HomeMy WebLinkAboutSite Plani C to M L t 218 in I • Cannabis Dispensary �. r r) n 'Tl M n 0 c t� N rD � N 3 0 U3 tl 1. W161THICXACRMC MTERWA WIN TRV6=EM • 2 1' RFUIINER CAP Flo �, OBtaAtttrAvalalalCEwArRa C OEEPAIU41INUM RETURN rxrAUMWNRKFYw WMTOMJXM UMFASOA 7. :i I FACIA MENrN1®NArEVAYrACCOWNGro COA7111Oe 0f -- �-- rAcw _ a aeumiEacrocusuwurP;swcamm P. SPA'�EIECfPAYlA1LTANBO% DRWG.# 0001 If approved, please print, sign, date and fax or scan and email back to 352-460-0751 • mail@jayberrysigns.com DATE: 12-09-19, REV. DATE Notes: LOCATION: Approved By. Date: FILE: CEC Fort Fierce www.JayBerry$igns.com SALES REP.: Jeremy (352) 8054050 • FAX (352) 530-2094 DRAWN BY: Jeremy mail@jayberrysigns.com SCALE: NTS Landlord Approval: Date: L.O. Drawer 491620 • L esburg, FL 34748 PAGEM (1) of (1) �t ra M' 1 L H 36 s ft SIGN INSTALLER 1. Verify (sq.H.) (flush, raceway, or pin) (solid area or letters) way Raceway 2. Select fastener for wall structure. ers) (Letters) INSTRUCTIONS 3. Evenly space fasteners over whole sign area. ;E USE MORE FASTENERS IFTHE SIGN NEEDS M ONLYATTACH TO STRUCTURAL WALL MATERIAL (UNO). Shape and strength of sign may require more fasteners. Example: 'r may need 2fasteners, '3'-3,'H'-4,'W'-5;and 116' thick plastic may need more fasteners to avoid L bending. Fdlowslgn manufacturers instructions and code requirements forplacement offasteners. At least put one In each comertop and bottom. Raceway sign fasteners spaced evenly in two rows 5 - 7' apart, half on top row, and half on bottom row. Place raceway on cenhold line d of sign or increase fasteners by (odseC+3-y6-. Follow fastener manufacturers instructions and code requirements far installation. ° m CALCULATION: Minimum Number of Fasteners W m Evenly Spaced Over Whole Sign 51 N ( Fasteners = Wind Force on Whole Sign Area / Fastener Allowable Tension) le Sign Fastener I Wall Structure I Pull I Fastener Installation 2' brit, nut and washer thru 112' OSB or plywood sheathing screw In 61W hole, tap anchor flush. screw In 5/8" hole, tap anchor flush. poon, min 1.5' embedment, protect from moisture. ocon, min 1.25 embedment, protect from moisture. Self -drilling screws 3 threads lhru 20ga steel frame. wood screw or SMS into 5/8" OSB or plywood sheathing. daster Timberl-OK, 1/4" thread wood screw 1.25" in wood Bolt, Powers spring -wing, in CMU, OSB, or 5/8' DensGlass. .TI HLC-H or HLC-HX304SS3/8 Sleeve Anchor, 1.5' embed )ertv Anchor. 1/2' steel rod. 112" retaining rod. thm wall - HT -Adhesives are strong but none have code approval for structural Per IBC 1704 pull on fastener 2.5' Allowable Tension. Use tripod, am 218 in or disoswaydesign@gmail.com 6th Edition FLORIDA ref 20151BC, ASCE7-10 BUILDING CODE (2017) 11 Risk Category II, Normal hazard to human fife; III, Substantial hazard to human life; IV. Essential, emergency, critical 160 Wind Speed Basic Wind Speed, Ultimate, mph, from ASCE7-10, Fig26.5-1A, Risk II; or F19.26.5-18, Risk III&IV C Exposure Wind Exposure C, No unobstructed area within 12000; Wind Exposure D, Unobstructed area upwind 30 Sign Height Sign Height Above Ground, fl, H; Sign cannot be higher than lop of wall or 60'. For multiple signs use worst case. See Sign Area Gross Sign Area, sq.fL, means the overall area surrounding and fable Including alI sign letters and logos. WIND LOAD CALC: ASCE 7-10, Section 29.4.2, "Solid Attached Signs" C & C wind pressure on solid sign attached flat againstwall or para0d to wall, Q' from surface and *from edge, equals wallwind pressure from ASCE7-10. Section 30.4. L r—MTi" liberty health'Can nab'-!.S- Dispensary sciences IV FEB 18 2020 ST, Lucie County, Per . ° t�l■ i -: r > l , `r `Jl� r , r (f/`±^! rl�lberty health sciences t:� r •� V, `r K r MARK DISOSWAY, PE 163 SW Midtown PI, Ste 103 Lake City, Florida 32025 THIS PDF HAS DIGITAL SIGNATURE AND ELECTRONIC SEAL. PRINTED COPIES ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED OR SEALED, YOU MUST VERIFY SIGNATURE ON THIS PDF. CLICK HERE TO VERIFY. ��QTATH OF �?3� t 1/16/2020 seal for structural engineering per f. (See equation) T: architecture, electric, or and wall. Select fastener from table based on wall Ucture. 