HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA; Planks and Panels Fiber Cement Siding and SoffitMIAMI- REVIEWED FOR 1YUAMI-DADS COUNTY CONTROL SECTIONT CODE COMPLIANCE 1PR°D 805 w 6Stree Room 28 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISI��� T (78b) 315-2590 Miami,F1F86) 315-2599 NOTICE -OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) ROCC www.miamjdade.aov/eco-.-1om-,7 Hardie .Building Product Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations eygulations governing C The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted Miami -Dade County o to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). t is NOA shaR net be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. 1 nis product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity I-T-=car e Zone. DFSCRiP'I'ION: "Hardie", "Cem" and "Prevail" Planks and Panels Fiber Cement Siding and Soffit APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. PNL, PLK & SOFF, titled "HardiePanel, CemPanel, Prevail Panel; HardiePlanlc, CemPlank Prevail Lap Siding, HardieSoffit, CemSoffit Panel; Installation Details Wood/Metal Stud Construction", sheets 1 through 12 of 12, dated 04/24/2013, prepared by the manufacture;, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami -Dade Country Product Control Section. MISSILE Jli%IPACT RATING: Large and Srtiali Missile 1MDaci Resistant EABELE`IG: A permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, Plant City, .Florida, and the following statements: "ASTM C 1186 Type A compliant' and "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved" is to be located on each siding plank or panel and per FBC 1710.92 and 1710.9.3 on soffit panels. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after arenewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product TE+ RA/! A-TION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales; advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADN ERTISEMENT: The NOA rnunber preceded by the words 1_viiami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be doge in its entirety_ INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its dist-dbutors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA # 17-0406.06 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1 and E-2, as well as approval document mentioned above. T, e submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos M. Utrera, PX- NOA No. 17-0821.21 Expiration Date: May 1, 2022 Approval Date: November 30, 2017 1d IZy�V17 Page 1 James Hardie Building Products, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. EVIDENCE SLIBNH'I'TED UNDER PREVIOUS NOAs A. DRAWINGS "Submitted under NOA # 13-031I.07" L Drawing No. PNL, PLK & SOFT, titled "HardiePanel, CemPanel, Prevail Panel; HardiePlank, CemPlauk Prevail Lap Siding; HardieSof[it, CemSofifit Panel; Installation Details Wood/Metal Stud Construction", sheets 1 through 12 of 12, dated 04/24/2013, prepared by the manufacturer, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. B. TESTS "Submitted underNOA # 13-03IL07" 1. Test reports on 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of HardiePlank, HardieSoftlt and HardiePanel., prepared by Intertek Testing Services NA LTD, Test Report No. 100733361CG' Q-004, dated 08/24/2012, with revision I dated 04/25/2013, signed and sealed by Rick Curkeet. P.E. "Submitted under NOA # 02-0729.02" Laboratory Report Test Date Signature 2. ATI-16423-1 PA 202 & 203 03/18/96 A. N. Reeves P.E. 3. ATI 16423-2 PA 202 & 203 03/18/96 A. N. Reeves P.E. 4. ATI 16423-3 PA 202 & 203 031118/96 A. N. Reeves P.E. C. CALCULATIONS I. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. TvIliami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None- F. STATEMENTS "Submitted under NOA # 15-0122,04" I. Statement letter of code conformance to the 5"' edition (2014) FBC issued by Ronald I. Ogawa & Associates, Inc., dated 10/26/2014, signed and sealed by Ronald 1. Ogawa, P.E. �t�ZZIxo�7 Carlos M_ Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 17-0821.21 Expiration Date: May 1, 2022 Approval Date: November 30, 2017 E-1 James Hardie Building Products, Inc_ NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 2. NEW EVIDENCE SUBINUTTED A. DRAWINGS 1. None. B. TESTS 1. None. C . CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEAMP NTS 1. Statement lettpr of code confol-mance to tb.e 6 h Edition (2017)14BC and of no fmancial interest issued by Ronald 1. 