HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # . ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be (Company Name It ividual Name) the l�Ixj&Y�� Sub -contractor for WJH LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at `lP .'��'2 . -F'E- • �_�P�`�' (Project Street Address or PropertyTaix ID #) I It is understood that, if there is any change of status: regarding our participation with the above mentioned ,project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 30ci�i(o COUNTY CERIVICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of1__Os� . ( c s .L; The foregoing instrument, was signed before me this a-day'of f.. 2UfLby who Is personally known r but produced a as identification. f ignature —of NoGry Pu see C) �lti rint Name of Notary Public SUB- OR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME �-cJ4 (�2 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ORANGE 'The foregoing instrument was signed before.me this G* day of 20\F1 by Jason James who Is personally known for has.produced a dendfication. STAMP Sign>iture ON00 ublic N-rEG'f:me �J4T i� FC�s ep` •, KAREN O'ONOFRIO *•V MY COMMISSION # GG 237558 EXPIRES: August 5,2022 • ; o f F ;4••' Bonded nm "Public UndaWters Revised I IA&2616 riht Name of Notary Public STAMP y Angeliqu® Matthews e NOTARY PUBLIC —STATE OF FLORIDA `'Y r Comrn# FF958412 444E W Expires 218/2020 LuDP— Op 1 PERMIT # I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REGEIIIEi 'o Building & Code Compliance Division — — r BUILDING PERMIT MAY 3 12 019 SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT ST. Lucie COUn ty, Permitting L�L'�G/4L�L have agreed to be (C6riipaiiyName/Individual Name)' the <:ISe-12't{ Sub -contractor for WJH LLC (Type of Trade) (Prnnary Contractor) For the project located at �` I Q 3 9a I 1 r , Amb (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) I It, is understood that, if there. is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned b, project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUHRER State of Florida, County of�_L� The foregoing instrument was signed before me this \ day of 20A(�,by who is personally known "�or has produced a as identiRntion. S�,ry�. STANIP igCo U c Print Name of Notary Public F •�ppYP KARENVONOFRIO MY COMMISSION # GO 237558 August 5, 2022 EXPIRES: '•.FOP i Bonded Thru Notary Pubs Underwriters Revised 11I16/2016 ,. SUB- TRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) So'2 5YYGA PRINT NAiNIE f-C I, - o C) 3-7Ir COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUINIBLR State 'oEFlorida, County of ,� 'L�C.�.`e The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 1 v day�off who is personally knownIr--or has produced a as idt bHiscation. _ of NoO& Public Print Name of Notary Public AMY R. MORRIS Notary Public - State of Florida Commission ; GG 185209 My Camm, Expires Mar 10, 2022 ilonded through National Notary Assn. STAMP COUNTY T , , 1. 0 R I D A L PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BuRding & Code Cotopliance,010slon F RECEIVED BUILDING PEILMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR ACkEEMENT AQUA DIMENSIONSPLUMBING SERVICES INC. the PLUMBING Sub -contractor for WJH LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located atq163 (Project Str6et Address or Property Tan TD4fY MAY 3 1.2019 ST- Lucie county" Permitting have agreed to be It is understood that, if there is any change of status P regarding our g _ artidipation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of*h-�cohtractor notice. COUNMY CERTIFICATION N0 WER State of Florida, C6unty of The tlor6goftig Instrument was signed be6ra me this day Of .VN CIA 2 QA by c x who 14 peraousily known r has produced a . . 41P as Identification. CSTAMP, of Notary URIC �p Print Name of NoWiT PuhfiF�Si- KAREN VONOFM - ih, MY COMMISSION # GG 237558 EXPIRES;August5j2022 Iroru Nawy pubac Underwae's RovitiQd 1 ["16/2016 SOMNATM (Qualifier) ROBERT LUDLUM PRINT NAN.Us,' COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State. of Florida, County of The foregoing instrbinient VMS signed before the this day of Z(k_, by Wh6 H personally known __..or has produced a ST4%rVTP PERMITO I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING- - & DEVELOPME—NT SERVICES ,SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT MAY 3 12 019 ST. Lucie County, Permitting Kevin Stine and One Stop Cooling & Heating LLC have agreed to"be (Company Ndm-dlhidi 'id' id N w W, _a.pio) the Mechanical sub -contractor for WJ-H.LLQ (Ty. - P , Qdvvio) (PaffiaryContractor) For the project located at 9roriLLi(w,,) Auf--, Street Address q'r-PKqp,0rty--Tax 1D It is understood That; if there is any change of status regarding our pa416ipation with the above mentioned project, the.Bui1diAgAiid.Code Regulation Division of St: Wcie,County'will bb.advised pursuantpursuantto the . .fling of-aChange of 81A0-,,CdtA*,tdf-, tfoei--, ...... COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUINWIR-11 State of Florida,'County of The foregoing Instrument was,signed before me this j day of F4&b J ijury] Cy fir. wbq!s personally known -4-or b* produced a F. nfificatton. Q im STAMP �rgiustur,jer4tNotafyP-obllc -0, fyLivb U K Print 11 e of Notary Public .. Kevin Stine MO32444 COUNTY C E]ITIFICATIONNUMIlEft State of Florlda,•Couaty of The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this day of -120__j, by 13AYLIE EILKMEIER Angelique Matthews St te f Flori a- otary Public PUBLIC 235138 NOTARY Commission F FLORIDA Commission Expires STATE 0 Revised 11116/2016 my �...TnA 2022. Comff* FF958412 VircE I Expires 218/2020 PERMIT # I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Bniiding & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT MAY 31 2019 ST. Lucie County, Permitting YC ear Ser, COiYI Rod ; rya J ar o,n l-• M e S too�-S have agreed to be (Company Natne/individual Name) the Rcop �1Y-)G Sub -contractor for WJH LLC (Type ofTtad (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID -V � It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUiMER State of Florida, County ofg� p The foregoing instrument was signed before me this ! I day of Ah , 20,& by W4i) � J II►'1'I ey r. who is personally known -&or has produced a asidentification. 6a, I J 4C/ STAIMP Signatur of otary Public e F4,haviek, Print re of Notary Public I PY P! BAYLIE EIKMEIER `=o1P State of Florida -Notary Public Commission # GG 235138 Revised 11I1612016 %��. A;' My Commission Expires �;; �`1 July 04, 2022 SUB-CONTRki3 GASIGNATURE(Quatitier) PRM ' i IE 29024 1 License # CCC1329O81 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUNIBER State of Florida, County of Florida The foregoing instrument was signed before we this 18th day of April , yp 19 by Byron Keith McStoots who is personally lnown--X—or has produced a as identification. Beth Wagner Print Name of Notary L SM WAGNER MY COWAMION S W 081021 E?(M5;Apd t9, 2021 adedrXUHQWyPdk**-*W e