HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCG M C--) cm 0 N a- O13d 4 JOSEPH E. RK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY N QTTCF Or CWyMF_N- -Cr *,T_r. N, T FILE # 2780777 12MMO12 ai 01:36 PM OR BOOK 346A PAGE 2061- 2051 Doc i ype: NO RECORD(NG; 510.00 Paiit}Il\•Q. SAC �/y1 �.l� �Ory��J~_V�/�o�� Fax Polio N\Q. -�--+ (*`O`-= I Ri.�� •:�b� 1,1-= ��o ' t/ TIC' UNDERSIGNI=D hereby gives notice that improvements will be made to Lartain real property, and in aecord2 mce w-iO Sectitm 71.=,1 a of the Florida Statutes. tye foilo«in_ ilnforinaiion is prmgded in this NOTICE OF CONBTF.ti{:EMENT. I.C-jescripiion of properiy tlegat deea'c:r0i&nj:: rfal Ll ` S `U,%'( Q �� $ L% a A�W p �i a) Street Vub) Address: % �. D•1�' ..,. � � �^ 3.Gentral description of impravcmcros: AS t2—Wd 3.Gwrte.:Information � ,,! a) Name and address. D o i-C b s r 5,0 81J'. -!'J P� rC�/ L b) ;Name and add= of fee simple t leholder (if other than owner) c) Interest in property _ / % wlyvr- 4.Cortiractor Information a) Name and address: C&h AT-HomL tEtt✓iCEs 4,71-t A4rlr L. kf*9�4 BG� {� 3v q,/Z b) TeIephonc)vo,: $Sy-F 7R i/spo _fax , `o, (opt) _ 5.Surety Information a) Name and address. b) Amount of j3ond• _ C) Telephone tio.. 'Fax No. (Opt.) 6..Lerder a) Name and address: Phone No. 7 Identity of person within the State of Florida designated by owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served: a) Name and address: — - b)Tolepboncl'o.: _ Fax Izq. (Opt,) M8.1n addition to himself_ owner designates the folloHdng person to recefvc a copy ofthe Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 71313(1)(b). Florida 5tarates: 1) Nerne and address. b) Telephone No.: -- _--_-- FaxNo. (Opt,) 9.F:cpiratian data ofNotice•of Commencement (the eapiirzoon date is one yeai from the date of recording unless a different date tts is specified): WARNING TO OWNER: A:.+(Y PAYNMN-178 MADE BY THE OWINTR•AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF M COMNIMNLEVTEINT ARE CONSIDERED MNTER CHAPTER 713, PART I, 04MON! 7,13.13, ®F'LOPIDA. STATUTES. A`-D CA-N RESULT IN- YOLrRPATING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR FROPFRTY. A NOTICE OF C0N310M. E;VCE�1E.%,'T M-j;ST BE REC0PDED AND POSTEI] ON TXIE JOE SITE UEFORE TFIE FIRST CDP I'�SPECTIOg. I1F YOU 1XTEND TO OBTAIti FINA,+10E4G, CONSULT YOL`R LENDER OR AN AWGRN"EY MF-ORE = COMMENCING NVO'11 k OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF CO�'tI;NM-1'C1=1MIENT. STATE of Pt.oxma t cntINrn of _ Aa [A, „Li �. ] D. jL .ex -� Sign of owner or ok , er's Authorized tccr/pireclor/Psmer/Manager Prepared By: THD AT-HOME SERVICES 0�,C3 �• � Uri d 674 S. Military Trl. Deerfield Bch, FL 33442 prinil ane The foregping inmrument was acicnowleageo urrui c me this _;2j_, day of _ u a>t-Q, , ?A_a_, by - peay' -k I 11sae"n ^ as _ _ owojz, � (type or authority, e.g, officer, trustee, attorney in fact) for _ _ (name of party on behalf of whom Instrument was•erecuted). Personally Known _ OR Produced Identification'— ,Notary Signature '., ' I ype of Identifcarion Produced ('tV�' l,.l: U,,S e V=C (pr)rit) _ - 5rvw�'-j verification pursuant to Section 92.525, Florida Statutes. Under penalties of perjury; I declare that I have read the foregoirkg and that the facts stated in it are true to the best of my knowledge and helief. o' STEPNEN N. SHONN _ Notary PoWiL • State of Florida MY Comm. E%pires Sep IS. 2016 pit Commission N EE 836107 Signalise ofNamral Puso iseim (in line; 10.1 :kbovc c6N 'ON uO l l"A }s"O SY weal WdSS:6I M6 '61'"a