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Wind load cert for Sarno
WIND LOADS ANALYSIS MecaWind Sid v2.2.7.8 per ASCE 7-10 De -la -d by NL?.:A F --p---, Inc -' Fpy_.ghL - - - - llare : 9/9/2325 ?rujela f]c._ 20002 --parry Name ARP - Designed By Soi�mel Lorlga, P.E. 2,ddr- _ : 95,0 S Ocean Dr (Unit 702) Description Windows and poor Retrofit -i--y.Port St Lucie Customer Nave Sarno Residence �tzta Florida Pr 0' LoLion Hensen 2-h F:.34951 Pie i.o cat-ar: - Cli.acts A'1P\LRS\. 0:0\ 92 2_5e? a n> ><e S4 de-.ce 'rindrd .•src Input Parameters: Directional Procednra All Heights Building (Ch 27 Part 1) Basic Wind Spee.d(V) = 169(0mph Structural raregary SI Exposur€ CaTe_cry Nat u -al Fr Z.n.y = N.,AFlexible ScrucCar. No Impe=tance =actor- I en Ed Directional Factor 0-85 Alpha 11.50 Zg 763.06 ft At 0.C9 Bt A.m = 0.11 em 3.83 Cc O.SS - 650.OD ft Epsilon = D t3 7m.n - 7.00 It Pitch of Roof 0- Slope of Roof(Theta) _ .03 Deg h. Mean R-anf Rt 1R0.00 'Pt yp. of R�7f E'LAT R9t: Ridge it 180.00 ft Eht: ead Eaue Ee i�?ht = 180.OJ ft (`H Rn.�f 0ve:rt.ar,g at Eaue= .CO ft oeezhType No Overhang Bldg Lergt]-. Al. -,j Ridge 180.[0 It Bldg Width A.rass Ridge 61.07 ft Gust Factor Calculations Gast Factor Category I Rigid Structures - Simpl-fiec Me Lho3 Gust l: For Rigid Structures (Nat_ Freq-�1 Hz) use 0.85 0.85 Gust €actor -3tegory 1T x -g -.d Structs -es - C. rp'ere Aralysis Z. 0.6*Ht Joe 00 ft Lzm: c*(33/ZmV "J..6d - 0-12 Lam: "(Zm/331lnr. - 75'.83 IL Q. (1/(1+0. n.'.'•(IB+3t)/Lztn)"0.63)1"J.5 6.87 Gust2. 0.91-5*((1+1.7-1zm13.4*Q)/(1+1.7'3 4*1zm.)) - 0.88 Gast Factor 5.... ry Nat a Flexible Strucr.ure use the Lessor of 6ust1 or Gust2 O.Ss. Table 26.11-1 Internal Pressure Coefficients for Buildings, GCpi GCPi - Tete -al Pressure uce FFLcient - 4/-G 18 Wind Pressors Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) - Ref Figure 27.4-1 Kh 2.01*(Ht/Zg)"(2/A1pha) 1 59 Kht. I'opcgraphic Factor (Figure 6-4) m 1.00 Qh=-G025S"{v)'2-1-Kh*1Lht-Kd 56-42 psf Cl,ww: Windward wall Cp(R.ef Fig 6-61 .0 .80 Roof ),.=ea = 108GO.G0 ft Reduction Factor based on Roof Area 0.80 Wind Pressure on camponcnts and Cladding (Ch 30 Part 3) FA T-surec .,'raw'. z .--1 'par n51: . aotcn cr Width of Pressure Coefficlect Zona "a" _ = 6.00 fL Description Width Span Area Zone Max Min ft £t ft^2 GCP GOP ----------------------------------------------------- MARK 1 2-98 7.92 23.6 4 3.2s -0.89 MARK 2 3.75 7.92 29.7 R 0 86 -0-88 MARK 3 3.96 7.9: 31.3 4 0 86 -0 87 Rhcc:Comp. & Clad. Tab''=e 6-3 Case 1 Qhcc--0C256"V^2'Khcc'Kht'Kd HBx P Min P Elev psf psf ft 51.73 -60.35 63 0 50 73 -59.54 63.0 S0.49 -59.35 63 0 56.42 Ps= t)511111!lr7j �}CEN3F ..'y No. 77736 i O STATE OF 4(fw1 ff fj 0 �A{-. SOUMEL LORIGA, R.E., C.4'W_I. FL. Reg.# 77736 CA # 33203 ACVAHC D HURRICANE PROTECTION W © W a n z Z Ln J w U w ��G LIJ z !t/ /� 0. I..I1 L Q S�1 D E S I G N 18 DESIGN & PERMITTING, INC. 6499 POWERLINE RD., #203 FORT LA.JDERDALt, FL, 333D9 TEL. 754-701.7125 WWW. JSDTEAM.COM ®J9 Design & Permitting, Inc. 2017 SHEET# A.1 1 NOTED SBD w 2 11 Q t - LL U.1 F =_ U O Q Z W ..J U D E S I G N 18 DESIGN & PERMITTING, INC. 6499 POWERLINE RD., #203 FORT LA.JDERDALt, FL, 333D9 TEL. 754-701.7125 WWW. JSDTEAM.COM ®J9 Design & Permitting, Inc. 2017 SHEET# A.1 1 NOTED SBD