HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater Well permitsk 5 am_ STATE OF FLORIDA-PERMITA PLIGATIQN�TO, CONSTRUCT; 59-30336, ��rG E REPAIR; MODIFY; OR ABAND di LAMELL Permit No —_ ?i �5F`0 ;. of ixr.TiT Flond&Unique lid f Southwest• PLEAME-fl LOUTALL-APPLICABLE , �+ ' Northwest' (Denote Requirt:d_Fields VNiere:Applicable] Permit Stipulations Required (See Attached) i�O��O o South'StJoh to dlaer th}s form an forwa%rig the perrnrt applrcatfon to the' 62 524'Q'uad,No: Delineation No The water // wpfractoris responsbie far@omp/etiri8, _Suwannee River appmpnate elegatedauthonry;t4he2;appNcable: CUPNVUPAppllcat}anNo: Detegateid'Authority,(If,Appiicable ABOVE THIS LINE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - -z Q _ 'Owner, Legal Nan fCors C ty *State 'z'Telephane:Numberporation Addres- 2. � S? o 2 � v�-.o r✓ � l�.r-.. �-°,�'� �er c° . �L=- 9 �a'1 - , `IP Well.L•ocation =Address_; Road. Name or Number; City, s li d . S`l � - owl D 601D 'Parcel JD No (PIN)'orAitemate_ Ke (Circle Ohe) tot., Block Unit. - 3 S uD. Section or Land Grant Township•; •Range Court Subdivision �7 o/1a1 i'r,S i�.Pl-l.nr fl, 9: 3 (02.3 Jaln3 Che 2- 24: es': o• Water Well Contractor License u berg , 'Telephone Number ._. E,-mall'Address. 41 'Water We Contra" or's `Address w it! State .ZIP._.. - 7 •Type of Work Construction ` .__Repair: _Modifi ft- d Abi ridonmer t ' D`` D !] - 8 'Number of Proposed MelisT '� Reason for Repair Modtfiaaoon. o me D 9 'Sp ecify.:intended Use(s),of Vtiall(sj• , [5A Date S2tarrip r✓_Domestic, Landscapearrigatiori: _Agricultural Irrigation' _Sete inVestlgation O-TVBottled:.11lhaterSupply _RecreaborrArea Imgation=LlVesto_ MbnitoringRPublic WaterSupply(Limited UseIDOH)Nursery,lmgabon Test R ��20 _Putilio VVater$upply (Community.or NorrGonimunityLDEP—Commercialllndustrial _Earth-Coupied'GeothetTrial .j Golf Course Imgation HVAC Supply Class f lnjetxion x _ HVAG;F et�m FG H in St Lude?County Class U Injection _Recharge' CornmerciaUfndustriai D sposah. Aquifer Storage and Recovery._Dranag�NVl ONMENTAL,HEALT. ' Remedtatton:'_Recovery _Air:Sparge =Other (Des _.Other (Describer _ (Note; Not:alt typeso►Wells are pertnttted by a:gvven permitting authority) _ 3 Official Use Only 10'Distance feom Septic System .If s 200 ft.- �' ` 11: Facts ty. Description.. ' V ^'� 12. Estimated StartDate 13JEsbmated 1Neli Depth % !>, ft 'Estimated Casing Depth ft Primary Casing Diameter �% in: Open Hale: From To ft. 14 Estirated Sueen'Interval: From To .. • :ft` ` 15?Primary C' ing.Matenal Black Steel alvanized PVC Stainless. Steel 17 - Not Cased' er. = 16 Secondarytasing . __ _Telescope Casing,, Liner, Surface Casing Diameter . m. i !T Sbdbndary-Casing°Matenai:, Black Steel' Gal anrzed:_�P-VC', _ Stainless;Steel ,-` Other. i 18:�Method.of Construction Repair, or Abandonment - uger: , ✓Cable Tool Jetted Rotary' Sonic. A Cembinabo_ n:(Two.or More Me�odsj; Hand ntieii(Neii Point Sand<Roint) Hytiraullc:P_oint (Direct Pugh) l oriiontal Drilling Plugged byApproved,the odv Other (Di4oriber _ 19: Propased'Groutii Interval for the Primary, Secondary, and Addttionai Casing: ; . From 7o SealMateriah(. Bentanite' Neat Cement';- ' Other F From . `. To ' _ ' _ Seal'Material ( Bentonite Neat'Cemenf, Other From` to ,' Sealmatedal (, Bentonite. . ' Neat Cement Other"' _ ) From To SeM.Material'`L_Bentonite .. Neat-Cemi:nt' . _Other, ) z . 20. lndicate total number, f eidsting wells on site , �' - ' List number of Existing unused wells on site 21:'Is this weli'or any extstrng well orwater withdrawal on the o; er's cont*dus.property covered under a ConsumptiveNVater Use Permit (CUP/V11UP); j orCUP/VWP Application? YesF No-: If yes co plete;thefgllowi CUOAVUP No,, District Well ID No. ' 22:,Latltude. F . - Longitude - •_ • • •, 23: pate Obtained From:' : GRS Map, Suave) Datum NAD 27 tdAD 83' - WGS tl4 ,, .3 t hereby eer[try,th.-t'ItMlt ccmpy wan theYapptsabie rules Drams'ao,Pmnoa'Atlmtmttnhcn Cbd4/- mataw�ter {:I gerMy �:a{:tim the amirptthe propeat the nroreation acindeda aaurate, ahp inat l an! awue:c •ry ';+sa prnne:or orOGpai redittrpe pxrtnR`�}haedcd'has Been or`wa he otsamed pnorto Cermmenuma otwahu resparibtroes trade. Chipier 3i3.HondaStatutes to maintain rn WcOarlyabandon ms well ar.deing:tnit ::an camauNon IturlherCenRy that an eircrinstmit provided n this-appiiabdn a accurate and Um I wm bta+G_ ; ' '.the apertt ibr late iwirw that Itie':raannabCnprovtlad a acx; nMe, and thi t I hiVG,nrCrM6 hie •*Tier-a1 hie necessad apprdtq+ttall tahlr iedenl Wte' Gr fetal paverrueenl§, if aoW cable l apreeto provide i WerresportsibM aria ve, 0umefoomenta to alloVnrg pe connN or the WM� d•,Jelr reo A � crry access a ax},�Jepon npdRto tni0strrm wmfi30 days aharmmpahon,oitne�naruetion tepav mad fat; or. the wall Cl ;Me eo_ n,r ',modienhori arahandor—art atiftmea bycma or.", - aWtrlonm- a¢eq,trj VRperna;: cr the tx•m6;eapu8aan �vfirctievar oocur7:tin' - •5rr ure of Contractor .a _ _- _, _ _ 'Lfcerise N _' °` ., ' of Owner _Agent _ ., Appro% Grair 4121y Issue Date % q Expiration Date Hydrologist Approval Fee Received S', _Receipt No. ChLeck No'. . ;THIS PERMIT:IS:NOTVALID UNTILPROPERLY SIGNED t3Y AN A ORIZED OFFICER OR REPRESEyTATIVE OF THE WMDVOR,DELEGATED AUTNORITI'`. HE PERMIT SHAIX AVAILABLEAT THE wELL SITE DURING ALL' CO . STRUGTION, REPAIR; MODIFICATION 'b 6-ANDONMENT ACTT ' ITIES FORM LEGR'Ogmot t(eHOj Thts;permk is. ali�for 80 days from the date of tsaua Rule , 1r,