HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy CodeDepartment of Community Affairs SNg 5050 1-L1_IF,II:A ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FORM 60iIA•-43 Residential Whole Building Performance 1•rleth•',od A CENTRAL F'F 1:;JEC:T NAMES VENTURE OUT 907 QUILDERg VILLAGE 1_Ih" NETTLES ISLAND DE41 AN ADDRESSg ! PERMITTINCl 'i !CLIMATE FT PIERCE !OFFICE: SLC 1ZONE r 411 5 1 1 r. 1 1 OWNER: _TCI!-!NL+i_IN !PERMIT NO. !JURISDICTION CTION NO. 661. 000 1_ h •. 1.. New construction or addition ._.. Single family detached or Multifamily attached _ti ., If Multifamily -No. of units 4. If Multifamily, is this a worst case (yes/no) 5. Conditioned floor area (sq.. ft. ) r"., Predominant eave overhang (ft.) 7,, Porch overhang length-{ (ft.) Glass area and type: a. Clear Glass b. Tint, film or solar screen 9. Floor type and insulation-, imp. Wood, raised (F--val!•le•, area ? 10. Net Wall type area and insulations! a.. Exteriors 2. Wood frame (Insulation 1 i . ►_:ei l i.ng type area and i.r,s{_alat.ionu a. tender" attic (Insulation R--'`dal {.: e) 12nAi.r distribution system;:. a., Di_dct`.: (Insulation + Location) 13.Cooling system 14.!-eat.ino Systems 1. New Construction 2. Single-Fami.ly ---- 3 „ 0 6 ii. c0 7„ 6.00 Single Pane Double Pane F --val{_aa? 1 0a-'2 Ft=11. 00, 829. 1"11-sgft---•- 11a.R=19.00 , 950 00sgft---.- 13. Type: Central A/C _..__..._ SEER 0 10.00 14. Type; Heat Pump 15.!-ot water- systems 1.5. Types Electric ---- 16. !-1ot Water- C:redi.t -'•o (h'R-Heat Recovery:, 16_ DHP-Dedicated Heat Pump) 17 . I r{ f i l t• r at i o n practice: 14 2 or 3 17. 2 --_- 18., h-VAC Credits (C:l=-C:i i l i1' o Fan, CV -Cross vent, t, is., HF—Whole house far{, RB--At•tic radiant. barrier, Psi Z -..1v! {_ I l t• i. '.' 1_ n e) 1 9. EPI (must not exceed 100 points) - 19. 91.32 a. Total As -Built points 19a. 18135.16 -- b. Total Base points 19b. 19857.88 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I-._......._.._.__....-.__..._._.__..._.__.__._.._...---_.....__-_..__..__.._._-_._..__-----__________________.,..__---_---__..----_..----_..____.__ I Hereby certify that the plans and 1 Review of the plans and specifications specifications covered by this cal!-1 covered by this calculation indicates l at i on are in compliance with the ! compliance with the Florida Energy Florida Energy 1.;.:ode 1 Code. Before construction is completed 1 this building will be inspected for PREPARED BY- _ _ 1 compliance in accordance with Section _M I hereby certify that this building is 1 in compliance with the Florida Energy i Code. i 1 Cll;tNER/AGENTu 1 BUILDING OFFICIAL: _.__._____ .... L:�ATE o! DATE --------------------------------- Department of Community Affairs Shle 5001 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FORM 6 i CIA-93 Residential Whole Building Performance Method A CENTRAL_ F'R+_I_TECT NAMEe VENTURE OUT 907 QUILDERN VILLAGE lilt- NETTLES ISLAND DEV AND ADDRESSo !PERMITTING !CLIMATE FT PIERCE 1 I_IFFIIW E 2 SLC Q C NE y 411 5 ; ; 611 OWNERs JCj{'iNSl.N !PERMIT NO. !JURISDICTION NO.. 661000 C:K 1. New construction or addition 2. Single family detached or Multifamily jo If Multifamily -No. of units 4. If Multifamily, is this a eraor-st case ro Conditioned floor area (sq. ft... ) 6. Predominant eave over -hang (ft.) 7e Porch overhang 1errit.h (ft.) _. e Glass area and type a. Clear Glass b.. Tint. film or solar- screen 9. Floor type and insulations b. Wood, raised (R--va1ue, area ) 10.Net Wall type area and insu1at:i�..n a.. Exteriors 2. !good frame (insulation i i n Ce i l i ng type area and insulation. a. Under attic Qnsulation R-value: 12dAir distribution systems a,. Ducts (Insulation + Location) 13. hoo l i ng system 14 .. Heat i. ng System: 15.Hot water systems 16. Hot. Water Credits: (HR•-Heat Recovery, 1. New Construction n attached 2. Single -Family _--- 3 . it (yes/no) 4. - --- Single Pane Double Pane __..._ b. O4 i_Isgf•i_. 