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Letter; Engineer's Project
August 25, 2020 St. Lucie County Building Department Planning & Development Services 2300 Virginia Avenue ForOierce, FL 34982 RE: Ocean Harbor North Condominiums — Bldg. E 5167 N. Hwy AIA Units 108/208, 408/508, & 708/808 Fort Pierce, FL 34949 Engineer's Project No.: 20-202 To Whom It May Concern; M L Engineering Inc. 2030 —3711 Avenue Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Phone: (772) 569-1257 Fax: (772) 569-4041 1F SEP 10 0?9 ST. Lucie County, Permitting This cover letter is to advise you of the following enclosed documents: 1. Engineer Letter addressed to SLC Bldg. Dept. stating have been retained to provide Special Inspection Services. 2. Threshold Inspection Plan — Completed as required by SLC Bldg. Department. 3. SLC Code Compliance Inspection Application Form — Signed, Sealed and Notarized as required by SLC Bldg. Dept. These documents provide you with the documentation necessary to identify us as an authorized signer. If there are any questions, please contact out pfficeu uT� Dnk you. 4e�'I rho°e©®o Respectfully, v i3�o°q \GEN'9 °oI ��J0 o 47520 o00 p • TA OF . X. !• q Michael Lue; P.E. -- 'AJ .Structural Engineer` FL PE 47520 Asti' Threshold Inspector SI 1061 (-) F` a�..d •` ��jy1�M�i '�o�9AQs I,n Cc: Bob Stark — Structure -Con Gene Ross — Elliott Merrill Khris McConnell — Structure -Con Peter Hayes — Ocean Harbor N, Condo Assoc. r �. ,� � err: �{t�"��.� ♦ '• �5 S 1 s, M L Engineering, Inc. 203037th Ave. Vero Beach, FL 32960 ph (772) 569-1257 / fax (772) 569-4041 Page 1 August 25, 2020 Mr. 'Peter Hayes, President Ocean Harbor North Condominium Association, Inc. Fort Pierce, FL 34949 c/o: Mr. Gene Ross, Property Manager Elliott Merrill Community Management 835 201 Place Vero Beach, FL 32960 M ]L Engineering Inc. 2030 —371' Avenue Vero Beach; Florida 32960 Phone: (772) 569-1257 Fax: (772) 569-4041 =Count%Y,,ePDer,m—:--- itting RE: Ocean Harbor North Condominiums — Concrete Repairs 5167 N. Hwy AlA (Bldg. E) Units 108/208, 408/508, & 708/808 Fort Pierce, FL 34949 Engineer's Project No.: 20-202 To Whom It May Concern; Please be advised that M. L. Engineering, Inc. has been retained to provide Special Inspection,services for the concrete balcony repairs as indicated on the design & repair plans dated 08/24/2020. Copies of all inspection reports and final certification will be forwarded to all respective parties including the St. Lucie County Building Department. If there are any questions, please contact our office. Thank you. Respectfully, /G iclael Lue, P.E. tructural Engineer FL PE 47520 Threshold Inspector SI 1061 Mr. Gene Ross, Property Manager Elliott Merrill Community Management (Agent for Ocean Harbor N. Condo Association) M L Engineering, Inc. 2030 37th Ave. Vero Beach, FL 32960 ph (772) 569-1257 / fax (772) 569-4041 Page 1 M L Engineering Inc. 2030 —3711' Avenue Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Phone: (772) 569-1257 Fax: (772) 569-4041 August 25, 2020 St. Lucie County Building Department �`�Ekw�' Planning & Development Services 2300 Virginia Avenue SEP ' J' Fort Pierce, FL 34982 ST. Lucre County, Permltting RE: Ocean Harbor North Condominiums - Concrete Repairs 5167 N. Hwy AlA (Bldg. E) Units 108/208, 408/508, & 708/808 Fort Pierce, FL 34949 Engineer's Project No.: 20-202 To Whom It May Concern; Please be advised that M. L. Engineering, Inc. has been retained to provide Special Inspection services for the concrete balcony repairs as indicated on the design & repair plans dated 08/24/2020. Copies of all inspection reports and final certification will be forwarded to all respective parties including the St. Lucie County Building Department. If there are any questions, please contact our office. Thank you. 0\IIIIIIIIIII/,I ,�P�. ANrN�Ny'�% Respectfully, ."CENSE'''•;lG No. 47520 ; /A-TATE OF Michael Lue, P.E..- ��i ;111iI,�`\\ Structural Engineer FL PE 47520 Threshold Inspector SI 1061 Cc: Bob Stark - Structure -Con Gene Ross - Elliott Merrill Peter Hayes - Ocean Harbor N. Condo Association, Inc. FILE COPY Enc: Threshold Inspection Services Agreement M L Engineering, Inc. 2030 37th Ave. Vero Beach, FL 32960 ph (772) 569-1257 / fax (772) 569-4041 Page 1 Threshold Inspections Special' Inspection Plan August 25, 2020 M L )Engineering Inc. 2030 3Th Ave Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Phone: (772) 569-1257 Fax: (772) 569-4041 SEP 10 320 ST. Lucie County, Permitting Project: Ocean Harbor North Condominiums — Concrete Repairs 5167 N. Hwy. AIA (Bldg. E) Units 108/208, 408/508, & 708/808 Fort Pierce, FL 34949 Owner's Representative Structural Engineer of Record Elliott Merrill Community Management Mr. Gene Ross - 835 20th Place Vero Beach, FL 32960 M L Engineering, Inc. 2030 371 Ave. Vero Beach, FL 32960 This Statement of Threshold Inspections is submitted as required for permit issuance and in accordance with the requirements of