HomeMy WebLinkAboutScanned from a Xerox Multifunction PrinterAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COM1PcEI ED FUR APPCIZM i ION i U 6E HCCEP i ED Date: 9/25/2020 Perm+t Number: To L u((i fllg Budding Permit ApplisrdtiVn Yla,,,,r,ry a„a Ue7elor... e„tSe, , ces autiding and Coveneguiarion vivision t.UITIMErCidl Rebidentidl 2300 Virginia Avenue, Forr Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1D,8 PERMIT APPLICATION FORWAC / Mechanical PROPUSED IMPRUVEMENT LOCATION: mddress: `*c Hrl7oles Del Morte Fort Pierce, PC 3zF95-I Property pax ID ;;: _ �,iie Plan (Came: 4z Hrboles Del Norte Protect Name: Frances Lafrance LDE IAICED DEStrRIP 11019 OF WORK: Exact AC change out, no duct work 4 TON, 14 SEER Package Unit ivew Electrical Meier �)eevnta Eleni, ical Dieter Lula5 I RUC I Iula i MFORIDIA I ION: Additional work to be performed under this permit–check all That apply: _Mechanical —Gas PanR Gas Pipin6 Shutters _ Electric — Plumbing —Sprinklers oral aq. Ft of 4onstruction: _ Cost of Construction: 5 6,800 _ Generator -,,q. PE. of First Floor: X Lot No. Block No. Windows/Doors Pond Roof Pitch Utilities: _Sewer _3eptic ouilding Reight: OWNER/LESSEE: KAL I OR: Mame uaviia %rapser (Came: Dennis Zacek Address: 42 Arboles Del Norte Company: ARS 1 Rescue Rooter Address: 2800 US HWY 1 City: Fort Pierce State: _ Zip Code: 34951 Fax: City: vero 6eacll date: FC PPione ICQ. r02-203-1577 Zip Code: 32960 Fax: E -Mail: Pnone Mo r r�-rye-r�45 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page if different E -Mail mgillis@ars.com from The Owner listen aoove) date or Coll-"ty Eicense CMC1249753 it valaw of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECUR13ED Mo[ice of Commencement Is require0. 5—PPEEIGitM I AC L01151 RUC. I ILM CIEI9 EAW INtURMA I IUM DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _ Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: Iaot Applicable Namc: Address: Flame: Addru3s: City: State: City: SLale: Zip: PhonE Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER: _ Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _Mat Applicable Name: Mame: Address: Address: City: City: Jp: Phone: Zip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Hpplicaiion is RereD, fflo0e To v5l-ia u p�rr--it tv ao tFi= aFR and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation nas commences prior to tRe issuance or,, per...;t. St. Lucie Countmakesno representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit Rol'aer to ouii0 Me suoject structur� vnieFi i; in e-niyl;�t rritR anx pplicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or proRiMit sucn structure. Please con, --Ii .. T rver FivTe O..n.r� A�3or.;at;on and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In zvn,i8er;-.tien yr 0C. scanting or this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the worx in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida 11uhl3ing Cotles ana m. rucie County ArnenO-ent— i ne TvllvMFle 5eil5irsg p,rrnit apPIi,otion3 are exempt from undersoins a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimmi.,g pvoi,, rerlce3, .;5m, cr«n vwv—s a„ d accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in paying twice Tor improvements to your prupurty. A Notice of Czimmencement ,iiust be recorded in the public records of St. Eucie County ana posted on the jobsite before the fiat insp«tiun. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recording your Notice of CummEncement. —0 %---h� 1��L C) , qi—s', Signature of Owner/ Lessee ntractor as Agent for Owner Signature of Contractor/L nse Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF St Lucia Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of x Ph sical Presence or Online Notarization this day of l , 2020 by Dennis Zacek Name of person making statement. Personally Known x Type of Identification Produced ure of Notary Commission No. GG340178 OR Produced Identification REVIEWS I FRONT COUNTER DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED ev. 