HomeMy WebLinkAbout15210.7t f a:oaea aa.lrtavn d Business i& Professional 2017 Regulation 15210.7 WIN III Product Manufacturer ALL Florida Building Code Online Submit Sumlefge St,t, a Fact, Publications Contact Us acts She nap units sb dbpr (' 1�USM t,tt l C��., oro PvdUse, m u Pmdue Aoorora. new a PIW,. Of Aoohuuor. Sea. > APPIWnen Llat Search Criteria I Z I ✓ . 7 Refine Search Code Version 2017 FLY 15210.7 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use In NVMZ ALL Approved for use outside NVNZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search Results - Applications Flo TYRO Manufacturer I varlaares ay �15s.1y= Revision P nya Plastics Corp. Ryan ). King, Approved RG Laf: FLI5210.7P,F. Nodal: g. o W000 Grain/Watts Wood Grain/RustIUMahogany Series O (813) 767- FA g1lass Door 6555 Descr p mpact are ss mgie Door - Outswing Confiaurat onl Cha egory: Exterior Doors Subcategory: Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies -Approyad by b . Ap enreab by D "I ba rovlaead and iiFOW br uta MC nWW the COfemleafon 0 necessary. Unload us 26D1 &est Slone 0.oae Taoahassee R 32399 Plane: 8511-487-1VI Tine state of Monte Is an W EW dMbyer. C--Woint 20072013 State of Ronda. - Rrva[v statement Algan lllly statement : 0.eN W statement Under now. law, email i ddesiea an Wblo records. If You do rot stand your a -mall address released In mspome to a pod.arKorpe reti do not sew de(tomr M" to M, entity. instead. Wntart the oma by phone or by tradaanal mad. If YW "ye an, 0u biUsu, please bomad 850.487.1595.-Punuant do section 455.275(1), nonda Statutes, eisemye Dd.bt, 1. 2012, liumbees ki nsed under Chapter 455, F5. must pmNde Me Department wan an .4 address a My, love one. Tine malls did. oed may de "W to, oM.dal dmmun.b.n with Me Ilob.b. Veneerer erred eddrtsses One Coble reeerd. if you do not is" to pply a peraowbl address, please provide" Department wdh an email address syNtlr can be made available to Me publa. To determine a yW art it Ildnue ower Chador 455. F.s., please pita bM. IsreM1Rit Alppios'al A pts: EM KI ® EE111111 Credit Card sale https.//www.flondabuildirg.org/pr/pr_app_ist.aspx t/1 W221 0 Florida Building Code Online Business & Professional 1 It FSG' BOS Mi, a top in user lt"I t bon Mol T.D-6 submit Surtharyc skate a FaM p Wicat Corltad w ll Site Nap inks Search 0111 �r product Approval I � /usEa� vubnc user Gwa��iv bomra Mme > F,uun AR,k1b.1. > Appllodon DNsll FL a Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Aodress/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method FL1S210-R6 Revision 2017 Approved Plastpro Inc./ Nanya Plastics Corp. 5200 W CENTURY BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90045 (440) 969-9773 Ext 16 nckwiambicigconsulta nts. com Vivian Wright rickworwbl dgconsulta nts. tom Scott Johnson 5200 W Century Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 (440) 969-9773 Ext 18 scottjohnsonDplastproinc. com Ron O'Connell 5200 W Century Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 (440) 969-9773 Ext 16 ==nnell@plastpm.com Exterior Doors Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. Evaluation Report ASTM D2843 Florida License PE -43409 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2021 Validated By Ryan J. King, D.E. 2005 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) FLIS210 R6 COI lel Certificate of Indeoenoence oat Y= ASTM D1929 1996 ASTM D2843 1999 ASTM D635 1998 ASTM 0636 2003 ASTM E1300 2004 ASTM E84 2005 ASTM G26 1995 https:/Iw ,floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQMDgv3yWKJZtQRCFPquSgbCgpoL%2fcMdSxBvDdrXKxpoHldA%p3d%3d 114 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Florida Building Code Online G 155 TAS 201, 202, 203 Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FLIS210 R6 Enu v faLEOWYLItO�' of Standards.odf Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 08/13/2017 Date Validated 09/18/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval D9/20/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 Summary of Products I FL ar Model, Number or Name Description 15210.1 a. Smooth/Wood Groln/White Wood 6'8 'Impact- Opaque Fiberglass Single Door - GralrVRustiUMahogany Stiles O Inswing/Outswing (X - Configuration) Fiberglass Door Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt. P.E. 43409 Umks of Ilse Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL15210 Rb Il (g) Inst 1521U. 1.Dd1 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15210.1 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FLIS210 R6 AE (b) Eval 15210.I.adf additional use limitations, Installation Instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 2005 1994 15210.2 b. Smooth/Wood Graln/White Wood 6-8 'Impact' Opaque Fiberglass Single Door with Sldellte or Graln/Rustic/Mahogany Series O Sldelltes - Inswing/Outswing (OX or XO; OXO - Configurations) Fiberglass Door Limps of Use Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Othert See INST 15210.2 for Design Pressure Ratings, any adadditional use limitations. Installation Instructions and product ticulars. 15210.3 c. Smooth/Wood Grain/White Wood Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series O Fiberglass Door Instsllation Instructions FL15210 R6 11 ib) Inst 15210.2.gd1 Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Party: yes Evaluation Reports FLIS210 R6 AE ig) Eval 1S210. 2,gW Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 6'8 'Impact' Opaque Fiberglass Double Door with or without Sldelltes - Inswing/Outswing (XX; OXXO - Configurations) Limps of Use Instsllation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL15210 R6 11 (lz) Inst 15210.3.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt. P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant; Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15210.3 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FLIS210 R6 AE ft. Eval 15210.3.gd1 additional use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15210.4 d. Smooth/Wood Grein/White Wood 6'B'lmpact' Glazed Fiberglass Single Door - Inswing/Outswmg Graln/Rustk/Mahogany Series 0 (X - Configuration) Fiberglass Door Limits of Use installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes F 152 10 Rt 1: t7; Inst 15210.4.00f Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon P. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15210.4 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL15210 R6 AF -(g) Eval 15210.4.pQf additional use limitations, Installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15210.5 e. Smooth/Wood Grain/White Wood 6'8 'Impact' Glazed Fiberglass Single Door with Sidelite or Grain/Rustic,/Mahogany Series O Sldelltes - Inswing/Outswing (OX or XO; OXO - Configurations) Fiberglass Door https:/Avwcv.Dondabuilding.org/pr/pr app dU,aspx7param=wGEVXWADgv3yVVKJ21QRCFPquBgbCgpaL%2kMdBxBvDdrXKxpoHidA%3d%3d 2/4 6122/2020 Florida Building Code Online Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In NVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVMZ: Yes 1`135210 R6 11 f4) Inst 152io.S.pgl Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Reslstsnt Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See INST 15210.5 for Design Pressure Ratings, any Evaluation Reports FL15210 R6 At (L) Eval 15210.5.ggf additional use limitations, Installation Instructions and product Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes Particulars. Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 15210.6 f. Smooth/Wood Grain/Whlte Wood 6'8 'Impact" Glazed Fiberglass Double Door with or without Grain/RustiUMahogany Series O Sldelites - Inswing/Outswing (XX; OXXO - Configurations) Fiberglass Door Limits of use Installation Instructions Approved far use In MVHZ: Yes FL15210 K 11 L, Inst 15210 t.of Approved for use outside HVMZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes Deslgn Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15210.6 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL15210 Rt A _(L, F,41 15210.6.gg1 additional use limitations, Installation Instructions and product Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes particulars. 