HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit Number: Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virgl'nia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Shutter Commercial X Residential --------- - ------ ROPOSED- IM-PROV ENT -LOCA 1'0'N'+-' P . '`'y L• L ... - i'- L-.uL t - vL - .. t - - _ L• '..r �.•.{ - - i LL �i''S •' .ti _ .. ... ... : _ .. '•:1'a ' .4L5K'S�� _ . .......... ress: 3120 N HIGHWAY'AlA 1201 Legal Description: TIARA TOWERS UNIT 1201 -S Property Tax ID #; 1425-610-0127-000-7 Lot No. Site Plan Name.-. Block No.. Project Name: Webster Setbacks Front Back: X R1911't Side: Left Side: ---- ------ DETAILED'DESCRIPTI OF W RK--------------- : Install 1 accordion shutter CONSTRUCTION INFORMpTIt�N:.. .. .. .... Id-Itional wo HVAC lectric r to be p rtormed under this permit — C eck all XCis Gas Tank 0 Plumbing Total Sq. Ft of Construction. Cost of Construction: $ 7,694.00 Gas Piping Sprinklers u 0 apply: Shutters Generator Sq. Ft.- of First.Floor: Utilities0 : Sewer J Septic Windows/Doors Roof Building Height: Roof pitch . jt E -S S TOR E E'*'. . ... .. .. ... .. .. .. � .. �_ . .. ..:� _ � :_--st•F-= :-ems=::-x-x-�-�-:-_�-_ _ � .-:::-x-�- -� -# - - • - s? t CONTR - �: Y .. ''�' � � � � .:: •.. •. .•. .. ... .. .. .. .. _ .. .. ,l .f•v .. �s ..•� - - r" - - - - _ - _ - _ - = 7r�'• a;{ ;���. �,.'. - � r.f .7� ?�. f •a •.L} , r 'k-'•' -. k• k� 1 _ .5 _ Name Edward H Webster 11 Names Michael Heissenberg fifirp-q-- th W r Shutter Services . r . City: Vancouver 1111111111ir State: WA Zip Code: 98662 Fax: Phone No. 727-518-4349 L-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) Address: 668 SW Whitmore Dr_ City: Port Saint Lucie State: FL Zip Code: 34984 Fax: 772-871-0990 Phone No. 772-871-1915 L-Mail% Cal(expertaaol.corn State or County License: 16572. If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. • •AANW ■*.J AAM i AdAWJd a Vl ar f b 1+—i+d&a+r Fa#. Pd� 1 ; }' yr ,][ •x0 Pa' "+# dMr --.,aN,a,-1� 10,.46a — ti4'ai•r. 1i�4I'1.hf#f.ki Vrr - r. r J{: •l r. i1 _ . i I aL �a ai ii i.i aaaa=aa?Y•_­V SUPP-LEMENTAL­-CONS-T-RUCTION LIEN N F", O-R. 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NW 36th 81 Suft 305 Address: Address* it I F city: tat C I +r'tMa.�.r,r.r...,.t..;•L • ... a. ,++�, +.oar - i state4d z � ��i.+u ate... f r,�JMf +1iliM i��+. r � .. � . � . � ... � _ � rtii++t ■ ti P Zi 3 P Z'* iw Phone �y'jJ}o ri 1 rtPr i•+rr � J�rrr,_ a ..A... am#.L*. ##��. {.f,t;++�. +la�i+�F•� ..-�� a+. r+-. rrr,a sir w'.r-�tirwv a a. 1 ++a yV .. f+POAAAW 1FlULAA+rkti+i•AWA"r6-.- tr~A r aiLd• d offi v- tYT+rJY ft+�a +M�a�raFr r.F+'i�aw•IFK��Khi fi. ��#.a•ii ��T•. .r •••rr�aria 44 a., a {rF#f1 ....-- a.arrr�rrr•■a.aa...�■ a1aldV11I ayarrr*rr..aa_�.�-'---_ FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDERV Not ApplicabIc--.1 BONDING COMPANY4 Appl'l'cable a ni �- ..Name. i..ii rw r,•.yhhYW+i41FJY fM•Yr~dr" rid *q6& ad ��i,i,i++�4 a•rr.F di rm *.F*�. J J e.d . I 1. r... � •�-Adf—kw Asa: • '+a.ir'+��� ++*rti+r••irr ua.a+A- AMWA 410 +b _• Address, Address aua.�..�.� - - - a.i-..��---�,T.�. -�:�i�r• W.au ..•�-.`- _.: =N++.i='�'���� •mar-,r cityo rra"YrYf'��i�•r'artyhr�'�'ti'r's�'.1r+.1.YaL=�� rr 1+YM#+I•Fa _ �., �.w•.� ..Ud.••rr A. aia,••i r.i_,•.•,r+,a..+,_J #oJ...JL...+f.a...{rirr.LATr^ArA����r����- r._+ .+. iMi.+,�ay r3M ...�..+aa �a�a.w+r raa u iia„—: =:�?fig-N.rrf a.{ A• C t y 44WO r ilk i+i iM�i Mdrr�rrY+riw'! � _ _ _- _ _ _ _ _ ' _ ' • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a PM Phoncl.. zi P: Phot)e oft— &&rawMla i•lrtl4ri#i••Ma' *MP—! I rW%" .�i-Fiii4•a•a�4 �#i� - - 'r...frti.aar ■ r,I•1rr-+i .0 rfr■*}­,..l.nor ==Mf s arlWl.