf Position at Yield: 0,0697 in Time at Yield: 0.3520 min Strain. at Yield: 0.0037 inlan Stress at Yield: 38347.3600 psi Elongation at Yield: 0.0073 in Reduction of Area: 41.1 % Total Elongation: 33.8000 % Pretest Punch Length: 2.000 in Posttest Punch Length: 2.676 in Modulus of Elasticity: 22§ )00 psi Counter: Elapsed Time: ATl #: Client: Material Type: Sample #: Comments: Procedure Naive: Start Date: Start Time: End Date: End Time: Workstation: Tested By: Sirain (mi hn) Test Summary 18879 00:04:45 01-46385 I Css AWNU M Width: 0.5085 in After Test Width: 0.4080 in Thickness: 0.0210 in After Test Thickness: 0.0200 in Area: 0.0107 in2 After Test Area: 0.0082 in-' Tensile Strength: 47541 psi Peak Load: 509 If Load at Yield: 390.5117 lbf Position at Yield: 0.0749 in Time at Yield: 0.3777 min Strait at Yield: 0.0035 in/in Stress at Yield: 36496.4200 psi Elongation at Yield: 0.0070 in Reduction of Area: 23.4 % Total Elongation: 35.3250 % Pretest: Punch Length: 2.000 in Posttest Punch Length: 2.7065 in Modulus of Elasticity: 9+65700 psi Wayne Dalton Corporation Steel Door 4 12 z 8 Square 120-32 ASTM. E 8-01, Tensile Testing o 10/17/03 8:32:41 AM 10/17/03 8:37:26 AM Architectural Testing Inc. Connie WVVU 4000C 2000( k -2000t -40001 �un�n'C■ 000000000 Ono NOMONEEN Counter: Elapsed Time: ATI #: Client: Material Type Sample #: Comments: Procedure Name. Start Date: Start Time: End Bate: End Time: Workstation: Tested By: Strain (in/in) Test Summary 25 t, est tcesuits Width: After Test Width.: Thickness: After Test Thickness: Area: After Test Area: Tensile Strength: Peak Load: Load at Yield: Position at Yield: Time at Yield: Strain at Yield: Stress at Yield: Elongation at Yield: Reduction of Area: Total Elongation: Pretest Punch Length: Posttest Punch. Leng: Modulus of Elasticity: 18880 00:04:31 01-46385 Wayne Dalton Corporation Steel Door 5 12 x. 8 Square 120-32 vr ASTM E 8-01, Tensile Testing o ?c 10/1.7/03 8:47:01. AM 10/17/03 8:51:32 AM Architectural Testing Inc. Connie 0.5060 in 0.3975 in 0.0210 in 0.0165 in 0.0106 in'- 0.0066 in= 48548 psi 515 lbf 438.7624 lbf 0.0767 in 0.3867 min 0.0034 in/in 41392.6900 psi 0.0068 in 37.7 % 36.0000 % 2.000 in 2.72 in 27330800 psi 4000( 2000( E r`a � —2000c -40001 nun■■ MENNEN INEEMEMENNE SOMMOMEMON'10000000000 Counter: Elapsed Time: ATI #. Client: Material. Type: Sample #: Comments: Procedure Narne: Start Date: Start Time: End. Date: End Time: Workstation: Tested By: Strain (in/in) Test Summary 25 18881 00:04:30 01-46385 Wayne Dalton Corporation Steel Door 6 12 x 8 Square 120-32 ASTM E 8-01, Tensile Testing of 10117/03 8:55:53 AM 10/17/03 9:00:23 AM. Architectural Testing Inc. Connie A Wa ANUZUXL.1 Width: After Test Width: Thickness: After Test Thickness: Area: After Test Area: Tensile Strength: Peak Load: Load at Yield: Position at Yield: Time at Yield: Strain at Yield: Stress at Yield: Elongation at Yield: Reduction of Area: Total. Elongation: Pretest Punch Length: Posttest Punch Length: Modulus of Elasticity: 0.5070 in 0.4000 in 0.0220 in 0.0195 in 0.0112 in-' 0.0078 in-' 45604 psi 511 Ibf 436.5922 IV 0.0699 in 0.3527 min 0.0035 in/in 38981.4500 psi 0.0071 in 30.4 % 35.0000 % 2.000 in 2.70 in. 25591700 psi