15210.7 g. Smooth/Wood Graln/White Wood 8'0 "Impact- Glazed Fiberglass Single Door - Oubming (X - Grein/RusbUMahogany Series O Configuration) Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Installation InstNctions Approved for use In MVHZ: Yes Fl 151:0 R6 I1_iLl Inst 15210 7 odl Approwd for use outside NVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other. See INST 15210.7 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FI 1%210 0� R6 AE (41 E.ai 15210) odI additional use limitations, Installation Instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Particulars. 15210.8 h. Smooth/Wood Gmin/White Wood WO 'Impact' Glazed Fiberglass Single Door with Sldelite or Gmin/Rustic/Mahogany Series O Sldelites - Outswing (OX or XO; OXO - Configurations) Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVMZ: Yes FL 15210 46 11 J L: in5i 15110 b. Rd� Approved for use outside NVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pieesure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15210.8 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL 15210 R6 AE IL. k, a, 1521U.b 1811 additional use limitations, Installation Instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15210.9 1. Smooth/Wood Graln/Whlte Wood 8'0 -Impact' Glazed Fiberglass Double Door with or without Grain/RustiUMahogany Series O Sidelites - Outswing (XX; OXXO - Configurations) Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVMZ: Yes FLI 5210 R6 11 :bi Inst 152:0 9.uf Approved for use outside MVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15210.9 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL 15210 Rb AE ;LI Eval 15210.9.001 additional use limitations, Installation Instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15210.10 J. Smooth/Wood Grain/White Wood B'0 "Impact' Opaque Fiberglass Single Door - Outswing (X - Greln/Rustic/Mahogany Series O Configuration) Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Installation instructions Approved for use in HVMZ: Yes FL15210 R6 i _ ^.i LJ.ii1L_JsL�sz Approved for use outside MVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure; N/A Evaluation Reports other: See INST 15210.10 for Design Pressure Ratings, any F 15210 R6 AE ILI Eval 1'21u iL 001 additional use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15210.11 k. Smooth/Wood Graln/White Wood 8-0 'Impact' Opaque Fiberglass Single Door with Sldelite or Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series O Sldelites - Outswing (OX or XO; OXO - Configurations) Fiberglass Door Limits of Use installation Instructions Approved for use In HVMZ: Yes F L 15,1 v p.6 11 .L) Inst 1 Si l u, Approved for use outside NVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15210.11 for Design Pressure Ratings, any https:l/www.8oridebullding.orglpr/pr_app_dU.aspx7param--wGEVXOwlDgv3yVVKJZ1oRCFPquBgbCgpaL%2fcMd8xBvDdrXKxpoHldA%3dk3d 314 6122/2020 Flonde Building Code Online additional use limitations, Installation Instructions and product t LI5210 R6 AL lL, Eval 15210 11 ridl particulars. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 15210.12 I. Smooth/Wood Graln/White Wood B'0 -Impact- Opaque Fiberglass Double Door with or without Grain/Rustir/Mahogany Series O Sidelltes - Outswing (XX; OXXO - Configurations) Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ-' Yes FI 15210 Fr I _,1. _. Approved for use outelde HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15210.12 for Design Pressure Ratings, any F1.5210 R6 AE ib) Eval 15210.i2.D91 additional use limitations, Installation Instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15210.13 m. Smooth/Wood