HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan 1SU PPLEMENTA L CO NSTR UCTION HIEN LAW INF!ORMA-DON. DES FG ER/ENGINEER: — C', "kp. ol;{Zb. til arne: Add i css= City: Sfate _ zip: Phar, FEE 51MPLE TITLE HOLDER: Name. Adrdress5: - City: ZIP: Not APPIicablc I MORTGAi~a E COMPANY: _ Not np pl irab le Narne: Addre,s; City; State_ ZiP; BONDING COMPANV'y: —Nut Applir_a bl e Name- Addre; City: IIID' Phnne: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFID IT= Applicadon i!� hereby rnade� t4 obtai n a permit to da the work and installation as indicated, I eertifw tit no vmrk of f nstsallation his commencl prior to the issuance of a Permit. 5t. lug CouM moues no repre,*c, tad'Dn thpt is grantin a permit will authorise the permit hcfder to hudd the subject �i ruc— ft" which is in conflict wftfi awry applicable Home OWnErs As„ ocla tion rales, bydavars or and craw nants that may restrict or prohibit such si.rurture. Please cvnsrrdt your Horne D-ncrs AsscrclaWn and reviiw your deed for @cry restrirtion:� which may apply. to consideration of the granting of this regrieste.:d permit, I do heirby ages LI -i I wife, in .all FeNpe t3, perfoem the work in acrof-dancc with the approved plans,, the Florida GWldi ng t=ode% and St Lrrzie County Amencirr,ents. The follovA ng building permit apjlicatloi y are exempt from undergoing a full cancurrency review' room additions, trc emrr &Lrucirires swlrwrmir pools, femccs; warts, signs, screen room%-und accessory uses tc anDth" non-residenuW use WARNING TO OWNER. Your failure to Record a Notice Of Cum mencement may result in paring twice far rnprovern-eats to your proioert-yr,, A Notice of Cornmencernent rSnirst be recorded in the publfr, records of St. Lucfe County aro d posted an the jobsi to before the first i nspecition. If you irate rkd to oa-tain finarici reg., rrrrLsul t wf*,h lender Rrvp orn1 before cornmenring rorlk or recording your Acid f Corrlmi?nriement_ Sign er of+Dvor� r} I_essee{Conlrocfor as ,tigerrl. for0Orme {`�r,ctur ,tractor/Lipenw- HoJder STATE OF FLOR r I STATE OF FLORIDA� COUNTY CtF� CO4JNTYOF .r SvA� rjr affirmed MIr subscribed Wore al -e of I Pres r _ Online Ngtarilatiorr this. dLcy Of 2 by N ame crf perAn malting 50tt±rnent Personally Known OR Producwd tdentifiratio.,-. Type of Ide tifrfatian of Commlulon No- FREVI EWS FRO COUNTER DATE RECEIVFf] DAT SIFF"uLIi4 32M Qr I-V rX MV ,Ffnar€ GG E69 04MOrM24 5r7 Swo r ari-nedi ands ribed before in,of ffii presen -Online NDtarlaation this l _ der of p Noma of per.A'4�3n making sl�ttement. Personally Known i� R Produced Identification Type of Id tffica ion of Cormrnizion No_— ZONING REVIEW I � REV II Et+�i0� I RLVIE !tif � VREVIEW ON RbTq P•lhk ftIs Bf. -rim rl n r ro-r % 9 SEA TURTLE I MAPJGIt0VE REVFFW REVIEW