HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevision; Framing, Electrical Layout & PlumbingOFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: ' 'o ' REVISION FEE: RECEIVED SEP 101020 Permitting Department St c ountY PERMIT # RECEIPT # PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DMSION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE' FORT PIERCE, FL 34982.5652 (772)462.1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 176 956r,, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT DvvrcrnwQ. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CEI T j : GGG10 M 11 BUSINESS NAE: i�C /rTi QUALIFIERS NAME: v G ADDRE Z- �� no.E CITY: S' .. 1-t l � STATE: PHONE (DAYTIME): %7-2-141-51bz OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: ST PHONE (DAYTIME: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: ST. PHONE (DAYTIME): 3LCCC: 9123109 Revtsed O6130/17 ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: I Y. FAX: FAX: ZIP: Wind Zones - Wall Existing Cast In Place Tie Beam Corigated Metal Masonry Ties 8"o.c. vertical in each mortar joint, Fastened to existing masonry jamb J Existing CBS Exterior Wall lu Existing Masonry Opening Masonry Opening "In Fill�� Approval Product Number FL#:15412.3 Windows FL#: 15441.4 1 Sliding Glass Dr FL#: 7091.1 Swing Doors FL#: 14645.3 Roofing Fill in the existing - openings with CBS 8 x 16 x 8 and mortar Model Number Series 7700 Singlehung SGD-9200 Wood Edge Steel 5V Crimp 3/8" continuo caulk (back be buck to preve set flange in bead of caul) entire face c bead of ing) behind liquid passage the BUCK ATTACHMENT NOTES STRUCTURAL NOTES: Ceramic i a c T Io ��- AT DOORS USE P.T. PINE OR SPRUCE AND ATTACH BUCKS TO BLOCK WITH 1/4 DIA. TAPCONS WITH 1 1/2" EMBEDMENT All wood in contact with masonry shall be pressure treated or approved Shall be installed in accordance with ANSI A108.1, A108.4, A108.5 A108.6, A108.11, Al18.1, Al18.3, Al36.1, & A137.1. Fiber mat reinforced V INTO C.B.S. SET A 6" FROM CORNERS AND AT 12"o.c. MAX. separating material backer shall be',used behind wall applied ceramic tiles in the tub AT WINDOWS USE P.T. PINE OR SPRUCE AND ATTACH All dimensions shall be verified in field by the contractor. If there are any discrepancies the Architect or Engineer shall be notified before and shower areas and conform to ASTM C1325. Per Durock, cement board exceeds ASTM C1325. ~ BUCKS TO BLOCK WITH 8d CASED HARD COIL NAILS 4 FROM ENDS AND 12-o.c. proceeding. Q. . CB 3 USE WOOD SHIMS MINIMUM DURING DOOR INSTALLATION All Design and Construction shall be inaccordance with the current Gypsum Note - � 0 D N American Concrete Institute (ACI). and the American Institute of Steel Gypsum board shall conform to ASTM C22, C475, C514, 01002, C1047 Le W m SHEATHING NAILING Construction (AISC), The Florida Building Code and all applicable C1177, C1178, C1278, 01396, or C1658 and installed per FBC residential � � V Z in. 1 1/4" embedment local codes. code. Per USG, Wallboard conforms to C1396. LJi ° : - t windows and min. 1/2"" embedment at Nailing Schedule Structural Concrete shall attain a minimum ultimate compressive strength Gypsum Board & Gypsum Panel Products i aA •-' cn U �r � ° ° 01. gl. doors (Fc) in 28 days as follows: • N w � co ° ROOF & FLOOR DIAGRAM Use sheathing with #8 gun nails at 6-o.c. Column footing and Wall Footing: 3000 p.s.i. Gypsum board and gypsum panel products shall be applied at right angles or parallel to framing members. All edges and iE LO o0 n at supported panel edges and #8 gun Column and walls from foundation to roof. see column schedule. ends of gypsum board and gypsum panel products shall Q J li ° ° nails at 6"o.c. at intermediate supports. All other concrete: 3000 p.s.i. occur on framing members except those edges an : ends that $ P g d Q - r� 1 /2`" drywall are perpendicular to the framing members. Interior gypsum • � ROOF SHEATHING TO GABLE END FRAME All wood members shall have a minimum fiber stress in bending board shall not be installed where it is directly exposed to Use #8 gun nails at 4"o.c. EXTERIOR SHEATHINGspaced of 1200 p.s.i. with 1 /360 max. deflection. All bolted connections shall be 1/2" Cadmiumplated /or better. weather or to water. Wall and ceiling sum board shall be g gypsum fastened with screws at 120,0. Screws for attaching gypsum board and gypsum V Z LW 0 a.v O I Use #8 gun nails at 4""o.c. at anal edges P g and #8 gun nails at 4"o c at panel top and Lag bolts to be used only in shear connections with minimum �� panel rod cts wood framing h P g P u to shall eWorT Type YP YP accordance with ASTM C1002 andshall penetrate thewood not — J N iE � e-% stulco finish J bottom and 6"o.c. in field 4 threaded penetration past steel plate. less than 5/8" inch (15.9mm) Gypsum board and Gypsum panel W M products shall be attached to cold formed steel framing less Lag bolted conditions shall be drill tapped no larger than the than 0.033" perim ter caulk e S in accordance with internal thread diameter and shall not be hammer driven. ASTM C10021or bugle head style in accordance with ASTM 01513 1 4" r ax. struct. shim and shall penetrate the steel not less than 3/8" to 0.112" 4-J Attac p.t. bucks ( /� (i mm to 3mm) thick shall be in accordance with ASTM C954 or (n with 8 coil nails at caul) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS bugle head style; in accordance with ASTM 1513. Screws for 12 o.c attaching gypsum board or gypsum panel products to structural New Plumbin 6" 10/10 atta h as per g W.W.M. All work to be as per the current edition of the Florida Building Code insulated panles,shall penetrate the wood structural panle facing. Ty . Alum. window man fact rers Pipes " + _ and meet or exceed all applicable local requirements. not less than 7/16"o.c. 01.1 mm). jan)b or sliding glass product approvals Saw Out Existing Cone. doorjamb for New Foundation General contractor is responsible for all labor, materials, utilities, testing, Gypsum board used a the base orbacker for adhesive application of ceramic the or other required nonabsorbent finish material shall Plumbing waste removal, storage, securing of site, accomodation, transport/freight, conform to ASTM C1396, 01178, C1278. Use of water resistant 'E r and all other cost related to the completion of this project„ unless explicitly gypsum baeking board shall be permitted on ceilings. Water r K `; NOTE Method of attachment and GunabEe sal )ants shall comply with identified here. o g a y ` resistant gypsum board shall not be installed over a Class 1 or a, ,,3 waterproofing procedures are the ASTM C 920 Class 25 grade or _ Class 2 vapor retarder in a shower or tub compartment. Cut or W % v same at poured concrete sill. greaterfor I,proper joint expansion Owner is responsible onsible #or all municipal al related char es such as im act exposed edges, ilncludin those at wall intersections, shall be d and cotraction P P g P g g � � Coat B cks with Pr 0 fees, and water connection, except building permit fees, which are to be sealed as recommended by the manufactuer. Water resistant N� h w t otecto LMW2 0 Coating included in the construction bid. gypsum backing board shall not be used where there will be after they have been installed and Chaulked _ direct exposure to water, or areas subject to continuous high .006 Visquine humidity, General contractor to check all drawings for errors and ommi i n a"' 250D# conc. g ss o s and Wlnc�w & Door Flashing Detail at CBS Wall min. bring them to the attention of the architect prior to starting any work, or ordering any materials of the respective division of work. If such errors Wood Framing Note co LL Before compaction and and ommissions are not reported in writingto the architect, any resulting — ai Clean, Compacted, Cover' provide support of damages or costs shall be born entire) b the general contractor. Wood framing supporting gypsum board and gypsum panel (Existing) 2'" v.tr, p $ Y Y g 4 g pportin Termite Treated Fill dr in pipes with concrete products shall be not less than 2" (51 mm) nominal thickness F- to;maintain required slope Architect is not responsible for the contractors method or means of in th least dimension except that wood furring strips not less (� 0 ti CO't1C. Repair at Plumbing construction. permitted I" by 2` (2 min x 51mm) nominal dimension shall be rn than (N) g rmitted to be used over solid backing or framing spaced w a 1 1/2" 24" than o.c. (610mm) General contractor is to keep the site in a clean and safe state through not more t~ c r co out the course of construction. On building turnover, general contractor to _ - a aces so a N clean all surf s to be free of du r o dust, ease stains , scuffs etc. g Wire Lath Attachment o 2" PLUM43ING