HomeMy WebLinkAboutGulfCoast_5V_Metal_f m SUPPLY & MANUFALCfURlMG Product Evaluation Report GULF COAST SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING LLC 26 Ga. 5V primp Roof Paned over 15132" Plywood Floiida Product Approval #11651-.13 R3 Florida Building Code 2017 Per Ruie 61 G20-3 Method-1: 1 -D Category: Roofing Subcategory:, Metal Roofing Compliance Method: 51G20-3.005(])(d) NON HVHZ Product Manufacturer: Gulf Coast Supply & Manufacturoing., LLC. 14429 SW end Place. Suite G30 ..._ Newberry, FL 32669 Engineer Evaluator,B Dan Kuhn,, P.E. #75519 Florida Evaluation ANE ID,L 10743 Va I i d ato r,0 Locke Bowden, P.E. #49704 945.0 Alysbury 131ace Mont-gornery AL 36117 Contents: Evaluation Report pages 1 - 5 FLN 11651 P, 13 R3 ■ O.CTOBER S.- 2017 Scanned by TapScanner L In tow %MMUMUM Product Approval USER Pubk -1 '11 ��-§ 11�1 -ILA aj.17sF. "PW 0 ft 0 A ppl fionType Code Version Appi lit o11 ta" Comments Arch id d uct Ma nufact-u res AddrusslPtoneJEmaf1 AwtAprlrtd Sognature Thwil Rep:rese ntaUva Acid resslP �*ne/E ma it I J PI _ Qual sty Assu ranRe p rtse ntative add rtsPha ne1'1E ma 0 CO f'Y S" cry Com P1 iance MethDd -- s i FLI I 6SI -R3 RevISIOr! Approved G6X pP1Y & ftanu1'burtmig, LLC. 4020 S. W. 449th Str"t liorseSh0e SeKlh, FIL 32648 (352) 498-0778 InfoogullftwStsupply.cora End Dav Id Infoog U I fcw WO P IV -cc M David Enq 1"29 SW 2r�d Pt ate G30 Newberry, FL 32669 (352) 498-0778 l nfoOg uI Iscs#su pY . co m David Eng 1"29 'SW 2nd PI Stin G30 Newberry, fL 32669 (352) 498-0776 da-vEd,ertq CDguId s# ppty. COM Roo MOW Roo I �N E Ya lust Min Report a Florida Reg isterW Architect or a Uce ftwtda Prof,essic na I F.ngirt Evatuat Ion Report - Har&-*!py Rece orred Florida Eng Ineeir or AnNtett Na rne w ho d eve �oed DsnPei S. Kuhn EY a I u a tihon Report F�orda Ucense Qu.&I ity Assu E n My Quality ►uram%e Contract Expiration Date Va Mated By Certificate of Inde PeMenm Referenced Sundiird and Year (of Starvdard) PE-75519 Keystonr CertMca t b mj, Inr. D4/12/2024 LDCXG Bowden P,Eq • VaIkUMn Checktist • Hardcopy Received 011121-1117 staindad YME FM 4471 1"2 TAS iQU 1"s TA5 110 2WO TAS 12S 2003 Llt 1897 2012 UL Sao 2006 Scanned by TapScanner Eq u ivaIenc;e of Produc# Sta nd isrds Cart lfMe- d By Sectlono from IRe Code Product Approval Method Date Submlkted Da te Va I Ida ted Dat e Pendlr1g FCC App rava I Date Approved SummarV of Products L;0 to Pag e (D FL 0 ]1651.1 1i Model, Number or Noma 0.032' Aluminum 5V Crimp Method Y Option ❑ 10/10/2617 10/12/2011 10/17/2fl17 12/1212017 Limits iaf Use Approved for use In 1iVHZ: No Ap proved fir use auto] do HVMZ: Yes I m pact Reel stant; N/A Design Pressure: +NjA/-100-.5PSF 0the c: -1015.5 psi' 0 12* o.c. I n5ta14 per menu FacWrers deta Its. fVot f or use 4n Fi lm Zo.nes, 116 . 