HomeMy WebLinkAboutVeg removal applicaiton ............. . 04 DATF-SUHNUTTED. Dnitdia Permit dumber; ..' . Pcoiwsc��'rajecfz.. . 5T.LUCIE COUNTY is a. R : A. .:::, NW7CE OF EMATION REMOVAL D APPMATION 1 Please complete the.requesteil uifsirnoa$on and submit:to the:St Lucie County Etsvlmnmental Resources IDepart ent or<$nrlding S,nrrsg Department For atldttionr l:nfom sitan,phase contact�e Environmental Reszsurces Departuteettat(772}4{62 2526 F?pog.thx$ap1zlrcrttion does ttut result M rrn a'm ornzatran io cotanMenee any aegel�tron retno'W ur a?trrret iin. A Site Ptat�lCotEetrneflpp Piw must be.groFitieti::(ia sddlt#an to a site plan:proylded to_#he Buitding D partmcnt)the pIsr►s:t Dust gscurately degtet tke.locaiiot of alIgpseci:bwltlt»gs,atrucztucs,drtvewayxa septic tanks, nd:otlter unpraveunts .. . i Incomplete appl catroixs,williscatlie:aecep#edm accordance�vith section i;1;05 d6()otthe:St Lurie C-Ourtly Lestd:Development Code. INi1hm ttveniy{?t day bier an appltcatscn haslaeen cCteYttrtted:fa be comp shall review the appl cattau si►d appzave,approve wrth:conduaans`ar deny the;applicai on,laase i on ihe;s#attclar iv set toith i Sectsran F(2q t?S of this Code;Applictttioiis regri nng a:concuixent building permit will be:processed:within tote saute twenty(2q}day timefruaze;ha never will . nest1 a reliyas�.u9.1 th"b Atli ngpermtt rs alstr epprauzd Per Section..11.d5 UG b..-6 of th SlAmcie Cotmty.I.enti Ueveloptneut:t"vdt4 filing:of airappiscation:shall be:deemed to extend permrss:nn the Euv�mnmsntal Resotu ces Dir+ec or,-or-" evaluating the app dtion e l ft y.spea:ifil nfi4rxitntian stti�lt:u�a gnte;cxxde�the necessity tsM hour tottce t ote to caitle gtazing controlled bums,aiitsii3e pets;etc- In the even;th�t:it is deteirnitled thet.asy federal oir smte proYe+e#ed`specs'es ls'r sicient an:or tlepeundg upan;the.sub ect ptircel,eil' a. ilevelogiiient wank avltigl might a_sivetsely affect.that tndry dual species shall c mse and stop:. The appiieanI shall intmediateI nc+tify:tlie Florida Fish.auilWiidl lc.Gonsertiation; unumssion,U S Frsh;and ildl�fe Setnice and the County.Appropriate protectioiD to sat#sfaeton of:nll genies shall be.prati*dei.by the applicant prsor to:reswniug d etiptnent: ...... ........ ......................................... P�t,,i�EGT t�RMATI+DIY t1lEIt�SNAryIuIE �erJ��'�,�G� 1��J.: . GSyJ 't.l�lii3W��i1.liaZr3, y .�..�.I //�� "✓4.���/`J���R! `--r �.�.�G''�Y Pltt?II CT LOCATION/ADDRESS S 1TY S �!�,��� STATE;: zip.. 'PAItEa.SIz� .o 6 A�c ... �pl����RT'Y'T�►X II i ist ��z 9-��1�aaf3-o.4a-2 4i-ATls:Ct3DE( ,4 PI.TCA I }, . A .. . ... lh+lAtL AD> GfIM.tTAGT PNfil�tE:NUNi$ER I R i RiC I') Pl<il ill=:.:. ..T:..�.. . ,. Z. CoxTRACTQR IFQRMiT>Qrl(FsA> ItlAliri ;3t Lucie Count} Carle mid Cnmptled l insss raga r lhrrX rhxs:t}pe:nf w�rprk he done:hy.a:Iirensed'cr�mmeton ,If tipplyrag for:ihu pernrit T 4. t tit vimerlhuilder` xemittk+n see VS014;sui Stal ent an:pstgia 4 r.A Ct7BrRAc alt 1�1E 'A�lc:::x- nr anr2 ,cl�� ✓�CsS �.�Llt`7� �G�_FT P. ALMI3 SS". ay PHONE NL MBERt ..... .40RtU.A. .M./ R #Cl,C/�67/s''R .. :ST L[JQEM:+CERT.# _.. .... EUII:DII+iG CClN1'RALTaR . _.... .... ..... ADDRESS- PFIONE'M€l?VIBER ........ ..._. ... _.... . ...... S D 00 VEGEWIO.VL O HE g-RUPYED P.ROVIDE A::SKETCft OR:SITF PLAN IF rAPPIXABLE'WtMiC7`[NG WI3ER1�. F`,ROPOSE MENT WILL QQQJR. _. _. _.. O C. 4, .. _.'