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Sub Agreements
PLAINWG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1 ,► Building & Code Compliance Msiou Comfort Control Services p.;ompany Name/lndMdus[ Name) the Electrical BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Renar Builders, LLC (Type of Trade) S3 I o &)66- (Primary Contractor) ,Le) Z /6o For the project located at 9 7 1?oZ \)ObLrn r (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) sear P e/C.2) FL-- It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Glenn A Davis 11 PRINT NAME SUB-CONTRACrORSIGNATURB (Qualifier) Wayne Zimmerman PRINT NAME C13C 11228 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of Martin State of Hlorida, Countyor St, Luele The foregoing lArumentwos signed before me this -2Sday of Th, foregoing Instrumtatwas signed before ,mne Itbts `2'�da�R6 yy/of,� Q` X2[1wbY,�V3. �., 'zLo y 0�O675,® who is personally known,_or has produced a who Is personally known—)( or lu prot`aeed a as ldenpilca tion, STAMP Signature of Nolary Public Print Name ofNofary Public �1hp,Y PUp�/� RHONDAS ROWS a Commission # GG 104656 Revised 11/162016 v Expires M8y 19,.2021 "NO F��� BondedThN BudSIoFNoIn,N`'ikos V STAMP Q s1Fpr otaryPublic tate of Florida Kimla J Simone My Commission FF 013M l ' -,�Of ff.04' Expires 05/18!2020 PERMIT# I i ISSUE ❑ATE PLANMG & DEVELOPME, N'T` SERVICES Building & Code Compliance 1)f ioa DMDINGPERMIT SMCO aT)RACTOR A GREF,MENT Preferred A1C & Mechanical, Inc have agreed to be (Company'Namellndivldual Name) the Methanlcal / HtIAC Subcontractor for Renar Builders, LLG tpoo fra oj,3/D <al - D/D-,L D 'rlmtugContractor) 4-1 Por the project heated at (Pro ect Street Address or'rroperty T, #) O✓¢ .ems 2-e'0'1 It is understood that, if there is agy change.of stattas regarding our participationwith the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be adviged pursuant to the Piling of a Chango of -Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACT'Qti S[GNATUitl'(QuaUflcr) Glenn A Davis 11 PRUfrKAMB CBC 1261W cou Yu CE);tTMCAAUoN N70BR sweofliorida,Couatyof Madln The faMoing lnstramentwas stgued before me MIS --day of by who Is personally tmowA `,..Lor bas pmdr!sEG a as Identlticatton. Sx`AW S rguature o f Notary Pnblte Print Name of Notary Pu BUo Revised IV16/2016 PU,9 RHONDA S RQWE ogy.RY a ` n Commission # GG 104656 N Expires May 19, 2021 �9rFOPf��� Bonded 7hruBudget Notary Smim :0N.=CF0RStGN4TLU (Qoallaer) Pohaid Wayne ®'Bryon PPXgT NAM rzKI COUNTY CE[t'i'IF QUONNUMElt State UPtoctda',CotutyOf PamBaaph 24e foregoinglnstrttmtut wns sigueii bare me tbie')48ayof �r"a�+h�lp�''bJ' �. �,'.: f -'art l�;E t:i:;1{iC 1..� t';'•4tiL'; £ J who 13 perso6AAy }umewn �Lor has produced A as ldeatitlrstt�n. � 1 TMfJ ti � - �> sTArv>F Slgnatnre of Nn �'ry c 1411./ %-abs-(,e-> Print Name orNotaryPu6U0 ro'`� U°fps Notary Public- State of Florida a. cCommission # FF 926942 My Comm. Expires Jan 31, 2020 ' �oin�`o Bondedthr=hNationalPlotaryAssn. PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPNIENT SERVICES Bttikling & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR APRtf EME1NT Hypoiuxo Plumbing, Inc have agreed to be the. Plumbing Sub -contractor for Rnar Builders, Inc. (Tyl)eofTrade) ,e-��_, J�� _ .t (PrimaryCbntracctt�or) %CJS lZ] Por the project located at �{Y Qm L,� Y�A.tL. �I" (Project 3ireet Addre; s or Property Ta.x ID,4) A�l It is understood that, if theme is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project; the Building and Code .Regulation Division of St. Lucie County wil I be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change ofSub-contractor notice. CU TRACTOR SIGNTATUR . lnaltfier) Glenn A Davis 11 PRINTIMNME CBC 1261228 COM"IN CEM IkICATIoN NUMBER State or Florida, Coiintp of Martin The foregoing histrutnent was shgue(l before ine this as stay of 24 i b4 Z� rt n . A D" S ..t.t- who is personalty known ✓ or has