0gawa & Associates, Inc., dated 07, 30/2017, sided and sealed by Ronald 1. Ogawa, P.E. t,17,200 Carlos M. Utrem P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 1.7-082121 Expiration Date: May 1, 2022 Approval Date: Novem. ber 30, 2017 E-2 WALL HEICHi PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the iitorlda Building Code NOA--ND, 17-0406.06 FA 0SI0't /2022 rift~ PRODUCT REVISED as complying with tha Florida Building Code NOA-No. 17.0021.21 rxpiratlon D to 01'i10112022 By Miami-0 roduct Gntr- - -------WALL. L NGTH----- �----- Stud Spacing at 16" O, C. 8-4-- 1 1 1 B l.07 VW Minimum Fdga I�istanceails gt 19' Q,R. (typ.) g ShesthlnQ fastener, as dcsalbed in �— Mote 3 Panel fastener, as described in Note 2 HardiePanel, Gempanel, Prevail Panel Siding Waft-Te8istivve barrier per Ploridra Ouldinn Gode Section 14D4.2 5/e" thick/ 5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing fastened In accordanco with Florida Building Code Section 2322.3 2" X 4" S-P.•F Wood Shuts The wail and soffit frames are to be designed by the Architect or Englneer of Record in compliance wlfh the 'Florida Building Code. SEA 08TAIL-A Pt oQu� r�W9F1talA HardiePanel(b, CernpaneW, & Prevail(@ Panel Siding materials are `— nonrasbestos fiber-mment produom 8/8" Oidok! 6 ply APA rated tested In accordance with ASTIR l ( plywdod-sheattiing in C1186 Grade 11, Type Aand meetIng. acoctdance vnitt Florida the requirements ofthe Wlarlda Ruild'ng 4nde section Building Code. ?3�23 PAN M11T E-MEN-NDS Water -resistive Width Length Thickness 1 bairior per Florida 4 8'q'w 5116-- BuIldtng Code Section 1404.2 F—BLC N F"--A5WM2AnN-Ca 2" X 4" S-P-p Installation Design Pressure. Wood Studs -76 psf l OCA Studs H�rdieAanoi, Impact Resistant — Mill no un \` Cempanel, Planks Installed o+ier 518° thick 15 ply Prevail Panel APA ratL-d Plywood sheathing Siding gR�1 PghlEl�, C1 MPS , PRVAILPAREL—11c--.!A -kA - M-EML't ■ Ali installationshatl be done in conformance with this Notloo of Acceptance, the manufacturees installation recommendations, and the applicable sections of -the Florida BUiiding Coda. Wood studs where HardiePanel, C-'.empanel, Prevail Panel Siding will be installed shrsll b,a designed by an Engineer or Architectl: per the Florida Building Cods and the requirements of this N.QA lRote 11518" thick/ 8 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to the studs In accordance with Florida Building Gode Sectlon 2522.3, = The siding panels shall be installed over 5/8" thick 16 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supportec by a minimum af-X4" S-P-F wood studs spaced ei maximum of IV' Q.C. • [Mote 21 The siding panel fastener shell be a 2" long, 0.221" head diameter, 0.09 shc�nic diameter, corrosion resistant siding nail; the fasteners shall be spaced at8" G.C. at panel edges and intermediate studs; the fastenem shall be driven through the 518" thlok i 5 pN APA rated plywood sheathing Into wood studs located at '16" 0-0, = F'astaners shall have a minimm uedge distance of $18" and a minimum clearance of 2" from comers. HARIAEPANCL, CEMPANEL., PREVAIL PANEL. iN57A1.l.ATIoN IDETAILSWOO D 5TUC1 CONSTRUCTION James Hardie Building Products, Inc. 10901 Ciin Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 PNLrPL-K �SQFF Cmtor;E.Gonzales Is0Ai,R 1/2"='L'•{01 I Date-4124/2013 I911EBr 1OF'I2 Fastener Spacing per Florida Building Code.Sectinn 2322.3�� f. ml 0mvi7iI4 with tic-ilaida �BYf1Ein8 io+tt+ Etx,tpternc i�io "1X� 2 �+� .D' FIwt+t Proms04 Fastener Spacing per FloiIda Building Code Section 2322.$ I PRODUCT REVISED I " as com Iyiog with the Florida' • PR(JAIJt:Tbt.