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Buildin g & Code Regulations
BOO \'irginia Annur
Fort Pirrrt, Florida 34982
(77 2)
F.S. 489 .103 (7) EXEMPTIONS
State law requires construction to be done by licen sed contractor.;. Yo u have app li ed for a pcnnit under an
exe mption to that law . The exe mpt ion allows you, as the ow ner of yo ur prop erty , to ac t as yo ur ow n contractor eve n
though you do not have a license . You mu st provide direct. on -site supervi sio n of th e co nstruction yourself. You
may build or im prove farm outbuildings , a one-family or two -family re siden ce for yo ur use and occupancy . You
may also bu ild or improve a commercia l bu ilding at a cost not exceeding $75,000 .00 as lon g as it is for yo ur own
use or occ upan cy. You may not build or improve sai d structures for th e purpose s of se llin g or lea sin g that building .
You ma y not hire an unli censed person to ac t as your contractor or to supervi se peopl e wo rking on yo ur building ; it
is yo ur responsi bil ity to make sur e that people employed by yo u have licen ses requir ed by state law and by county
or municipal licensin g ordin ances . I fl!;
If yo u se ll or lease a buildin g yo u have built or improved within one yea r after construction is complete, then a
pres umption is created that it was built or improved for sa le or leas e, which is a violation of this
y ou may not delegate the responsibility for supervising work to a licen se d contractor who is not licensed to perform
th e work bein g done . Your construction must comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building codes, and
zo ning regulation s. Initial Herc.
I underst and that the building official and inspectors are not th ere to design or give advice on how to meet the
minimum code . lni::;J./!t'·
I under stand that as an owner-builder that any contract di sp ute s with sub-contra ctors and I must be handled in a civil
court with the advice of an attorney . This department will not mitigate any contract dispute s.
I under stand that if I compensate any person or co mpany for work perfo rmed th ey are required to be licensed in this
jurisdiction . If for some reaso n they do not po ssess a li ce nse, I ma y be re spon sible and liable for th e cost of th e
license. Initial Here.
I understand that if any perso n that is unlicen se d and unin sured gets injured on my co nstructi on project-they ma y be
entitled to workmen's compensation . I co uld be hel d liabl e for all doctor , lawye r and related medical cost, which
could include loss of wages during recovery from th eir injury . Initial 'J/}f
To qualify for this exemption under thi s subsection, an owner mu st personally app ea r, i n th e building permit
application , and initial the above
I hereby acknowledge that I hav e read and understand th e abov e di scl os ure st
that any violation of the terms of the owner/builder exe mption shall be
Departmer~J° th e;lorida State Departm ent of Profess ional Regulati on. Si
day of of20to.
t I further understa nd
Building and Zo~~
~dged on thi s ..:J:k.
Owner/8 ilder ·g atur e
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as identifi cation .
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