HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding PlansHOME REPAIR FOR LOCATION MAP � CA hunter Trust 1"NI512OCM mf 15 MOPpl�fff-lY ANI2 5U ICT TO NON-1?15CLO%1P�. FR H PY CUtNf ANP PF5I6NATE12 fC1P1FNf5 ONLY, OFFICIAL PLANS PY JAVU, 05NWp05, K, , MU5T" HAVt 5M, WITH Oki M516N COMPLIANM (A55umption5 Used) I, Jurisdiction; 5t, Lucie Courhj 2, Florida Building Code 2011 (6th) edition with N/ A 5upplement5 and Asa 1-10 5, I3uildinq Ie51gn is; inclosed; X Partially Enclosed; Open 13ulldinq; 4, P,15k Cgory;J _XJI JII -IV 4J , �xpo5ure Category J3 X C JZ 5, 12e510,11 Wind Velocitu; 110 MPH C 5 sec, qu50 —A512 --J,pPn Width of end Zone _< 5,0.1.1, Basic Wind Pressure; 75,98 p5f 6, Mean Roof Height; 150 Roof pitch; 4/ 12 parapet N/ A ft. 7, Components & Cladding 12e5ign pressure Used; See Window & boor Schedule 8, Pesign Loads ( P5P) ; Floor/ bead N/ A Floor/ Live N/ A Roof/ bead 20 , goof/ L ive 20 Balton.{_, l2ock , beck_, Stairs—, Fence_ l?aillnc�PlP 9, 5hear Walls Considered for Structure? Yes ---C_ No ( if No, attach explanation) 10, Continuous Load Path provided? Yes ---X_ No 10,1, If No, attach explanation II, l2e5ign Soil Pearinq Pressure; N/ A P5F 5o►I 13orinq keauired Yes X No C Based upon section 1803,Z exception) CA Hunter fru5f; 44 Aqua ka 12rlve Jensen Beach, rlorida 34957 coNT�Acrop; Tin ,OOP, PLAN 1 �xi5tinq Floor Vlan,16" I' C,01 / C,01 'C{ gineerl + , I c vier C i ��` , P,�, #7084 5903 5p ::° c v _ : ; S1 e,}982 IN& 516NATW. �}CtngLL mad;com; ; ;'�72- -2679 VUE COPY y 1 4511NG COMMON CONCMTW WIVW (5) T12U55W5 WITH rim 13WA NCA WALL PWTWW% 44 AQUA PAMAGW TO PW kl�pAWn Kk RlVW ANn 42 AQUA RIVE nWTAL IV[9 ON PAGW A,05 5WW nWTAL Cmi W X CONCITIt HATCH AZWA 5HOW5 WXTWNT OF WALL I?TPAlp nWTAL ON PAGW A,05 VU55 PVAJPI ------------------------------------------------------------ VANITY -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------nINNaoM------ f ----- LIVING 1,00M �13�.ao ' Q��3HSVIA STUnY VANITY 1;00M E2 I L 5HOWWf? II CLO51�T flans to show; I , 5ignaWre and seal of design professional 2. Code and edition for design 3, nesign basic wind speed ( if applicable) 4. HeicI4 above ground (if applicable) pWMOVW WXI5TING NON-LOAn [WING WALL MA5T M P3 ROOM 2I512OCUMWNf 15 PrOPkETARY ANn 5UPJWCT TO N0N-ni5CL05LRIW, 101� U5W 13Y CLIWNT AN12 nW51GNATWn tTOPIWNT5 ONLY, OFFICIAL PLAN5 DY JAVIEV 13W1:2f?OOM # 1 U, MU5T HAVW 51 A& 0 5T0f?AGW NOT INCLU 12 PFMO CON5fPUCT10N ITWM5: I, nWMO WX15T1N6 NON-LOAnING [3WAl;ING WALL 2. I?EMOVW ALL FX151NCA WLWCT MC& VV ONG An F\WPLACW TO PUILPING COPW. S W A,02 FR WLWCTI?ICAL PLAN 3, [?EMOVW ALL WX1511\16 HVAC nUCT ANn p.Wl'LACW IN KINP. 4, NO VVINPOW5 TO PlW &LACN2 Op MMOVWn, NO CHANGW IN WRf 55 51GNAT RT, CA Hunter fru5t 44 Aqua Ra Prive Jensen Beach, rbrida 54957 CONTRACfR: 012 nemo Ob", ii 'an: 16" - I' `R P: 2019. 1;� -`n; ►1/;2l./ 19 - A,01 / A,05 ��_�ngJneer�nq,1.