HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 5 f � BCIS Home j Login User Registration Hot Topics ; Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications Contact Us BCIS Site Map Links Search - Product Approval USER:Public User Product Approval Meru>Product or Apolication Search>Application List>Application Detail e FL# FL8248-R19 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments 04/10/2020 v.date reapply04/13/20 Archived Product Manufacturer Wayne-Dalton,a division of Overhead Door Corporation Address/Phone/Email 3395 Addison Drive Pensacola,FL 32514 (330)763-8121 dkornish@wayne-dalton.com Authorized Signature Dwayne Kornish dkornish@wayne-dalton.com Technical Representative Junfeng Qian Address/Phone/Email 2501 S TX-121 BUS Lewisville,TX 75067 (469)549-7100 junfeng_gian@overheaddoor.com i I Quality Assurance Representative Tony Rebitch Address/Phone/Email 3395 Addison Dr Pensacola,FL 32514 (850)475-6155 anthony_rebitch@overheaddoor.com Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed John E.Scates the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-51737 Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA,Inc. -QA Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By Jeffrey P.Arneson,P.E. `Ji Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL8248 R19 COI Cert of Ind Scates 2020 WD s.odf FL8248 R19 COT Validator Cert of Ind Wayne Dalton.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA-108 2012 ANSI/DASMA-108 2005 ANSI/DASMA-108 2017 ANSI/DASMA-115 2005 ANSI/DASMA-115 2017 FL ANSI/DA2012 E COPY TAS-2015MA 115 1994 TAS-202 1994 https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquj meb8GbxRy... 10/9/2020 I Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 5 TAS-203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D _ Date Submitted 04/09/2020 Date Validated 04/14/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 04/16/2020 Date Approved 06/02/2020 Date Revised 09/29/2020 Summary of Products Go to Page Page 1/2 FL# Model,Number or Name Description 8248.1 8000/8100/8200#1100 9'Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL3248 R19 Ii 1100-329468-P7 s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-POI WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:Yes Supplement sFL.pdf Design Pressure:+15.9/-18.2 FL8248 R19 1I TrackSupplementChartP11 sFL.pdf Other: Verified By:John E.Scates FL PE 51737 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL824f3...._Rl9 :aE.__tval_ftepk,,,,8QQ0_r18 s;,pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 8248.2 8000/8100/8200#1104 9'Max width. 14'Max height. Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 II 1104-327013-P8 s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 11 363342-POI WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:Yes Supplement sFL.pdf Design Pressure: +46/-52 FL8248 R19 II TrackSupplementChartPll sFL.pdf Other: Verified By:John E.Scates FL PE 51737 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248 R19 AE Eval Rept 8000 r18 s.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 8248.3 8000/8100/8200#1105 9'Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 11 1105-362403-P1. s.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-POI WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:Yes Supplement sFL.pdf Design Pressure:+31.00/-35.00 FL8248 R19 II TrackSupplementChartPll sFL.gdF Other:Impact Glazing is available.These Doors are not Verified By:John E.Scates FL PE 51737 intended for use in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone HVHZ. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248 R19 AE Eva[ Rent 8000 r18 s,ndF Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 8248.4 8000/8100/8200#1106 9'Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 11 1106-364231-Pi s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-POI WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:No Suoolement sFL.odf Design Pressure:+22.9/-26.3 FL8248 R19 II TrackSupplementChartPll sFL.pdf Other:Glazing is not impact resistant and does not meet the Verified By:John E.Scates 51737 requirements for wind-borne debris regions. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248 R19 AE EvaL_Rept 8000 r18 s,.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 8248.5 8000/8100/8200#1107 https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquj meb8 GbxRy... 10/9/2020 Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 5 9'Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 II 1107-364232-Pi s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-P01 WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:Yes element sFL.Pdf Design Pressure:+26.9/-30.8 FL8248 R19 II TrackSupplementChartPll sFL.pdF Other:Impact Glazing is available.These Doors are not Verified By:John E.Scates 51737 intended for use in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone HVHZ. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248 R19 AE Eval Rept 8000 r16 s.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 8248.6 8000/8100/8200#1108 9'Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 II 1108-364233-Pl s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-POI WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:Yes Supplement sFL.odf Design Pressure:+37.00/-41.00 FL8248 R19 II TrackSupplementChartPll sFL,pdf Other:Impact Glazing is available.These Doors are not Verified By:John E. Scates 51737 intended for use in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone HVHZ. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL824_8.R 9 AE Eval.__R pt30Q0 rl$_s pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 8248.7 8000/8100/8200#1120 16'Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 II 1120-327014-P8 s.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-POI WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:No Supplement sFL.odf Design Pressure:+12.40/-13.80 FL8248 R19 II TrackSupplementChartPll sFL.odf Other:Glazing is not impact resistant and does not meet the Verified By:John E.Scates FL PE 51737 requirements for wind-borne debris regions. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248 R19 AE Eval Refit 8000 r18 s,pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 8248.8 8000/8100/8200#1121 16'Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 IT 1121.-327015-P7 s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-POI WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:No Supplement SFL.pdf Design Pressure:+15.30/-17.00 FL8248 R19 II TrackSupplementChartP11 sFL.odf Other:Glazing is not impact resistant and does not meet the Verified By:John E.Scates FLORIDA PE 51737 requirements for wind-borne debris regions. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248 R1.9 AE Eval Rept 8000 r1.8 s.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 8248.9 8000/8100/8200#1122 16'Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 II 1122-327016-P8 s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-POl WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:Yes Supplement sFL.pdf Design Pressure:+23.00/-25.00 FL8248 R19 II TrackSupplementChartPll sFL.odf Other:Impact Glazing is available.These Doors are not Verified By:John E.Scates FL PE 51737 intended for use in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone HVHZ. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248 R19 AE Eval Rept 8000 r18 s,pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 8248.10 8000/8100/8200#1123 16'Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 II 1123-327017-P7 s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-POI WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:Yes implement sFL.pdf Design Pressure:+30.00/-33.50 FL8248 R19 II TrackSupplementChartP11 sFL.pdf Other: Verified By:John E.Scates FL PE 51737 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248 R19 AE Eval Rent 8000 r18 s.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 8248.11 8000/8100/8200#1124 16'Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquj meb8GbxRy... 10/9/2020 Florida Building Code Online Page 4 of 5 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 II 1124-327018-P7 s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 tI 363342-POl WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:Yes Supplement sFL,pdf Design Pressure:+34.40/-38.30 FL8248 R19 II TrackSupplementChartPll sFL.pdf Other: Verified By:John E Scates 51737 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248 R19 AE Eval Rept 8000 r18 s.odP Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 8248.12 8000/8100/8200#1125 16'Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 II 1125-32701.9-P7 s.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-PO1 WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:Yes Supplement sFL.pdf Design Pressure:+46.00/-52.00 FL8248 R19 II TrackSuoplementChartP11 sFL.pdf Other: Verified By:John E.Scates FL PE 51737 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248 R19 AE Eval Rept 8000 r18 s.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 8248.13 8000/8100/8200#1126 16'Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 II 1126-364264-Pl s.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-1301.WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:Yes Supplement sFL.pdf Design Pressure:+26.00/-29.00 FL8248 R19 II TrackSupplementChartP11 sFL.pdf Other:Impact Glazing is available.These Doors are not Verified By:John E Scates 51737 intended for use in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone HVHZ Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248„_R19 AE Eval Rgp.t 9000 r18 s.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 8248.14 8000/8100/8200#1128 16'2 Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 II 1128-365183-PO s.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-POI WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:Yes Supplement sFL,Pdf Design Pressure:+46/-52 FL8248 R19 II TrackSupplementChartPll sFL.pdf Other: Verified By:John E.Scates FL PE 51737 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248 R19 AE Eval Rept 8000 r18 s.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 8248.15 8000/8100/8200#1140 18'Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 11 1140-327020-P7 s.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-POI WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:No Supplement sFL.pdf Design Pressure:+12.40/-13.80 FLB248 R19 II TrackSUpolementChartP11 sFL.pdf Other:Glazing is not impact resistant and does not meet the Verified By:John E.Scates FL PE 51737 requirements for wind-borne debris regions. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248 R19 AE Eval Rept 8000 r18 s.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 8248.16 8000/8100/8200#1141 18'Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 I1 1141-327021-P7 s.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-P0.1 WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:No Supplement sFL.odf Design Pressure:+18.50/-20.70 FL8248 R19 II TrackSupplementChartPll sFL.odf Other:Glazing is not impact resistant and does not meet the Verified By:John E.Scates FL PE 51737 requirements for wind-borne debris regions. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248_Ri9 AE Eval Rept 8000 r18 s_gdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 8248.17 8000/8100/8200#1144 18'Max width.8'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL82.48 R19 II 1144-327024-P6 s.odf https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQ WtDquj meb8 GbxRy... 10/9/2020 Florida Building Code Online Page 5 of 5 Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes EL824fi_R19 II 312957 p6 8000-8024-8100-8124 Post.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-POI WD Jamb Connection Design Pressure:+46.00/-52.00 Supplement sFL.pdf Other: FL8248 R19 II TrackSUDplementChartP11 sFL.pdf Verified By:John E.Scates FL PE 51737 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248R19 AE EvalRtpt E000 r18 s_pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 8248.18 8000/8100/8200#1145 18'Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 II 1145 364240-P2 s.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-P0I.WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:Yes Supplement sFL.pdf Design Pressure:+26.30/-29.30 FL8248 R19 II TrackSupplementChartPil sFL.pdf Other:Impact Glazing is available.These Doors are not Verified By:John E.Scates FL PE 51737 intended for use in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone HVHZ Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248 R19 AE Eval Rent 8000 r18 s.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 8248.19 8000/8100/8200#1147 18'Max width. 14'Max height.Glazing available in top or intermediate section. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8248 R19 I1 1147-365187-PO s.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-P01 WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:Yes Supplement sFL.pdf Design Pressure:+34.4/-38.3 FL8248 R19 II TrackSupplementChartPlI sFL.pdf Other: Verified By:John E.Scates FL PE 51737 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248 R19 AE Evai Rept 8000 r18 s.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 8248.20 8000/8100/8200#1148 18'2 Max width. 14'Max height. Glazing available in top or intermediate section. I Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No f FL824.'8 R19 II 1148-36j !j- P jaO s. d Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL8248 R19 II 363342-POl WD Jamb Connection Impact Resistant:Yes Supplement sFL.pdf Design Pressure: +46/-52 FL8248 R19 1I TrackSUpplementChartPll sFL.pdf Other: Verified By:John E.Scates FL PE 51737 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL8248 R19 AE Eval Rept 8000 r1.8 s.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Go to Page D id Page 1/20 0 eacic NexE Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.`Pursuant to Section 455.275 (1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: ® E9 ' Credit Card Safe I i I https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquj meb8GbxRy... 