�VlSF:13 PRODUCT RENEWED Buildlag Coda AS41m7olyiA6WMi1ftfkai& as Carnpiying with ttie Fiorlda Non -No. 17-0821.21 fwd4co& %r 7`4 %il % Building Code 23cr�, Expiration 4U 06/01/20_22 NQA No"Y•-Q 4Ia6.Q6 By Expirafion e05/01/2022 Miam -FAdl Product Control J r5' + M i •ProdrsvhCw�trni By 1Vliami- a duct ConErhi RAMj_jh G • NOMINAL 2" X 4" S-P•t WOOD STUDS 16" O.C, FASTENED WITH 3-1/2` 16d COMMON NAIL$(2PER TOP AND BOTTOM CONNEOTION) x THE WALLANn SOFFIT FRAM> SARf=TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLCRII)A BUILDING. CODE 5N NOMINAL 5/8" 7HICK / 5 PLYAPARATED PLYWOOD 314EATI-IING FASTENED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA BIJILDNG CODE 6ECTION 23213 CLAD»EIrl • THE PANEL IS FASTENED)NITH 2" LONG, 0,223" HEAD I)IAME•TER, 0,092t' SHANK DIAMETER, CORROSION RESISTANT SIDING MAILS, PLACE NAILS 8" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS Cladding Framing Sheathing yl E.i • 4 tfiJ f \ I .•"�f Q�� t)4 FOR METALAND WOOD S'11JDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGMACTIOtN AND GRAVJTY LOAD ARE NOT PAf' l- OF THIS APPROVAL (MU$T I'ROVIDU ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE t,OADS) HARDLIEPANEL, CEMPANCL, PREVAIL PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCT[ON James Hardle Sullding Products, Inc, a 10901I-h Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 phone: 909 356 f300 s ze HSCIA NO W " -- oWo No {~ax908-427.083q p —M PNL-PL,K•-SUFF Creator; E. Gonzales sanl_e 1" 1'••0" • DA,:4124/2013 18HEff 2 OF it 1 WALL H);IGHI PRODUCT REVISED as complying with the Florida Building Code NOA-No. 17.0021.2.1 Facpiratio n a 0S/01/2022 By e�----- - WAL.LLEiVGTH Stud Spacing at 16" O.C, I I'' j.l 6hla ' a>mLkaa with Coi+ss ,u Flnr#ite QG i N�R N / �. • STATE ' �L0Rva lixfWjda SEE .t'1;-11oR!.lcT-T��CBJr VIA HardtoPsne-10, CemA paneWD, & PFevailQ U 7AILA Panel Siding rirat'orlals are nonasbestos _ 5/81, NoR / 5 ply APA rated fiber -cement products tested In plywood sheathing fastanad accordance with ASTM C1108 Grade i1, to metal sleds as described Type: A and meeting the requirements of 3n Note 1 'the Florida Building Code, F;ANNE-11RIM.9,N-5130 Vvaterresistive Width Length Thickness banier per Florida 4' 8,9,10' 5118, alluding Code Section ,1404.2 j�i:5t_p_N PJ3 �)g ATJhjG 4j } f) toga, 3-5/8" X 1-5/8" Installatlon Design Pressure Metal Studs �144 psf Metal C-stud f l'iil Impact Resistant--- HardteFanel, Panel installed over 5/8n thiolc / 5 ply sl I� r�T�p>y�g CempanePrevail Panl' el APA rated plywood sheathing 3/8" Minimum Edge Distarics Malls at B" C C (tyP') s106,g Sheathing fastener, as described In Note 1. Panel fastener, as described in Note 2 HerdiePanelO Siding Water -resistive barrier per Florida Suilding Code Section 140A 2 I I �y r 5/8" thlok / 5 ply APA rated PRODUCT RENEWED plywood Sheathing fastened as complying with the Florida ^ to metal studs Cis described Building Code NOA-No. 17--0406.06 in Note 1, Euplratlon D e05/01/2027 ,loge, 3-5/911X 1 518" Metal C,shid The wall slid soffit fraMes are to be designed gy— by the Arohlti-ot or Englneer of Raoord In Miam la. a Produaf Cuntroi comptianoe with the Florida Building Code. N�;�Q.i��hL.lrL�CEM�AtJ.(a�F�12EVA[L,p., A�1,�1,_St�II1Q��1i„�11.Q'Zl �FT_AT�. h ' All Instaliation shalt be done in conformance with flits Notice of Acceptanca, the manufacturer's Installation recommendations, and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Codes. Metal studs whera HardtePariot, Cempanel, Prevail Panel Siding will be installed shall be desirghed by an Engineer or Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this N.O.A. ■ [Note 1) 5/8" thick IS ply APA rated plywood shdothing shall be attached to metal studs at 6"oe at panel edges and all Intermedlate supports usirig a No.8-11, 0.315" head diameterx 1-114" long bugle head screw The siding pancla shall be lnstalled over 5/8"thlckl9 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a minimum 20ga, Nominal3»518" X 1-51a" Metal C-studs spaced a maximum of 16" O.C. • [Note 2] The slding panel fastener shall be a minimum No. 8-18, 0,818" head diameter X T-5/8" long" ribbed bugle head screw ('"or screw shall have at least a full -threads penetrating.rnetal framing); the fasteners shall be spared at C' O.C. at panel edges and Ihtermediate studs; the fasteners shall be driven through'the R" thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing Into metal studs located at 16" O,C. Pi Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 318" and a minimum clearlince of 2" from corner. HARDIEPAN EL, CEMPANEL, PREVAIL PANEL_ INSTALLATION DETAILS METALSTU0 CONSTRIJCiION No James Hardle Sulldiq producK Inc, 10901 Flm Avenue Fohtana, CA 02,537 PNL-PIK SOFF Creatm: E. Gonzales IscAi.s' 1/2" w Tf 0" I Dats.4124/2tl13 I81116T 3 DF'12 PRODUCT' RIENEWED Is aoMplying with the Florida 3uliding Code UOA-No. 17-0406.06 —� 3xpiratioe teQ5/0112022 6,0y in, Fy IAF*--w i . PICUDU'C.'j•3tEVL�.ED F3zsikt* c0 &: F.xUinshon 7DoveG-' � ' % Vy Minna „dc)?�,anut�'putxoF, II I' I Il T l� 6T0�n" I I I� . II II I' I PRODIXT REVU%M " dying wick the Fiv" L M—Ag - NOMINAL20 GAUGH 8-5/8" X.'t !i/8" STECl. STUDS 16" O.C. FASTE.N;~D WITH 518" WAFER I -I K) SCREWS (2 PER TOP AND BOTTOM CONNEOTIOM THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENOINEER OF RECORD IN rCA�O�M7 PLIIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE VP•'Lf���I� • NOM WAI, , la i•HICK / 8 PLY APA RATED PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO ME1 AI_ STUDS AT 6" OC AT PANEL EOCSES AND ALL INTE.RMEi) rC SUPPORTS USING A NO.B-18, o.315"' HEAL) bIAMSTER X 1-1/4' LONG BUGLE HEAD SCREW fiLAM- IMZ • THE PANEL IS FASTENED WITH NO. 8-18, 0.315" l IEAD TAAMETERX 1-5/8" LONG CORROSION PESISTANT RIBBE.O BUGLE HEAD SCREWS (SCREW SHALL HAVE AT I_EA9T 8 FULL THREADS PENETRATING THE METAL FRAMING), PLACE SCREWS 6" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES AND INTI~RM>=DIATF STUDS PRODUCT REVISED as complying with tlio Florida Building Code Non --No. 17-0021.21 Explrat7oh Datv)OS/61/2022 Ciadd ing Framing I I \ i I Sheath!rig II II , I� I I! Ii ICI I,i I I I I r�/�/•//�/iJi,��p� f l \Lilff f 0RA I I.i ti n. VG O Zz Zz lei 810NA0 '" NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL.R (MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS ORTHESE ATY LOAD R� LOADS) HARDIF-PANEL, CWPANEL, PRI;VAtLPANEL INSTALLATION DOWIS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION ,lames Hardie Building Products, Ine. 10901 Elin Avenue LL Fontana, CA 92337 ^" 1-qvnxo :hne, SIZE SONo 074 Fax8sw-83A PNL:PLK-SOFF srer A Cr"tor: E. Ganz -ales Date:4124/2013 Y OP i2 REV I T. 1 WALL, HEIGHT PRODUCT REVi*ED as cotnpl 1'7 with t ho Florida tluilding Code NOA•-No. 17-0821.21 Expiratlo a 05/01/2022 Miami- i e Produc Control No nr AI . PRODUCT RENEWED as cntnplyying with the Florida Building Cnde NOA-No. 17-0406.00 314" ialinTmum os Distance BOOM -k at 1a" 00- (typ•) -Sheathing fastener, as described in Note 1 �\ Siding fastener, as described in Note I-lardiePlank, e,emplank, Prevali r Lap Sidino / Water -resin ive barrier ,��-- per Florida Building Gfldis Seotiott 1404.2 LJ. 65/8" thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing fastened '---,in accordance with Florida Building Code Section 2322.3 Expiration te05/01i2022 2" X T' S-P-P Wood Stud3 'tile wall and soffit frames arcs to be designed By by the Arrhiteet or Engineer of Record in 1Niatnl 11 a Product Gontrol anmoliancewith the 1:1odda Suildlna Code. UE 057AIL A LR4�CicL>?�s�3f P'PJ�.� Hardie>7fankrtil, (;I mplanl�, & _. Prevall(M Plank Lap Siding Mated'118 518„thi&/ 6 ply ApA are nonashastos fibetucement products tested in aeoordoince with rated plywood ASTM C1186 Grade II, Type A and sh2othing in rtleetlng the requiremel)ts of the accordance with Florida Building Code_ 8loilda Building code Seotlon 2322.2 PA.Nv_�Jf1i���I_C7Ns Water -resistive Width Length Thickness bander per Florida 59-1/2" 12' 5116' aulldtng Coda Section 1404.2 D;J{ p��S1jRF�RA7 W� z" X 4" 8-P-•F Installation ^ glasign Pre§sore Wood Studs Wood Studs 42 psf Lap Siding Impact Resistant Planks installed over 618" thick / 5 ply 1.114- jail)( 6/16" APA ratrA plywood sheathing thtrk start& ship t �lEpi.ar�i<�cl^tit>-�iayK,J'r Y I3�l.l_.p S0 OJN$i' LLAiJQNJ�]:glt r All Installation shall be done in conforrnthM With this Notice of Acceptance, the manufaettlr8l's Installation recornmendattons, and the applicable deotions of the Florida Building code. K Wood studs where Hal1aplank, Cemplank, Prnall