NOTES: � � z Unless otherwise noted, the installation of specified hardware shall Over wood fr, mi the paper (E) k rm to the manufacturvTS""Mstructions and standard practice. >> T - backed wire laa h shall be installed _ .. h (N) LAv. Plumber to consult with contractor and equipment ordered over one layer of approved plastic M WASHER for rough in dimensions. All plans and drawings are not considered complete until they have been house wrap. Lath shall be attached (N) reviewed and approved by the City of Port St. Lucie Building Department horizontal framing members with 1.5"' Verify all dimensions with the floor plan. The floor plan and the building permit has been issued. roofing nails and to vertical wood 2., dimensions dictates all other dimensions on other sheets. framing members with 6d common (N) nails or 1 "" roofing nails driven to 2" w.c. Do not scale drawings, if any conflicts arise, contact the penetration of not less then 3/4`" (E) 3" Architect or Engineer for clarification prior to construction. INTERIOR WALL FRAMING NOTE of an inch, or 1" wire staples driven flush with the plaster base. ?2�7 (E) (E) 3 ` All sanitaryImes 2 or less shall 'have a slope of 1 /4" per Interior non bearing walls to be 2 x 4 studs 24o.c. Staples shall have crowns not less Spruce, Pine, Fir (SPF) #2 Grade lumber or better than 3/4"" and shall engage not less SHwft than three strands of lath and T Existing All sanitary lines above 2 ` shall h MTS12 with (l4) penetrate the wood framing members foot minimum. have a slope of 1 /8`" per 10d x 1 1 /2" et each not less than 3/4 The fasteners must Plumbing contractor to provide a S war Main foot minimum. THRESHOLD NOTE Truss 0 penetrate the wood framing members � shut of valve' at each fixture not less than 3/4 Fasteners shall be each fixture Provide Anti -Scalding Valve in all showers. At egress door (Entry Door) the max. hgth. 7" o.c. max. Z of the threshold shall be 1/2" Top Plate 0 Insulate all hot waier lines 8'-0' I Q N c m Plumbing:Riser Diagram SP4 at each stud 00 L° Z H 2 2 x 6 header •- n.ts. O and 16 o.c. max. along LL +) with 1/2" plywood header. Use (6) 10d w � � flitch bond together 1 1/2" long for each (2)2 x 4 Top Plate with (1) SP4 at each J with 16d 6 o.c. fastener stud with (6) 10d staggered (2) 2 x 4 H Y r n' plate late Z I uJ 0 Header to Stud 5/8- T-1I I Siding 2 x 4 studs 16"o.c.-7./N with (1) MSTA18 fastened to studs as Lu with (14) 10d Per Nailing Schedule Cover with one layer of House Wrap (1) 2 x 4 under header and (1) 2 x 4 along side Exterior Interior of header, bond together PRODUCT APPROVAL with 16d Co.c. r> 2 x 4 p.t Sill Plate data revision ` with (1) SP4 at each Glass Building Rated Product Rated stud with (1) 10d nails n Pressures Design 'Pressures DOOR Fasten to concrete with 1o/3v19 client Review Manufacturer Type Attachment Method Design g 5/8" dia. x 12" long wedge Head: 6" max. from corner & 113.75" max. o.c. Jambs ROUGH bolt 32"o.c. and 6" from H max.. from corners & corners 25 .c. above meeting rail and OPENING ends with 1/8" x 3" washer Coat the existing concrete Lawson Ind. Impact g g + _ / SPH4 at each stud with a bonding agent and pour 4" 9 7/8 max. o.c. below me tin rail. Use 1 /4 dia. Tapcons 38.7 42.1 + - 60.0 Use (TO) l Od X 1 1 /2" of 2500# fibermix conc. to level the m with 1 1/4" embedment o concrete. foundation. New concrete to extend drawn Head, Sill, & Jambs: 6" ma). fro corners. Head & Sill 13.25" 0.00' FFE under frame walls. sa; Lawson Ind. Impact max. o.c. Jambs; 13.75'"ma . o.c Use (2) fasteners at each 2 x 4 p.t. sill plate _ checked P location. Use 1/4- dia Tap ons with 1 3/4" embedment into +38.7 -42.1 +/- 65.0 fasten as per exterior Grade � Min. i � S.I. concrete frame wall section date 10/31/19 JambN.A. screw frame and 3/8" Cone. crew with 1 11/4" embed. +38.7 42.1 +/- 70.0 Existing Concrete scale Masonite Inter. - I V: Foundation as noted concrete i < job number #9-16 or #10-14 Hex Head Woo Screws with sealed washer so�o iWFD Metal Sales Mfg. N.A. Fastener to penetrate the deck min. of 3/8`". Screws to be - 45.0 - 196.7 r ; � sheet 6"o.c. across panel ends & 12"o c. in field. Door Framing petal) Frame Wall Detail) sEP 1 zozo A-2 At Exterior Wall New Concrete at Storage Arsg ST Lucie County, Permitting REVIEWED FOR ►. CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY OPY FIL C BOCC i