2. Install fasteners per fastener anufacturer instructions In locations required 'sign manufacturer, this may mean more steners are required than shown in table. 3. eke sure sign and wall meets building code, In code, and UL. Verify stated wind (speed, k, exp, lopo), sign (size, area, location on ill, max weight), wall (materials and PASTED IMAGES, DETAILS, DRAWINGS, AND IOTES ON THIS SHEET ARE NOT ENGINEERED OR REVIEWED. Theywere pasted in at customers request to help relate fastener engineering to thejob. Berry's Signs Job # 200059 WALL SIGN Flat an wall max 12" thick. Liberty Health Sciences 5053 Turnpike Feeder Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34951 For one sign each type at this location. :RaGewaY::Kaeeway etters :' :Letters ::-a:::: .�'.-.•.-.' . ::• ::::: :A).. ':':': :::::: •.�. :':'cs:•:::: :.:�.: d....�..:: ::.'::: ' .................. ........ ....... Minimum Fasteners for Whole Sign (Use More if Siqn Needs It) SIGN INSTALLER 1. Verify (sq.ft.) (flush, raceway, or pin) (solid area or INSTRUCTIONS 2. Select fastener for wall structure. 3. Evenly space fasteners over whole sign area. iE MORE FASTENERS IF THE SIGN NEEDS IT! ONLY ATTACH TO STRUCTURAL WALL MATERIAL (UNO). Shape and strength of sign ay require more fasteners. Example: "I" may need 2 fasteners, "J" - 3, "H" - 4, "W" - 5; and 1/8" thick plastic may need more fasteners to avoid riding. Follow sign manufacturer's instructions and code requirements for placement of fasteners. At least put one in each comer top and ttom. Raceway sign fasteners spaced evenly in two rows 5 - 7" apart, half on top row, and half on bottom row. Place raceway on centroid line signor "+ " o increase fasteners by (offset 3 )/6". Follow fastener manufacturer's instructions and code requirements for installation. CALCULATION: Minimum Number of Fasteners Evenly Spaced Over Whole Sign ( Fasteners = Wind Force on Whole Sign Area / Fastener Allowable Tension ) Fastener I Wall Structure I Pull Fastener Installation 6 10 3/8 or 1/2 ThruBolt Structural Wall 500 3/8" or 1/2" bolt, nut, washer thru wall; CMU, brick, concrete, 2x4 or un!strut backer 7 27 3/8 or 1/2 ThruBolt Wood Sheathing 100 3/8" or 1/2" bolt, nut, and washer thru 1/2" OSB or plywood sheathing 6 14 3/8" Lag Shield Concrete 200 3/8 - 16 screw in 5/8" hole, tap anchor flush. 14 53 3/8" Lag Shield Grout Filled CMU 50 3/8 - 16 screw in 5/8" hole, tap anchor flush. 6 16 1/4" Tapcon Concrete 171 1/4" Tapcon, min 1.5" embedment, protect from moisture. 32 127 1/4" Tapcon Grout Filled CMU 21 1/4" Tapcon, min 1.25" embedment, protect from moisture. 8 32 1#12 Metal Screw 20ga CFS Frame 83 #12-14 Self -drilling screws 3 threads thru 20ga steel frame. 9 35 #12 Wood Screw 5/8" Sheathing 77 #12-14 wood screw or SMS into 5/8" OSB or plywood sheathing. 6 16 Timber Screw Wood Framing 170 FastenMaster Timberl-OK, 1/4" thread wood screw 1.25" in wood 13 50 1/4" Toggle Bolt CMU or Densglas 53 Toggle Bolt, Powers spring -wing, in CMU, OSB, or 5/8" DensGlass. 