HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater Well PermitsSantis Mission: ,; Ron DeGovemor p,,�. To protect, promote & improve the health - of all people In Florida through integrated state, county & community efforts. I` ` Scott A. Rivkees, MD HFA State Surgeon General Vision: To be the Healthiest State in the Nation Florida Department of Health in St. Lucie County Conditions for Issuance of Water Well Permits Effective July 24, 2017 • Contact the Florida Department of Health in Saint Lucie County (FDOH — St. Lucie) prior to constructing or abandoning any well. a. Call the FDOH _. St. Lucie Well Line at 772-873-4936 or email SLCDOH-WELLS (cr�.FLHEALTH.GOV b. Provide the following information: i. Permit number ii. Driller name iii. Address i.v. Date and time to begin construction/abandonment • A minimum of 24 hours' notice is required before constructing any public water supply wells, Please call our main office at 772-873-4931 and speak with Environmental Health Staff or provide notification by email to SLCD_OH-WELLS(@.FLHEALTH.GOV • Submit revisions to permit and/or site map within 48 hours of well construction or abandonment. Florida Department of Health -St Lucie County Division of Disease Control and Health Protection Bureau of Environmental Health Location: 3855-S US Hlghvvay1, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Mailing: 6150 NW Milner Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 Phone 772-873-4931 Fax 772-595-1306 INAccredited Health Department : Public Health Accreditation Board FloridaHealth.gov ' r ' S ,. 43 4 IT' 'Owner, Legal,jl 2. 04 L 'Well Location ;A 3. I30 r cr 'Parcel ID N . (PI 4.� 'Section or Land Water Well Conlr 6. 4nrn �! STATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, 59-30872 REPAIR, MODIFY, OR ABANDON A WELL Permit No.— ❑Southwest PLEASE FILL OUT ALLAPPLICABLE FIELDS Florida Unique ID,_ ❑ Northwest ('Denotes Required Fields Where Applicable) Permit Stipulations Required (Sao Attached) ❑ St. Johns River 'South Florida The water well cantrsfc(or /s responsible lorcompleang this form and forwarding the permit application to the 62-524 Quad No. Delineation No. Suwannee River appropriate delegated authority where applicable. ❑ DEP • Delegated Authority (If Applicable) or LL C— n i *County_,,...AS uab di irQ�S'� i t?�i�� CUPIWUP Applicatlon fL ><3 1S4-')i36-44ly' 'Stale ZIP 'Telephone Number ao 1 laic) I )apt 1 Block Unit Check if 62-524: Yes ,� No E-mail Address State 7. Type of Work:,_, Construction _Repair _Modification Abandonment 8. 'Number of Proposed Wells _I 'Ronson for Rapalr, Modification. orAbandonmonl 9. -Specify Intended Use(s) of Well(s): D i ,Domestic _Landscape Irrigation _Agricultural Irrigation _Site Investigation _Bottled Water Supply `Recreation Area Irrigation Livestock _Monitoring _Public Water Supply (Limited Use/DOH) —Nursery Irrigation _Test Commercial/industrial _Earth -Coupled Geothermal JU L 2 8 2020 _Public Water Supply (Community or Non-Community/DEP) --Golf Course Irrigation _HVAC Supply Class I Injection _HVAC Return Class V Injection: _Recharge Commercial/industrial Disposal _Aquifer Storage and Recovery _Drainage OH in St Lucie. Coun Remediation: Recovery _Air Sparge _Other anscribe) _Other (Describe) (Note: Not all types of wells are permitted by a given permitting authority) 10.'Distance from Septic System if �200 ft. 11. Facility Description t 12, Estimated Start Date ASAP 13.'Estimated Well Deplhl _2,6_ft. 'Estimated Casing Depth $ ft. 'Primary Casing Diameter Qin. Open Hole: From —To ft. 14. Estimated Screen Interval: From_ 06 To_IZ-5.ft. 15.-Primary Casing Material: Black Steel Galvanized ,,,, _PVC Stainless Steel Not Cased Other: 15. Secondary Casing: _Telescope Casing. Liner Surface Casing Diameter in. 17. Secondary Casing Material: Black Steel Galvanized PVC Stainless Steel Other 18.4Method of Construction, Repair, orAbandonmenl Auger Cable Tool Jetted Rotary Sonic Combination (Two or More Methods) ---Hand Driven (Well Point, Sand Point) Hydraulic Point (Direct Push) Horizontal Drilling Plugged by Approved Method Other (Doscrlbo) 19. Proposed Grouting Interval for the Primary, Secondary, and Additional Casing: From To Seal Material (__Bentonite_)e Neat Cement Other ) From TO Seal Material (Bentonite Neat Cement Other ) From To Seal Material ( Bentonite Neat Cement Other ) From -To --Seal Material (__Bentonite Neat Cement Other ) 20. Indicate total number of existing wells on site List number of existing unused wells on site 21.