!J . S � 0. ,DES /�G/Y101fr�O l t�DAT�azs�zatQ t D E�EINPTIt�N ...... ..... .. typerson wiw intends to nemtsve ar:cmrs the deatl;ofartygetatiou ptttnt.to ally olihe follawmg ccetnpttons trust larst fill outPart of this form The blinder ofpxovtng entttletnent to:aLty particular exetri .1011 shalllie,ttt.axl tunesf:rxtth,ihe ..... :persan:airpatsons clattmng theexempton: RIuL Glil +Ci :�l F:` ...... E1Lt) lG Tie#a n l rentovaal of v to tctni ncce &ar f :the elcanug cl'n psth;rtot need to Width, t a.pxovtde physical acaeess or view ttecessaxy tv conc�u t u su y oz site ex.mtitnation R ltf'm.Width t4:provtde ve..ICU._ access necessary to,C411rl11Ct ©tl tG"&tS, for the pre It n of liana tTc Sttc Ade��loptnent pluz s ar zxegctataori . tnveniones,l rovtde i such cleating or removal is.cortductctl tmdcr.the direction: f a Florida rcg steered survcycst or engineer _ : The removal of vegetauort. a tlttlity easc:itent tlrattagc eeatt;st�sxnt water xttanagement tract or fitht% or ng - ' nytded clt vvorkinc bye�nder#ise crnitioftiepge #tng ut cotripau idl apaoy has vbtetnod all necessary licenses or pe .tnuts to prom UR ty semc : ...bu h tl e:iseiricttt Fee; 55 . ........ _. 3�.:Tlzc rival of .c tation which has been deter red to beta safety ha�arda destroyed'or damaged beyond saving by natural causes causes not covered by outer seen ors ofihts c3isptec,jiitfeciecwth scase.orjg. rnsecfsY rtt +th ch cgrlstttutes urtmerlW P.10 to life property or other s .S' 5. t+to applstttaly,aggrovtt,.or fees;are x+equired tr remoYstl uf'h ltacardous' ree un res propertZ the Arlbret rr er th urnl Sbtntmentwame ie esp t d t►crety of ou :ireused lhadspe;ttrchitec# tt# thc#ree putts st::datsgez*°tr►.persp»s or FraAect�' Fite rival`af native vcgetatton,upon any<dct�chc single family restderiaal lot'.ctr pared af' land vmg.rtn.urea of one(1)acre ar less 'Ilia.exe npttc+o is,ho eR�er:subtect io the fallowing ,. candtt .ns Fee55 a hut.m.th s.ctcemgt. sal. any pe.. f van the : .... Ping utremehts act`;... .. ur>Section; .. U ;tlQtftc St»I;uctc County L:aad Develctpmett Code, .. 1 �. .`lus.....ttorr shad licit he ea trued to atlo i s nem;ava! r a teraao i€tf any prtzteeted regetattan ' oi►.lvei Pttmtt Wnamr lot:or. l of Many tits subdlvrder utless the stabdvtder iritehda:tti c onset tct a iestdeat>Al unit or units upon_the lot or—PI.c... 1and prtar to its:sale. £} NO::trait� °t�egetai an twe..tyx faor::tncf>cs(2 " ,ar gree ter,cibh;shall.Eie re>i ,�d:f om Tiny residential p eel (including those th diskrlcEs� a gardless of.l arcel.s ze, lit octt art approved Vegetation Removal Perrttit tend an approv rntf gatc on plmr. The:removal of any;nun nature veg+ tton..Feet which w�l b+e uritty tl for remmov'A* f n vamV exotic b ly for sutglr hozneuwuer€trru erty dvvne�r's assetdatiou remanng eat(tcs,. V t: No ►egc€ on tts be;:reMOVecl Fees: 5 a; "i ;;ollaw agaet v saes dt�:not Mq%ure tl�appltc� tort of a Notice.ofVegetattan RernosA. hovirever regtnre Bitrld3ngPettt agpxoval ttr`athersuch suttsortzation Tee1~ione I�xese andrts genzctzt tits Ycgetatton remnval acttvt€iessstttlt atlopte t genrtetit plan fox gpvet faeitt a used .rec tttott rtreos,w dltfe managcmeat areas: coal ou a and preset ts; 'ice piiipes a the vegetation remr l nca iity shalt be ttr protec#aid prese the natural val fitnctiotls oFthe ccologtcnl coin as,clearing fdr firelxt:u s,°rab�ndueting prey trecl bumsx c r col. nictton offences. B Exitnt . g ..grtcttltizw Qpexahotis: 'iregefmttp removal associated with suhsegt ens harvestpng:actaytties, except wt.... xec red preserve micas tsr deeds ;cottservatton ea5etneiits,which um part o the on gating' .... activities tf`the c)dsfiq i attort;shalt hot r ut€e a pemttt. u uai;.cte ng of a site ts:;nat an era}t ....... .._..... ._ ...._.... ............... .. . . ..... ......