10/9/2020 8 7 6 5 ] NOTES,(UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) L RATED DESIGN LOAD+461-52 PST, ?, SECTION HEIGHTS MAY VARY TO CREATE VARIOUS DOOR HEIGHTS,20.8'MAXIMUM SECTION HEIGHT, 3. FOAMSTOP 1R JAMB SEAL ON ALL ME REQUIRED TO MEET NEGATIVE DESIGN PRESSURES NAILED 6'O.C- 4. TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH BADE COUNTY PROTOCOLS TAS 201-94,TAS 202-94,L TAS 203-94. 5, DOOR SKIN MUST BE 25,000 PSI MIN YIELD STRENGTH FOAMST�/JAMB SEAL.MIN 7/16'TH[K NAILED EVERT 6'0 CENTER. 6. JAMB LOAD CALCULATIONS, Lj (112 DOOR VIDTH(I FT IF HEIGHTXDESIGN PRESSM) C (4.567X1 FMTX46A0 AND-52DOX210A82/-237.484)L& I.%XEN0.STIlES ATTACHED G1 x 3'CENTER STILES 7. JAMB FASTENER REQUIREMENTS, rD THE DOOR v�Tx aDIEs1vE AD IRED IO THE D R v'rx [(ER,Ni(B F,,=(V2 DOUR VIDTHXI FT OF HEIGHTXDESIGH PRESSURE) AND(4)a-1sx9 6 SCREWS SAWS E AND(4)8-15x9 16' F,.=237.484 LBS. B. DOOR SKIN MATERIAL SHALL BE GALVANIZED ACCORDING TO ASTM A-525 TO 630 MN,WITH BAKED-ON PRIMER,AND BAKED-ON POLYESTER PANT TOP COAT. SECTION A-A 9. FOR ACORUN,INTO VCUD,USE OE 5/16'LAG SCREW PER JAMB BRACKET WITH 1-1/2'EMBEDMENT INTO SOUTHERN PINE(G=0.55)DR BETTER SCALE l 12 10. APPROVED MATED AND MIN-INSULATED 8000(25GN,0100(25GA),B200(25GN,BD24(24GA),8124(24GO,8224(240. - IL VELD SLOT ON ANKLE AND 3/32'X 1'LUNG ON 12'CENTERS.'IF WELDING MUTING OPTION IS UTOW 12. LIFT UP MECNANISM-MANUAL,CHAIN LIFT,OR OPERATOR IS MIT PART OF THIS APPROVAL 13. STANDARD LEFT,HIGH LIFT,VERTICAL LIFT,AND LOW HFADROUN TRACK IS AVAILABLE,FOR LOW HEADRUGH LIFT CONDITIONS TOP BRACKET SHALL BE 13 GA LHR 7/4 TOP e BRACKET WITH A MN OF(3)1/4-14 X 7/8'SELF DRILLING CRIMPTITE SCREWS IN LIEU OF THE BRACKET SHOWN ON GRAVING.U-BAR IN TO'SECTION SHALL BE INSTATED IN TOP OF LRR TO'BRACKETS. 14. ATTACH STRUTS WITH(2)1/4-147/8'SELF DRILLING CRIMPTITE SCREWS AT ALL STILE LOCATIONS,TYP.LOCATED WITHIN 6',+/-3'FROM TOG OF SECTION. 15. KEY LOCK,SIDE LOCK,OR ORMTOR REQUIRED. 16. IMPACT RESISTANT GLAZING OPTION-IMPACT RESISTANT GLAZING SYSTEM KAY BE INSTALLED INTERMEDIATE SECTION OR TOP SECTION(LAZING SHALL BE 1/4'POLYCARBONATE.13-3/4'X 20-1/8'MAXIMUM SIZE,FASTENED WITH 18 X 1'SKS 3X MIN ALONG THE HORIZONTAL AND 2X MIN GLOM;THE VERTICAL.SEE DETAIL F-F ON SHEET 2 FOR ASSEMBLY DETAILS. 17. THE DESIGN OF THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROFESSIONAL OF RECORD FOR THE BUILDING OR STRUCTURE AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT BUILDING CODES FOR THE LOADS LISTED ON THIS WAVING. D REAI1RDDING BRPCI�T SSLTANDpAxRCDELIFT RP.LABLEW(�L r.1 NAILS R!SHEET L o IS fiNLEC IJA .' SHAFT T6SOIN SPRING[UMTENBAC ALE NON-DSUATITIN D IDRIZUNTAL TRACK 2.875 TOP F1xw IILDD - � M 0.25 17.125 14.I25 1 LAG ANGLEI TRACK OPTIMAL 5'MAX(TIP TRICK CLIPS QLi) 'i: :p. :f OC IN11-ATION I f p (T� N.T) 3'STRUT,39cm ODD Ir MAR 12, c C SECrIDN C-C I PCF L"DED POLYSTYRENE(EPS) I I SCALE 1 4 Ir MAx A. 12' OPTIO1NAL GLAZING FAI ED PANEL R le MAX SIDE LOCK 12, f� pU FM T vM1ES Ir VAX :s� Digitally signed by John E.Scates P.E. CN Bit HEIGHT I END HINGE 'I Date:2020.04.13-1.4I:54:41-05'00' °""R + 15 r,w¢ Iz•IMax END sra i l• \`\N\\\\ sM4r wVi' VERTICAL(RACK _� BOTTOM FIxTIUE ) i a6s 1D ,NIB BRACIQT No.51?37 = 1 z +: O� STATE OF 0�F FiL0R19Pd�?