�=.0 J er C . erg # 70844 590� ce Pier-c`e, 113�}982 4CWngLLG ail,com c,772-519-2679 11 F ropy _s VAN O 0 O rual! . I N Legend $ = L lghtlnq 5v/ltch $3 = Lighting Switch - 3-waif + - Lightinq - 6" recessed - L ightinq - Wall Mount + - Liciking - Wet gated + - L ightlnq - Junction 6FI0 - receptacle -120 V Ground Fault b = receptacle -120 V nINING BOOM J MA5tr C3Fnp OM J SNOW�r II CLOSef II. II FSATH qi - receptacle - 240 V ® - receptacle - Exhaust Fab with Liglit 0 - Carbon Monoxide netector Y - Phone Jack 0 - Smoke detector w/ 13atter> backup - TV and Network Jack Plans to show; I, 5ignature and seal of design professional AI'IU - Air Handler Unit 2, Code and edition for design 3, beslgn basic wind speed ( If applicable) 4. Height above grcund Cif applicable) . VHl5 nOCUWNf 15 PPOPl?,VArY ANn 5UPJFCf TO NON ;NFN r�M [ EXISTING UCTPICAL PAM 51 omr PY OiNFrS NOf INCLUnFn --,*' 13Fnr00M #1 HAVE 5FA- WITH 006 DFW Electrical Panel 5chedul e NO 17escription Pdes Trip Volts �N Conduit W) I, FXISTING 1,0AP 2, ANTI #1 2 60 240 # 6 V 4" (10) 3, AC Compressor #1 2 40 240 #8 3/4" 1,20 Water Neater 2 50 240 # 10 V 4" 4,00 5 , t e rlgerator 1 20 120 #12 1/ 2" 150 6, Nhwahser 1 20 120 #12 1/2" 150 7, Washinq Machine 1 20 120 #12 1/ 2" 2,00 8, Clothlnq 17rger 2 1 50 240 # 10 V 4" 450 9. paw N/ A, N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10, Kitchen - 5mall Appliances 1 20 120 #12 1/ 2" 4,00 11, 61`0 @ 0,15 kW�ach 1 15 120 #14 1/4" 2,85 12, Exterior Ligthing @ 05 kW Fach I 15 120 #14 1/ 4" 6,50 13, Ceilinq Fans @ 0.2 kW Fach I 15 120 #14 I/ 4" 1,20 14, 6eneral1,161Wnq I 1 20 120 #12 I/4" -5,60 15, Eceptacles I 20 120 #12 1/ 2" 2,00 16, Total 1 46,85 Panel Calcuatlons - Load 5Ammary A, AC Load @ 1007 10,00 kW D. First 10 kW @ 1007 10,00 kW C. P.emainder @ 407 15,14 kW 12, Total 25,14 kW r, tequired Amps 105 AMP5 F, 25,14 kW / 240 Volts = 105 Amps - No upgrade Needed CA Hunter Tru5t 44 Aqua ra drive Jensen Beach, Florida 54957 CONAGiC�p;1T3b 16 P; 2019=645 f7; Il / 21 / 19 1 Ay02 / A,05 qC�nglnec�-Inq;; LI.� vier 590 b • t, lerce, FI.54982 4CFngll @ mail,com '' 'c;772-519-2679 npv Structural And General Notes - Al Written bimen5lon On These Prawin65 Take Precedence Over 5caled nimension5, n0 NOT SCALE bKAWINGS, ANY 1215C1?EPANCIE5 SHOULP BE PPOUGHT TO THE 0E516N ENGINEER'S ATTENTION MOP TO CONTINUING ANY WRIK - The Contractor, Subcontractor, Supplier, Etc Shall Verlfg All Pimen5ion5, Measurements and Concllt,&5 At The Job 51te Plans And 5pecification5 Prior to Any Construction Work and Orderinq Materials - Construction Shall Follow The Florida Buildinq Code ( FBC) A5 Adopted Bg The Cou* or City In Which The Building 15 To Be Consbructed With Al Applicable Amendments - The Entire Building (or Addition) 15 Pe5igned A5 An End Zone Condition In Accordance With Section 6,5 ASCE 7-10 The Building 15 ne5igned A5 An Enclosed Structure In Accordance With 5ection 6,5,9 ASCE 7-10. Thi51%e5ign A55ume5 That The Exterior Glazing Meets The FBC 2017 5W - The Loadinq Are In Accordance With ASCE 7-10, And Are To Be Multiplied Bg The Appropriate Shape Factors Structural Features Not Petailed