HomeMy WebLinkAboutFlat Roof NOA- udatedDEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND EC NOMI( BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DI SION NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE NOA CertainTeed Corporation (PA) 1400 Union Meeting Road Blue Bell, PA 19422 RESOURCES (RER) MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 Miami, Florida 33175-2474 T (786)315-2590 F (786) 31525-99 www.mianddade.eov/economy SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the appli able rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been revie d and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other ar s where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the exl (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ or material tested for quality assurance p manufacturer will incur the expense of si of such product or material within their j determined by Miami -Dade County Pr& of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described including the High Velocity Hurricane DESCRIPTION: Flintlastic SA LABELING: Each unit shall bear a pert statement: "Miami -Dade County Product RENEWAL of this NOA shall be in the applicable building code neE ;ion date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product )ses. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use diction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements n, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code c of the Florida Building Code. Systems Over Wood Decks label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following 1 Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. -red after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occafter the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the roduct or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes all automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination d removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA i expiration date may be displayed in in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire shall be available for inspection at the This NOA renews NOA # 10-0330.02 ai The submitted documentation was revic preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the ;ing literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done A shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and site at the request of the Building Official. consists of pages 1 through 13. d by Alex Tigera. NOA No.: 15-0108.03 Expiration Date: 04/13/20 Approval Date: 04/09/15 Page 1 of 13 ROOFING ASSEMBLY APPROVAL Cateeorv: Roo mg Sub-Cateeory: Mo feed Bitumen Material: SB Deck Type: Wo d Maximum Deshm Pressure -105 psf TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS M LNUFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT: TABLE 1 Test Product Product Dimen 'ons Specification Description Flintlastic SA NailBase 66'6" x -3/8" ASTM D4601, Fiberglass reinforced, SBS modified bitumen Type II base sheet. Flintlastic SA Mid Ply 33'11"x 9-3/8" ASTM D6164 Polyester and Fiberglass scrim reinforced, SBS modified ply sheet. p Flintlastic SA P1yBase 39'-3/8" 66'6" ASTM D1970 A self -adhering Fiber glass mat, SBS modified bitumen ply sheet. ;2 Flintlastic SA Cap 33'l 1" x 9-3/8" ASTM D6164 Polyester scrim reinforced, self -adhering SBS cap sheet. Flintlastic SA Cap FR 33'11" x 9-3/8" ASTM D6163 Fiberglass scrim reinforced, self -adhering fire retardant SBS cap sheet. Flintlastic SA Cap CoolStar 33'l I" x 9-3/8" ASTM D6164 Polyester scrim reinforced, SBS cap sheet with a CoolStar coating. Flintlastic SA Cap FR 33'11" x9-3/8" ASTM D6163 Fiberglass scrim reinforced, fire retardant SBS CoolStar cap sheet with a CoolStar coating. FlintPrime Asphalt 1, 3 or 5lal al pail ASTM D 41 Asphalt primer. FlintPrime SA 1, 3 or 5 pail Proprietary Water based, polymer modified primer. NOA No.: 15-0108.03 Expiration Date: 04/13/20 Approval Date: 04/09/15 Page 2 of 13 APPROVED ASSEMBLIES: Deck Type 1I: Wood, Insulate Deck Description: Min 19/32" thick 1 lywood at max 24" spans attached 6" o.c. using 8d diameter ring shank nails. System Type A(1): Anchor sheet m4chanically fastened, optional top layer adhered with approved adhesive All General and System Limitations ap#ly. One or more layers of any of the followini Base Insulation Laver H -Shield Minimum 1.5" thick Ton Insulation Laver DensDeck Minimum '/a" thick insulations. Insulation Fasteners Fastener Table 3 Density/ft' N/A N/A Insulation Fasteners Fastener Table 3 Density/ft' N/A N/A Note: Base insulation layer shall be I adhered with TITESET Roofing Adhesive or WeatherTite One Step Foamable Adhesive spaced 4" o.c. Top layer of insulation shall be adhered with TITESET Roofing Adhesive or WeatherTite One Step Foamable Adhe've spaced 6" o.c. Please refer to Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for insulation attachment. Anchor Sheet: One ply of All eather/ Empire Base Sheet mechanically attached as detailed below. Fastening: Anchor sheet sh 11 be fastened with FBC HVHZ nails and tin caps spaced 8" o.c. at the 3" lap and 8" o.c. int e, equally spaced center rows. Primer: Apply Flint-Pri e SA to DensDeck surface at 0.3 gal/square. Base Sheet: One or more la rs of Flintlastic SA P1yBase, self -adhered. Membrane: One layer of FI' tlastic SA Cap, Flintlastic SA Cap FR, Flintlastic SA Cap FR CoolStar, Flintlastic SA D CoolStar self -adhered. Surfacing Maximum Design Pressure: None -52.5 psf (See ( Limitation #7.) NOA No.: 15-0108.03 MIAMIā€¢DADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 04/13/20 Approval Date: 