6 14 1/2"Sleeve Anchor 11�lul190 1/2" HILTI HLC-H or HLC-HX304SS3/8 Sleeve Anchor, 1.5" embed 6 10 1/2"Liberty Toggle Hollow CMU 360 DFS Liberty Anchor, 1/2" steel rod, 1/2" retaining rod, thru wall. 14 53 3/8" Stud Glued Solid Wall Mat'I 50 5/16" the rod stud glued in solid wall mafl, Hilt HIT-HY-270, or equal. Pin Stud Thru Structural Wall 1 100 3/16'pin-stud, nut, and washer thru structural wall or 2x4-blocking Pin Stud Glued JSolid Wall Mat'I 1 25 3/16"pin-stud glued in solid wall matt, Liquid Nails LN-950, or equal IMPORTANT - Adhesives are strong but none have code approval for structural applications.Sign installer must test glued stud connection strength. Per IBC 1704 pull on fastener 2.5 * Allowable Tension. Use tripod, game scale, and hooks. 4 4 4 4 6 10 Mm F.t . 331 132 Wud lace 39 Net Ne—M .'.'.'.'.'300.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.90.'.'.'.'.'.'...W.'.'.'.'%Net Alai.'.'.'.'.'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' ..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1.;�Ir'1HCR"GenKSElOr "Q4 wM m/abLLStlli i YY[iIN(R CX I. RM.1°el>iW60a4Pl�v.o[� LW r oQa"4arw2eavv�.vr° a sarw.wacmw.romoucvcm.cnrM1 9 M1�CMINs.4RsaRVR�([p10s'G WCP°aP4> f/C 3 AIYIA 61[IOGLLf:3MW16C'J"1I 1. titb1a661[OLM1iCs" R' 6th Edition FLORIDA ref 2015 IBC, ASCE7-10 BUILDING CODE (2017) Risk Category Il, Normal hazard to human life; III, Substantial hazard to human life' IV Essential emergency, critical g y, Wind Speed Basic Wind Speed, Ultimate, mph, from ASCE7-10, Fig26.5-1A, Risk II; or Fig.26.5-1 B, Risk III&IV Exposure Wind Exposure C, No unobstructed area within 1200ft; Wind Exposure D, Unobstructed area upwind Sign Height Sign Height Above Ground, ft, H; Sign cannot be higher than top of wall or 60'. For multiple signs use worst case. See Sign Area Gross Sign Area, sq.ft., means the overall area surrounding and Table including all sign letters and logos. C & C wind pressure on solid sign attached flat against wall or parallel to wall, <3' from surface and >3' from edge, equals wall wind pressure from ASCE7-10, Section 30.4. See Table Wind Force on Sign; F = Pasd * Net Sign Area -46 psf Wind Pressure; Pasd = Qhasd*Gcp, ASD, C&C, ASCE7-10, Eg30.4-1 33 psf Velocity Pressure; Qhasd=.00256*KeKzt*Kd*Vasd^2, ASCE7-10,Eq.30.3-1 124 mph Wind Speed; Vasd = sgrt(Vult^2*.6), for allowable stress design 0.98 Veloc Pres Expos Coeff; Kz=2.01*(H/900)A(2/9.5)ExpC, (700&11.5),T30.3-1 -1.4 External Pressure Coeff; GCp=-1.4(<60ft)-1.8(>60ft) Zone 5,1ft2 area, ASCE7-10, Fig30.4-1 0.85 Wind Direction Factor, Kd = .85 for attached signs, ASCE7-10, Table26.6-1 0.0 Internal Pressure Coeff; Cpi = 0, sign flat against wall, ASCE7-10,Sec29.4.2 1.0 ITopographic Factor, Kzt=1 for flat ground, no hill, ridge, or escarpment>15' 5 psf ISiqn Weight; must be less than 5 pounds per sq.ft. net area. FEB 18 2020 e ST. Lucie County., Permitting Am AM i REVIEWED OR e%.nr%e nZa - - File C MARK DISCISWAY, PE 163 SW Midtown PI, Ste 103 Lake City, Florida 32025 386-754-5419 FLPE53915 ,Pa DISO ®d6 "moo a 1 a M 53915 ° TATE IF °�41e 1 /16/2020 This seal for structural engineering per scope of work (Fasteners only) SCOPE OF WORK (See equation) IS NOT: architecture, electric, or of sign and wall. Select fastener from table based on wall ucture. 2. Install fasteners per fastener 3nufacturer instructions in locations required sign manufacturer; this may mean more ;teners are reauired than shown in table. 3. ake sure sign and wall meets building code, In code, and UL. Verify stated wind (speed, k, exp, topo), sign (size, area, location on ill, max weight), wall (materials and PASTED IMAGES, DETAILS, DRAWINGS, AND NOTES ON THIS SHEET ARE NOT ENGINEERS OR REVIEWED. They were pasted in at customers request to help relate fastener engineering to the job.