HomeMy WebLinkAboutTriBuilt_Smooth_HTDM swa�-+r:es
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1K35 !wl L" G* Ukwr tw h" TOplrI
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IL 4Q�L6048-ft
Type RMr#41on
Cxmd* Versoon 2017
APpa tGat*n Sty M Approved
ffP.& t-,'
Product ManufaeWw4 wilt Materials Group, LLCI
AddrewPF*nEmail PO Box 70
Rutheilord, N] 07070
(800) 1516-1485
david, ryilCDtrMbu Iltrrag,Com
Auttmonzvd S ig natu t`+e Day d Ruiz
dawW. r.rtZC1 tj1 bu I.00M
TnIC*) prese DavMd Ruiz
AddntWPhcnejErna1l 250 Raute 17 North
East Rutford, NU 07073
(201) 842-2449
Q ua I rty +sur.ance Rep Fe-se-nkaklve
Aid r VPhone.,/Email
-� ROO fl r'1g
Subcategory U nderially men ts t
Comp 14nce Method EvaauaCton Report from a Florida Registered Amh1tect or a Lk:ensed rida
PrafessionaM ENinr
Evaluation Report - Hmrdcapy Received
PoriEr lneer or A itect Name who developed the Robert Nkermlnen
EvaIuaWn Fieport
Flo -la License PE-59 166
Qua lity Assu ra nce Entity U L LLC
Quality Assurance Con ct Expiration Date 07118/2020
Valkdated By John W. KnelwO, PE
Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard)
Equivalence of Product Standards
Cefti f ied B y
Sections From the Code
%* Vs I Ids kip n Check Rst - Na rid copy Rece irred
ASTM D1970
ASTM G 155
FM 4474
FR5AfTRI April 2012 (04-1-2)
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C er tificate of A u (horim tion #9503
(2:03) 262-9245
TRI-BUILT Malerials Group, LLC Evaluation Report 2960,,10,12-R6
PO Box 70 FL16048-R6
Rutherford, NJ 07070 date of Issuance: 10/ /2022
(940) 516=2 5 Revision b: 09/25/2017
This Evaluation Report is issued under Rine 61G20w3 and the applicable rues and regulations governing sne use of
construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nierninen,
P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Cade and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The
oroducts described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the bt" Edition (2017) Florida Building Code
sections noted herein.
DOCRI ONd. TRI&,BUILT Roof Underlayments.
LABEUNG: Labeling shall he in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Oualit-y Assurance Agency noted
WW1'%UE D COMPLIANCE: Ais Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product('s) changes., the referenced
Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of
this Evatuatilon Report by the narr��� �li�n� ��r, tit���� a�r��rr��r�t to n��ify Robert Nieminen, P.E. if the product
changes or the referenced QualityAssurance documentation changes.�`r�r��t� I ERD require� complete review �f th i�
Evaluat;on Report relative to updated Code requiremcnts with each Code Cycle.
ADViERTWMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words rinity I ERD Evaluatecim may be displayed in
adver`ttsing 1irterature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report 'Irs displayed, then it shalbe done in its enti rf!tyr
WspEcnopc- Upon request,copy a ��� of this Evaluationr� Reportshall be provided to the u5er by the manufacturer or
its distnbutors end shall be available forinspeionctat the job Si�e �t the request of the Building off icial.
This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 6.,
Pre red by or ti *+�
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Robert J.,M. Nieminen, P.E. � � ILIS
Fbrjda Pews tra tion No. 5 9166, Floorodo DCA AEI 983
?. ( ur IY5M M 1. Thig dm W w rw a m %. � v kvqe��� ftft@d
TIM faLLauW *"M ppp�#re* wai authxi#ed krr
1_ TM ny I ER D dk>ei nit have, nor does ft i rite n d to acquire or wilI it acqulre., a fi n a nda I Interest I n any company manufacturing or
distri bul MC1g products it. CviJuaLe5.
