HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters , r .,-- PLAS+TNING�&DEVEL(}PII ENT SERVIC S - S, " $VELD G&ZQl!]WG,Di-Y= S + 23U0°' rGINIA AVEC . � � . Ft)RT PIERCE;FL 34982 k° (772)462-1553 FAX 462-157$ -CHANGE-OF CONTRACTO &SUBCONTRACTOR OR CA.NUUATI 11T:+DF=PER %IT PLEA SE SELECT=ONE-OF'THE FoLOWING` CHANGE OF COl�iTRACTOR Change cif.CantkActar>s f o be.signed a ld notarize by the property owner,. and ihe.ntw contractor of reccsrii for the: cuxreiif Permit:.A new perrrtit application-inust�also be°completed with-new; cbnWddar-idozmation and signature. A mew Notice of-Cominenceinent,irtust be filed in th new,contractor's dame for;jab values ater._than $2 54Q $Z SOQ if A!C"Chan a-out A xecarded co :m_ be. subxtiitted Qror to commencing any work,.There is=a$50.00'fee,for the Chadge of 011traC#®Y. - - .'CHANGE OF'S�CONTRACT'OR-=-gubcontracto ,changes"are ata be completed y.the general coritracto . The new subcontractor must" ll;out a 5ubcantractox Agreement Form,'There is' $50,OO:fee fort6ae.Chattge of Snb-. Contractor-. CA- CEI.LATIOP+t OF'PERl M",The cancellatioai of'a pe wit is.acceptable only i no work'has-been.done:, CancellatiC►n of permit is'to.be signed and:notarized by�bi th the.owner and"qualifier of Tec,,rd. There is no,fee:fi r cancellat od of tho;per""mit:. Date. 4%2/2 0 Pel~mit N niber , 2007=0l . XXX 4'37 tunap't4nn tdn "P`o?c P.cence Slto Address. JosB`Concre#e PertecaoNJose Vides StateLicense SLC. icense 25230 Original.GC,:'siibcontracfar ar,6wnerlbutlder State I;icefis SL;C License New.GC,'subcantractor Reason for,Cancellation Gustrimer re-uest ;. � , The.u_ndersigned does hereby agree to zndemnxfy and"hold harmless St L.ucle Caunty?its officersw,age , and employees fra n a21 ` oasis,fees o;damages ansuig from any and,all claims-af action"far.any reason,wh2ch may arise as a rsult of this change of: contractor%stibcantractar or.cancellation ofgaer►tut'A gerniit cattnot be'sai>tce ed;if.w kas""been p rforpn SIGNATURE OF OWNER,(or-ownerlbWlder) SIONATURE G' CO OIt(or ew GC,asapPiia tiie) ' Roland Sacicier Ides PRTIVT NAME,,R. - �� , . PR " � Stare�ofFloieda,'CoarityofStLucieCoun#y y�; 8tase:ofk7uridaCquitlyofSt.I:ucieC;oanty The followmgmstmment was acknowledged befare me this. [ c>x�ng sn vra5 ae Iedged 6e ore mc,thts P Qf " t _170 2 ,by 2Q� by` d�y�i<.fl wlia.is pi�isonally' om;u.•me ,1 'th Whe is per�aall 6;,ti n,to : - or ' has aced ►w= fi4tfsiD_ PSS :° hasProdacad as`TD Sign otsry ' 1)Ate e: slaty !>ate - r� . ELLE L Revised 04I15/,1fi �lf�REYE.S .�` t1 MY COh4Mt$�4111+2 GG;i40Kt7l1'r NoCommtiss�on="GG 13 4e39t z c 'dos EXPIRE^aAuguStO';?021. My Comm& �estep e N3