On These PIan5 Will Be Addressed By The Engineer A5 Construction Progre55e5 - Use Clean, Compacted Fill And Treat For Termites - All Windows, Poor5, And Other Openinq, Including Protective Pevice5 Are To Be Certified By The Specialty Engineer Of The Product Manufacturer - Connectors Cabaloq Numbers Are Based On Simpson 5bronq Tie Corporation Product5, Unle55 Noted Otherwi5e, Fa5teninq 1.5 To Be In Accordance With Manufacturer's 5pecificAlon, - Al Structure Concrete, 51a6 Footings And Grout Shall Have A Minimum Compre55ive Strength Of 3000 P51 At 28 bag5, See Plans For Size And Steel Pecjuirements, - Minimum Concrete Protection to Pelnforcement Bars; Beams 12 Footing5 5" - Lap Al Reinforcing Steel A Minimum of 48 Bar Piameter5 - Al Standard Lumber Shall Be SPF, Or Stud Grade With Minimum F6-1200 P51 Or Better - All Lumber In Contract With Concrete Or Ma5onrg Shall Be Pre55ure Treated 5plittinq Or Cracking Of 5bructural Component5 l2ue To In5tallatlon Of Hardware 15 Not Permitted - Unle55 Otherwi5e Noted, The Installation Of Specified Hardware Shall Conform To The Manufacturers Instruction And 5tandard5 - Bear-inq Points Of Header5, Girders, And Beams Shall Have Vertical 5upport5 Sufficient To 5uppo-t Loads And Shall fie Properly Anchored For Uplift A5 Will fie noted goof 5heathinq;" C12X Exterior Grade APA Plgwood Installed Perpendicular To The koof Framing, With End Joints Staggered, Nail To Trusses W/ 8d Pinq Shank Galvanized Nails @ 6" O,C, Throughout, Gable Ends To fie Nailed @ 4" O,C, Unle55 Otherw15e Noted For Exterior Wall, Exterior Plywood 5heathinq and Interior nrywa11515 to fie Nailed With IOn Nails or Better, 6; O,C, and 8" O,C, Filled, nrywall 5crew51,5" Lonq And 0.01" In Piameter For Ridge Vent Installation Block With 20 # 2 HF Or Better Between Top Chords Or Trusses Along The Edge Of Plywood Pirectly Below The Vent For Frame Segment To Masonry Segment Connections Use PT Vertical Secured To Masonry With 16" Pia, Laq Screws Ii" Embedment to 5000# Concrete Min. 18" O,C, Walls; The trouble Top Plate ( Butt Splices) Shall Re515t 4000Lb/ Splice, All Wall Top Plates Shall Be lapped A Min, Of 24" @ 5pl ice5 W/ 7-16J Nails Min. Lap Center 3 Of Will Shall Be 4' W/ 9-16n Nails, - At Gable, Provide 20 Full Blocking To The Tru55e5 For The First Two Tru55 5pacinq, 5paced at 4' O.C. Nailing Shall Be 4" O,C, At First Tru55, - Apply Plywood goof 5heathinq Face Grain Perpendicular to 5upport5 - All goof Coverinq Shall Be Applied Per Manufacturers pecommendation5 Or Per FBC And Local Codes Whichever 15 More 5trenuoa5 - Repair Al Walls In Accordance With netails In This l%rawinq And In Accordance With The Applicable Florida Bulldinq Code( 5). - Repair Al Electrical Wirinq, LCM, V01tage Wiring, HVAC/ Puct5 And Plumbing Bg Qualified Contractor Some Electrical 5wftche5 nid Not Connect To Any Junction Box Or Outlet But Are Shown For Clarity, ,THIS POCUM%f 15 I`f:01 pEfXY ANn 501CT TO NON-1215CL05Uf:�, FOP U51� PY W NT ANI? P�516NATN2 F,�CIPIM5 