***YJii. dFa=, "a.4,Fa4.d}.. aidFa ti/,-, a.a...aaa.i...- •�'•� OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT,* PP fion i tsyince of a p(irmit, . . Si. Lucie COUnt makes no representation that is granting rmit will author."Ibie the permit holder- to build the subject structure which is in cot) lict. with "my applAlcable. Home {owners Association rubs, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such consult +rvitit your Home Owner-s Association arid review your deed for .any restrictions which mayapply, It-1 c�ondwicl_f,-,�rziflon of kh� gr�ntii�g of this rec{ue�steti ��c�rr,�it, E do Fjere.�by agrYe thy# I will, in ail respects, perform the work in accorarice with the. appi-oved plans., th�a Flot"I'da Building Codes and St. Luc'e County Amendments. The following; building; permit a p p ca tj On s are exempt from undergoing a full con cu rr c� ncy review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming; pools, fcInce-C, walls, signs, screen moms and aecQss01-y LISPS to arioi:hE�r non-residential use „WARNING TO OWNER: Y'OUR FAILURETO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVIEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORIDED. AND POSTED ON THE J013 SITE BEFORE JIIEF'OF FIRSI INSPECTION. IF YOU INTIEND TO OBTAIN FINANCINCt CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER 0 t'- A ORNEYE RECORDIR C YOUR N0TJCF t1F Ct1M N mFfii1r-P ' w•��'T'��a••.�ra•�-•-•--_--.-r-_� � . r +rrrr ■r,riwF M#i - : - +.+_}�- rFfta. o��rF �Yf�tis. ytrLa �La.�: � Y .... ............r - - �rtarJ� • + a 0001 .. ....... .. w ti•r r.+.r{�•�•.r x,y rp{,• �,iY+,�i�r W- M + +--'Fw,�...... � .rlarfr. %C�LP-Ssee./Contdractor- as Agerit Ownc.t- .3!gnal STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ��' . Lij���� .tea-. aivii ate...- .yti %�i Y1 , The fo�c�i�iK instr t'tent was acknowied�; d bt)pfor,e n•iEy this ._ day of :�.. __.._., 7_(� by Name of person marking statement. �J Personally Known �__ OR ['1_00AL1(0(J 16:11W-CatiOn Type of lidentification Produce,Iwo d1dF ii NEFEMEN - _,iiiiii I I I I I I I I I d�11 N K �11 ftftatft� %I C --02 (Signature of Notary Public- State of a qw Npip��tY PLS�LIC;: CommissionCommissionNo. ��pV=�Q �( 5 ��A.OIVF FLoRto ,..,.��,r,A03 .6-0- . - - ­ - . — q­ -P,� -A hJ jq..—Fw REVIEWS A•r�T nT.IF+ua� a.. _ a . _ a a _ f .LY • •,.�.` _ _rr _ _w•i�._ DA__1'F' R E C E I V E D ���I�YWr•F!�l5fl a . a.. � a 1Ja i+a••4+.+ K� DATE COMPLETED •i.rtia... �• err ev* 7 era �} r+ •.Yrr a • 1 iIF+'+fl f+.il+,. r'rr ri r FRONT 1 ZONING SUPERVISOR COUNTER REVIEW IffVIEW ....... ...... a. a. tk a�.�_.. ._ _ ,• r ya �L{II-A-LAIiIAfl.. a. a__.ir.Ytii jw r a i a' FY•Yii-F Fk, �F+c�.�... as -a... aa. ... .. aiJ +t.Y �Y r""ia_,,ram. +-n i .a A.r d.+J_r....+ `-- 'b�drrrrtr+-r•VL1 d'1 r M r i.M,+77L1+.11S} 1 FYij&Y Y{.J WEEMEN !-)jgnature of Contractor/License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA BOUNTY OFsii.(a. I'tie forgoing instrumenfi was acknowledged be -fore me t'a)is�....... day of �'..=._ , 2C1�Q by Name of person making statement, Persorially Known � CAR Produced Identification � J'ype of Ident"Ification j P r o d u (., e d (Signa-ture of Notary Publ'l'c-"State of Fla � } ornmission Na � e +fitTlR++r q 7 r q•r*P.F.-"&-"i•Fai N{..a. + PIPANS VEGE`FA�TION E ; V I *W REVIEW *'IF _ _ i'f �• , � � � r .. a . � . � � •, _ �# �+a_. Ye47iaiF•..+-.-Lill 4•E4.+�Y �Fa/Y . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ tt n+- ............ R%r.r 741-.ai4l1a 1h+•-W%jb +.r+, iF SEATURTLE R F V I F_* W .{. al'+Y a i YLWLdb AA Wa 1. i-6 Y Shanon O'Shea j Gomm# OTA�tPt10l.1 'iATE Off' FLUD i2 8 --------- mm.. - _� ^ -#.A A i MANGROVE