HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # "" ISSUE DATE ,;a r � ' s ,� -erg t�,� z '•�1T "' usa.�, { PLAlvlvl NG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compiimice Divuion • CEIVED BUILDING P3ERMFI! S1MC0NTRA1U0R AGREEMENT MAR 2 S ? 0? Q ST. Lucie County, Permitting C_ -dL 4 L (Co parry Name!lndividual Name) the. _._ ec T r , ti / (Type of Trade) have agreed to be Sub -contractor for litJ !. n a -e . Qe& e- /vf^ ew. % ec. (Primaey Contractor) For the -project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is anderstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) :.pax COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER State of Florida, County Tile foregoing instrument was signed before me tidS day of who is personally known _Y_'Dr has produced a as identifcation. r-�..y?"t,.�°41-• STAMP Signature of Notary Public C✓ FrintName ofNotary Public Notary Pblla WO � Fwft a KeffiMY Budka a My Commissio¢� FF. 978543 Rewised 1111612016' %a Expires 051261,020 4RA0RS1G.NATURE(Qua1W r) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION RFW R State of Florida, County of_�A , c c ve_ The foregoing instrument was signed before me this w day of who is personalty !mown _V__or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary Public �a 0 Print Name of Notary Public LAURA R. C0199EI34E :.? Commission#GG 12207fi ?Expites Oq bbei2l; 20 42 •��,;R° BondedilwTtoyFe6rGburts/00385.70f8 POW ONE R F4CEIVEDC M R AR spWaNT ST. I County,' P rm ST. Lucie County, Permitting SON W.W. PRO* fWBOVA419 Od C%Pdg 14PWMB D !VJ&n of ftludp Ouptyv/01tv who- WN -Owfox NORATOW wparw Onow Wo Wynn@ Wxv - WAW DOROTHYANN BASKIN My C6WISSION # GG 030145 EXPIRES: Octo.W2,2020 NI, Dendd-Thru N6t8rY?dlldIUndetw.n'(eM kwkw 111jaw .:g . . . . . . . . . . . imm Po -OWWWA—w- 118618 ft-ftv-pw: On 9 N W 9 -wx- --�; --Lude *kW befpj,,e W, lortol STAW NJ . owap Mom. "Wim 0 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNJ N'C• & DUEEQPMENT SEpNgCES uildiing & Code ColmpYialace Din ' '-' DECEIVE® 11UM-DING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR. GREEMENT MAR 2 5 2020 . ST. Lucie County,. Permitting Comfort Control of St. Lucie County, Inn. have agreed-to'be (Company Namellndividuai N=e) the HVAC Sub -contractor for Wynne Deve.laninent Cory - (Type of Trade) (.Mary Contractor) For the project located at _ \ `\�R�C G �� �N '(Project Street Address or Property 'Tax ID #) It is understood, that, if there is any change of status.. regarding our participation with the above mentibned . project, the Building and Code Regulation. Division of St. Lucie.County will be advised puisuant,toi the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTr6iACTOR S ATURE (0mWer). Matthew Lyle Wynne PRINT NA14Ei -- 08898 _ $288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NC71V>]B4A COUNTY C)ERTYFTCATION NUMBER L I �V C. State of>itorida, Coumty.of Qer i'� � State,ofFlorid�, County The foregoing idstrndtent was signed before me this _day of The ;foregoing instrument was siped before me thisal' flay of `�, , 5I• .20dy��,�t� ��Za"��bq_�a�1.+L Z�teA:°�r2.�'!� who is personally known '�/ or has prodnced a who is personally known --Zr La$ prOdu00d a as idescation. as identification, 4 STAW STAMP ignature of*ta ttblic Signature ofNotary Pnbl' Jo Axx-A -e y A NA( 4,49XI a J o 2o'TK y 14IVAL B&S Ilv pnntNome ofNota Public Print Name ofNotagftblle top","a, DORciTHRYANNBASKIN Y PY.�i4 . . �* MY COMMISSION # GG Q30145 e' DOROTHYANN BASKIN .� `,_ MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 .:.• %'nor EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 ;p��kto BondedThtuNotaryPublic;Underwriters, ,r pr ''''F° �„2•• Bonded TMi NotaryPublic Underwrilers: Revised 11/16/2016 L66-A Z000/Z000d tL0-i 999L8L8ZLL d.Ioo Su i p I i n8 auuAM -WOdA g L:Z L 9 L c60-Z L —ERM MAR 2 5 2 ul 213 Permitting ST. Lucie County, Dp,-;�;-- �e m J -OPT "y -r:q A ft-oof) W m .0 tb Ob b .0 ON Wl Ovlted 009,04 .14 of 40A.. DORM YAN BASKIh MYCOMMISSION-#.GG030145 EXP IRM Odlober 2,2020 00 OTTY-010—M-69,"; �Mll -inotia -s "d r-o DOROTHYANN BASKIN MYCOMMISSION-9 GG 030145 EXPIRES: OctoberZ 2020 0'. fypubj 9A