produced a as identilicatiou. , Signatu of ikotary Public Print\antc ofNoinre Public SUB -CONTRACTOR SICNATURF,(Quolifi ) David Price PRINT NATNIF 30799 St Lucie Co / CFC1430015 State of FL CO 'ViTY•CEtYMICATION tiUMAER State of F`tdrido, Coling• of Palm Beach The foregoing instrument tras signed bem fore e this ° da) fit' ^ \ � 2t1�, bt . D &Y I i� �Y 1 C-e— echo is personally known or hos produced a . as identiiicati n. I STAhIP Signature of Notary Piibb Karl J. Hartel Print Name of Notarti Public a ° ' Notary Public State of Florida Karl J Hartel x My Commission GG 166.4385 1 fl a0 Expiies 11/3012021 Revised 11;1!!2016 BondedThroSudgetNotery$orvices o,�pgv pgpe ° RHONDA S ROWE _ `' " * Commission #Ge.i04656 * N�9TFopP�d�`o� Expires May 19, 202 PERMIT# ISSUE �7E PLAWNG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Cardinal Roofing & Siding, Co,, inG have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Roofing Sub -contractor for Rena Builders, LLC ('Type offside) /(} i (� -- jC� 02 - D I v ��-1�00 f�'rimarpContxacCor) For the project ivcated at 9'72.1_ ., Pq / m fJ►' z off - o }�a Ft— kerojeet Street address or Froperty Tax m #) It is understood that; ifthere is any change ®fs4tgs re dihs aux partacipation with the above mentioned project, the Buift Md CO& Rog&fion DhAsaon d 9t. Lucab Nunty dvili be advised pursuant to the fig of Change of Sub -contractor notice. r Gft n A Davis ii taR1NT WA -M R, COUNTY CERTUWATKON NUMBER Stateddtlorld%County of $t.!.side The foregoing Instrument was oignedW ore me M13 ,2�, day of . Who lspersonauyknmavn V oshaspeoduceda�_ a degtllioadorr. ' ffAMF Ag-fiaeofNotarypublic Print Name ofMotary public or argm4 RHONBAMWE ' " Gommfaelan#GG90d956 k a iZevised I vtsrzotb 9t ��o" EKplres May 19"2021 FO, Baidad rAmBadgelP7ofmy $ervkaz Brad Hogan PRW NAM . 9072 co . IEBCATYOPTtYuitli state of FPlorldm,county of StLucie The fbiwnh-imtruagntwas signed kroremeibis doyof , whmisPer�aus7�Sl cwn-`orkasproduceds as 1deQ11itcptlom, ST AI19P Si®nature of €lTotary Yu6hc Point Name ofNoIi public Fav nta RHONDAD ROWS a® commission # GG 104056 m -q� Expirs May 10" 2021 9JPpFp�OQ'� ©ondodThrut3udptNotaryuorvlcos Manning & Development Services Building a, Cede Regulation Division 2301 Virginia Avenue Fart Pierce, FL 3+982 REVIEW COMMENTS Page 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Status Reviewed By Address: 9792 Palm Breezes Dr Owner(s): Date Released Renar Homes Morningside Lic City / State / Zip: Saint Lucie County, FI Parcel #: '2310-502-0102-000/4 Jurisdiction: SAINT LUCIE COUNTY Zoning: PUD Lot#: 100 Block: APPLICATION INFORMATION Permit Nurpber: 2009-0143 Stories: Automatic Sprinkler System? No Permit Type: BUILDING RESIDENTIAL (SFR UP TO 2 FLOORS) 9/8/2020 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Name: Glenn A Davis Ii Fax Number: 772-692-9155 Business Name: Renar Builders Llc Email: Rhondarowe@Renarhomes Business Addr: 3725 S East Ocean Blvd Ste 101 .Com City / State / Zip: Stuart, FI 34996 REVIEWS AND COMMENTS Review Type Status Reviewed By Date Started Date Completed Date Released ADDRESSING ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE Angela Vassar 9/11/2020 9111/2020 Comment: DOCUMENTS MISSING PENDING Deanna Givens 9/8/2020 9/8/2020 Comment: NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT 9/8/2020 Comment: 9/14/20 VEG PERMIT IN EMAIL FILE.LI VEG PERMIT FORWARD TO ERD BY E-MAIL 9/8/2020 Comment: ELETRICAL SUB AGREEMENT 9/8/2020 Comment: HVAC SUB AGREEMENT 9/8/2020 Comment: PLUMBING SUB AGREEMENT 9/8/2020 Comment: ROOF SUB AGREEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMPLETE Lynn Swartzel 9/11/2020 9/14/2020 9/14/2020 Comment: FRONT COUNTER REVIEW COMPLETE Deanna Givens 9/8/2020 9/8/2020 9/8/2020 Comment: NOTIFIED FOR PICK UP PENDING Lashahna Ingram 9/25/2020 9/25/2020 9/25/2020 Comment: PLANS EXAMINER REVIEW COMPLETE Jpi, Inc -Andrew 9/23/2020 9/25/2020 9/25/2020 Comment: