HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnited Teleports SES Staff Report
Planning and Development
Services Department
Planning Division
Leslie Olson, AICP, Director
THROUGH: Benjamin Balcer, Assistant Director
FROM: Bethany Grubbs, Planner
DATE: October 5, 2020
SUBJECT: United Teleports – SES
Minor Adjustment to Minor Site Plan (SPMn-7202025795)
Applicant/ Renato Dias
Property Owner: UT Land Company, LLC
19000 NE 5th Avenue
North Miami Beach, FL 33179
Agent: Michael Sanchez, AICP
Managed Land Entitlements, LLC
3710 Buckeye Street, Suite 100
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Location: 10161 Range Line Road, Port St. Lucie, FL 34987
Tax ID: 4201-113-0001-030-2
Parcel Size: 3.79-acres
Existing Use: Satellite Communications Facility
Future Land Use: IND (Industrial)
Zoning: IH (Industrial, Heavy)
Urban Services Boundary: Outside
Fire/EMS: Station #17 - Village Parkway, approximately 7-miles east at
10240 SW Village Parkway, Port St. Lucie
Utility Service: Well and septic system
Right-of-Way Adequacy: Range Line Road (150’ – substandard)
Concurrency Requirement: Certificate of Capacity
Project: United Teleports – SES
File No.: SPMn-7202025795
Aerial (2018)
Site Plan Overview
United Teleports, Inc. (“UT”), the primary facility lessee, is headquartered in Miami, Florida, and provides
innovative and customized satellite telecommunications services via its teleports to Cable, Satellite,
Internet/OTT, Terrestrial Television Broadcasters and Telecom providers in the United States, Latin America,
and Caribbean. Strategic partnerships with teleports worldwide extend the reach of these services to Europe,
Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
SES, a second lessee of the facility, is a global satellite service provider with headquarters in Betzdorf
Luxembourg, operates satellites in the geostationary and medium earth orbits that develops primary use products
for the aeronautical and maritime industries, providing critical communications paths and connectivity for the
customer, which includes internet access for customers. SES has partnered with United Teleports in St Lucie
Project: United Teleports – SES
File No.: SPMn-7202025795
County to provide control of satellites serving the Caribbean and South American markets.
The subject 3.79-acre property is located at 10161 Range Line Road, approximately 0.9-miles south of Glades
Cut-Off Road. The parcel is zoned IH (Industrial, Heavy), consistent with the IND (Industrial) Future Land Use
designation and is located outside of the Urban Services Boundary (USB). This project is classified as a
Targeted Industry by St. Lucie County.
The primary 29,959 square foot facility includes 16,680 square feet of enclosed space which supports satellite
antennas on the roof. The remaining 13,279 square feet is an unenclosed courtyard, open to the sky. The
courtyard area houses large satellite antennas mounted to the ground. Ancillary structures include a guardhouse,
fire prevention water pump house, and fire water tank.
The existing tenant, United Teleports, Inc., currently maintains twenty (20) employees at the facility. This Site
Plan Adjustment will facilitate the co-tenant, SES, to increase operational capacity and allow for twelve (12)
additional jobs onsite.
Previous Approvals
▪ On August 11, 1998, Sky Latin America, LLC was granted Minor Site Plan approval through
CD Order 98-013 to construct a 22,677 square foot satellite transmission facility on the subject
▪ On February 4, 1999, Sky Latin America, LLC was granted a Minor Adjustment to the Minor Site Plan
to reduce the total building footprint and to relocate the building’s air conditioning units along the north
property line.
▪ On August 26, 2020, United Teleports – SES was granted a Variance from the provisions of Section
7.04.01 (Table 7-10) – Lot Size and Dimensional Requirements of the St. Lucie County Land
Development Code to allow multiple existing structures to encroach into the minimum required yard
setbacks for property located within the IH (Industrial, Heavy) Zoning District. This request will allow
fifteen (15) satellite antennas to remain within the required minimum side and/or rear yard setbacks, a
22 foot in diameter water storage tank to remain within the required minimum rear yard setback, and a
+/- 368 square foot one-story concrete pump house to remain within the required minimum rear yard
Current Request
The improvements proposed to the existing facility that are the subject of this request are described below:
▪ An elevated steel structure platform is proposed on the south side of the existing building. The
horizontal dimensions of the platform will be approximately 85’ x 88’ with half constructed
over the existing building footprint with the platform extending off the south side of the
building. The platform, approximately 30-feet tall, will be supported by steel columns and support
structures. Satellite antenna systems will be placed on top of the platform, extending a maximum of 11-
feet above the platform.
▪ The revised Site Plan incorporates the existing above-referenced ground-mounted satellite antennas and
associated foundations. Minor revisions to the parking and landscaping layout are proposed to
accommodate the existing satellite antennas and foundations.