Lgip Siding will be Installed shall be designed by an Engineer or Architect per the Florida Building Coda -and the requiremants of this N,O.A. r [Notre 115/8" thick / 3 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be atGachad to the studs in accordance with Florida, Building Code Section 2322.5. K Planks shalt be applied horizontally commencing from the bottom course of the welt with 1�1/4" wldra laps at the top of the plank. such that, the exposure area of each plank is :s B-114" verticauy. ■ LNoto 21 The siding fastener ishail be a 2-1/2" long, 0,223" head diameter, O.OeV shank diameter, corrosion -resistant siding nail; The siding Is % teried S 8r 14,14-C. vertinaliy arid 1 heathin o [zont ll s fasteners are driven into wood studs through SO' thlok / a ply APA rated plywoodg, are piaced in the overlapping area approximately 314V from the bottom edge• of the ovsrleppirng plank. Vertical joints shall b'o placed over studs. The planks shalt he installed over 5/8" thick / 6 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a minimum of 2"X4' SAP-i= Wood studs spaced a maximum Of 16" O.C. r Fa$teners shall have a minimum edge distance of d'. HARDIEPLANk, CEMPiANK, PREVAIL LAP SIi)INQ INSTALLATION DVA1LS WOOD STUD CONSTRUC.1'10N Jtlrnes Hardie Duilding Products, lne. '10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 A I I PNI.-pLK••$0FF Creator; F. Gonzales SOALn 1/2" t'-0° I. Date:4/2412013 srua6T s op tz REY Fastener Spacing per FI. Building Code Section 2', PRODUCT REVISED as complying with the Florida Building Code NOA-No. 17-0821.24 Expiration onto 06/01/2022 PRODIXT RENEWED as a ornplying with the Florlda Hullding Code N0A-No. 17-04D6.06 0.7CtIn = ��. a...... .__ Explratlon p e05/0112022 —. Dy� Miami-DaMiami-Dadfi Product Cotitrol a6 tro+ng] Yii>g M'#ir tlsc .Qb�'Fda igm'�dmg t_cxl'r • ;v! � atic Y�c�dud Can�n�_� sD,251n. F-f�MCNG M NOMINAL a° x 4M S•P-F WOOD STUDS 16" 0,0. PASTE.NED WITH 3-112"16d COMMON NAILS (2 PER TOP AND SO-rTOM CONNECTION) x THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE OVRICNED BY THE ARCHITEG71' OR ENGINEER OF RI=COLD IN COMPLIAIJCE WITH THE FLORIDA C 1.111, 1NO CODE g1jW'd 1G w NOMINALS/8"THICK/GPLYAPARATED PLYWOOD SHEATHING FASTENED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA BUILDING COTE SC:CT(ON 2322.3 jA- DOW + PLANKS.OVr-RI.AI' 1-114" r THE 01POSURE 15 s0-14' ■ THE .PLANKS ARE FACE NAILED WITH 2-1/2" LONG, 0.223" HEAL? DIAMETER, 0.092" SHANK DIAMETER, CORROSION RESISTANT SIDING NAILS, -PLACED 39' UP FROM THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE PIANKAT EACH STUD LOCATV Foatener Spacing per Florida Building Code Section 2322.3 1'rrtC')AUL"T REYLSI?A Is awlyidg with tea Fkx M 61n_ OG—sue Cladding 1 rdmtng Sheathing IlJ.�+/ rrii„r _ 2, �....�� �._ 4 • No. . 1 41 � ti SY _ 'STATEah YYud` �� ut� Vo f�rr +r11f1 FOR METAL AND WOOL) STUDS, PRC\1161ONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND �€�4<il�'Y LOAD ARE NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (MUST PROVtOE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) HARDICKANK, CEMPt.ANK, PRCVAII, LAP SIDING INSTALLATION DE,TAIL5 WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardle BUllding Products, Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 Phone:909-358-6300 1 SIZF rsaMdo DM NO REV Fax 809-I2,7 0634 A PNLrPIX-,SOFF Greeior: E. Gonzales SCALE Dale;+1124/201'3--ISFIEET 6 OF 12 HALL stud llr�� i i ' Specing ar 9G" i � U,G. WALL LF_KGTl I --- -- I; l y c�iymg rb tb■ l doavla �yt, tp Q,a �t�13 _- U - �'T'-- L 2 I, i r � .1�d-uj�c.oearal � w �¢ �•, .I ' � .d-•- I __. j. DF �i I A I �A&F' --i+�- _ Imo. _�•�e•';ggl ....., • �\�t�; PRODUCT REVISED AW Minimum Edge Distance as comrdyying with the Florida Building Code NOA-No. 17-0821.21 Expiration Dde 05/01/2022 By ' ~" Miami-amiarni-11ram Product controi f- PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Florida Building Code NOA No. 17-0406.06 Nails at 1V O.C. (typ.) Sheathing fastener, as described in Note 1 Siding fastener, as described in Note 2 HarcifePlank Cemplank, Prevail tip Siding Water-rasistive bartfer per Florldo !Building Code Section 1404.2 