04/09/15 Page 5 of 13 Deck Type 1: Wood, Non- nsulated Deck Description: Min 19/32" thl ek plywood at max 24" spans attached 6" o.c. using #8 wood screws. System Type E(3): Base sheet rr echanically fastened All General and System Limitations ap ly. Anchor Sheet: One or more layers of Flintlastic SA NailBase, mechanically attached as described below. Fastening: Anchor shee shall be fastened with FBC HVHZ nails and tin caps spaced 6" o.c. at the 3" lap and 6" o. . in three, equally spaced center rows. Primer: None. Base Sheet: One or more layers of Flintlastic SA P1yBase, self -adhered. Membrane: One layer of Flintlastic SA Cap, Flintlastic SA Cap FR, Flintlastic SA Cap FR CoolStar, Flintlastic S Cap CoolStar self -adhered.. Surfacing: None Maximum Design Pressure: - 75 psf (Sed General Limitation #7.) Deck Type 1: Wood, Non- Insulated Deck Description: Min 19/32" th ck plywood at max 24" spans attached 6" o.c. using #8 wood screws. System Type E(4): Base sheet n iechanically fastened. All General and System Limitations apply. Anchor Sheet: One or morc layers of Flintlastic SA NailBase, mechanically attached as described below. Fastening: Primer: Base Sheet: Membrane: Maximum Design Pressure: APPROVED Anchor shec t shall be fastened with FBC HVHZ nails and tin caps spaced 4" o.c. at the 3" lap and 4" o c. in four, equally spaced center rows for a total of five rows. None One or mor layers of Flintlastic SA PlyBase, self -adhered One layer o Flintlastic SA Cap, Flintlastic SA Cap FR, Flintlastic SA Cap FR CoolStar,/ Flintlastic S Cap CoolStar self -adhered None - 105 psf (Sfe General Limitation #7.) NOA No.: 15-0108.03 Expiration Date: 04/13/20 Approval Date: 04/09/15 Page 11 of 13 WOOD DECK SYSTEM LIMITA A slip sheet is required with Ply 4 GENERAL LIMITATIONS: 2. 4. 6. /A 8. 10 Fire classification is not part of this ratings of this product. Insulation may be installed in multipl Approval guidelines. All other layer EVT range and at a rate of 20-40 lbs., All standard panel sizes are acceptal shall be 4'x 4' maximum. An overlay and/or recovery board in; when the base sheet is fully moppc mopping with approved asphalt, 12" each sidelap and one down the center is not acceptable. A 6" break sha application of either system shall be Note: Spot attached systems shall 1 Fastener spacing for insulation attach tested in compliance with Testing Ap 275 lbf. insulation attachment shall n, Fastener spacing for mechanical attac fastener resistance value in conjuncts( fastener resistance be less than that rc prepared, signed and sealed by a Flor Consultant may be submitted. Said r Testing Application Standards TAS 1 117. Perimeter and comer areas shall con densities shall be increased for both i Standard RAS 117. Calculations p Registered Architect, or Registered NOA, General Limitation #9 will n All attachment and sizing of perimett Roofing Application Standard RAS 1 The maximum designed pressure lim perimeters, and corners). Neither rati, enhanced pressure zones (i.e. perimel referred within this NOA, General All products listed herein shall have Rule 61G20-3 of the Florida AdminV S: Ply 6 when used as a mechanically fastened base or anchor sheet. refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire layers. The first layer shall be attached in compliance with Product Control shall be adhered in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the >q., or mechanically attached using the fastening pattern of the top layer e for mechanical attachment. When applied in approved asphalt, panel size ulation panel is required on all applications over closed cell foam insulations 1. If no recovery board is used the base sheet shall be applied using spot diameter circles, 24" o.c.; or strip mopped 8" ribbons in three rows, one at of the sheet allowing a continuous area of ventilation. Encircling of the strips I be placed every 12' in each ribbon to allow cross ventilation. Asphalt I a minimum rate of 121bs./sq. e limited to a maximum design pressure of -45 psf. nent is based on a Minimum Characteristic Force (F') value of 275 lbf., as plication Standard TAS 105. If the fastener value, as field-tested, are below t be acceptable. iment of anchor/base sheet or membrane attachment is based on a minimum n with the maximum design value listed within a specific system. Should the luired, as determined by the Building Official, a revised fastener spacing, da registered Professional Engineer, Registered Architect, or Registered Roof vised fastener spacing shall utilize the withdrawal resistance value taken from )5 and calculations in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS ply with the enhanced uplift pressure requirements of these areas. Fastener sulation and base sheet as calculated in compliance with Roofing Application ;pared, signed and sealed by a Florida registered Professional Engineer, .00f Consultant (When this limitation is specifically referred within this t be applicable.) nailers, metal profile, and/or flashing termination designs shall conform with 1 and applicable wind load requirements. ation listed shall be applicable to all roof pressure zones (i.e. field, nal analysis, nor extrapolation shall be permitted for enhanced fastening at rs, extended corners and corners). (When this limitation is specifically imitation #7 will not be applicable.) quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and rative Code. OF THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA No.: 15-0108.03 MAMMADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 04/13/20 Approval Date: 04/09/15 Page 13 of 13