HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoundary SurveyLEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 14 3c 15 in Block 57 of INDIAN RIVER ESTATES I1N1 T $ according to the plot thereof as recorded in Plot Book 10 page 73 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County. Florida. 1 I l 1 OO C O t � LO� W tt G l s cv LiJ � p W O Q a 0 E CA 'I I } 1 5tiMomah Sifeet AMEV I AT.I ONS: . SET to Set 5/8' iron r bor trilh yeiiow cop mocked PS 5543' FO-Found 5/8" Iran Reboi F.F.E.4 finished Floor Elevatio ON--OH--OH'•= Over. Head )divas X"-X--X— Chgin Link Fence R.O.W. = Ri.ght of Way 0-4--0— *ocd Fence R- FPL_Ttonslornrr Pod PC-Volue as platted R - Radius of curve L - Length of curve O- Del of Curve Z. - I�eosured , CONC. - Canuete C:P.- Conc{.ete Pad B at.er eter a- Po*er Pole = Uliiily Box 0= Wei SURVEYORS NOTES *- I..Unless otherwise noted only platted tosements Ore sbo*n hereon. 2..No underground utilities or improvements were located unless ather.*Ise sholln. J. This site lies within Flood Insurance Rote Mal Zone X. 4. Flood Zone shown hereon is on interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy, The flood .zone should be verified by a determinotlon agency. 5. Bearings shown hereon art boxed on .the Center fine. of .BIRCH. DRIVE os being.' 00'00'00' E according to the Plot described hereon. 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Orainagi Easement. 7. All Lot dimensions shown ore per plot unless other0 se shorn. LOT 13 BLOCK 57 S 9.0 00'00' w 125.00' # # f LOT 14 BLOCX 57 a Goo # CS 'I b 44AW T27,11"!19toy _.am 22 sa laoo 1 I STORY FRAME N 44.00 N 90*0600' w 125.00' T I AT F�331 JNZ ' 21dg21 SKIS dNO SJaIS 1N021_I 21' >13d91-3S 'NIW E-1 LOT 16 BLOCK 57 1.... a LO 9 K7 Q 5544 BIRCH DRIVE Cerl i i ied to:'Poeific Unic Finondol DBA .CtewVb1caturift LLC . Justin F. Stdti & Catherine Stoltz and Albert D. Sorrel & Marjorie J. Sorrel St. Lucie Title Services, -Inc CorllmonlYeolth load Title Insurance Company Sckt:1 •=30' Atlantic. Land. Designs at the Treasure Coast. L07468 ' 734 IIE lessen f►eode gird, aens.n tie.ea, it 34sS7 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 142se 1 JennEWsch. FL34058 AL05543@gmaif.com (772)398�4290 DATE:? 10 13 I / 1. hefeby eerli.tr thot the., survey. shoo mleon is Irve and eorreel acid is based am . aetuatmeaseureaenls taken in tfie field, Ihis surer meets the Vini�.Teehnical Slondoeds of Choples 5J-17�� Fiarido adailtistra% 8 tive code. ov++�.+v^e+ar+.+r,�ta:•r PSM 3343 James'A. uwae,§"'aru+erca� Cesiro Jr, 0411W :rpa.w NOT VALID "TfiM M AMENYIt:AM eLWrROMfC ' • at"TWEANOAtm+etrTlcAMD�CrRINIr.Wu. * OR.- AwP ��'' ���1t�� „c,� 2013`0543 DATE: REVISIONS LAST FIELD DATE:7/10/13