the Florida Building Code (FBC). It includes a schedule of Special Inspection Services applicable to this project as well as the name of the Special Inspector. The Special Inspector shall keep records of all inspections and shall furnish inspection reports to the Building Official, Owner, Engineer of Record and Contractor. All discrepancies shall be brought to the Contractor's attention, and if such discrepancies are not corrected, these discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the Building Official and Structural Engineer of Record. The Special Inspector shall submit a final report to the Building Official documenting completion of all Special Inspections and corrections of any discrepancies prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. Special inspections do not relieve the Contractor of his or her responsibilities to carry out quality control inspections and testing. Job site safety means and methods are solely the responsibility of the Contractor.tAN'r80 \��`��G`���•0C E N SE • f'� PMichael No.4o520STATE OF . Lue, P.E. Florida P.E. No. 47520 �.��`�'••� OR ID Special Inspector No. 1061 y69.�. 3 M L Engineering, Inc. 2030 371h Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32960 ph (772) 569-1257 / fax (772) 569-4041 Page 1 IVY L Engineering Inc. 2030 3711 Ave Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Phone: (772) 569-1257 Fax: (772) 569-4041 Special Inspection Plan Ocean Harbor North — Concrete Repairs 5167 N. Hwy. A1A (Bldg. E) Units 108/208, 408/508, & 7081808 Fort Pierce, FL 34949 CeneraA dotes 1. The purpose of this Special Inspection as required by the FBC, is to report and record the repair procedures highlighting those that are not in compliance with the Contract Documents. 2. The Special Inspector shall meet the requirements of the Board of Building Codes and Standards. The special inspector shall be qualified as a building inspector under Part XII of Chapter 468, Florida Statutes, or certified as a special inspector under Chapter 471 or 481, Florida Statues. 3. The Special Inspector must solely dedicate his time to the Project and shall not be allowed to provide other services or work, such as material or concrete testing on the same project. 4. The Contractor shall cooperate with and assist, however possible the Special Inspector in performing his inspections. The Contractor shall allow the Special Inspector access to the project at all times when work is in progress. The Contractor shall review this plan and coordinate the schedule of work such that a minimum of 24 hours notice is given to the Special Inspector before the work that requires inspection is performed. 5. The Special Inspector shall be responsible to the Owner and Building Department having jurisdiction for the project. 6. The Special Inspector shall perform site visits at regular intervals to ensure that the inspections are being performed by his on -site representative in accordance with the Threshold Plan. 7. The Special Inspector shall cooperate with the Contractor and shall immediately notify the Contractor of all discrepancies and deviations from the Contract Documents, and the Contractor shall immediately make every effort to rectify said discrepancies or deviations. 8. Upon completion of the structural repairs, a signed and sealed statement by the Special Inspector must be submitted to the building department stating that the portion of the project under his inspection responsibilities and under the Threshold Plan was constructed in substantial conformance with the Contract Documents. 9. This document is in addition to the requirements of the standard building inspections as required by the Florida Building Code and is not meant to specify all inspections required by that Code. M L Engineering, Inc. 2030 371 Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32960 ph (772) 569-1257 / fax (772) 569-4041 Page 2 M L Engineering Inc. 2030 37" Ave Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Phone: (772) 569-1257 Fax: (772) 569-4041 Special Inspection Plan Ocean Harbor North — Concrete Repairs 5167 N. Hwy. A1A (Bldg. E) Units 108/208, 408/508, & 708/808 Fort Pierce, FL 34949 Schedule of Special Inspection Services Scope of Mork 1. Repair concrete balcony slab edge and post tension cables. 2. Remove existing hurricane shutters as required to repair balcony edge. 3. Re -install hurricane shutters when repairs are complete. 4. Provide waterproofing & deck topping at repaired areas. 5. New stucco finish at repaired areas to match surrounding areas. Concrete Repairs 1. Verify location and quantity of repairs. 2. Verify repair complies with design documents. 3. Verify the use of the correct approved materials. 4. Verify the repair to post tension cables. 5. Verify the size and placement of reinforcing. M L Engineering, Inc. 2030 371 Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32960 ph (772) 569-1257 / fax (772) 569-4041 Page 3