571577IF— STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OFs+Lucie Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of x Physical Presence or Online Notarization this AS day of ( 2020 by Oennis Zscek Name of person making statement. Personally Known x Type of Identification Produced SACHATEAUMEOr 01 (Signature of Notary Publi _ state of Fivpn%- notary Puvlic ommission No. cosaa»a i✓ommission # GG 340, 13 Ay camr+i=:en Expires may 30, 202 ZONING SUPIE RV150R PLANS VEGETATION REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW i REVIEW OR Produced Identification �571§SA CHATEAUNE:UF ate of Florida - Notary Public Commission # GG 340178 :nmmission Expires May 30, 2023 SEATURTLE I MANGROVE REVIEW REVIEW Instauation Work Order r �. (772)567.3100 2800 US Highway 1, Vero Beach, FL 3Q960 PJMMl kl-,011 r1g-t' ,.,,wncele Res�een!!n SeMces of Florda, rnc.!ic, v rnil 11.11 ; f_ ..4. 4 t 1 CnGleio�w.EC��vee„5a cmrswTEl P -.- - l� -mow r`2 144 I c!¢-1re�e I worerrn��e SIZE { ,_ TYPE S]ZE� r • Re r, 'EFFICIENCY _ lIor d � I EI�FFICIENCY 'aED $ SUBTOTAL a_(el 6() -__ SUBTOTAL s MONTHL' EST.- -y_ IMONTHLY EST $ CUS m I!R INITIALS CUSTOMER INITIALS _ W.r._R.y:-' 'fl) Parts i Labor.•.Warranty:"Pans Lab(* Conpr,assor _ Reat Exchan er f Compressor : Re,.r 1510wng.r "ern¢98 o�xlwlge rrohu, ae w3rrAIT_y �x rr.m tl i marwrw -mr. fa'�leetheeproef © fd.cgnnaGr Drain Eino ❑ D9hvmidilior_-. Di .neat E)wei;ogS.rerKit laOa.d..�UnitPod Giut■tire. E.refprment Slnb (P -n &Flew) ❑ Flo_ Y-trlirli Mund le -1 -liver P -ds El Mina D, -:n Safety S=1ch ❑ Dwtwork Connections' ❑ Liquid Tite Conduit ElS■a1 Na-C■mn-_ti-rr_ 0Connect i.-ItingP11111 111 11 Start Kit ❑ Support Attic rqulp,lent u So.l Rlwnice 6.19 ❑ Ruteigerara W. Myer I°S6upply Plenum irae:v as mr,. t , a -AK u Raaigerarr Pipe O'New Q R ve rinse: 13 N" Duo; So.m j ❑ Ne- ❑ R.eannecl M;am Pienzm (3 N- Li ct W.* ❑ Ref.igar•.n: Pipp Co -w 1M9- ❑ R.aenneet ❑ Fuel Piping ❑ Exnui■n V lv. , - n El Elacdon� ArCleaaer_- EI ElK.An !ILY+inrg 7t-7 -■ jl r��•f" EI Media Filte_ Rt I l-ei zi.rai- Plan - I]�.err�tto Exis g ❑ PCO -, T as (Sfi4'd,.yp) SIZE 1-1 EFF.ICIENGY $ SUBTOTAL $.. MONTHLY EST' Z - va�TOh?ER INITIALS W......nty " _ P its _ Labor Geerpr.sanr H Ex -hanger 5ELEcrlEvP17vn: V., U2 I]3 SUBTOM $ tV.— Tt71'..0 e v..�fe a GNevle� IEC EvIT CARD (LAST 40u)} { D EXP APPROVAL _ z Electrical ❑Ov Cg14 EI FINANCING ❑New Plyv — 19-7 v„amioilier _ o rya:Ad b.'Ca14Arl Il$.h 6enr91G on OUR • - Weree —r M a ■IRS. en9. o<v,ss.w I � -Hear 41ima J- -�7QMoenese6 ZEurdert G --b. Gaeent. S■wi=. Guarantee Me09Uneendilioal M— Brink Guarantee to 144 �ma u�ft !µ-� P rag w-mo,n.tlr.lwFRf &0s_- r � lye' •�} -� IIV. — — ,AF p , �I r_ponable to eex praling ducixrork 3, .rma o � Go..d eeM ea hu has of :his pogrmerd for details - - - . Wn .en cuswm.r..,ril. ,. g9n welt be blamed brfor* wgln ring qny anf-raww aeaim,nar w extende4 irk, i . ylwMSFOR OGARLI-ThisfsM mARESUBJEGrt6DI d4n�dAW RgPRBVI"1vN50FCHAPcesrER558RORIDASTAIU'la?� herrbypru.ruing..1,wnriodwlolh■-ell-rinpBrSOA.tiyswagmm,orgy.maii.lhisnrn � �aor 04;cam "all may "ll-Ithis asrepi 4f;oeornpnL tmust _bl■drrranot keep ur� ,,,elle' fulyo�h dpht OPthe Tvee Saerd tnpsa ony afler;ae sIB I yen de-rtaRwant tha go p p r, lq..rcrerw,Iveher..lfor gmetnaew ifyou -'.04 I r oa''j 1 W !ale ui. wnoi has b-1 fwll aee� rw.rw ide RMQf, luu= and 3r Pon d�g mel�h, � oanarlal g4tho ' eaUon of 4hFl righ� y Qwngs o_ -tslgn rrr)5IIam. Imp.ow.ria.:t m•.tr.ct lrtbl,nk YOa -ra antitled to a � 4 Pedal mrcn Fkep rt ao ;a yei Fl al rieFits TN)_ home Irr)prouamem w,r�.R rA.Y w aIP =111 7 -Belga o etlanrrEsetha orth ar a! the tlme you -L k,# Iar id eo�rrn.r d C} Ir.y�a d„ ro.•p.V: B -w .■,'.