5/8" thick /3 ply APA rated plywood sheathing fastened to metal studs as described In Note 1 Eupiration 06101 /2022 20ga, 3-518" X 1-5/8" Metal C.stud �T V— litre wall and sofitfratnes are to be designed By by the Aroliltaot or Engineer of Record In Wliami—UI d roduct control compliance with the Flnr'Ida Building Code. ��xrfrfi�n"T SEE C'i*�4117UCTjT $t tt''f104 ETA1L A FNrdiaPlank0, Cemplanke, and - 518"ihickl8 ply APA Pravalldti Plank Lap Stding materials ate nQnasbestos fiber cement rated plywood "sheathing fastaried products tested In ecanrdance with - to metal studs as ASTM C1186 Grade II,Type A and described In Nate 1 meeting the requirements rrf the Florida Building Code. Water'-reslstive harrier per Flay -Ida pL& K DI - Funding Cade Width Length Thickness section 1404,2 9_1/2" 'l2' 5116" ` \.Mega, 3-9�ti/El" AIM PP_TL8U���M9 Metal C`rsffud ud Installation Design Pressure �WardlePlank, C.amptank, Prevall Metal Studs; -92 pef CZo Lap 9lding Impart Realatent-- p.� 1.•1/4" tall 5/19" Planks installed over 518" thick / 6 ply thick starter Art APA rated plywood sheathing lq.AL�P—Ir�LA.N CttEM-Pt..nNI-)�.RE;YAIL 4,.ElLt INO NN ,i�,a t r� DI X All installation shall be done In eonformanc;& with itils Notice of Acceptance, the manufacturer's installation rawnlmendatlons, and the applicable sections of the Plodda Building Code. ■ Metal studs where HardlePlank, Complank, Prevail Lap Siding will be installed shall be designed by an Bngineer or Ar6111teot per the Florida Building C ode and the requirements of this N.C.A. Note 11 5/8" thlck 16 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to metal Studs at B"oa at panel edges and all intermediate supports using a No.8-18, 0.310' head dlamefar x 1- 114" long bugle head screw k Planks shall be applied horizontally commending from the bottom i coursr3 of the wall with 1-114" wide laps at the top of the plank such that the exposure atea of eaoh plank Is 58-1/4•" vertically. ■ [Note 2] The siding fastener shall be a minimum No. 8.18, 0.316" head diameter X 9 114° long* bugle head screw over metal studs ("or Straw Shall have at least 3 full threads penetrating metal framing); The siding is fastened s 8-1f41 O.C. velticAlly and 16" O.C. horizontally; fasteners are driven into metal studs through 6/8" thick I S ply APA rated plywood eheathing,'fastenem are placed In the overlapping area approximately 3/h" from the bottom edge of thts overlapping planic, Vertical joints shall be placed over studs. The planks shall ba installed over 516" thick / 5 ply APA rt_nted plywood sheathing supported by a minimum 209a, Nominal 3-5/8"X J-5/£I" Metal P-studs spaceq a. rpexfmum of 16" Q.G. • PastenerS shall have a mfnfmum edge distance of 3/811, HARU1 LPLAN K, CEM Pi.ANK, PRL-1/AI L LAP SIDING INSCALLA'noN MAILS METAL STUD CONS-TRUCrION James Hardle Building Products, Ina, 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 A { I PNL-PLl«OFF ,Creator: R. Gonzales Iscat.E 112, w I'VI I i7ate; 4/24I2o19 Isxev 7 OF 12 PRODUCT REVISED as complying with the Florida ]Building code Nt)n-No. 17-0821.21 Expiration Date 05/01/2022 1. • NOMINAL20 OAUGY.": 3-518" X 1-5/8" STE5L S'f UDS 16" O.C. FASTENED W17H 518" LONG RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS (2 PER TOP AND BOTTOM CONNCCTION) • THE WALLAND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO 5P. DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER Olz RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITHT142 F401110A BUILDING CODE SHEATN[KQ NOMINAL 5W TH1CK 15 PLY APA IAA FED PLYWOOD SHEATHING 70 METAL STUbg AT 6" OC AT -PANEL EDGES AND ALL INTERMEUTAFI: SUPPOra9 USING A N0.8-18, 0.315" HEAD DIAMETERX 1-1/4' LONG BUGLE_ HEk) SCRI:�.:W " PLANKS OVERLAP 1-1/4" A THE EXPOSURE IS $ 8-1144 le THE PLANKS ARE FASTENED WITH NO, 8-18, 0.315" HEAD DIAMET5R X 2-114" Qy NG CORROSION - RESISTANT RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SORB (SCREW SHALL. HAVE AT LEAST FULL. THREADS PErii- RATWGTHE METAL FRAMING), PLACED 214P UP FROM TH5_ BOTTOM EDGIu OF THE PLANK AT EACH STLID LOCATION ��7L1 MTEOF :•' '0NAL. �,�.