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9/29/2020 9-29-20.IP9 Planning & €�e+unt�pn��rlt ���tci�� Bauiitir�� C� C:4t#e R�I�latiott division �3iD0 3J+irgilt�l Air Fc�wk �let�ee, l�. �49 77���4g2-��f5 Falx7i2-462-�i44� '� Ftequfi fclr Sit -.play T+�»�til F��� ��ic�as+a �ac�: �1 _V$ c� �c`� P�emi� iVta�rlb�r 9 `� 1'L C� � i-i Prkt Atictre�, l �-i �'� r' t � -. THE kaNL7Eit5ICNEC3 IICEf�1" I�+,�ilESi REI.F4.`aE 01° E:1.;7�Tf�,C�'A�.: PU1Nl;R T{} 77iE rh9fiVE DE�CRIIB�D PRp}+ERT1', Cd1R A [�It[� NbT TD EX[) THERIY (3�) �AY5, F�d�THE PiL�PtSSE C1F',ilfdtF �rYSTEMS ANki EQUIt't+IEP�'E' YPd I'IZEAARA�{I(7f� {-t1R A F�1A1.1t�Efi�EC(3C6N, eN !pQPJ�iU�2AT1.[�N OF >:tPl'NCWPA. (3F THE RC•f�I,PE51' WE HEREBY ACKN{�V�:€EfGE Afil� RGR AS ECi19.�VS: i. �� I>�np�rary paaa� relAa� � reque�led fpr tae atrpv� a�tod Per us?�+, and lh�t+ ti»SI ba k aeupancy t�f dny ti'P�, okl�r kiuut tfiatpermit�d kry gp#t�r41 dudng k35t5 tlhac+ pA.t4iid, i. As wl Ey uur syrtagcirRs, vas Iteraby area km atilde E?Y k��ns and roltltons � this agreerr�e�, �. Ali sbnditl and i�.qulre�+�nt,. Itslod In kE�e a€fid oacum art!llted `?Raquiramairts fat dks clay. Rxdrer for Testlr�g" h bra f� and the q�emisa � reedy fnr wmP�z�e ir�pActlen� 4, All requests for an ra:tens>an trQy+r�td �u days mod be male �s w g to'khp Ofi�clal skaElnq kha r��rn hx' the rt�qu,tid. Peavrer r>�y � re+n�xt Irom �It2 ar>tUci� a �kn¢r tNariF.4lrtler Isstt�l if till Flnai lrx�aec#h� Itas rwk peen a�praued w,lthlrr$0 days, ,A fae of $xk�;00 wla 4e r�+quired W �t kqt� �aP Ck'dea, �� iikl�#5' R.EI.E;ASE Ai�D AEIt�E 7C) IifJLl31t11RP+1LFS5; ST. iA3C�E G'Y711NiY, APdCf `i}iEl[i EP9PL�YELS F7tUIM AI:t 1aJ16IL3TIE� Ad�1Ci ClAYI'**1S C3F AM/TYPE JF NATURE WFIICH h9AY ATi1,SH NJ'dY' C?k itd'Tl9E F€i'1'kJt� C�tT �7� THIS TRAN�LCET4N, TNCi iJBt�NG ANY t2AN�AC� 4UI`II� x+IAY E ItQi�IBRFtE�t3 �YLIE'9'O iN� t5is[�SNNt��tCipd U� ELECfRICr4L PCi1M�t ]C9 THE EVENT �h'U�Z7L:Ui71(7N +�F TM�.S A.f3R#�MEPaI": https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1 /?tab=wm&ogbl#trashlFMfcgxwJZJQgsQGBpKThwQgmMhsFZZdM?projector=1 &messagePartld=0.1 1/1