03 2" Aluminum Gulf L-ok - Limits of Use Approved for use I11 FIVI"IZ: CIO Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes � Impact Resistant: NIA Design Pressure: +N/A/-116.OPSF Oth: -52.5 psf 0 5 3/16p' O.C. fastener spacing.-116,0 Psf 0 5 31 I#5' O.C. faStener spadng. Ins taIG per manufacturer5 detallls. Not for use in HV`F4Z -Zone!S. AL- Ir- t 24c�a. Gulf!Snap Li nnift of 1)M Approved for use In IiVliZ; lies Approved for use autslde HVHZ: Yet tmpact Resistant,., WA Design Pressuream #IN--131.0PS Other, -67L3 pAif Q) 24q* o-c- clip spaong* -131 p!5f 4 6m ox. dip 5pacin-9. ] nstall per manuf a cturers detai7s. Fir use In HVFIZ zone5w 24ga. Ver5aLoc LImft of Use Aq p{otred for use In HVHZ; Yes Approved for, use outslde HYHZ: Y-e5 impact Realstanin. H/A 065101M preSsure" +N1N-&138-5PSF Other: -71 psf 0 24* O.C. C11 P Spa Cinq. -13 0, 5 psf 0 6' o.c_ dip $pacing, Install per manufacturers detaIM5. For ijin t-IVHZ Zones. % I1165t.5 VemUc .032' Aluminum E&- - - Lfml#s Of Uft Approved fair u s-e In HV lid: YeS Approved I -or use outride IiYHZ: Yes lrilPact Resistant: IVVA Design Pressure; #Nf-jjD1.0P5F Dthmr�v - 6 3.3 psf Q 24,m 0. c. Cj i p spau ng 10 1 - 0 pst ip 6m ox. P. 10 0 Page 1/ 20 0 Description Min OrO32' S V Crimp Aluminum Roof Par lever 15/32' Plywood Instal lotion instructlo n z Verified By: Dan Kuhn., P.E. 75519 Cre&d by I nde. pe nde nt Th I rd Paft: Yes Evalunuen Reports FtA21rX;111iToWk M16 U'NrAN�m]Fol-TaR Created by Independent Third Party-., Yes Min 0.a32' Aluminum Gulf Lok 16' Wide Roof Panel over 15/32' Plywood InstaRatio n In structlons Verllied By: Dan Kuhn, P-E. 75519 Created by Independent Third Party,, Yes Evalu at I on R ep-o rts 32PIvwood- NanHVHZ--sjqne� YeS Created by Independent Third = V Gul f Sna p 24 Go. 17" wide Roof Pane I over 15/3 Z; P$ywood �! T L I n stal lation Instru ctio n 9 � 1 - - J r - � rL ■ M � E r - -- - - - - - - slgnegL Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P-E,, 75519 Created by Independent T��rd P#ray: 1ft � Evatu atlon RiL&parts =9- CreaLed try independent Third Party: Yes Im 1fer5i24gd 16.Sm Wide RID -Of Panel O+rer 15/32-A PlyWood Insta 1 Fatl 0 n instruetlan5 11- Sig VCrified BV; Dan KUhP1F P.E., 75519 C neated by I nd e pe nde r�� Th MHO ��rt�: Y Evaluation Am rts E * a F IPU EH"J' Created by Iridependent 1h i rd Party- Yq V VersaLoc min .032' Aluminum over 15132' Plywood Installation Instructiona 1-19 Verified By,., Dan Kuhnr P--E+ 75519 Creattd by Independent Third ftrty: Yes Erratua#n Reports Scanned by TapScanner 4 r AP P rvvqd ftf me@ ONW40 H V'N Z db Von � zn,P&ct tant: HIM Do s M g n Pmswu ram' + AV` I S& SPSF anrr. ID&S pw 0 Lr tpacMy. •156.5 PO • � 5' 0.0 Iti3t+N+tr �•V��rq_ If1��1 p!f IrW1uf�[tu�MS d�t�l� fOf I use in W*Q tw*s. LAW "I of us. V%~ ar: Dan Kuhn, P.E. ?MID Co"tod bv 1 mbpw4fta it Thwid diiiiii'i Tft Mw,rion � %2F%.V" L =1 - - 0"hd er [if r* n,ors rra - Iwo tK ra S►► efflft arar t srs�• w, ...u,, WMM Ila twa Inct n&COG" AdWNWMd fee � in "VK& Irk i ELLLLU- S j 11 .61 L 1 Lk la A"F0% off outflb! NVFI2: tes awleO. I m pact Rrsl:ianS: NWA � Wif*d By' Dan Kuh% P.E. 75SI9 Design �Vrrssura: a�1iyA/-131.1SF � CM4 7[ed Or IN* pti+dN�K lhkd P�r[y: Yea 0060 -9#.35 .e5r A ti` e.nreemi -l]l.S a" Eva FuaAftift Reports I % 0, C. 7 -N. T-F IF N.V. kTr" 'ill"iT. JLVw Corw n1GMFOC"ffwM LW U� 119410 M& is 02A.- =--LJ6 6- AW jorr! H-�14'7 O!12 IS go Cftatvd by Ir 1 i _n%rty" Yft 1-1651.LL14 ��I a . FY Cnmp Ll mfts a f Use A4w ro%Vd ftr use In HV Ok-b Approved %r use LVU de FiV HZ: I es Impact Res4staA: Oes I g ct IPr +lyVI S6.Sires 0 thwa 4. 108. 5 pd 0 1 ZR a-.1c, tamener %Wk rNq% - 1 S6, 5 Pd 0 6 n . - 0,1r, hKhmr 3hpbcft Install W cn&nuFKtu detaft. Fw Uft In MVRZ z�rr�. ft li Go . W Cramp R col P&W Ovrr tX4 ►vvoa r�►rm awrT to*t�llation I n wt Tu Cti on 5 1163 1 R3 11 HL .11 EY F4 1 M geal Fd� �-%T Dan Kuhiin,, Pm E-L 75 519 N YU CnWW by lnderwnftnt Th" P&.nYL jk4ft stWn R st pe rift Inilar%iiii 01 All n ilfTii! I& Rit 2AqVC Nur�il4ti_.Ay7pe%d.RQt CrWited by IndeprNent Thud ftftlu ohs 146 21651.15 X Ga. Gu R Lok P4 i n C& SW LA* I W Wds RoO Ift ne I ow I $Mw F'Nmcod - -------------- � Lirnits of Lfte insradMa#ion Tnistfurfloms Approved for WN kin i4VkL% YfA 16 5 1 IU U FL 11 ES I I S R 3 Metal Root 92ML Approved for wie auftWe HYHZ: Nes Impact ResistanO MIA VerlAed. Ift 03a K %j hn. P.1, VS 5 19 Dosfgi1 PCOS#11f i NVV% I 61.OPS F Cloo t .1 Wdepende f1t TMd : V05 OthO1'; -6,�L 5 0 5 i�M` Q.r-tmupe( 3�Q�i�i `I a�:.lvajuatkm� R"w 0 5 10 16's SPWng - * 16 1 . 0 0 S 3116" O.C. f&Mrw ng IfiS 1 B3 AL FU I 11S I I k R3_2"Mok 16 1 1k I nstaN per ounufaCturi1'! dtftft !fir IAi■ in hlVMZ Zwmn, wo Cln~ " 1n&p*r%J*nt TNtd Paftyq- VW 6 GaL It Lok min 26 I V Wift Roo? PaEveI aver Y V32` Limits of Usk InstallationAnsRruCtionS Apptowed or u#a 0 H1FIX: No F11f31 R3 ij F1�1�51 3.� IR.3 �1�CAC Approw*d for uOS OUtWe HVH-ZmE YeN sign am impact Resto tan b WA ve"n" By: DW Kulha% P, E 75� 19 DqM fps + WAu1-63. N-PSF CmWhed bv ln& Pei nt Third ftft : Yu Ofh1K -63.5 O S w 15" D.4 fl-st e no r SOKin4• `lH.i=P/f 0 5 3116` ftStOW tpad►q. •161 ps! O S 3/16' Trslener � sv+a^9, IrstAN per mrnutacruron aetsift, Not ftw tm in IMZ Zones 11651.17 LIMM of use 26 Ca C;ulfPBR Jipv- 9 a—"—ed ftr use In "W"Zom No Approv*d Y" ouo#d* 14VI41h Yes impact Reshotanu NVA Deeign Pressurv: +NVN-1w154.7P5F htr. w S9. 2 5 pV @ 24' ox. fastener pattern.., *154 � �' Q c Fast ener patttrri . 1 rm! 81 I Pe r m*MwISO u1W d ftr UU in KVHZ 111651-19 Limits a# use Appnnmbd for us* In 14VHZ-1 �_tLN i .Appmd for us* [side HVHZ' Impact Resistant-l- NVA Doslan Fronuov; +hVOV-151a7PSF Ot h a r. -i DO. pO 10124* ox. f0ste gyp . 1,73 p4 41 ��' fastcner speclrrg, I nstall per rn anufadurot '* dcaftN F& on n HVFIZ Zen" LF An 14110,1��iilk Ft 00 Ca Creat4doy IrWepenftnt Third Party: Yn Min 26 Ca. Qt1f FINR Roof Pe Mel oar 1 yi2' }Arwood Insts I.kd*w I n structions t I M I -A, WE C% 11 hs 1-1 -h -LA C % Actan..�+L ednel D- -.e.n 409 Vatftd Oar: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75SIq EVe-aNd by !WvPeoftnt TWd Psrh; YO! Tvallu a t Ion Roparft irk 11651 r�3 n-11 ��ul � l� Cnw1cd by I - Oepwndr n t I h i c d Pm r IV Yes ftfn 26 Go, C;uIFPSR Rod Paml ever JX4 WUW pUlilne oI ti S/320 Plywood Installation Imstructione fAlit! LLI. IL ssoa�lm! %ftf jrod bar: Din ItwAA. W.I. 7 53 14 Creatod by I rmftm-m lent Third NrrtY Yet Kv"Ation RsOe�e� fLj I as I FJLALI L11l�IL3.B JU'fiG1 LEMK 1.0 15x now ffmz LQ%U CmatftJ 6Y li1dopond4tr1! 1hIod f%F; VW .26 Got fpu-R min 2 ••s is Gs. iw+1veR aru i71320% 'hrNww 671 Scanned by TapScanner a z z f w .q #*ad v 4 0- - WSW Oftwks-mNu N60MI i 4 -- t-�r o�+aQsutts.►�n &W.W* " I - - L W RE vr914kr #A 44 " %P p & % 11 W a t to is ti - , z IL q4*A\) OWN% %qh ■ q NNI ti .k i UL L\4 IL kL -b�dvll to P" 19L 11 lb", 4b • i _ � ti Jib XL L &I : \�ai�r, V +�+tr•• : c+ •LS1�1� a �` .v A• • ll 1r � ; . •�►1 Cmkx+��W dh 4 `� •.t F �I.L C. :��, trsa:.s�r r�rti* ��a�r.�sr►�R^�•x't1►►.+t1+R►waP.:��'+,Q SC46 MF46 on Twlhl^l&*lk*s-r 'I V.R�k ••i. ! 4i1 S' w�1R ;+nYng wAL Cd M! pwol w aorth -Il. im Ilr�•'�r►.�r h� Flores &WJ04 C%L�.+� I I. ��'t�qn 15:�6 d, 15Qt,d A irlirr+ban A:v� �d py►�t tii .s rr q-s*ub at n�.•. Yuen N" 0 �. \ll\\': a ti� ������titf�ta«��rt� �1R+ou�ci! tM +.Lp� ►' t��t. �v i..��-�� #�RR� .v �,ti�: �tii in actuniint!►ei P4XV44 Si h AdWq i ,tom WVL3vcwww PWW%M. m wKwkxl%- qa 71-1 *v" k'- Scanned by TapScanner Iurp MA -Nut At IV 4 tile C000 COMpllanil: the I)K+�iu�S dt-h.