Project: United Teleports – SES
File No.: SPMn-7202025795
▪ The applicant is proposing to add three (3) parking spaces for trailers that are used by SES for the
transport of equipment. As part of this Adjustment, the existing stormwater detention area will be
reconfigured to accommodate two (2) of the trailer parking spaces. Upon Site Plan Adjustment
approval, a stormwater permit modification for the site will be required and administered as a Site
Development Permit through St. Lucie County Public Works.
▪ The applicant is proposing a 417 square foot mezzanine addition that will be used for storage. The 1999
Site Plan approved a 16,704 square foot enclosed building however was developed at 16,680 square
feet; therefore, this Adjustment will result in a 393 square foot increase. This Adjustment will result in
17,097 square feet of enclosed space.
The Site Plan exhibit removes fifteen (15) of the thirty-three (33) ground-mounted satellite dishes which are in
conflict with parking, drive aisles, and/or turning radii and/or are located within the required setbacks, identified
with a red “X” as depicted in Exhibit #1 below. This Site Plan Adjustment, pending improvements, and the
approved Variance for fifteen (15) of the remaining antennas, pump house, and water storage tank will bring the
facility into conformance with the County’s Land Development Code to the greatest extent possible.
Exhibit #1
Satellite Removal Plan
Section 11.02.07 establishes the Standards for Review for Site Plans and shall be granted only if the applicant
demonstrates the following:
A. Consistency with Local Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan
The Minor Site Plan Adjustment is consistent with the general purpose, goals, objectives and standards of the
Land Development Code (LDC) and Comprehensive Plan.
Consistency with the Land Development Code
Project: United Teleports – SES
File No.: SPMn-7202025795
The 3.79-acre parcel is zoned IH (Industrial, Heavy), which is consistent with the IND (Industrial) Future
Land Use designation. Pursuant to Land Development Code (LDC) Section 3.01.03(U)(2)(8)-
Communications is a permitted use in the IH (Industrial, Heavy) Zoning District. This use is classified by
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) 48 – Communications.
Per LDC Section 3.01.03.U, the purpose of the IH Zoning District is “is to provide an environment suitable
for heavy manufacturing and other activities that may impose undesirable noise, vibration, odor, dust, or
other offensive effects on the surrounding area together with such other non-residential uses as may be
necessary to and compatible with heavy industrial surroundings.”
The proposed facility generally complies with LDC Section 7.04.01 - Lot Size and Dimensional
Requirements. The only exception to meeting these requirements has been memorialized through BOA
Resolution 2020-006. The development was granted Variance approval to deviate from the required
minimum side and rear yard setbacks as depicted in Exhibit # 2 and #3 below.
Exhibit #2
Approved Variance(s)
Structure Side Setback
from the Base
Rear Setback
from the Base
Rear Setback from
the 5’ Overhang
Satellite #1 16’ 6” 34’ 6” 29’ 6”
Satellite #2 16’ 6.5” - -
Satellite #3 16’ 1.5” - -
Satellite #4 15’ 8.5” - -
Satellite #5 15’ 8.8” - -
Satellite #6 15’ 2” - -
Satellite #7 14’ 10” - -
Satellite #8 15’ 3” - -
Satellite #9 17’ 6” - -
Satellite #10 - 42’ 1” 37’ 1”
Satellite #11 - 41’ 8.5” 36’ 8.5”
Satellite #12 - 41’ 7” 36’ 7”
Satellite #13 - 44’ 4” 39’ 4”
Satellite #14 - 44’ 3” 39’ 3”
Satellite #15 - 44’ 4” 39’ 4”
Pump House - 35’ 2” -
Water Storage Tank - 33’ 3” -
Project: United Teleports – SES
File No.: SPMn-7202025795
Exhibit #3
Approved Variance(s)Aerial
Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan
The proposed development is consistent with the general purpose, goals, objectives, and standards of the
County’s Comprehensive Plan. This development increases the operational capacity to meet current and
future customer demand.
The business expansion supports new capital investment, advancing the following Comprehensive Plan
Objectives and supporting Policies:
Objective 1.1.13: To enhance the quality of life of St. Lucie County and promote a sound and resilient
local economy, St. Lucie County shall continue to work with the interested groups and agencies to
increase and broaden the County's economic base while expanding existing business and industrial
Policy - St. Lucie County shall actively assist to the maximum extent practical in the
recruitment of clean high growth industrial activities and maintain an expedited permitting process
for bona fide economic development projects, especially those within the Targeted Industry List, and
for development projects located within the Foreign Trade Zone.
Objective 10.1.1: Develop and implement activities designed to improve the overall prosperity of St. Lucie
County and its residents.
Policy - Attract investors to help diversify the industrial base, broaden the economic tax base
and strengthen the job market.
Policy - Encourage redevelopment projects and business expansions that will promote
economic development opportunities.
Objective 10.2.1: Support efforts to diversify St. Lucie County’s economy and to make the county an
effective competitor.