`Is this well or any existing well orwater withdrawal on the owner's contiguous properly covered under a Consumptive/Water Use Permil (CUP/WUP) or CUPMUP Application? Yes _,No If yes, complete the following: CUP/WUP No. District Well ID No. 22. Latitude Longitude 23. Data Obtained From: GPS _Map Survey Datum: NAD 27 NAD 83 WGS 84 I heruoy certify Nat I WP comply w4q Itiu 4p11tratle Ades of Tee 40. FlandvAdntnUVd1n 0 Code, and Mat a watrr I Cofliy that I am me o"Of of the property, Ina1 IhY vllflrn=01 prcvblwl a M=X416, afd 11.11 Antawam of my use pamd of adieoat recharge patina If needed, hoe bean orwti ba tbuinad prior to mrnmantBinwd of web rdspmmbatas trtdar CnapWr 373. Ficrda Stamt..10 msnt" a properly abandon this wall: or, I canify INN I am cenetrvicean. I lwmer cerLy mat elf,n(ormanon pforvlM m hl:d appotatwn is acwmla erld mat l w21 ohmm [no agent for Ine otmtr, ttlat e,0lldormman provided Is acii,rale, end that I tare informed ttd owi+w 0t lheu necessary aporoval tram other fedafal, stale, or local gOVemmards, itappftcahla. I agree to 0ov'do a wad meponr0,ldles is stat■d above. Oanar eonsanta IoaUrWnp par*wvw of tide WMDor DaVgalod AUlnonfy atsasa Complabon Nowt to Na Wae,ct Adh,n 70 ddya after Con,01"ori of fee condtuCawt. fop&. n10dG44on. or to the woe ale d"g the CdnsUUcson. repo+. moddwUon, or 4113044C „Mt dueWUW 01aea pernlll. obandon%%rd aulneriaad by irm paint. or me fMfmil "ration. whlrh of myrs arti. 'Signature of Owner a Ago a F 'Date Approval Granted By w-'*`�� Issue Date �' Expiration Date f� rT�FlydrologistApproval 1 i loiaa. Fee Received $ Receipt No. . Check No. THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNTIL PROPERLY SIGNED BY AN AUTHORIZED OFFICER OR REPRESENTATIVE OF THE WMD OR DELEGATED AUTHORITY. THE PERMIT SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE WELL SITE DURING ALL CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR, MODIFICATION, OR ABANDONMENTACTIVITIES. ID DEP Form: 62-532.900(1) Incorporated in 62-532.400(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: October 7, 2010 Page 1 of 2 . _r LEGAL. DESCRIPTION', LOT 20, BLOCK 160, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT NO. 12, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 11.1 PAGE 26, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAINT L•UCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. I a Q U SEPTIC m BENCHMARK SET NAIL-1 AND TIN TAB EIL• 21.40' , _ rnL'iw I / U OUP / v I� 75. 00 0 -4 U U M. 0 I \ O SEPTIC \ \ 35,.00' 11� )P.. 11 VEWA .X ib, LAND CLEAHING fftll'ti: A) ALL NON-NATIVE AND INVASIVE VEGET FND 3"x3" CONCRETE MONUMENT WILL BE CLEARED. B) NO PRESENCE OF ON -SITE WETLANDS. — C) NATIVES/PINES ADJACENT TO THE PRC WELL POINT AREAS WILL BE SAVED. D) NO CONSTRUCTION BARRICADES WILL E p j E) A HEAVY DUTY REINFORCED SILT FENC FABRIC TO BE INSTALLED AS PER MANUFAC O INSIDE THE BOUNDARY PERIMETER. N N F) PERMIT BOXED TO PLACED NEAR NORI CD to ) I o w O TO .01 o w LOT 21 I o o BLOCK 160 PROPOSED SEPTIC (OCCUPIED) / 660 SQ FT DRAINFIELD FND 15/ FIFE: 1000�Q FT UNOBSTRUCTED AREA (NO ID) SEPTIC o 0.21 � AND 5/8" IFS` x`l�'. O . `L�' 0.07 W (LB.8291) h 23.3 x'''h o. 8 FENCE 1.16 N _ x N89 49'50"Wl ,M) 13 .00' �:(C) to �0 _41N r7vi fL �' .46 ��o 0PINE 201N El IFPALM 121N PE °' •25.0181LOT 20 v BLOCK 160 w o (VACANT) I , o. . PORCH x moo. �- PROPOSED d RESIDENCE o q FFE: TBD BY SLC� 3 o H. J NE 2oIN c f ci gQwnf wto/op, PALM 201 N 39,99` / N 39:99' it " , 89°4 `50" E(M-) ® SET 5/8"IRC o (LB8098)` ln X �OO LOT 17 o l b "(o BLOCK 160 z (VACANT) /y o a; 00 ,y r— Ld CO I m FND. 3"x3" CONCRETE MONUMENT 0 0 Lo — EDEN ST. I � d� .0- 0 Q O .0 o Z.OST` Z (LB8C C7 FND. 3"x3" CONCRETE MONUMENT 0 0 Lo — EDEN ST. I � d� .0- 0 Q O .0 o Z.OST` Z (LB8C C7 r St. Lucie County Health Department HEALTH 5150 NW .Milner DrPort Saint Lucie, FL 34983 PAYING ON: #: 56-SF-21.09584 BILL DOC.m56-BID-4774806 CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION #: AP1525822 RECEIVED FROM: Pedro Quiiada AMOUNT PAID: 1660.00 PAYMENT FORM: CHECK 1030 and 1.031 PAYMENT DATE: 07/15/2020 MAIL TO: (434 21st Street. LLC) FACILITY NAME: Su-mkI rye lCVOQ:OCD p PROPERTY LOCATION: 5504 Deleon Ave Fort. Pierce, FL 34951 13 Lot: Block: 160 Property ID: 1301.61-401030004 EXPLANATION or DESCRIPTION: QUANTITY FEE 128 - OSTDS Construction System Inspection Research Fee 1 $ 5.00 -1 - Surcharge (All) 1 $ 45.00 -1 - OSTDS New Permit Surcharge 1 $ 10.0.00 -1 - OSTDS Construction Application and Plan Review,New 1 $ 100:00 123 - OSTDS Construction Slte Evaluation 1 $ 115.00 12.6 - OSTDS Construction Permit (New or Mod, Amendment) 1 $ 55.00 127 - OSTDS Construction System Inspection 1 $ 75.00 133 - OSTDS Construction Reinspection 1 $ 50.00 A - Well Construction 1 $ 115.00 RECEIVED BY: VanceMH AUDIT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-4502539