� ilk, FOR METALAND WOOD STUDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM AC-NDN AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (MUST P ROVIDF ALTEwRNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) HARDIRPLANK, CEJAPLANK, PREVAIL LAP SIDING INSTALLATION DETAILS METAL STUD CONSTIRUCTION Jamtis Hardie Bullrling Praduds,.Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue ® Fontana, CA 0,337 5h4t7e 909�3Se-83Q0 SOLE PScM No W16140 i v PaX 909�427-0634 _ APNL-PL"OFF - 1 Creator, P_ Gonxaies scats . i"-,1',0" 4 Dates 412V20137SHEET 9 OF 12 a- --- —WALL LENG", n . Stud Spaoing at liv, O.C. WALL H CIGH1 PRODUCT REVISER as complying with the Florida 3/8° Minimum ak4llding Code NOA-No. 17-0821.21 Expirattoo a 05/01/2022 . By PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Plotide 1 Building Code Q— t NOA--No, 17-04013.06 (Expiration JJ e05/0112022 Hells at4" O.G. T�istance SoffitfeOener, tis d6$ortbed In Note l Hardie6offit, Cemsoffit Minimum 2" X 4" S-P�F Wood Studs The wall and soflit frames are to be designed by the Architect or Engineer of Record in compliance with the Florida Building Code, SC:E DETAIL A r Wogd Studs l•lardiesoftt, Cernsom (tY134 ODUCTRf[vtsF.a to onVyir$ widk At FitMitbA Dwatis Cock 1410 14if t PR_C1=Q UC,%QKWT.�CJ.�f Hardie3ofilto & CemsoffiftD materials are nonasbestos fiber -cement products tested In accordsnoe with AST 1Vl C1186 Grade ll, ype A -and meeting the requirements of Florida Building Code. ; _qEr__ T.j3tiJf"iQNS Width Length ThIcknes, 4' 8' 114, Iriatallation Design Pressure Wood Stude -70 psf fly N ORO o =• STATE OE A!- ,rt r(� HAB 1);sj_T•JQr-M$0_11_)?A_ ts�.LLJW_1A ATJQN MA1LA • All Installation shall be done In conformance Wth this Notice of Acceptance, the manufacturer's Installation recommendations, and the applloable sections of the Florida Building Code. • Wood studs where Hardie6offit, Centsoffit will be installed shall be designed by an Irlvineer or Architect per the Florida Building Code and the rsquirt3mants of thls W.O.A. The sofflt shalt be Installed over minimum 2"X4" s•-P-P woori stUdsspaced a maximum of 16" O.C. a [Kote 11 The Wild fastener shall be a 2" long, 0,=, " head diameter, 0.09v' shank diameter, corrosion resistant siding nail; the fasteners sliafl be spaced at 4" O.Q. at panel edges and lntermedfate studs; the fasteners shall be driven Into wood studs looattid at loll d.c. ■ Fasteners shall have a ht Hlmum adgo distance of 3/8" and a minlmum clearance oft" from comers. r?Ro crl�lt- SM as t o030yin6 vvhh *m Fimfi&t Btdiding Code 'htxvmtrs k2af.�-0 T;lepitsif L7 gy HARMSOFFIT4 CEMSOFFfT PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION James; Hardle Bullding products, Ina 10901 Nim Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 PNL-PLK,SOPF Creator, E. Gonzales Is-At.s V2'1- 1`4" I Data-4124/2013 JaWLT 9 OF 12 Cladding Frmining� PRODUCT REVISED PRODUCT RENEWED es complying with the f lorlda as Complying with the Fforida i. Suildlne bode Building Code NOA-No. 17-0921.21 NOA-IQn. 17-0406. 6 Expiration Date 05/D1/2022 Expiration Da 0 5/01/2022 Ey BY— ' Miami-D d Product Control -_ 4,OOlri Miar»1- .t t Product Control • tri�rir�r�,��,y,� ` P Rebucr rmvistin > oDvc�Jaxwt±aJxt {{ 1, 1,, OGA w4, - M Cix wlymg Vail the 6yod4a aS t) ' n#yicv wif8 the nwid4 \�{ �'; • .. + Bm{tttisgtL'od�e BwldittgE..o19e; Aooept .0 Tire A—Ptmu*a NO �ry,-C? � 11.r 0_ I gyp, 1 0. VV7 i~fkirif mdr Nvukmi C:m�rvl 0. bJiam� U Soo �rLNitxt Contvod "tt STATE OF ,cc� le . R14� it FF2 —MMP NOMINAL2" X 4'' S-P-F Woo 87I'uu9 iall O.C. FA6TEw-m WITH 3 '112" 16d COMMON NAILS (2 PER TOP -AND 80'TTOM CONNeC'I'10N) Tl-IE WAi..1. AND 8OFFIT FRAMES ARE TO EL DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT Off ENGINGER OF RECORD IN GOMPLfANCF WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING COI E- _QL.AI CIN THE SOFFIT IS FAST5NED WITIi 2" LONG, 0-723" HEAD DIAML-FIZER, 0.092".SHANK DIAMETER, CORROSION RESISTANT SIDING NAILS, PLACE NAMS V O.G. AT PANEL EDGES AND INTER MEDIATGSTUDS FOR METAL AND WOOD .STUDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAV17Y LOAD ARE NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (MUST PROVIAEAUERNATE PROVISIONS FOR