_. .. act tnty Soria':#'isleagrieal.....itctivi..... elude commercial:rieirsery.-tree:fnnnn,acluacultiue*:ranch,or siuii cc ........... .. ...: . ... .. ....... ..... ...... .. ....... __ ........ ...... opet0r; Rciutiii l. ndse tenaiice Trirmrartg or:prttsng of vetttist_wlt�ch is rtui intended ito result m the. .. . ever l death ttie vegetutton,ono ng of ys s[ir lawns,or:eoY tl Ar lm_mpiitg or gardenrng,�ict ty wlticlt is Gemmel y recttg re routine.matiitettsnce;repiaaemcnt or rc-[endscaping, UPDATM SF2WOK ..... :. .... ... .....::...: ....... I?�T�I : �� 7"�Y'T�ON�t�txAtL PEF�+IIT B c ted�tle I per Smnglte li* }xiO Lo lBuil n per Mu�fmani�.-Rome l(.o't Buildin : er:l+ ttn-1 ien�tatB�uilding: Please complete:Al L uI'the regaested rtfun on A:Vcgcfatipn Iteinaval l'e�xnrtshall;az lybe Issued afsuflic..ient:evid zi monstratu that at least ane;;s�f the.fvllo ztx�g criteria has been sAtisfied:; I The appheant vcgette#�o a+eval xm�t:shall deoAtrate why iesezvstion:afthe existing dative<vegetatron<is; nut practically fcastble aitd preveiits the reasonable aievelopirient of the site. The rl.atlietl�e rttnrmrrtts:necossary in.tirder tci implement it Final> evelQptnesit Oder: e,tippved stte plan trr applovl Iclitig pernzit),: 3 A Finan::I3cveh►pmen#Order has"... een.issued: t�r;is;noi required'by this Cade:for thte.uitended':.actirc=agrtcmItwa1 use of.#he.lsad:nrtd vegcttr oii:rei>itivtil is the anin mtnat necessary to;allow for the:constniction tif:the intcaitied tsc: or:tmprovement.. ... .... ..... . . ; . ETA'I`L Siw Pis McColl an n C dd�ho o the p. O.ain O)vvided to l. 0.0*u lding. leltAr merit ' .. fhe planssrnustacctttely+cl,ef►iot the Iaoicsn.of aI proposedruldrngs,strustu ,diivewrays,.septtp.€anlcs,:sad tithe improvemgnts, I'he suxvey Must accurately dcptct the individual:locations,specie...a=and:common name;anct sizes of all County:- pzrotected trees to be rerntived rind`if app.10a;.e,;the iiidltindual Iocatiorts,species name;and common: time,: d sizes t.-W presersrcd...or.relt3caied Vegetittlaa m+ flI'bn The vegetarian removaltlan.miusi illstrae the existing vegetative condicians on the groiect site, nclvtling ati identificatiaii ofu rat arm u=rli t m as t d by_:i�i�:pr spaced:deti-clapmettt activity-an �tihat sirens are proposW f+r preservat%on or replanting: ..................... :; ......at ott . 11,natiye.vegetatzon shrill he Proiecl.+ ti site t "the greatest elctent po5stble:1f:iinpact as urtavotdable„riiititioii;:. shall be p t ided through:on 4f:the nuti at►on.metltodalo�ies:outluied: ii 'De�relcipmerit;Code'SectIon Provide n tigatton:calculitt ons per Laird 'evel�tgment:Code Section GaQU.05.13:,nd:include a mu Button plan; aittluiing Proposed;ixnt%gation int the ri th ti ae.sur, y:annd/br site plan. 1f sufficRent:miiga#ian tint be tnaodareri:ontte adilittonal hes tsfctetlit aFe raquired based cficutatioii;:an offtc ilttgatu+tt,plait sha#be a€tach "mr7ev Ltd:riiprvalfFF Direaetor timid De�etopmt' fade Section 6 t.5 D} .Prior tQ the;issuance of agy a'thortzatian;for comineiicemem of permitted deveiopmeiit activity,the replace Yient _. vegetsitioa shall be.preserved,relocated or'plaitt.. or the apgrognate nnitigani r fees shall be paid to the County As part ofthe.issuance ofany permit re.quirm,Ramugation,the property owner shall submit to an:nspectian of the: plaedtretacatedlpreserved materials l8.irtiiotiths aRer the issuance of st Cert>fcate.o�Qcculrancy:or"o.