ONLY, OFFICIAL PLANS PY JAVU, C15WO5, U. MU5T BANE f p0f 05Nn LAV I2II EXI5T1NG LAV 1 1 '1 2 f p0f'05�P 2" EXISTING \Uf EXISTING TO SANITARY 5Y5f�M PLUMPING �15�p bIAG�AM NT5 KITCHEN FUOM PY 0MN P'5 AFPP0AMAi r,l.Y 8 FEEL OF 2" PVC FOR KItCitN I5LMP LAVATORY CV %AD AN7 COMCt fO EXISTING PIPING MOP05N9 MCNEN 15LANP EX %1\1G PIPING 13Y OiIV5 ANn VENT" PUMPING APPMON PLAN VIEW CA Hunter Trot 44 Aqua b Prive Jensen Peach, Fbrida 34957 CONTP.ACT0k: TV xmtruction Notes, f lumki)I� AddjiM & Vi5er Piaclrar f ; 2019-045 I" 19: [V'21%' 10 4C �nalneer`Ina. I.LC 5903Y. e, 34982 WI i1 10f?IGINAL 5I6NA11M, elil'com . c172-5T9-2679 I:itp limp III B� P00r 2X4 WOOL? STUP TOP WITH PIM PAPPR SEALANT CAULK TWO ( 2) 811 fn X FM PAT P GYPSUM POAPn ON POTH 5IM5 OF 2M 5TUP5 WITH PIP.F, l3APPIFP SFALANT CAULK ON TOP,130rTOM ANP ANY JOINTS, T 5T t2 IN ACCOPbANCI� WITH ASTM �119 ! OP 120 TWO HOUP PIPS P�TAPTANT MIMM WOOL INSULATION 2X4 W0012 T U155130"TOM I I == I CHOPP WITH PI kl� PAP M I I == I SEALANT CAULK I I °_ I == TOP OF M511NG CMU WALL I I VAPMAON 13FMN 44 AQUA AN1942 AQUA n��'AI� JAI I?0OF AT11C Pips WA.I. nNX W5 POOP TPU55 M WOOn RACING AT 16' 1 O,C, P30 INSULATION C PATT OP CLOWN) ROUP FIPM&L FOP bUUX N5 %811 GYPSUM POAPn CMING nPYWAl nML Nf5 '0 ( 2) 8" TYPE X GYPSUM MT ON FACH 51PF OF [TfAIL ml 15T PF TEST IN ACCOPnANCF 1H ASTM f199 Op 1263 PIPS SAP H SEALANT CAULK TOP CHOPf7, POfTOM CHOPbS n ALL JOINTS 1NG I-IMM SHOWN JOT MlIPIN2 �M519OCMNT 15 PPOMETAP.Y AMP SUPJ�CT TO NON-1215CL05UP�, POP U51� PY CLIENT ANI2 PF516NM12 P�CIPENTS ONLY. OFMCIA, PLANS PY JAVEP 05M,05, P.F.,_MUST HAVE SEAL WITH OPIGINAL 516NMUP�, CA Hunter TrA 44 Actua Pa 12rlve Jensen Beach, Pbrlda 54951 CONTP,ACTOP; T P dire Warl�n`M5A P:2019-045 n;`ir%21/.,I9,;y'A,O4 / A,05 �C n�ineerlirq, L. c 5903 p ' e, �, , fierce, PI 3�982 4C�ngLL qmaI,Lom . , c:712=519-2619 FXI511NG ipU55 TOP CHOW WITH FIRF PAMAGF 515V TRU55 Mr\ 12M L "A" 1 45111\16 PFAP.ING WALL NOf 5HOVVN IN nFfAIL FOR CLAPITY TWO ( 2) 16P NAILS Af 12' O.C. RFPAIR fO FMNn f0 ROOF PFAK I gpICal I ru55 repair vetaii W5 Replace 5heathinq As Needed With With 8" CnX Exterior Grade APA Plywood Installed Perpendicular fo The Roof Framinq W/ End Joints Staggered, Nall to frusses W/ ad R►nq Shank Nads Min, 6" O.C,1"hroughaxt And Gable Fnds Shall lie Nailed W/ IOd Common, Galvanized Nails @ 4" O,C, bamaged fruss Attach 2"x4" fo Damaged fruss With carriage bolt with washer at 12" O,C Staggered ANn Two ( 2) 16d nails at 12" O,C, Use Construction Wood Adhesive 2" x6" fo 21'x4" With 5 2" nails or screw at 12" O.C. Use Corlkwction Wood Adhesive PAM i' A'' N5 CA Number crust 44 Aqua Ra Drive Jensen Beach, Fbrida 54951 CONTRACf0R: or Truss Pepair �netails P: 2019-045 2%t/> I A,05 / A,05 4 gineer4nq; t c J er CI er p;F, #7084 ,V15 nOCUWNf AP.Y ANn 5UPJFCf f0 NON FOR U5F PY CLIFNf ANT? 19F51GNATW RFCIPIFW5 ONLY, OFFICIAL PLANS 13Y JAVIFR C15NFR05, P.F. MU5f NAVE SEAL WITH ORIGINAL 516NAM DEC *94: COPY 5903 fierce, FI 34982 �CFngLLC �aiLcom"; �:?"/2-5LI9-26�9