HomeMy WebLinkAboutPower Release i Planning &`Development- rvi es Building &Code:Regulati A Division r. COUN TY 2300 Virginia Ave ; • R I D A Fort.Pierce "FL_349,82 " Z72-452-,2165 FAX,7.72r"-Z.4443 Request for 30-_Day Temporary;Power;Release 2020 Permit Number: 1908-0422 Date:_ 4//1 Project Address: 48�1.4 Edwards "Rd, Fort Pierce, FI THE UNDERSIGNEDyHEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF-ELECT_ RICAL POWER TO THE A$OVE DESC]R BED- PROPERTY,.FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED'THIRTY'=(30) DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR A FINAL INSPECTION. IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL.OF-THE REQUEST WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE`AS FOLLOWS:, 1. This temporary-power release is re Uested for the above started purpose only,and there will be no occupancy of any type, other than thatpermitted ny construction during this time and, 2 As;wrtn by our signatures,we hereby agree: abide,by all terms and conditions.of this agreement, lnduding Building Division Policy,whkh,i0ncgrpor`ated.hereln,by reference. 3. All conditions and requirements listedIn the attached documententitied"Requirements,fox30 Day j -Power`for Testing"have been fulfilled and the--premise is ready=for compliance.inspectiorr., 4. All requests for'an extension,beyond 30:days,rrmust be made' writing to t#ie Building Offidai stating i the.reason for the request. Power maybe removed from ft site;and/or a Stop Work Order"issuetl if the.Final-Inspection has not been approved.within'.30 days: A fee of`$100.00 will be required to fift the Stop Work Order. WE,HEREBY'RELEASE AND AGREE TQ:.HOLD_HARMLESS, ST. LUCIE COUNTY,AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LIABILIlIESAND CLAIMS-OF ANY TYPE,OF NATURE-WHICH:MAY ARISE NOW, OR IN THE FUTURE OUT Of THIS°TRANSACTION, INCLUDING ANY DAMAGE WHICH MAY BE ?UE TO THE DISCONNECfIDN'OF'-ELECTRICAL POWER IN THE EVENT°OF VIOLATION.OF'THIS,AGREEMENT 11 NE_R RE DATE GEN GNATURE, DATE ELJECTRf . . -i3ItiTRACTOft SIGNATUREE A : _ E f i r