� °'0 /L�p INTERPRET DIMS L TQLS A UNLESS OTHER ISE SPECIFIED APPROVALS p Dalton. PENSACOLA,FLQRI➢A �V//%/sl� {. \�\� rK STEELECTIRI SKIN PER ASME Y14.5M ja :t,03 - DESCRIPTION r4j1A1ALL DIMS AREIN XXX =1,010 nA R A 80001810018200 9'0' MAX WIDTH A JINN E.SCATES,PE GAINCHES ANGULAR=—' 2560 KING ILLE, BLVD M124 54 r FINISH LEVISVILLE,TX 75056 �TN�ER��aL A DIVISION OF OVERHEAD DO NOT SCALE HOLES- FL PE 51737 TX PE 56308IF2203 DOOR CORP DIMS CIRCLED VITH SYMBOL'C�' (U2 l=+.004/-A03 VINDLOAD SPECIFICATION SIZE DVG NO. REV SECTION D-D DETAIL B 3395 ADDISON DRIVE ARE CRITICAL TO QUALITY DESIGN 0251-0.500=0106/-,003 OPTION CODE 1104 p D 327013 P-OB PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL PROVIDED ONLY FOR SCALE I G 4 SCALE 1 G 4 PENSACOLA,FLORIDA 32514 FEATURES L MET MEET APPLICABLE _+' /-' VERIFICATION OF VIND.OAD CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. (850)-474-9890 IN-PROCESS INSPECTIO STANDARDS. ALL bLO VLkftLU OT JU_LAUSCALE 1,12 1 ON=ER I SHEET I OF 4 m r3)NA m m 8 7 1 1 111 ] 2 1 N 7 6 S 3 R NOTES.(UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) EDGE DISTANCE 3'EDGE DISTANCE 2.75'EDGE DISTANCE WASHER,3ML I 24 V(I,CVIT)HIN1-I/8' 2-3/4'EDGE DISTANCE r 3/6'DIA SIMPSON TITEN HD FASTENER MA%.OF r 2 X 6 13 SP C14,15) CONCRETE,MIN 3'MIEDGE DISTANCEMIN�000 PSI OR BETTER 3/8'DIN SIMPSON TITEN HIT - FASTENER MAX.OF IB'O.0 2-114' HIN EMBED INTO MIN.1500 PSI GROUT FILLED CMU,MIN 4'EDGE DISTANCE - 1-1/8'OD.WASHER -2 X 6 13 SP(G=0.55)OR BETTER-- 1-1/8'O.D.WASHER WOOD MOUNTED TO 03 SOUTHERN PINE.SUBSTRATE WOOD MOUNTED TO 2000PS1 WOOD MOUNTED TO GROUT FILLED CONCRETE DETAIL MASONRY BLOCK DETAIL EDGE DISTANCE TI•EDGE DISTANCE UAN3 8�DT".3INSI-N TITEN HB FASTENER,2- 4' ONS- aNCN01(OPIIIX6 MIr1 EMBED INTO MIN 200DPS1 CCHERIE ,MIN. T 2 X 6 13 SP(G=a55) U3/8'➢I0.INTO MIN TITEN HD FASTENER.2-3/4• 2.EDGE DISTANCE OfEETTE 2)3/8'DI0.HILTI KWIK BOLL. EXPANSION 3/3 1-12 MIN EMBCO INTO M]N ISOOPSI GROUT FILLED2.75 11'EDGE DISTANCE "' - EMU.NIN.4'EDGE DISTANCE DAN HISTAR 2-12'MIN.EMBED,MIN.4'EDGE IN 3/16'THICK STEEL 2.)3/8'DIA HILTI KVIK BOLT3,EXPANSION �3/BCDIA POWER LUK/BOLTEXPANSION FOPMGNTINGANCHOR2-I/2'MIN EMBED.MIN 4'EDGEANCHOR1-5/8'MIN.EMBED,NIA 4'ECG, 5/16'X 1-5/8'LAIN. DISiRTiC2X 6 47SP(G=055SECI7 OISTANCEWALLAGLDOOR ELEVATION O HOLE LOCATIONS) /4-20 X 9/16' TRACK CLIP IIONAL�WALL ANGLE MAY B[[ ANCHOR TRACK BOLT AND 1/4-20%9/R. ATTACHED TO SUPPORTING SICEL WITH I/4-20 HEX NUT IRA&BOLT AND A MIN.(D I/4-14%I'SELF DRILLING ANCIBt % I'O.D.WASHER (SCE DOOR ELEVATION Ri SHE Ci 1 1/4-20 MEX NJi S[REY WITH I'O.D.WASHER IN LIEU FOR ICE LOCa I0N5) 16 GA JAMB BRACKET OF WELDING(SEE DOOR ELEVATION 1'6G WASHER (SCE DOOR ELEVATION ON SHEET 1 ON SHEET I FOR HOLE LOCATIONS) FOR HDLE LOCATIONS) MOUNTING TO WOOD JAMB MOUNTING TO STEEL JAMB MOUNTING TO 2000PS1 CONCRETE DETAIL DETAIL MOUNTING TO GROUT FILLED MASONRY TAI o BLOCK DETAIL SECTION E-E 14GA BOTTOM FIXTURE SCALE i:4 ATTACHED TO SECTION VITH(O 1/4-14 X 7/8'SELF 13GA MIN WIDE BODY CND HINGES (ID)18 X 1' DRILLING CRIKPTITE SCREWS 01 END HINGE IS 14G0. SHEETMETAL SCREW DAYLIGHT OPENING=9 3/4'X15 7/B' - TOP FIXTURE COMMERCIAL 13GA R0.LER SLIDE ATTACHED TO TIP L A-FRAlIE BRACKET FIXTURE WITH 114-18 BfRTANDNUT IN CENTER TIACHED WITH(6)1/4-14.7/8' tl SLOT AND 1/4-20%9/16'iRACN Bf11 AND ff) VHIC7IGARE IN?BTINRDREVS 1/4'POLYCARBONATE i1/4-2D 1EX NUi THROJGH ALIGNING HOLES GLASS BITE 0.5' V141A INTERIOR FRAME EXIERI16 FRAME 7/16'DI0.STEM TOP AND BOTTOM ROLLERS 6D63-76 ALUMINIUM 6063-16 ALUMINUM D DOOR SECTION INIERMEDIATE HINGE ( ATTACHED WITH(4)1/4-14 X 718' WINDOW DETAIL SELF DRILLING CRIMPTITE SCREWS DETAIL K DETAIL J DETAIL K DETAIL ITSECTION F-F ` SCALE 1 1 4 SCALE 1 4 SCALE 1 4 SCALE 1 4 SCALE 1 4. OPTIONAL WALL ANGLE TRACK 13GA MIN 13GA MIN CONTINUOUS 13GA MIN TRACK VALE ANGLE JRACK CONTINUO S TRACK CUNT ANGNGGLE o VALE AN 0 0 0 HGA MIN TRACK ii HGA MIN TRACK 3 IIGA MIN TRACK I I i ! CLIP SEE SCHEDULE ^- CLIP SEE SCHEDULE CLIP SEE SCHEDULE TRACK o ( 20 NUDI�i TRACK OOH o I GARRpG�TfAT TRACK OVITH A,RR20➢ACdOO�KIOOVITH 0 i No.51737 ' +` i Rsv 3n (2)1/4M7/16 SEMI o 'i.