2. TOnrty I ERA is r at awned, operated or controlled by ark corn pany man ufacturlng o,r distributing p rod u It erraluate s,
I Robe" Nmir n, P.E. domes not have n�r will acquire, a financial 'interest �� any company manufacturing or distrobuti ng products for
which the tva iva flon re ports are bem g Is -sued.
4.fjoben� r�� nen. P.L not h-ave, nor will arquire, a financial Interest in any tether ant#l'V involved In the appmval process of the
5. This a a buiWing c raluatfon. Neither Tdnily I E R D nor R o rt N lem In en. P.. Em arex In an y way, the Design e r of R eco fir any
prote on which �hi� Evaluation Report, �r �r��ouz veirsJons there do h/wa� use fir parmitfing or de si,�n ,�uIdance unless reta ir�ed
specKi *V for that purpvAr
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SCO P E do P
Product Category
Sub- tegorV?
Compliance Statement: TRi4U1LT Roof Underlayments, as produced by TRI-wBUILT Materials Group, LIC., have
demonstrated compliance with the following sc[tions of the 6"' Edition (2017,) FkrWa Building Cock through testing
in accordance with the followi niz Standards. Comailianct is su6iect to the Installation Reau irernents and Limitations 1
Con ditions of Use Set forth herein.
Section P rope rty Standard Year
15D4-3+1 Wind Rest'stante FM 4474 2011
15D4-3.1 Wind Uplift UL 1897 2012
1504.6 Accelerated Weathe ri ng ASTM G155 2005
1507,2.4 / 1507.1bl, 15137.2.,9.2 Physical Properties ASTM 01970 201S
150733 P hyska I Pm pertles FRWRI April 2012 (04-12) 2012
Ent1tv Examination Reference te
ERD t T:5T6049) Physical Properties W540-0213-1 02/19/2013
E RD ITST6049) Physical Properties S4054011,13 11/19/2013
E RD (TST6049) Physical Properties S40540.03.14 03/26/2014
ERD CM6D4 9) Physical Propert ies S4M70-04-14-2 04/02/2014
ERD (TST&)49) Physical Properties 544870...04-14-3 04/02/2014
ERD 6049) PhV I Proper les 54487'0.04*14-1 04/10/2014
ERD (TSTW49) Physical Properties 544870-04-14-4 04/10/2014
ERD (_T -5 T-6049) P hys[ca I Properties 543530.02.141•R1 05/1412014
ERD (T-STEoD491 Phys-1cal Pro penles S43530-05-14 05/28/2014
ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties W540-10-14 10/31/2014
E RD (TST6049) Physka I Properties 5C7645.02.15 02/1312015
ERD (TST60491 Ac ce lera ted Wea t1h e rin g SCS520.04.15 05/27/2015
ERD I T516049) Wind Resistance SC 14045 - 0 5-.17-R 1 06/07/2017
ULO LIC. (QUA9625) Qua Ifty Control Muftiple-Llsflng R16814 22/10/2015
UL LLC. (QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation Exp. 07/1812020
4,1 Tri-Bulft Sand-R SA Shingle Underlayment is aself-adhering, glass -mat reinforced, sand -surfaced,. SBS
modified: bitumen roof underlayment, with a 36-inch sheet width; meets ASTM D 1970.,
41 Tri-Bu A S/A HT TU Undertayment is a self -adhering, non -waxen polyester fabric surfaced, SW modified
kitumen roof underlaymenI; meets ASTM D1970 and FR5AJTRI April 2012.
4.3 Trl-Bwlt Smooth HT 5/A Unt erlayment is aself-adhering, glass -mat reirced, film-surfacedr SBS,
modified bitumen roof underlayment; meets ASTM D1970.
5.1. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Tnon!" I ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.,E,. are, in any way, the
Desioner of Record for and prol"ect on which this Evaluation Report, or previous verns thereof, is/was
used for permitting or design SUWance unless retained specifically for that purpose.