%i�lnti Ile(0111 Ilk%% ki�yixNtslr.iim C-PitIpli.iirr,�� With the I C(isil L,% I0 1S4K tions I S�L 1 :: Eval uatl on R e p ort Stow; The piitXJLKt Ew.dUJtKan is lirntuNj to cloml0wKv with the ytr uttur%lit wwd ka.0 mquitrnie, it, ot tt* rlorloda Buddisio t safe 141ir it Ml,iw+ te Ruk% a+ }G30• 1 Hermance Standards: The piWtit I clestribr(l hei tsn h%" dvi i ioi t%lt a led tvi irl wi lk,;: �wIh. * I 580 05 1 v7I lot Upli I I Rmm t a.i it r of R&#,&)I ASWI ihi�+•� • lil 1R97.12 - Upli I I I cSt R;mf IL vvv I if) tj svxtt%nt%- Re%m n c e DatAIkR 1, UL 5S44)4 / I t07%98 UOil k lot I uitmTin g IrK {iRC (>yJnir4[1o17 M rS Tt 5342 8) Rthpurt No, 117 - 00 T-,0 5 & 1 I I w 0 4 11 T•08 i. C er t I Droll 0 of I I I t lipm, 11601M Hy din Kuhn, PE. (FLO 75519) 0 Kuhn Uiija ikxnr►q, PLC (FBC OrganuatK)n 0 AN[ ID-, 1074 3) Tes t Standard E q u I va Ion ca.w I The UL 580-%94 TOM stan(jaro i� cquko,ilent ILI the' Ut 5SC-06 tc%t tit,Fn,l,irO 2, The UL 1897m98 wit sldndetd ii a�qunrals*nt to the UL 1S41.12 te-st Stelrldiil'd, Quality Assurancc& Entity' The manufacturer has eti1ablMimt comilhan(v 0 rc��f .i[cardante vmth i he 1 I or i da B u i Idi nq Cody end Rule 6 1G201w 3,005(3) for �Tvnuftic tunny undri .1 quality v%suran(P PrQQi am rxt0tE'd fly An iipFlt LIVI"t I QUAIlly .1SSOtfdfSC! t i i t i ty Minimum Slope Range, Nfintmum SlW shall comply with Florida Builkling Code 2017, inOudiiiy Section 1507 44 , 2 and In &xoi thince with Nlanti fmPturers nKomniendaijonN Fur s1oplLn less thai 13: 11, I4ip sealant ni us i Lw. usrd i i i t: Fwne I s isir laps. Instailation: Install tier Manulacwrert recpElirne+ided deUils Und v Hay ment yell campty vvith Flon'da Budding Code 2017 setlion 1507.1 1 Root Pa nel Fero Classification* Farr c 1,iN%iti(ation i� not purl c►f th tjo accvpUns.$,, Shear DlaphragIn d Ir &Lr k- FLIf 3 R 1 49 0( FOAF R S. 2017 Shear DophragM v.tilui°5 We DwIsIdO tile =tie of this reFloit Scanned by TapScanner design Procedure: FLO 116511.31 R3 • OCTOBER 5, 2017 :10514810 SUPPi.Y i MANUFACTUR114ra For rooFswithin the 4)afanieters listed on the load table, f astei inIg pattern must at a minimum meel chase listed for the applicable wind zone. For all roofs outside the, parameters listed on the load table, design wind loads shall be determined for each project in accordance with F BC 2017 Section 1609 or ASC E 7-10 using allowable stress design. The maximum fastener spacing listed herein shall not be exceeded. This evaluation report, is not appIlLable in High Velucity I turr'icanereportZone. Refer to current NOA ot I iVH2 evaluation for use of this product In Nigh Velocity Hurricane Zone. 0 0 i'l ItIj. ftjAk AL- ff's] 11! 