Policy - Develop a comprehensive plan and customized development process for industrial
businesses that will increase opportunities for business and industry to locate or expand in St. Lucie
Project: United Teleports – SES
File No.: SPMn-7202025795
B. Effect on Nearby Properties
The proposed development will not have an undue adverse effect upon nearby properties, the character of the
neighborhood, traffic conditions, parking, utility facilities, and other matters affecting the public health,
safety, and general welfare. This is a remote area, and the remaining antennas are located at least 14’-10”
from the abutting property to the north and are adjacent to an access road for the northern parcel. The closest
remaining antenna is located 29’ 6” from the overhang (34’-6” from the base) to the property to the west,
which is a 125-acre vacant parcel.
Existing Land Use and Zoning:
C. Adequacy of Public Facilities
The proposed adjustment is not expected to create additional demands on public facilities. All public facilities
are expected to operate within the adopted Level of Service (LOS) Standards as set for th by the St. Lucie
County Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan.
The property is currently served with potable water by an on-site well. Wastewater is currently provided by
an on-site septic system. The property owner will be required to obtain the necessary permits through the
Health Department.
The property is not located within an identified 100-year flood zone. Stormwater runoff is collected through
a series of inlets and over-load sheet flow directed into dry detention areas which outfall through a control
structure. All construction activities will be in accordance with the applicable St. Lucie County and South
Florida Water Management District permitting standards and regulations.
Right-of-Way Adequacy
No additional right-of-way is requested for the subject property at this time. While Range Line Road is
identified on the County’s Right-of-Way Protection Plan as a 4-lane road, requiring 160’ of right-of-way, the
improvements proposed with this Site Plan Adjustment do not conflict with the future acquisition of right-of-
way, if and/or when it is necessary.
The anticipated number of trips will have a nominal impact on Range Line Road and is expected to continue
Location Future Land Use Zoning District Existing Land Use
North IND (Industrial) IH (Industrial, Heavy) Vacant Industrial
South IND (Industrial) IH (Industrial, Heavy) Vacant Industrial
NCD (New Community
Development) – City of PSL
MPUD (Master Planned
Unit Development) –
City of PSL
West IND (Industrial) IH (Industrial, Heavy) Vacant Industrial
Project: United Teleports – SES
File No.: SPMn-7202025795
operating at an acceptable Level of Service. The project is anticipated to accommodate 32 employees.
According to the independent variable, per employee, it is estimated that the project will generate 132 daily
trips, 24 AM peak hour trips (19 entering / 5 exiting), and 24 PM peak hour trips (5 entering / 19 exiting).
Parking Requirements
Adequate parking is provided based on the ITE Parking Generation Manual 5th edition for the Land Use
(170) - Utility. The use requires 1.90 spaces per 1,000 square feet, for thirty-two (32) required parking stalls.
The applicant has provided thirty-two (32) parking stalls, with two (2) being ADA compliant.
D. Adequacy of Fire Protection
The proposed adjustment will not impose additional impacts to the St. Lucie County Fire District. The closest
Fire Station (Station #17 – Village Parkway) is located at 10240 SW Village Parkway, Port St. Lucie,
approximately 7-miles east of the subject parcel. The Fire District’s final review and approval will be required
prior to finalizing any building permit.
E. Adequacy of School Facilities
The proposed development is nonresidential in nature; therefore, there are no impacts to public school
F. Environmental Impact
The proposed development is not anticipated to result in any adverse environmental impacts, as the site was
previously impacted by development and the proposals are minor in nature. Additionally, the landscape plan
dated September 18, 2020, is consistent with LDC Section 7.09.00. and is approved by the St. Lucie County
Environmental Resources Department (ERD).
ERD has no objection to the approval of the referenced Minor Adjustment application.
Staff has determined that the proposed Minor Adjustment to the Minor Site Plan meets the standards for review
outlined in Section 11.02.07 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and is consistent with the
Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan; therefore, staff recommends approval of this
Minor Adjustment subject to the conditions outlined in PDS Order No. 2020-065, as follows:
1) Prior to the issuance of a Site Development Permit, the applicant shall provide an updated plan identifying
the existing Right-of-Way width for Range Line Road and the setback distance for each gate from the
western Right-of-Way line.
2) The eastern rolling security gate, located along the Range Line Road right-of-way, must remain open during
normal business hours to allow for adequate vehicular stacking when entering the facility.
3) Prior to Certificate of Occupancy/Completion for the proposed elevated structure, the applicant shall apply
for an after-the-fact permit(s) for all unpermitted antenna, the pump house, and water storage tank.
Project: United Teleports – SES
File No.: SPMn-7202025795
4) Within 60 days of issuance of a vegetation removal permit or exemption, all Category I invasive
species shall be eradicated from the site.
Attachments: PDS Order No. 2020-065
Site Plan
ERD Final Report