5.2 This Evaluation Report � not for use in F 8 C HVjHZ�,�sdictio n,
5.3 Fire Classification is not part of this Evaluation Re���#; �����f to G11f�el�t A��f�V�� Roofin� M�C��1�I
Directory for fire ratings of this product-
E xt ft �e-VCh s d C*s18M+ lc vii ius 1 ion ReportAQV4& 32-apt6
r## ate of Auf# riraronn 89$03 6 r" E ION IN171 FCC NON-HVFlZ (VALUATION Fl# 6W 9-R6
T14I- 9U1lT Roof Urkkbdaynwnu; () 516wlM A evislon 6.- 09/2512017
Pap 2 of 6
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5.4 TRI-B U I LT Roof U nd effa yrn e n t s --tray be used with any prepared roof crnPr where ttv product is
specifical}y referenced wttt++n F BC approval docurmn If not ksted. a request may he made to the
Mttsority F.Jri ng u sdiction for approrW based on then evaluation combined wit1� pponvq cata fnr the
prepared roof covering.
5.3 Allowable Roof Cavers-
--Bjr h SM-Oot% "i
derwoh- — —
551 � rr�-r��1 Tile"rs ���+l1�e� �01� of the f��k�l�l�I�� �r��r t Pie ���
� r�e� � u� t fir t1or�S.
5-6 Al4o+wabk Su b str a t es:
I " Che Ocad to Deq*;
T"uift Sand-.R SA $hingle Underlayment, T6-8uph S/A HTmTUUnderiayent �* T�-Buiii Smoot HT SIA
Underlayment applred La:
L. PtYwoc�d; ASTM D42 primed Plywood; OSB: ASTM D4I p►imeti TSB; Southern Yellow Rine; ►157aA D42
prir:aed Scwthem Yellow Pine; ASTM[A1 primed MCWra
l cnncre:e.
While not required rner ptywvod. a5B ar 5outi7err� Yellow Pine sub suazes, TR-1- eLlI LT MZUrfals Cvmup, L!�[
recOrn 's pnm4ng the deck if ft final roof corer is not sated for'-rtsuftaticr. within 24 hours. Note:
VOUILT Maler'Ials Group, LLC requires tongue-and-grocve board decking be covered wig plywood a
C)S 0 prior ; a iresta Hat ior of the self- adhering underfaymeRt
5.6-2 kmd -to-4.rsu -1 ation:
16wguilt n d - R SA Sh Fin gi e U r d erWym ent Tn-pE,.W.ljplt S/A HT TU U rkkWayrn eM or Tri.- B uill ��t�s KT SSA
UndeH4yment applied to:
i Dens Deck Pnmie; sEGJROCIC Gypsurn-fi6er Roof Board,
For installation urnderned'+anually attached prepared roof [weringsi nsu lat-km sham be attached per
rtMIV -r
nimum requirements of the prepared roof covering manufaCturerS Prod uct Appromor-a I For irmU I lator s
under foa rn -on the systems (Tr-1r-W8u -ift S/A Hi TU U n d e viavrnem only}, imula- attachmeni be
des.: g ned by a qualified design professional and installed ba sed on testing of the im iafiw/una e rlayffwn
system in accordance with F M A474, 4poe nd tx D or TAS 114, Append 1z j
� Reftf to ��Je �� ����ta� ���s �r �br,�u���t�s �c�id� �r�d �,v aw,�� ��r f ur �rrwrr� � �� e C
Ereena Research ar0esqPviLC
Ge+'rrdwte of AutMr4arian I9503
to —M € D171 CW4 12017) f AC h 044MM E11A tT"
Tn4lllL't lkDd 01 S 16-Y
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�le�1�4►"Mlt U 04t &! " ***qw% N * pie". A� 11) 11 (dr 1!1 60-hi Am usi,i *I 69w1H Am top
:::fit+tioFtt, Msw+^ C*stft Pw-%L"" kk tho 1�l1d[ VINI twl�+�.i .kt
iMOMI1�01! �Ni'llf I�Vr� i11d 1lt1hS% t�C u�ti1S►.flM ��`�•►rri *"QWNI !�t ! (thr : h� 1 tS},MICR► .►1 ►th►l5
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MK►, 3?y'73�lAtl"+i pl��►.ti�i �. �►rrs ph+}�'�t rr��ui+r�lt�t►h ter �Attis��st►.Ki +�t �uth�lffh
H4w%A fuM�dMet��►.