TH> Sl= LOADS) HARDIESOFFIT, CEMSOFFIT PANEL. INSTALLA.110NI DFI"AILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION .James Hardfe Bulldlnq Products, Inn. 1090'f Elm Avenue ! ontana, CA 92337 nh0{7f~' g--'.ii7 3QQ SIZE E FacmNO �'i-'--�•�_..._ dvdr � PN.L-PI."OFF CTB2t0I E.GOnZales sms i^= ft0" Date:4f2d/2013 nHEEt 10OF.12 WALL. HEIGI.11 PRODUCT REVISED as complying with the Florida Bulydihp Code NUA-Ho. 17-0821.21 By Mi -WALL LFENGTN•. ---- Stud Spadng at 16" O.C. Ima) I PRODue'r REN I :as complying wine the Florida , ,:Building Code 11 NDA-No. 17-0406.06 , f i f Explration Da DS/01/2022 i k i lay_-_ j•IMlami•-0 d Pi•Oduat Control 1•Jt�ils at h"' o.c. (typ• 3/8" Mirlimum Edge Distance :-fastener, as 1be:d In Note 1 Hordle,Soffit, Cemsoffit I_ 20ga, 3-50, � 1-08" Metal L'hold The wall and saftit fl_lmes are to be — designed by file Architect or Cnginaer of Record in compliance with the Florida Building Code., SCrz DETAIL.A rr' � ti 20c�a, 3•blEl"X 1-318" /Metal C-stud HatdleSatt-iY, , ��� Gernsofht pFtQDUCT EiE:SG�IPij�)f� Hardlesoff W & CemsoffiM materials are nonasblstos fiber -cement products tested In accordance with ASTM 01186 Grada 11, Type,A and meE ing the, requirements of the Florida Sullding Code. .'a0_EE.1_T_PjV1jEL1Sj__ K_S Width Length Thickness 4 8, ,Y'„ PF,Sj�iJ4_PFt�S, I RA7jNC Installation Design Pressure Metal studs -56mf _ • SEC�tlbnl D-g e�'+�gir'ir' �. o�,r,��,��- r1tt3D1J4']' 8EV1S.rd1] t," 1W)T pflytins wipe tllo FlDMA Ke aiu ylatg WWI A% Ic6uaitta Rh1l itl{r CueAo J; NQ �� err ;� ActxptemCnx7o r,����n•a; a - , 2 STATF OF �>s,e .tm � �t r,��l• i4u �a�l�ro� �` '��• . �OR10 �+'�J l.Ai3ili%QFF_tEM.SOJ_P.LZ �$N]'.f J_i�S7f 1�L9L41V�36TO,IL$ +~ NAN ii l A All Installation shall be done In conformance with this Notice of Aocepttaii6d!t1WMAnufaoturer's installation recommendations, and the: applicable sections of the Florida Building Code;., n Metal studs whttr0 HardleSaffit, Cemsoftlt will be Installed shall be designed by an Fncdineer or Architect per the Florida Sutldlag Code and the requirements of this N,O.A: 2 The saftlt shall be installed over minimum 20ga, Norrilnal $4/8" X '1.6/8" Metal C studs spaced a maximurn of 1£i 0,0. -4 [mote 11 The soffit fastener shall be a minimum No. 8-18, 0.315" head diameter X 1-114' long* ribbed bugle head screw (or screw shall havd at laaM 3 full threads penetrating metal ' framing);the fasteners shall be spaced at W Q.C. at panel edgers and Intermediate studs; the fasteners shag be driven into metal stude located at 16" O-C. I 5asteners shsli have a minimum edge distance of a/8" and a minimum clearance of 2" from iv Framing PRODUCT REVISED as com Lying with the Florida Building Code ` 6.001n. NOA-No. 17-0821.21- \ Expiration j3ple 05/01/2022 Ry Miami c roduct Control + • pRpyDtjil' ULp gSED ObUCT RENEWED 'ftzouoyn4imo bt 14� is t lC7F as complying with the Florida 13�t1alia*c4lae tWlittx vl rxrri� Building Gude -- Ap gp No ���,. NOJ:-No.T 17- 0406.OB Av 'a"Va o-dTft-47 Qtl A,}I A Fxi►Irat9tin {jp _ By u o"ntvdl Mlatr,T-D d Product Control .�� a• 1y PLO 17 U�l�A 1 i�4 Oslo NOMINAL2.0 GAUGE 3-516"X 1-50'$TW-LsTUDs FASTENED WITH 51E1` WAFER HEAD SORCWS (2 PCR TOP FOR MFTAL AND WOOD STUDS, PROVIS1ONS FOR DIAPHRAGM h0110N AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE AND BOTTOM CONNE-(' TION) • NOT.PARi OF THIS APPROVAL. (MUST PROVIDE ALTERNAXE PROVISIONS FOR THE,,9E LOADS), THE WALL AND SOFH'r FRAMES ARs TO BE DESIONFD v BY THE ARCHITECTOR ENGINEER OF RE-OORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE --�--r -- --~ —� cJ�A-0-130-0 IHARDICSOFFIT, CEMSUFFIT PANEL THE SOr'I"IT is FASTENED WITH NO.818, 0.31a" HEAD INSTALLATION Dr --TAILS METAL, STU0 CONSTRUCTION DIAMIFTER X 1" 1/�4 " LONG CORROSION RESISTANT RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS (SCREW SHALL. HAVE. AT LEAST 3 � James Herrile Building Products, Inc. FULL THREADS PENETRA NNO THE METAL FRAMING), PLAOE SCRL--V1IS 6" O,C. AT PANEL EOGES AND INTERMa DIATE _ Fonta Elm Avenue 57UD3 � Fontiaria, CA:a2337 11 rie:909-366-6300 OWGND RE Pax909-4?%0634 A PNL-PLK-SOPF Creeator; C, Gonzales EMS III� �` 0" � bate:41241-101a SOE5r 12 OF 12