1.52A 70sgfi• -_--- ' bA R=190 CICI , 940it CI sgft• ---- 13. Types Central A/C BEER u 10.00 14. Types Heat Pump 15. Type: Electric --_ - EF o i_I. 94 16. DHF'-Teed i cated Heat. Pump) 17d Infi lt•rat.ion practice: 1, 2 or i 17. L 18. HVAC: Credits (C:F-•Ceiling Far-,, CV -Cross ;s •.fer,t, 18. I-iF -Wh-ole house fare, RB-Attic radiant ---- barrier, hrZ_.Muli.izor-e) 1.9oE'F'I (must r,o•1, exceed 100 points) 1.9. 91..32 a. Total As -Built points 19a u 18135.16_ __- b o Total Luse points 19b. 19857.88 ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Hereby certify th-iat the plans and 1 Review of the e plans and specifications specifications covered by this ca1cu-- f covered by this calculation indicates lation are in compliance with the 1 compliance with the Florida Energy Florida Energy C i Ada., 1 Code. Before construction is completed this building will be w inspected for r PREPARED k. Y, 1 compliance in accordance withSe��'I_.i�Wr DATE: �S_=__ ' 5 I hereby certify that this building ra is in compliance with the Florida Energy 1 Code. ' OWNER/AGENT: 1 BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE:: 1 DATE: ******************************************************************************* ' SUMMER CALCULATIONS ******************************************************************************* === BASE AS -BUILT === GLASS---------------- | ORIEN AREA x BSPM = POINTS | TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x SPM x SOF = POINTS -------------------------------------------------- N 15.00 82.2 1233.0 1 DBL ----------------------------- .56 N 15.0 42.4 "97 618.3 E 27.20 82.2 2235.8 1 DBL .56 E 13.0 82.1 .96 1022.3 1 DBL . .56 E 7.1 82.1 .95 552.0 | DBL .56 E 7.1 82.1 .95 552.0 SE 29.20 82.2 2400.2 | DBL .56 SE 16.2 84.2 .47 639.0 | DBL .56 SE 13.0 84.2 .94 1030.7 S 29.20 82.2 2400.2 1 DBL .56 S 16.2 74.9 .94 1137.8 1 .56 S 13.0 74.9 .93 900.9 SW 16.20 82.2 1331.6 1 DBL .56 SW 16.2 84.2 .95 1297.7 .W 35.90 82.2 2951.0 1 DBL .56 W 13.0 82A .96 1022.3 | DBL .56 W 13.0 82.1 .96 1022.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | DBL .56 W 9.9 82.1. .54 437.4 .15 x COND. FLOOR / TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS = ADJ GLASS | GLASS AREA AREA FACTOR - POINTS POINTS | POINTS ------------------------------ / ------------------------------------------------- .15 940.00 152.70 .923 12,551.94 11,590.20 | 10,233.09 NON GLASS------------ ( AREA x BSPM = -------------------------------------- POINTS | TYPE i R-VALUE AREA x SPM = POINTS WALLS--~------------- � ------------------------------------------ Ext 829.0 1.0 829.0 | Ext Wood Frame 11.0 ' 829.0 1.90 1575.1 DOORS---------------- | | Ext 37.0 4.8 177.6 1 Ext Insulated 37.0 4.80 177.6 CEILINGS------------- | � UA 940.0 .6 564.0 | Under Attic 19.0 950.8 1.10 1045.0 FLOORS--------------- } | , Rsd 940.0 -3.4 -3224.2 | Rsd Wood (Stem-UFI 19.0 940.0 -1.80 -1692.0 INFILTRATION--------- | 940.0 10.9 10246.0 1 Practice 42 940.0 10.90 10246.0 TOTAL SUMMER POINTS | . 20,182.60 =============================================================================== 1 21,584.79 TOTAL x SYSTEM = COOLING | TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = COOLING SUM PTS MULT POINTS | COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20,182.60 .37 7,467.56 =============================================================================== | 21,584.79 1.00 1.100 .340 1.000 8,072.71 ` ^ WINTER CALCULATIONS ******************************************************************************* === BASE | === AS -BUILT === GLASS---------------- � ORIEN AREA x BWPM = POINTS 1 TYPE SC, ORIEN AREA x WPM x WOF = POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N 15.00 -3.4 -51.0 | DBL .56 N 15.0 6.3 1.02 96.1 E 27.20 -3.4 -92.5.1 DBL .56 E 13.0 -3.0 .90 -35.3 1 DBL .56 E 7.1 -3.0 .88 | DBL .56 E 7.1 -3.0 .88 -18.8 SE 29.20 -3.4 -99.3 | DBL .56 SE 16.2 -9.4 .37 -56.1 | DBL .56 SE 13.0 -9.4 .96 -116.6 S 29.20 -3.4 -99.3 | DBL .56 S 16.2 -10.0 .97 -157.8 ' | DBL .56 S 13.0 -10.0 .97 -125.9 SW 16.20 -3.4 -55.1 | DBL .56 SW 16.2 -9.4 .97 -146.4 .W 35.90 -3.4 -122.1 l DBL .56 W 13.0 -3.0 .90 -35.3 | DBL .56 W 13.0 -3.0 .90 -35.3 | DBL .56 W 9.9 -3.0 -.19 5.7 ------------------------- .15 