(091411k"I) ASTM 041 tw It f "'S 110 tX1 t RKM till MiMi
1'�M�NtyA�i its l�n�irla��»�ns nlf �.illf��h�
Ut �1'plf
5Uvc1%1w41 '01qm'w ti"txr IiL% o1iee t vws,it%4A i Lkii koI rm#1ti to
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aplEntxs and 1,%d proWlitim%. .tall bt twin
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UrsdwWywwit%% T"u H% 31A H T TU U nderts v timol, S*1 �dhirvcl, Nh imIt bo t 1i %) i vi t a rk I I usuV hal Id
nil{tr andlkw Ighle6d wilt+ to ftsups cher-t +ra na vpld�, and on►urr their sip tip
Y11etUtb'Id4lllK at .ILlr and eAiI.11sRS,
IPA, ijaIll[V% MlSl&[1 ON
DKkb r%.b 191 WIM 41 j�1_1 %kv1Wd W MCM PwIlc44A 1 0Iu+1401l11ti W U1440ion 0 AkiMmity
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BA -I Sheet: N1'ir�r�.o ti�ip i3 Li ill Mod-IIII iVd Sk,,ij i It 111c%,hii5l�,iN iitNCh" WR h noft I SA ?.I L I I
in�i ! an � .s�i� (iFIC l� ��.�.3] xE1Ai i•c� Q ��1 o,t. it the-� �i5�h I-%y+, �is�1 FN ii5k h tt&. In tht",
cyyj1t1 ,Iaced rows In I hetenW ot t ho I
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Undvi JjYment Tri-Lbuitt SIA Ni ill Un det 1,AV mvit .ell idh vi 1411
L kits. W Pr woffh aw %I Lv 411 1 t C.,
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fto w 14 ft
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Scanned by TapScanner
5..6A.1 For rtred}an-Ica l}y attach Base Sheet„ the maximum design presw r e for the sefetted assembly steal! meet
or exceed th a ,, revuJred under FWAM I Apr112 012 (04 - )j. Appendix A. Table Lk
Afternatively, the �[iYUR1 deSiQn pcess.:re fcr the Seie[ted aSSemb�y She'ii meet or exceeo the Zane 1
design pressure determinea in accordance vrFth FBC 1609. In this case, Zones 2 and 3 steall employ an
attarhmiers; density designed bV a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria.
Commonty used methods are ANSI/SPRI WD1, FM loss Prevention Data Sheet. I.P29 and RocTwg
AppitiLion Standard 'ROCS 117- Assemblies marked w'[th an asterisk' r_arry the limrta;ipns set to. �P� in
section 2-2.10.1 of FM Loss Prevemtion Data sheet 149 (lanuaq 2016) for Zane 2/3 enhancements.