Graln/Whlte Wood 8'0 "Impact' Opaque Fiberglass Single Door with Surface Bolts Graln/Rustic/Mahogany Series 0 - Outswing (X - Configuration) Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Installation InstruCtIOM Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FLIS210 R6 11 fb)Inst 15210.13.291 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Crawled by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15210.13 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FLIS210 R6 AE (b) Eval 152tD13.o91 additional use limitations, Installation Instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15210.14 n. Smooth/Wood Gra ru White Wood 8'0 "Impact" Opaque Fiberglass Double Door with Surface Bolts Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series 0 on Active Door panel - Outswing (XX - Configuration) Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FLIS210 R6 II (b) Inst 15210.14 pal Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15210.14 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL15210 R6 AE IQ) Eval 15210.14.gg-f additional use limitations, Installation Instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15210.15 o. Smooth/Wood Grain/White Wood Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series O Fiberglass Door Limps of Use Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See INST 15210.15 for Design Pressure Ratings, any additional use limitations, Installation Instructions and product particulars. 8.0 -Impact- Glazed Fiberglass Single Door utilizing the WINDSERT" an operational window Insert - Outswing (X - Configuration) Installation Instructions FL15210 R6 Il (U) Inst 15210.15.gd1 Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, D.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes Evaluation Reports FL 15210 R6 AE Ib) Eva) 15110.15igd1 Created by Independent Third Party: Yea M (apa(Lg8 2601 Blair Stone 0.aaE Tallanasw R V T99 Meme. 85ba87 1814 The Surm of Florida u an WFEO employee cmvwem 2ol>am 1 sere p nenea. Pnvan smemenr 6" aglido,SyaIGOipI "r and c ..mem under Florida hw, mull addresses art Pudllc molds. It yid do rot want Your vorall address released in redi"nFe to a WrI¢.recomi, reduen, rid not send iowniMt mal to ink entity. Innead, Conrail tha office by Pone a by InlCltlonal mal. 11 you haw any durnllora, peau contain 850.497.1195. •Pursuant to Section 4SS.275(I I. Fonda Statutes, enemve October 1. 2012, licensees licensed udder Chapter 455, F.S. must protide Me Depanment yolth en emal address a they nave ore. The emalls Provided may be used for oMidal ammunitauon north the lido..... Flaeever email addRnes ere POO mtofd. If You 90 rwl wah to wppy a reamed" address, pease pdwde lie DepaRment with an e"N addrtle wmtn On be made available to the dubUt To detNmine rf yov are a IIcenm under [Taper 455. ES., peon dile h= eroaun APprovel Areaput ®®®ElE Cfecia Calvi Sale htlpsJ/www.Tondabuilding.orglpr)pr_app_d0.aspxyparam=wGEVXGYADgv3yVVKJZIORCFPquBgbCgpaL%2fcM9BxBvDdrXKxpoHldAl3d%3d 414 elm ." Y L mWC 'WE .q 'O'! xa6.Mannsw� oNavne' okA wmc�. aaa eorc. �....r:.••:�J'�i. uiWuat 'a WK.' t Z, "6 S310N T#V2 D a 53WLq&ke NA'S30 .NWUVAM NJId.LL W SSYMUNU OSdISYW 0 1— ONIMWI O- V40GH2WV"7W8AO'%Vw Z16 I c n M 6' W z P 6 o W z; o 3 g + .S�p � o N z s o E YI Q i = b m W Q p b C n xeo ex�anna '.na s.ma p cFle•eorcw exl aaWy^1 aKCL V 'aNMaA 'OR aY '0'J SWIM BWYd IIG70 fl OI L1DAl �, p 'ONI "LINaLVKNO'J DNIp1111B M`JW IOi 'm WI OL 1p1lI t L D 2 � ! ``„g1111114/,/�p�/,r wmws wwiism yyl p .° k E i scl �E •�(•`,+�w`.,l_e,'�lrn ,c Lr— +1+ M 1I M S � N �YJ0 Lt ZI ry� d ig S O • j, � � N lx 9aPF<'0,6[•Wt.pl mo.-rP� ' �rvv�...-...•� -�•e....�...... �.. �ro u...avwxep exinvny'/A'y sloe p elm ' YJ " i SW,LW a•,.,," aw "La-MT19 '".I,LIY SWJM MAW dill PoGCC V ' l .^Y Vdmufl 'Qi IYC OL 311Od1 1 .j E '.YII 9 1Y10100 OI w JAY MINURrI67M W 4 Z ltli ! o " ']•d sm SSYWH9l! l rid lPll v xW. 