❑� (2)1/4-20,<9/16 TRACK o 2 O igpO�,,�pR1O .,\ATE OF ?�` a V'TH pR oal TUBULAR YPICAL TRACK CLIP RIVETING DETAIL BaT AND 1/TYPI4-20 CAL�TRACK CLIP BOLTING DETAIL TYPICAL TRACK CLIP WELDING DETAIL * G t. // IL /4�ss�ONA��?O�\` NA1IX4(�C1° INTERPRET DIMS d TULS TDLERANCESI DRAWN, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPLCIIIIED APPROVALS A KA 4A - w yod-. PENSACBLA,FLORIDA ��llfllll�\ � PER ASME Y14.5M ± CHECKED NAM STIFFENED XX =±.03 P - - DESCRIPTION JAMB BRACNCi XXX =_.010 MATERIAL " ALL DIMS ARE IN - $0QQ/$I00/$200 910' MAX WIDTH " JING E.SCATES,PE INCHES ANGULAR=_.5' 256D KING ARTHUR BLVD k124 54 TYPICAL TRACK AND JAMB FASTENERS DETAIL FINISH LEWISVILLE,TX 75056 A DIVISION OF OVERHEAD DO NOT SCALE HOLES FL PE 51737 TX PE 56308/F2203 DOOR CORP DIMS CIRCLED WITH SYMBOL' (0.251={,004/-,OD3 WINOLOAD SPECIFICATION SIZE DWG NO. REV 3395 ADDISON DRIVE ARE CRITICAL TO QUALITY DESIGN 0251-0.500=4.006/.003 OPTION CODE 1104 D D-327013 P-08 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL PROVIDED ONLY FOR PENSACOLA,FLORIDA 32514 FEATURES 6 MUST MEET APPLICABLE >0.500=4.008/403 VERIFICATION OF WINDLOAD CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. (850)-474-9890 IN-PROCESS INSPECTION STANDARDS. SCALE 1:12 1 DOM=EA ISHEET 2 OF 4 7 4 S 3 2 (rA rmwlRawl av Ar g 7 4 5 2 NOTES(UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) 1. FOR DIMENSIONS AND NOTE REFERENCES,REFER TO INDIVIDUAL DRAWINGS. ' 1LENGTH=OOOR WIDTH-1• Ell 1.92 3� 2.70 �7--yy CR 4 I-2�.75--1I 18 2.16 495 FIXTURE ROLLER CARRIER 3'STRUT OPEN WL (UBAR) OP IIGA E TOP FIXTURE ASS�, BASE TOP 13GA 80 KSI MIN,YEILD STRENGTH,3' X 20GA TOP FIXTURE DETAILS STRUT DETAILS 1 1.38 F —2.241 Q ➢ SECURED WITH(4)605879-0002 SCREWS 1/4-20%5/e' 1.499 I R238 D Q Z34 THROW D 4.30 7.38 A � o a z.so I e D•REl 4.19 - 8 L J D7�— °° BOTTOM FIXTURE 2.83 .75 2.83 .75 1.00 r.I50'TNICK 14 FIXTURE - BRACKET TOP RES,LHR - 329 12 GA #1 END HINGE/CENTER HINGES 'END HINGE 14GA 136A SIDE LOCK ASSY. BOTTOM FIXTURE DETAILS HINGE DETAILS LOCK DETAILS R 2%0.13 00 0.44 REFI-9'�' Ilol 044 REFI-9'36 REF. I �REF. 1.81 REF. Is'7 ROLLER ASSY 2' WL 1144 (STEEL ROLLER) ROLLER ASSY 2' WL 1144 (NYLON ROLLER) ( �� tz III • Np,5Tf3T A JAMB BRACKET �o Z0�; STATE OF 9?1 16GA 39--F—I BRACKET DETAILS " s2 �i-on•:FtostlQP �r\\� ROLLER STEM ASSY DETAILS FLAGGAANGLE \` NL S OTHERWISE SPEtIFIED APPROVALS A Wayne DuOAllE emrnm INTERPRET DIMS 6 TDLS TOLERANCES: DRAWN G� ARK 4- - :Dalton PENSACOLA,FLORIDA- PER ASME Y14SM X =±,I 4 XRXX =+.010 MATERIAL APPRUVED DESCRIPTION ALL DIMS ARE IN a8000/8100/8200 910 MAX WIDTH JOHN E.SCATES,PE. .INCHES ANGULAR=±.5' FINISH 25GO KING-ARTHUR BLVD#124-54 A DIVISION OF OVERHEAD DO NOT SCALE HOLES+ LE51737 TX,TX 7508/ DOOR CORP DIMS CIRCLED WITH SYMBOL' (8.251=+.004/-.003 WINDLOAD SPECIFICATION SIZE DWG NO, REV FL PE 51737 TX PE 56308/F2203 3395 ADDISON DRIVE ARE CRITICAL TO QUALITY DE 0.251-0.500=+A06/-.003 OPTION CODE 1104 p D-327013 P OB PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL PROVIDED ONLY FOR PENSACOLA,FLORIDA 32514 FEATURES 6 MUST MEET APPLICABLE >8.500=+.008/-.003 VERIFICATION OF WINDLOAD CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. (850)-4 74-9890 IN-PROCESS INSPECTION STANDARDS. ALLORETRY SCALE 112 UOM=EA SHEET 4 OF 4 g - 7 pL lAMIA6�1 RiY N �'