x COND. FLOOR / TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------ GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS = ADJ GLASS | GLASS AREA AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS | POINTS --------------------------------------- .15 940.00 152.70 - .923 � --------------------------------------- -519"18 �479.40 1 -644.61 =============================================================================== NON GLASS------------ | AREA x BWPM = POINTS | TYPE R-VALUE AREA x WPM = POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WALLS---------------- | Ext 829.0 1.1 911.9 | Ext Wood Frame 11.0 829.0 2.00 1658.0 DOORS---------------- | � Ext 37.0 5.1 188.7 | Ext Insulated ^ 37.0 5.10 188.7 CEILINGS------------- | | UA 940.0 .6 564.0 | Under Attic 19.0 950.0 1.00 950,0 FLOORS--------------- | � Rsd 940.0 -.2 -188.0 | Rsd Wood (Stem-UFI 19.0 940.0 .30 282.0 . INFILTRATION--------- | | 940.0 4.1 3854.0 1 Practice 42 940.0 4.10 3854.0 TOTAL WINTER POINTS i 4,851.20 1 6,288.09 =============================================================================== TOTAL x SYSTEM = HEATING 1 TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = HEATING WIN PTS MULT POINTS | COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,851.20 1.10 5,336.32 =============================================================================== | 6,288.09 1.00 1.100 .500 1.000 3,458.45 ******************************************************************************* ^ WATER HEATING ******************************************************************************* === BASE === | === AS -BUILT === NUM -OF x MULT = TOTAL | TANK VOLUME EF TANK x MULT x CREDIT = TOTAL BEDRMS | RATIO MULT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3527.0 7,054.00 1 40 .94 1.000 3302.0 1.00 6,604.00 =============================================================================== ******************************************************************************* SUMMARY === BASE === | === AS -BUILT === =============================================================================== COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL 1 COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL POINTS + POINTS + POINTS '= POINTS | POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS 7467.6 5336.3 7054.0 19,857.88 1 8072.7 3458.5 6604.0 18,135.1E ============================================================================= ***************** * EPI = 91.32 * ***************** ENERGY GUIDE For detailed information of the EPI rating number or for any ITEM listed, ask'your Builder for EPI= 91.3 DCA Form 600A-93 or Form 600B-93 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 |------------------------------------X----i The maximum allowable EPI is 100. The lower the EPI the more efficient the home RESIDENTIAL ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATING SHEET 'ITEM HOME VALUE Low Efficiency High Efficiency SINGL CLR DBL TINT WINDOWS..................... Double Tint |--------------------X| . INSULATION.................. Ceiling R-Value......... 19.0 Wall R-Value..... .... 11.0 Floor R-Value......... 19.0 AIR CONDITIONER............. SEER...................... 10.0 HEATING SYSTEM.............. Electric HSPF............ 6.8 WATER HEATER................ Electric EF............`.. 0.94 Gas EF.............. 0.00 , Sclar EF.............. OTHER FEATURES.............. ' ............................ R-10 R-30 |---------X-----------| R-0 R-7 |--------------------X! R-0 R-19 |--------------------X| 10.0 SEER 17.0 |X--------------------| 6.8 HSPF 12.0 |X--------------------| 0.88 0.96 |---------------X-----i 0.54 0.90 |----------------r---! 0.40 0.80 |---------------------| I certify that these energy saving features required for the Florida Energy Code have been installed in this house. Builder Address: ----------------------- Signatures ----------------------- Date: __________ City/Zip_______________________ Florida Energy Code for Building Construction - 1993 Florida Department of Community Affairs FL-EPL CARD93