HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date : Permit dumber ; N aq�Wo:n ICOUN Y JL F L 0 : It' 10 i Buil ding Permit A p plication Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone ,: ( 772 ) 462 - 1553 Fax : ( 772 ) 462 - 1578 Commercial Residential X PERM IT TYPE : Shutter PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT L-- 0CAT- .-10-N- ': - yk$ . . .......... Address : 5011 Paleo Pines Cir . Property Tax ID # : 1312 -8011.0142-000- 7 Lot No . Site Plan Name : Block No . Project Name : Beattie . ........... DE- ii6mt&blA QED R � T of Install 1 accordion shutter PE C'ON:STRUCTION IN RM AT ION . : " � 1 a Additional work to be per-formed under this permit — check all that apply : _Mechanical _ Gas Tank _ Gas Piping X Shutters Windows / Doors _ Electric _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers _ Generator _ Roof Pitch Total Sq ., Ft of Construction : Sq . Ft . of First Floor : Cost of Construction : $ 1 , 333 . 00 Utilities : _ Sewer _ Septic Building Heig. . ht : OWKWR/ LESS-EE � .. . . . .. .. ...... . co � �r ����r Name ErrIcka L Beattie Name : Michael Heissenberg Address : 5011 Paleo Pines Cir. Company : Expert Shutter Services City : Fort Pierce State : FL Address : 668 SW Whitmore Dr Zip Code : 34951 Fax : Cit y : Port St . Lucie State : FL Phone No . 540- 272- 7497 Zip Code : 34984 Fax E - Mail : Rhone No 772-871 - 1915 Fill in fee S*IMPle Title Holder on next page ( if different E - Mail Permits@expertshutters . com from the Owner listed above) State or County License 16572 If value of construction is $2500 or more ,, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is� required . If value of HVAC is $ 7 ,, 500 or more , a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required . SIMON �-r+l t •r ,vr...a..«,sy�..� ti _ 'MyYy#IaMyr:. ,.. ,,hd • -• - --+'- - ' '.L i 5 i L - - �L }} 1y `RJR^ _ YFr� __ � ti _ ti ... - I_•_ -- -� '-L L 'T�T �,T 1�l��l J•�� �:���,�•+. . � � . f.•.• ..f Y�� i '. .•. r __• _• � SUPP-L 'MEN AL- ' C0-Nz)-vTR- U .- .. - - _ J 'EN `�L' 0 ' 5 ti.-a - 4 ti , • r.•;" -..:•n'. �. .'''� ',:' f`+ i r' r' . _ +:ti•}_ 'r r.i x a` 9 i`�v`+r:�4 i .ti?.' ? f ;{ (r::Y t[}:::�+Ci� +rt5 t� d�'+r.l. + v _._ ,t•� � _ x �,t ter_ �S�•Y.•: L. .� x VN_� yr-r ' r ■! i/,+�'y.F+�k�+/ 151-+�■#�f �Yd.hl i _- W� �iM�il-1 11#-1r i/�#�-�r_�a+'''�-i�l�ii - - - - - --- - {{ -'�. 'r. - -- - - - 7�'.••� - - +' 3,Rr.ti• .Y_W �iJ4�.tTtf#,5i`: J�r�r�l�rrfrW.rr.................... .I•r SL3�h '.:..,....,,.,..ti.,.r.DESIGNER/ ENGI NEER %' N o t A p p I ...�..�......■�i.aa L.-,L •wLL�-�ri.,.,N L..�,..�._._„�,�.u��.,.,., �.- •..ti•.•r. ._:�. ', _. .=.r.,.• a:��r•v. r+,r��KYKrlrKfi�Y✓r 1 t�+��a...k+.+: b I r c-j Applicable i ..... 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' ' e followi' ng Dui i• rmit appliciations are exempt f U g i rl . d tull concurrenc, accessormy• structures, swimming l nwalls, ! screeri iAooms and ac e us cis to another, n - r i e ' a %e WARNING TO OWNER ,*, YOUR AIRS TO R ORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO Y' OUR PROPE Y ,. A NICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED POSTEID ON THE JOB SITIE BEIFORE FIRST FINAf4CINGO VYITH YOUR LENDER ORNE EFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF C^" MEN!.- . + ..r,.,-.r .�IY.�..,-rr.,•r•rr,....r•..a.r.r.�,...r.r+rt•�. -��! - �xr,. �'r' r,-..�i+wa.r - •r.r •rr rr'_tir.-r L a■ILY�#�w.�. i.s.,...■.,.•I L4 L*..■.04,.0 1 a...;h b&L•..i-%'7 - +■■Y..Y�.,..lw� - _ ■ _ f . T rt • 1 - r• t .04 ; J d&(diL4066db4L4rY.r•t4.,-+a4'•WA.r• ■Ya 4 r 0�!m 4r -il.Y�iryY� Signature. of Owner/ Lessee/ContradorL 1 AgentO ner Signa' ture of Con t i0a T icenHolder COUNT'Y OFSTATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF rr+•7--A!q �fir rat i+Vi+'■.-1'�.i'�"r4•!-'•i Yt� The, forgol!' riginstimunnent was -P k n wl y r , t - �� � � Tht.h-i, for-going instrument was acknowl before me t h i . h, y thiS 6 day of OCte 2o2O by 6 +■kd4+-ti3.-...y......r d ay of z_OCt-��■+•r Nir.�..�.-�.a r.a... .m ._+*r�+,.t■i4lf■f/�,`w� �..,-..2c)2rO... - ic islenberg Michael Heisse Name of person nric-Aing staternent. Nc�wnc of person making statement , Personally Kno-wnOR Ident.1ir O ers Known9 IAL *yy.qM.irr.lrr.`r '`.' 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