HomeMy WebLinkAboutVariance ApprovalO,P f BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT RESOLUTION NO. 19-001 File No.: BA 920185372 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A VARIANCE FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Board of Adjustment of St. Lucie County, Florida, based on the testimony and evidence, including, but not limited to the staff report, has made the following determinations: Petition of Ashley Erickson for a variance from the provisions of Section 7.04.01 (Table 7-10) Lot Size and Dimensional Requirements of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code to allow three (3) accessory structures (pole barn, shed and pump house) to encroach a maximum of 13.2 feet into the rear setback, a guest house to encroach 4 feet into the southwest corner side setback and an existing residence constructed in 1979 to encroach a maximum of 11.9 feet into the southeast minimum 30 foot required corner side setback and a maximum of 30.6 feet into the minimum 50 foot required front setback for a property located at 251 N. Cardinal Place, in the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 du/ac) Zoning District. 2. On January 23, 2019, this Board held a public hearing on the petition, after publishing a notice. of such hearing in the St. Lucie News Tribune, installing a sign on property and notifying by mail all owners of property within 500 feet of the subject property and continued the item to the March 27, 2019 Board meeting. 3. On March 27, 2019, this Board continued the public hearing on this petition. 4. After consideration of the testimony presented during the public hearing, including staff comments, exhibits, and the standards of review for granting variances set out in Section 10.01.02, St. Lucie County Land Development Code, the Board of Adjustment has made the following determinations: The requested variance meets the standards of review as set forth in Section 10.01.02, St. Lucie County Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan, because the granting of the variance will allow the property owner to obtain building permits for after the fact permits for the existing structures. The nonconforming accessory structures were existing when the property was purchased and may continue in accordance with the provisions of Section 10.00.03 Nonconforming Structures of the Land Development Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Adjustment of St. Lucie County, Florida: A. The petition of Ashley Erickson for a variance to allow three (3) accessory structures (pole barn, shed and pump house) to encroach a maximum of 13.2 feet into the rear setback, a guest house to encroach 4 feet into the southwest corner side setback and an BOA Resolution No. 19-001 File No. BA 920185372 Page 1 existing residence constructed in 1979 to encroach a maximum of 11.9 feet into the southeast minimum 30 foot required corner side setback and a maximum of 30.6 feet into the minimum 50 foot required front setback for the property depicted on the attached boundary survey as Exhibit "A" and described as follows: Legal: JAY GARDENS -FT PIERCE BLK 6 LOTS 18, 18, 20, AND 21 (0.84 AC) Address: 251 N. Cardinal Place, Fort Pierce, FL Parcel Identification Number: 2311-601-0103-000/8 B. Based on the evidence presented, this variance is approved. C. This Order shall become effective upon the date indicated below. An appeal from the Board of Adjustment's action must be processed within thirty (30) days following the rendition of the decision of this order in accordance with Section 10.01.07, of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. D. This Order shall be recorded in the public records of St. Lucie County. After motion and second, the vote on this resolution was as follows: Chairman Ron Harris Vice Chairman Robert Lowe Commissioner Derek Foxx Commissioner Alexander Tommie Commissioner Michael Jacquin PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this day of ATTEST: Secretary Date Clerk uaie AYE AYE ABSENT AYE AYE 2019. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Chairman APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Asst. County Attorney BOA Resolution No. 19-001 File No. BA 920185372 Page 2 Exhibit A Excerpt ofBOUINI)AXY SU.KV CRIPPLE CREEK LANE - WEST AVENUE "E"(P) _EOGE OF_RlRr ROAD /-12" CIAP 6.0' DRAINAZE EASEMENT (P) L-219,36', R=25,00: CHORD-35.42 6-wl 21121, eDRO CIHIO=N 45'O3,00, w U' DRAWArE POLE Rr' 2-20, 2 2��' Lj— IaA 0 (DIRT F�.Od IK6 1,29' ' I I I -STORY FRAME SHED 12' CLAP LOT 21 I LOT 2 0 - — — — — — --- — — — — (P) - fl�APPROXIRQE CATE LOCATION OF r7 CL 6' WOOD FENCE SEPTIC 9.5 6' WOOD FENCE IL �CONCPrTE' 'ELI POOL tCK 0 LOT 19 a z 1-STORY` FRAME RESIDEN CE 1 -STc-RY FRAME N 4 4b. z 30,5 J. 60.0'(P)— APPROXIMATE? GRAVEL CONCRETE FORC LOCAIMN OF DRIVE WALK SEPTIC Lim, ORNYEL j4I Y DRIVE A-1 5.00 N 89-5Qr45r E T35-09- (C) FORC OW J.V rj L�39.,18% R-25.00' CHORD=35.29' 6=89'47'4B" EDGE dF DIRT ROAD CHB-N 44'5651" E BOA Resolution No. 19-001 File No. BA 920185372 Page 3