HomeMy WebLinkAboutCancellation request formP t .,\ -\ N I N C & D l,t v t._ 1,() t,[,] tiN't' s ti tt\rI c E s lll-II ltt\:1' r'. //r\.t\ /' rtrr jt('!/\\ ..rr-.L-alt.!\, L\ ,.1r.!t \\l trl l lr!l\r-\ 230(f \. II{GINL\ .\\-l.l Ii{)RT I'Itat{frI.,. Ft. -14992 {777\ 462-1553 t-,\\ 462-t 578 {'rr.\N(;F. oI: c{)\'rR.\{t't'oR. suB('o\TIr \(. [(]R O!t C,.\NCELLA'r'It]N OF I]I.r_u]r"t' PL hA\l \Ft FI I (l\lp (iF Titi i;i-ri i (livi\(,' -CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR - Change of Contrar-'tor is to be signed and notarized by the propcrly owncl. andthelrewLrDtltlaclorofl'cr-otd tbrthe currellt pcrmil- A nevr,perrnit applicatiorr tuust also t". c.rnrplcted with ncw ctiltlractor inlbrmation rrrd sigrrature. A new Noticc ol C'c'rnnrcncelrlent tngst be t-ilcd in the new coltrae:lor's rranrc lor job values grearter rhan 52"500 (57.500 if A/C Churrgc-out). A rccortled copy must bc suhrnitrctl prior to crrrnnlcncing any work. 'l'here is a $50.00 fee l'or f he Changc of Contractor. --CHANGE Of SLIBCON'|'[L'\.C1'OR - Sttbcontractor charrges rtrc to he ct-rnrplctetJ by the general conrrircror. Thc tieu' stltrc$ntl'acfor rnusl fill <lttt a Sulrcontrat-tor' .AgTec'mcnt Forrl. Thcre is a{50.00 fee for the Change of Sul> ry:'HCELLATION oF PERTYIT - The canccllation of a pernrit is acceprable only ir no work has b..-u-D rlt)re. Clance llalion of pernrit is to he signcd and notarizcd by Lrtrth the owner antl qullitier of r-et-ortJ. Therc is no fce firr carlcdlation of tlrr pernrit. $atc: 09.16.2 perrnit NrrrnSer: 1s05-0437 Site Addresr. 10851 S Ocean Driv* 48. Port St Lucie.Fl Air-Ref Conipany, lnc. O ri giual CC. subcirntratjl or or crrvncri/bu i ldrr Ncrl G(-. sutrcorrl lttct<-rr' llcusiru litr Caurc..llario,., Owner cancelled the job te i_iceiiir CBC05g453 \i-tl l-iccnsc it*r'ri:r,y agrtrd to indenrnilv and hold harn-rlcss St Lucie County,, its otficers. ilgcnt.,i ald ernpl6ygg5 fiorn all arising frtlnr arry and all clainrs of action tbr any rcdson. which may arise as a r(stttt of this change of or rcrnce ltation of penrril. A prrmit !'i.]*ljT lr:'riltr il-ttltu h;r. Strte of FIli.h- {- torrty trf St- l-tti* Cr,rlrrv Thc lqll,'r irrg !n\f r trrlicrlt q:g nfiirh,wle,Jg.J bllir" rru rhis b-fr a*r,ul SqrM :o Ao. av * ila a rEZ*pldoy. a O _..*rvhtr is ptr'-,alllh kn.ayn tu riiu rannol be carieellett if rrork.has bee-r pcrlbrnrerl. '-''.t:'- '- :- ' -- .---- - \lCti,{TURtl fit:NllR}"L (B\-i.lt-,\CT|]R irrr *r* {jii. as aFi-iirai'iri pnr.\-rN.c\lE Thornas L Cuenot St,rt< oiFftirida, C,.urrty of St. I r11j!'{-r,,r1r1ly TJrc fiilk'iting it-Lutrunxnt \rirs irlti.rrsl(,dr(.d Iklirrc ni. rhr\/{,'a ,tnv niJ'ry.iL .3u"4i, hy'i* u**-€:l:dd- sF ul,o is p!-!-:r!!rj]y.br.r:.rrp ro _as ll). 09.'t6.20 i,r ruho ltri -.ts lD. 09.16.20 I'r Signlture of I):rlr a.-- !. I !,:-_.\l ll 1 r i is. tits cir Jlrt3 hd.ryPuDtrcSEbdFrufirl Snartne F Zqa{hnex*r &mmo?,G"* PAUL $I}HGEHIS MY CCSMISSiOi{ # G6 28n17 EXPIIIE$: FekuarY 8, 2t23 B.{IJ+J l}ru f}WNLR icr .. .-Stat."- License_SlC License wo