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NIL 31wdn 1 F v{ b COCl[ V 'ooMgv 'MZ Yep 'O'd 'To 'CWlyvwi00 ONg1M z i `vvvr\IIIIII/11//I/I� OWCr 'oN wo wm " Mmy9 p .+y p!! gg ow b B 0 6 i :slnaolu ohi,, its a f• ---+-SI +� dCl�-I dC01--'1 N rt� dti �- d!l-+i JiE a 8 6 R Se X44 �-:���FF� x 6x xx 4;Yx> SSox x ^A.A�M 1'W'YIO'4CNEl-YiLllQ1016F1/1<WYm •yOwO VA NMOb Ty:l YYpYYDNM Oi6[-bVNmIMIwPW N141- VW9MY11161>4'YAYM�:v ?wZ�� 34�5mm i ,i �dVO W S-1J�26^NAP�[�jq pp�fQ EC O!_J a9.OI 1'W'YIO'4CNEl-YiLllQ1016F1/1<WYm •yOwO VA NMOb Ty:l YYpYYDNM Oi6[-bVNmIMIwPW N141- VW9MY11161>4'YAYM�:v RW R W Building Consultants, Inc. Consulting and Engineering Scrvims for the Building Industry B C P O B., 330 Valwo. FL 33595 Plane 8/36399191 Florida Boad of Pafmlowl Euyamen Canirlum of AuOauuunu Nu 9811 Product Sub Category Manufacturer Product Name Category 1 Test Report No. Test Standard TEL 01390455 TAS 201-94, 202-94 8 203-94 Plastpro, Inc. Smooth I Wood Grain I White Wood Grain Exterior Swinging 5200 W. Century Blvd. Rustic I Mahogany Doors Exterior Door Assemblies Los Angeles, CA 90045 Series O Fiberglass Door ETC45-209-20609 1 ASTM D 638-03 & G 155-GSO Phone 440.969.9773 Oulawin - "Im ct' Scope: Product Evaluation report Issued by R W Building Consultants. Inc. & Lyndon F Schmidt. P (System ID # 1998) for Plastpro Inc., based on Rule Chapter No 61G20-3, Method 1D of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of Business & Professional Regulation RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F. Schmidt, VE do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein Limitations: 1 This product has been evaluated and 1s in compliance with the 61h Edition (2017) Florida Building Code structural requirements including the "High Velocity Humcane Zone" 2 Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco 3 When used in the "HVHZ" this product complies with Section 1626 of the Florida Building Code and does not require an impact resistant covering 4. When used 1n areas outside of the 'HVHZ" requiring wind bome debris protection this product complies with FBC Sections 1609 12 & R301.2.1 2 and does not require an impact resistant covering. This product meets missile levei'V' and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM E 1996 and FBC Sections 1609 1 2 2 & R301.2.1 2 1 5 For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 6. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FL -15210 7 require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect 7 Oulswing configurations meet water infiltration requirements for'HVHZ' 8. See drawing FL -15210 7 for size and design pressure limitations Supporting Documents: 1 Test Report No. Test Standard TEL 01390455 TAS 201-94, 202-94 8 203-94 TEL 01391&16 TAS 201.94, 202-94 8 TAS 203.94 ETC -06.255.16776.0 ASTM D 635.98.638-03. 1929.96 8 2643.99 ASTM G 26-95 ETC4)6.255.17412.0 ASTM E 84-05 ETC -07.209-19303.0 ASTM D 635-98. 1929-96 8 2843-99 ETC45-209-20609 1 ASTM D 638-03 & G 155-GSO 2 Miaml•Dade NOA 17-0712.05 16.0314.11 3 Drawing No. No. FL -152107 4 Calculations Anchoring ASTM E 1300 Glass Load Materials Sellout PVB Intedayer (Eastman Chemical Company) Royal Mouldings (EM PVC) Prepared by RW Building Consultants. Inc (CA #9813) Prepared by RW Building Consultants. Inc (CA 09813) Lyndon F Schmidt P E 5 Quality Assurance Certificate of Participation issued by National Accreditation and Management Institute. certifying that Plastpro. Inc is manufacturing products within a quality assurance program that complies with ISO11EC 17020 and Guide 53 Sheet 1 of 1 Testing Laboratory Testing Evaluation Lab., Inc Testing Evaluation Lob., Inc ETC Laboratories ETC Laboratories ETC Laboralones ETC Laboratories Signed by Wiliam Shelton, P.E. William Shelton. P.E. Joseph L Doldan, P Joseph L DoWan, PE Ben Meunier Gurlinder Dhami Signed & Sealed by Lyndon F Schmidt P E Signed 8 Sealed by Lyndon F Schmidt. P E Lyndon F Schmidt. P E FL PE No 43409 9/1&2017