0 IkIl ;I ;RE W L Scanned by TapScanner MAN UFA CT URI N6 ENGINEER LOAD TABLE: 26 Ga.. 5VCrqmp Roof Panel over 15/32" Plywood 8uhfings+havtmj a Roof Mean Height <_ �0"-0"; Roof Slope,- 2"112" - 120-1/12' Gable nr Hip Roof; Wind Speeds 120- 18pmph, Exposure C, Risk CategoII, Enclosed Building, 6,'�:sQd are Florida Bull ding Code 2017- 11111y 120 130 140 150 16�1 170 180 W11ND FASTENER SUBSTRATE SPEED (MIN. 1!4' MIN. �5J32'f DN CE TER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER Penetl�t�pn) SPACING SPACING- SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING W M ZONE 1 99-15xl sn Plywood tb" TYPE 1 16" TYPE t 16' TYPE 1 16" TYPE 1 76`TYPE 1 16m TYRE 1 1.6' TYPE 1 IOPiE 2 49-15x1,,5" plywood 76" TYPE 1 16" TYPE 1 160 TYPE 1 16' TYPE 1 16" TYPE 1 16" TYKE 1 16' TYPE 1 ZIONE 3 #9-150.54" Plywood 16" T_YPE 1 IGN TYKE t 16' TYPE 1 16" TYPE 1 16" TYPE I ISPO TYPE 2 16' TYPE 2 I1.)PAP[EL dESCRIP71pN: SV CRIMP, MIN 26 GA.., GRADE 80, 24rCOVERAGE 2.] PANEL FASTENER: 49-15X 1 5" HWH WITH SEALING WASHER WIMiN. YA" PENETRATION. 3.} MAXIMUM ALLOWAB LE PANEL UPLI Fr -94.25 PSFQ 16" 0 C FASTENER SPACING NPE 1 FASTENER PATTERN, -131A PSF 016m O.0 FASTENER SPACING TYPE 2 FASTENER PATTERN BASED ON TAS 125. UL 580/UL 1897 TASTING. 4.) PLYWOOD DECKING: MIN. I '*THICK PLYWOOD MIST HE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 20174 5.} ROOF SLOPE: ON RO()F SLOPES LESS THAN 3--12,'LAP SEALANT MUST BE USER IN PANEL SIDE TAPS 6.) LOAD SABLE BASED ON WIND PRESSURES CALCULATED PER ASC E 7-10 (KD = 0.85) MULTIPLIES BY 0.6 PER FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2017 C qsd%� 1% " raw a fM-9 ZONE I a % GABLE ROOF - Lurilt .1 1^9 Wh FLU 11651 13 k3 •OCTQeER 5, 2017 Note: Dimension (a) is defined as 100 0f the minimum width of the bui I dpnq or � 40% of the mean height of the f oaf' wh ich eve r i s smaller, however, (a) cannot be less than either 4% of the minimum width of the building or 3 feet, ------� TYPE 1 FASTENER PATTERN {1} #9-15 x 1-112" HWH w/Seal i n 9 Wash er 6 At Panel Lap TYPE 2 FASTENER PATTERN r (1) #9-15 x 1-112" HWH w/Seal i ng Washer 9.6 5" 211 10-0 to, Scanned by TapScanner -- � TYPE 1 FASTENER PATTERN & MANUFACTUAII(G #9- 15 x 1 �1/2 H WH w/Seal 1 ng Washer At Paned Lap TYPE 2 FASTENER IPATTERN (1) #9- 15 x 1 112" HWH w/Sealing-Washer pit Fu 11 6si - 13 R3 •OCTOBER 5, 2017 4,5 11 --- 2 11 1 1�11tI111.1116 %141EL Sr v 41000 Ara 4 1 bf IP & 01 h %CEN,� FOY. 0 � s 6h . dr No.. 75519VP Elmomm— F � dw STATE OF dP op 4f WORID lb ONAL {f+ Scanned by TapScanner