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Product Review; SolarPill
Y.'.-20-15 09-28 11:40 SCP Branch 54 7723438907 >> 772 569 1063 AP72 1111 62817 901,23 j1 ROduces Evaporation and He6fioss-: For use with all pools Enviffonmentolly-friendly INSTRUCTIONS 1. Oolr"unfue Ibo 011111boraf SuIw" ("I'MO' nralud aniflillG to rntld s1za. • 1 pig par 1,000 sq. h, (92511, (11.) of S1nfuco iron in 30,0011 guyor,s • (114,11001). 7,. Shoka wall hofnle using. Remove Iha blue pir(dny tool hung ilia potkugo. S"T"101011' blue *1 tad tool harp Iha 1111511 pill. Pluto Ilia pointed nad of Ilia him. plarriuu lad Into 1110 mfwad orrn ul ilia lap, Iloldutn 111D ngsulo, Orndy pros' Iliu 111uo pkndng tonl fivairut A hind sulfine, (wooden deck or tunc(ota pod) until ilia pic16q hoof pgenhos ►hrnoph•Iho pbnl(c cop. Ramova Ilia Ifhuo piurdng tool, Ilold ilia tupsulo Ave, 1110 opal, skim• L ngur" USInI1 Iha 5UMNd whltn push pin, pivr(o our" indent wily. 3. Mlh 1110 pump Itnminn, lilace mltmlo(s) In skhnmer (fix) allov, 4quid to disponso. flu flat lthute in skufialarwidr ddadne leblats. 4. Roeevo Snllxf ill mpoAu after 4.4 hours a when the cdor lmfn door, find Ss(md 111 bash. II Is suupsied Ihol you Aug ilia pump for oNnrnl 0lalfis daily for Ixuper (414011on. Iha uajodly of My haul loss N due 10 ovoporalion. Solarl'ill udnintlrue hunt lass by fantdnn (n ullra•11ii1, Invislbh: huniara,I Ilia smforu of din wuhar 10 rrrhu"o owq,rvntion. Ifs p0tentod deGvory system lyuduully rdotIves Ihn fnemla Into Ihu faantiwg sysrma to allow for optinmil covamuu. One uglsulo hoots 0 30,0011 hrdlon (114,000 ditur) pool faf ono month. Replrr(n when nocasany to nu,hdntn wider lempmnluro. SnICHM mn be mail wllbAIL typesofsrmllizar, aiel Iscomp01i10 with aR Pool dlendstry" I'm Bost ra ulk anon ilia rotm„s dewnwmd to dne,u,su wnlnl unfuco movement, as SolerPdl n most effutlivo RI sldl water. Uneven 1161,ibutla, or use in water h6mwr(10•Ueerypadu(n oswuatwhich sltredd disol>I,ourina fawday.,. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Kuup lilt' product h1 ullginnl liglilly(10sud tanlolnor 41011 not If) use. I)n not tousu comniner. fGaso lliorounhlp befero dlscouling In lunll. 00 nfih store fit lompm0lmos bolnw 40'1• k). HAZARD WARNINGS: Avoid 0IR(Cf contntl wilh skill, aye%,If clolhinp, ho But niix wilh ulhor cliaudcals. FIRST AID: In lam of contact, imntrdlu►dy 0,Ist1 oyes of skin will, plenty ul water. Gul medical ullcnlifin If irdlnllun ponl'Is. EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION: Ilove Ilm product rename, or label w1J11 you when (filling a porno comml comer III datam; ur Going fur Ircahunal. You oxry also toted 1.11*424.9300 f"Hf:M1RtC (0omoslic, Nmllg pmodcn) or r•I /0352/ 30071:Hf.MTRH: puturinlimui, cnMezt coat ntcoptodl Ieranl,ngoncynladitd lraulntonl Herniation. NOVICE: Nei1I1OF 111110Sou0, hie nuI Ibo sonar of ►INs produ(l con ngtept any rasponsiblily whi re Ilia prndudis,tul used Ixcatdhtn to dkaelinns and Iur Ilia numner tit which it was Inlundad. Nalosouirce, Iur. I6312701h St. Sr, Suite t00, ao1111A WA 9nn„ P 1/2 It 201.,-09-28 11:40 SCP Branch 54 7723438907 >> 772 569 1063 Ariz 6 6281 921,23 ti Reduces Evaporation and Hedt L6ss For use with all pools Environmentally -friendly INSTRUCTIONS I.0eformina ilia number of SclorHp (opsulosnoatlad accenting to pool sizo. 1 All pet 1,000 sq. ft. (93 sq, inJ of sunfaca aroo or 30,000 tinllons (114,060 D. 2. Shoko well before using. Remove the blue pioiclpg fool from file package. Separate rho blue piercing tool from the push? pin. Plnco ilm polnlod end of the blue- piercing tool into Ilia recessed area of Ilia top. Holding the capsule, firmly press the blue Planing tool ogoitut a hold surhrco, (wooden deck or concrete pod) until The piercing tool punches through the plastic cop. Remove the blue piercing tool. Hold ilia capsule over tho open skin? mor. Using Ilse supplied while push• pin, piciro one indent only. d 3. With the punts running, place capsule($) in skimmer and allow liquid to dfspeaso. 00 not plow In skinnier with Willing tablets. 4, Remove Sololl ill capsule often 4.6 hours or when the color turns deo4 mid discord intrash. If is suggested that you run the pump fol at least 8 hours daily for proper diculotioo. The m0106V of daily heat loss is due io evaporation. ftiPlN minimizes heat loss by forming an u(Iro•Ilda, invisible border on the surface of ilia water to reduce ewporoffart. Its potentod delivery systam gradually releases the formula Into the fifaotion syslom to allow for optimum (overage. One capsule ireols a 30,000 gallon (114,000liter) pool for one month. Replete when necessary to maintain water tomporoitlfe, SolaiM can be used with AIL types of sonirizais(md is mmpati6)e urlll ull pool(hemislry. For best iesuhs, angle Ilia returns downward to deaeose water surface movement, as SolaiPill is most af(active in still water. Uneven distribution or use in water below 657 (18'Q may produce Wilues which should dtrnppeor in a few days. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Keep this product ill original tightly closed container when not in use. Do not rouse container. Rmso tlorougldy before dacorillpg In Inish. Do hot store at temperatures holow 407 (4'C). HAZARD WARNINGS: Avoid DIRECT contact wilhAfal, eyes orclothfng. Do nor mik with otherdienikoh, FIRST AID: In case of confad, immodlaloly flush oyes or skin with plenty of . ` water. Got medical OiNnllon if Mallon porsm. EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION: Ilnvo the piodu(I container or label will, you when Calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for ticaiment. You [hay also contact 1-800.424.9300 CHEMTREC (Domestic, Noilh Americo) or•r1-703.517-3887 CUGMTREC (bllomafionol, collect (ells accepted) far amergoncy medical treatment infemmlion. NOTICE: Hellher IlaloSource, Inc. nor Iho sailer of Iles product can accept anymsporaRillily where ilia product is not used according to direcllmis and for the manner in which iI was intended. HQIoSourco, Inc. 1631220111 St. SE Suite 100, 0olholl, WA 90021 Pliano: JIMR1-6464 • Fox: 425.887.-2476 Aqu0P11111 Rod SolcuPill are 4nJommks or registered trademark of IlaloSamce, Inc. and/or Its subsidiaries. www.holosourco.cmn • www.equo•pillcom © 2011 90105ource • Rev. 0577.00 Net Contents:15.2 oz (450 ml) P 2/2 a