#her use authonzatiort MAM ST26kZt119 PLEASE:HAVE'THE.,FOLLOWING.,ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS NOTARIZED: I CERTIFY THAT: (CHECK ONE) A. ( ) I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND WILL BE CONDUCTING THE WORK AS OWNER/BUILDER. Disclosure Statement.State law requires construction to be done by licensed contractors. You have applied for a permit under an exemption to(hat law. The exemption allows you,as the owner of yourproperty,to act as your own contractor with certain restrictions even though you do not have a license. You must provide direct, onsite supervision of the construction yourself. You may build or improve a one-family or two-family residence or a farm outbuilding. You may also build or improve a commercial building,provided your costs do not exceed$75,000. The building or residence must be for your own use or occupancy.It may not be built or substantially improved for sale or lease.Ifyou sell or lease a building you have built orsubstantlallyimproved yourself within 1 year after the construction is complete, the law will presume that you built or substantially improved it for sale or lease, which is a violation of this exemption. You may not hire an unlicensed person to act as your contractor or to supervise people working on your building.It is your responsibility to make sure that people employed by you have licenses required by state law and by county or municipal licensing ordinances You may not delegate the responsibility for supervising work to a licensed contractor who is not licensed to perform the work being done.Any person working on your building who is not licensed must work under your direct supervision and must be employed by you,which means that you must deduct F.I.C.A.and withholding tax and provide workers'compensation for that employee,all as prescribed by law. Your construction must comply with al/applicable laws, ordinances,building codes,and zoning regulations. B. ( ) I AM NOT THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE ABOVED DESCRIBED PROPERTY;HOWEVER,I HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT AS AGENT FOR THE OWNER OF RECORD. (St. Lucie County Code and Compiled Laws requires that this type of work be done by a licensed contractor. PLEASE PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION). I CER IFY TALL INFORMATION SUBMITTED- ITH T IS AP L ATION IS TRUE AND COMPLETE TO TH F Y KNOWLEDGE. O=OF SI NAT CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE SIDA, STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST.LUCIE COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged The foregoing instrument was acknowledged bet in this Fday of ,20 before me this ,Z/�ay of20 by�r��C�,,zel J�i+��S DN ,who is by "� ,who is erson lly know to me or has pr�duc�,d personally know to me o a produced a 5 - ,_2. en�Ification. (��Z as identification. Signature of Notary Signature of Notary Type or Pr' t Name of Notary Type or Prmt Name of Notary Notary Public Title Notary Public Title )-`j to&5-Commission Number Commiss' umber ��aa `r�tANY'pGb�i (SEAL): & IYiIINIS (SEAL): »`State of BEN V "r=MISSION#002M �OMm;Fi°riaa q UGy "nn�` My CO On#iV°tart/ EXPIRES: Sept 9,�2022 � o°to m;n#G ?70�biic 801M�t1U Al1011 Not" — bey.2 2 22fres e FOR OFFICE USE ONLY APPROVED DENIED REVIEWED/APPROVED BY: ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT / DATE 4 UPDATED 8/28/2019 I