HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBSPERMIT" J UAN R QUINTEROS the, ISSU OATS PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division ( pnn y N a m&I ad iv idua1 \ arm) ROOFING (I' pe of Trail ) yF RUILDIN PERMIT 7} WRi* 1*RAC (I' lJ ENT have agreed to be Sub-contr or for ,DU R QUINTEROS (PIrimary Contractor) For the project located at 4637 S HEADER CANL RD FORT PIERCE FL 34945, - 0-0 -000- �]e Stet Addre -or Property I- I D It is understood that; if there is any change of status regarding, tir participation with the. above mentioned pr l ect, the Bu i iding and Code Regulation i i l'on f t. I-= l County i 11 ad js d pursuant t the filing of a Changef Sub -contractor notice. f IZI /41 JUAN R QUINTEROSJuan R Quinteros SIM tv of vfuriijx.. Cow" 1-1 0 f S T L U C I E S St Lucie 'F he forvg instru pit was si#mcd l�frrrr rhis � dx of _� he for o��� ir��E�uin��l ��� �il;��� f�r� imr t�r� ��� of EPTE EE ,, 2 JUA I TEF October � Juan Quintero - t iz by � - - - - F �I� _ _* key who is per-minaliv knwn X or b;i.;i prods -ted a who i� petNonaIly known or h-as paid uc ed ;p as identific r . & ' n r t r P ali{• i re I I r' Public -.- Print Name of rotary PuIPlic Rev] !;i'lvi'a Beltrar4, ■+ F �J � T •� ��• � Hl Beltra n Si'lv'ia OMISSION$ GG292268 -Prr EMUS: AmM 17, 2023 # 1h u PERMIT## ISSUE DATE :...... h; � PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Divisiolft BUILDING PERM11' SUB-CONTRACYOR AG RE E M ENT JUAN R QUINTEROS ( nipmName/Individual amen - - .. have agreed to be the PLUMBING Sub -contractor for JUAN R QUINTEROS (Type of 'Frade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 4637 S HEADER CANAL RD FORT PIERCE FL 34945. - - 007-000- F Ptoj e t Stmet Address or Proputy Tax ID It is understood that, if there i's any chanee of statUs rcgarding our participation with the above mentioned p r j e, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the 1 n gor o f a C h a n ge o f S ub--c-t)ntra c to r notice~ I NTRACFOR SIG NA'�KE_(Q u ali Fier) JUAN R QUINTER0S ii i NTI" ;�14''i F - — . - - - COUNTY CERTIFICATION A.-MNA Stare of Florida. County Gf T LU TE The fore o} S' HOC 0Inefi! W.05 Sj-Dn i befOFV- ME tbiS 0 day- of SEPTEMBER 20 20 JUAN R QUINTEROS who is personwily known _X ar has prodUCCd a i Z�4ry - - - - A." P SILVIA BELTRAN Print .4me of Noy ry Pitt N is Silvia Beltran ' T T T i��� 1 �Aj R-CONT RACTOR SIB: NATUR E (O:u n t i Fit r) -- -. — Juan R Quinteros P ik i N I N A V1 I-" ('10 11 Tyr' CF € T r i; [CATIO N U VI BE R Sate of Ronda, rolailty of t Lucie The roregaing i nstru Fnen t W:A � J ` n rd bcfore me ( his day of October Juan R Quinteros who is prr%o n-mi1y lia n _or has produced ii lis kj en d&a tin n. ,a )Ulr r/ulki Silvia Beltran Print Name of Notary Public - Silvia Beltran <' y: ��A�11$$ION i GG292Y88 � MIRES kM 17, 2023 Bonded Thru Amm Notary E IT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Cade ComplianceDivision JUAN R QUINTEROS (Cu nipang N aint!VWdividual. N ame) T the ELE TML ( Type ctf Trade have aureed to b Sub -contractor for JUAN R QUINTEROS (Pdrmiry Contras r) Fk).r the r j ect located at 4637 S H EADER CANAL R D FORT P I E RC E I- L 349455 #3202-500-0007-000-3 (Project Street Address or P-mr crty Tax ID - - It t s understood that, 'f there is any change of status regarding our participation with the a c mentioned r ject, the Building and Code Regiflation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pum,uant to the 4.Quslirktr) � JUAN F QUINTEROS PRINT NAME (-01 1NTV CERTIFIG%TION N U NI $EIt -- - - . -- tsIt of Florida. Cauntv Gf T LUCIE Thr- fe rcagair ingtruimenI wzss signed before ;a-e I hl,%; tiky or 30 who is pi!r&onAJK known X or hai produced a STAMP na ( awe f Nrn PtiMe SILVIA BELTRAN Print Nam of Notary Public S1'1V'1a Beitran •.`'A �' a A t r { '7 a At fiz& AO&�& Juan R Quinteras PRINT NA170E COUNTY CERTIFICATION' L-SUNI BER ixte of Floridn, C-nonty or St Lucie The fo regoin ainstroineaf way s' San d fore me tl�-t-S dA y of October 20 4 h3. who is pe rso nAlly kn w n or hAS PILod u cied a Silvia Beltran Print N awie of of*ry Piss r- --- Silvia Beltran WM& c�issron � cc�e BMW mN�Anoo7N�y S 0A %I P PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNi1VC & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building Code Compliance msioll J QUINTEROS (Company e/ln ividua� Nan ) the EHANi (I'Ype of Trade) WiLDINC PERMIT SLIB-CONTKACTOR . REE E 'l- - - - - - liave agreed to b Sub -contractor for JUAN R QUINTEROS (Primary Contractor) r- or the project located at 4637 S HEADER CANAL RD FORT PIERCE FL 0 - 00- 007-0 00- (PrOje i Streit Address or Property Tax ID-�- ft is understood that i f there i n fin o status regard i n our park i # at i on wit the above mentioned pros t� the Bu'llding and Code Regulation Division f St. Lucie County will be advised purstlant to the JUAN R QUINTERCS COUNTY CYRTIFICATION NUMBER state of F [02-49� C-Ounty of T LU I E The for epiag instruhivot was *ig ned be fare we th .30 fty of who i-r* personally known X=or has produced a — --- - Print Name of Notary Public Sivla $eltran /I &,4a Juan R Quinteros PRINT NAME Staft of Florida, Cauuty of St Lucie -- - October * 20 20 Juan R Quinteros t r I STAMP Silvia Beltran Prim( N airne of Notary PO4ir Silvia Beltran MWI&MINMM ors ,rW IT 2023 Bonded nw Aum Notry TAMP