5.7 Exposure Limitations:
T"uift Sand-R SA Shingle Underlayment or Tri-blBulft Smooth HT S/A underLayment shall not he left
exposed for io r r th a n 3p4ays after instailatipn
T"Wit S/A KT TU U n derla ymeM shalt not be left exposed for longer than I 80-dwp after irstallation_
5.3 Tile SfipDaRe Limitations (TA5 103 otr 1`13SAITRLA-D-ril 20.124
(04- IL:
Whey Loading roof tiles an the underlaymeitt i n d I-rect."deck tale assemblies, the maximum roof slope shaft
be as foNows. These slope Irimitations can only be exceeded by using ba"ens during loading of the root
end er
. r,,, -17) FBC 0004.KVHZ EVALUATION
TRi.SMT Roof ter crlryrrwerii
SIC) ae
Evion RrportM2968.10. 12•R6
Rrrsipn C 09/B/2017
Scanned by TapScanner
6.1 TRI-BUILT Roof Undedayments Shall t�e instiUed n awvdance Mntt+ TRI-BUILT Mater-a'4 C:nN*� LLC
published installation qui�ments subj'6ev tt� the litnit�tiorts sei fn►th �n 4�rtx�� � nme n a� tiae
spetifia noted below,
fie -fasten any loose decking panels, and check fur Prorrudinj nail heads. Sw"P 1"e ttroH..�•.ti
to remove any dust and d ebris prior to application, and prima MeWb44T'ilft (If Wkabx`
T"witt SandmR SA S le U n dtdayme nt.�:A HT Hayment prjDr-�€. M-1. S"MNM&l "I SJJL
6%3..l Shall be installed in compliance with the cequinrrtknts fer ASTM D1270 u1►d!rlayfelcnt a'+ FK TMk
I W7. 1. 1 for the type of p rep& red roof coven'nj to be in st alkd.
6.3.2 NonlrileQIDli4ations:
While priming is optional TRI-BUILT Materials Group, LLC rccnmmrnds PA. ** deck if �+na I roof
cover is not slued for installat ion uithin 24 hours
ApplVsheet parallel to the toot edge. Roll Our a
ft of release film,
pptmjmataly 10 ft of merrbrsne and peO bKk tt* fxst 3
Adhere the expostLd part to the substritv and unroli i he i enw1nMS f11embi a,r* as fair i3
Once the enter length of membrane is in plan, peel -o!� the 1llcise film dUSonallvr rA�lt hol&rt tf+e
membrane tight. Firmly raft, braorn or hand-press the "mbrara bito place to aM! bmInd,
H orizo nA a I seams should he minimum 34nChes, cnnFegured to thed watrr. Vewhral scams _rl+cwld bop inches and staggorrd not less than 2•h frnm.•enicai scams in the course below., sealed in 3ccofdan[�lwlM
TRI-BUILT Materlak Group, LIC requirements.
When -installing at slopes above 8:1Z TRi-BUIIY MatN"I�is Group, LlC rlcdnnrlfids back-nadwt in tA!
overlap area at the top of the sheet at 124nch ox,
For Valleys and Ridges: Cut underfaymrnt Into a to 6 foal lengths Pre] the rrk�a.r paper aad t�tl4 Uhtvt
over Valley or ridge. Drape and press sheet into place, working fmm The :enter of Me wlky or ncttr +n
each direction. For galleys, apply the sheet startfn11 at the, lowest paint and wain upward
6_33 TRASatiq,njTt�i-Buils5lA !J1 TU VndcAgy=nt 2aw-
Reference is made to FRSAJTRI April 2012 (04-12) Installation Manual and Tatpe 1 hen, uunC tt%*
instructions nosed above as a Suidelinen
Far foam -on rile applications, rciercnce is madr to Section �,.i.;1�r+rin For wind r+rusta+►[� NmA�ti0r►t tmt
fall outside the scope of FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12).
Tile shall be loa de d and staga�d i -n a man nor that prevents I i I e slip pap andjtu darner ft ft
underlayment. See Tabie 2 herein, and TR?%,1BUl1T Mate(Jalls Groups UC publi&hed reyumemr11t+ tat tft
7. 13-UtILDMU, PtRmrr REquti;i-mENrL,,
As required by the Building QFt[ial or Authon!1111111V Hiving lurisdiction In order to pau�� cvatuafr! Mt instil 111190n flf
this product,,
Gulfport, MS
U L. LLC- QUA9625; (414) 578 3406; k,chancellorLOus..ul.com
blen'ar 14 r w orch *n d LIW%4n. LLC.
.171proyffiLl"'Of AUJAHL%*0thm 09501
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