■ ■ _tead.11 pr Igtalis I h■ rt et, "lure y ma `e E Ilan on -pr propq� on on Y 3" L x c - �zs . �Y_':]�FG.'L"•1b:.13,��3J.r._�.. �e,.:n. �irrs;.x ANIORLS 1 Certificate of Product Ratings ARRI Certified Reference Number: 7490504 Date : w-z7z7jz0 model status : fictive �rt9R1 i ype : 5P -,R (5ingie-PacRage Air-Contlitioner, Air -Cooled) : R41 OA AC SPP Outdoor Unit Brand Name: vRRRIER Oul000r Unit morel ICumDer (Con0enser or single Pacxaae) : sOcP4u4-ti=sv** 17.96n : All (AR, AL, AR, AG, CA, Cil, CT, DC, DE, FE, GA, RI, 10, IE, IA, IN, K5, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, M1, ICC, ICG, ICE, Mn, Mu. RI01, ICv, MT, OR, OR, OR, PA, RI, 57, 5G, 1M, IA, 01, VA, V 1, VVA, VvV, VVI, vvr, 0.5. Terrila. iaa) Reyiv.. Notes: Centr.l air �onaitioners manufactured prior to January 1, 2015 are eligiple .o oe installs' in all regions until tune s0, z'u1'n. Beginning auiy -1, z0-15 ce-tlbl ai. aenditi mor„ e..m only 5o kutal6a im r�gien(�) tar rihi.h they meet the regional efficien. y requirement, The manaf.otorer of this CARRIER product is responsible for .he rating o, this system comuinatlon. Katwd as tollo :a in avevra.nve —.ith tfie Iateat vaitioi. of ANSIIARRI 210/240 with Addenda 1 and 2, Performance Raingg of Unitary „ir-Con0irloning & Air-5ouree heat Pump Equipment ane suojecl to rating accuracy 15y ARRI-spam-en a, iRaepontlelll, T ii. d Party teGting: Cooling C.paeity (AZ) - Single or Flijii Stag. (95F), btah : 47000 SEER: 14.00 EER (P�z) - Single or fligfl stage (gCF) 11.50 T'A.ti-e" Model States are thane th.t am AHRI Certificatio-. Program Participant is arramay prbdocing .,1119 sating or wring wr a.1% er: naw muuels Mat are tieing marketed bet am n.t ; at being pr.daved.-Rodeeb.n Stepped' Medal Statas ..re these th,.t am AHRI Certification Program Participant is no longer producing BUT is .,ill selling or offering for safe. Ratings CSai are ,urumpitriiad by WAS Wiaate an in-aluntary re -rale. The new nobi shFA rating Is sho-Y) akm_q with the V-rcvious (i.e. WAST rat:mo. DISCLAIMER AHRI doe, net and._ the product(s) liatcd am thin Cerliflc..t...nd m..kes no rapra n..aons, w.rr.n.ics ta, and asSQRles na r,—ponSlallLr ror, the produet;s) listed on thl= Cartifle-te. AHRI ■.perh disalainr= all liability f.r damage.; f any kind ,.rim1mg out of the a= o: perform—ca of .ho proda..(.,), or .ha unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valld only for models and c-nflgawltlam_ ll_ted In the alrcciory.i.:..:...ilriuIr..:.ory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Certificate shall onl; be used for inti! -Ida.!, persa..al and corrourr ial reierOnOG purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not, in whole or In part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; cmured Imw . vonlpmar da..base; or tailerwrse uid-zaa, in .ny Torm or m.nnar or ,.y.ny m..ns, oxu.pt for the user's Individual, reraemal .md eenfldenti..l Fafe:omo., AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION A REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The information fo, .ha model clod on .hl; cerzin.to c.r. IN 4ent.ee .. www.allriuir..:.ory.org, click on "Verify Certificate' link and emtar the AHRI Certified Rvforamoe Nambe:.md the data on which the cartiflcam W.T. Issuod, which is listed above, and the Certifimt. N.., -hieh le IL-t.d .t bott.m right. TMz0LVA1r=uont1k10 11ng, ReatIng, anal RaTrigor-dud. Ir1aILatc CERTIFICATE NO.: '32,55 7,015564846 Property IdEntificatiun Parcel IG: 1005u 11 laenrincatlon *: i0'vozMaazFzu Account Status: Open Location: 42 ARBOLES DEL zF2 r-xrlJoles Del NORTE City: oaim Lucie Lounty Business Rama: Crapser, FoR Pierce, FL Daniel Business Type: 7005 - Sp Lks DBA: Collins, Kenneth CC Cvnt.ut: Siaze C.oaae: a 1'F iyu - i loffile Home Attachments Ownership Current values uaniel Crapser ut Rlarket Valat:: Kenneth Collins MH Carport zF2 r-xrlJoles Del Exemption vague: Norte $1,136.00 FoR Pierce, FL 1u�..61� valaw: 3ZFU51 $U.00UU Return Received: Ivor rel Receives renalry: None Downloae I1KIIM PDF Exemptions Grant Exemption ETumption Description r"'r Coaa langil5le Personal 2008 1 PPA Property Exemption cosset urvup and value Asset value MH Carport $158.00 Asset Value MFM CeniralHC WZ0.00 4.OT Asset Value MIR Iain Are- $0.00 E;zcmptivn Value $ I ,1 J5.00 Asset vague MH Patio Cover $115.00 Asset Volae MH Screen Rm $moo 1.0000 Vinyl Windows Azaat V.daa MIR uLil RM $8c.00 Asset Vague TotalAppraisedValue $1,136.00