HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Control Notice of Acceptance; DSL Panel System02-26-01 14:32 www.delcoa•corn iu=tij4`J•rV=Vla r-aa MIAMIDADl9 1EIAM(-I)ADE t_'OUNTY% F'L.QI;IU,I NIE:TRO-DAD13- FLAGLER IWILIANG BUILDING CODE Ct')All'I,I:INCF, t)F'Ff('k: M£Et,O-D\DEfi r•'LAQLF::R SU:LDI " 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 1803 OJIArlI, I I,01RIDA U t 30- 1563 PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF AC:CEPTA:NCF; (tt)5) 375.2901 rA.X (305) 375-2•)08 �+ 1)vIco a•Industries,lite. WW'N.delcoa.com _ CONTRACTOR LICFNSt.N(: SECTION 1950 NAV. 1S Street (305) 375.2327 rAx (305) 375.2353 Pompano Beach F'L 33069 CONTRACTOR hNFORCFMENT SECTIOY 954-963-3100 (305) 375.2966 FAX (305) 373,2908 PRODUCT C40NTROL DIVISION Your applicaliolt for Product approval of: 0105) 375.2902 VAX (303) .,72.6339 DS'L Pemel System render Chapter 9 of the Code of \:•(land -Dade County governing, the: LISc of:\ltcrna[e N1.1lCri t►s ;t,tei Construction, wid completely described herein, Ills been recornmt:nded lol' acceptance by [he �lial;li-U.ilr County Bllildirlg Code Compliance Office (BCCO) under the condilions specitied herein. This approval shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right to secure tn:s pr-dur_t or rnateria! at anytime from a jobsite or manufacturer's plans for quality control teslill�4. ` IF this product or material tails to perforrn in the vpproved manner, RCCO may revolve, modify, or stlsp�:I"J t`.x use ol';;;)ch product or material immediately. BCCQ reserves Elie right to revoke this appi-oval, if it is deierrilined BCCO that this product or material fails to meet the re(iuirements ot'the South Florida BuildinU Code, The expense of s--lch testing Ml! be ineurred by the 111anufacturer. :1cct:Pt,trlrc No.:00-0118.01 (Rcviscs No.. 99-I005.07) Exp.ires:11/25/20017 Rrn11 Rodri_;ucz Jt Chief Product Control Divi,ion THIS 15 THE COVERSHEET, SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC A I) C:1:\1:1Z:1L_ CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW CO:\IN#U"I'EE This application for Product Approval has beer, rcvlewed by the i and Product Review Conutliitee to be used in Cade CountyY A p It roved: 03103/« � 000 ��04 1NMUs1•Ftt11IS-s- INC. METAL ROOFING MAWUFACrUR9R8 1950 Northwest lath Street Pumpano Beach, Florida 33069 Phone: (954) 968.31 Do Fax- (954) 919.5016 'Nebsite: www.delcoa.com Email: postmaster4deleoe.eom w 111(criml lilail addreiv pllsenl:Ise r FOR 0 edge vest by th:: Buildinu Cx!r ti-Vons set t�rtlt Cl1]uv�. �rrincix:c: . (�1�unt:ula, It.;\. Ulr�r:'.UI' [semi-D.tdc county ui!ding Curb: Complial)cc Uilict: p;JJwww,huihliuRcodounlige.cuus UZ-1b-Ul 14:Sb WWW-081coe•com r 1)F:LC0 A INDUSTRIES, INC. 11rucluct Control No.: 1)0-I)I 1t3.1)I PRODUCT CON-rROL VOTICE OF A(.:Cf:Y'I'AtiC-E • ROOFING SYSTEM APPROVAL A.�plic:tnt: �. f)eIco11 1ntlustries, ttle. WWI° • dplcoa. com Product Control va,:00.1)1 13.01 1950 N W 13`1' Street Poripano Reach, FL 33069 Appioval Date: March p3, 2000 954-958-3100 Expiration Date: November 2S. 2002 Catee v: Prepared Rooting Sub-Cateorv: Panels Type: Non-Stmetural Sub-Tvoe. Metal Svstzrn Trade Names: Delcou Snap Lock I)SL Panel Tit -tin., NAVIES OF PRODUCTS NIANUFACTIJUD OR .� LABELED 13Y APPLICANT Test Product Product Dinicnsions S ecitications Description Strap Loc.'-, DSL I ; various Corrosion resistant, galvi lunge or 13" through Wall.i0dud. preformed, suindin, 21" scant, coated, prelmislicrl, inctai h = I" panel:;. Trim Pieces PineI Clips wDELCOA • Wdr3us rFaimm, 1lrV=. METAL poDNING MANUFACTURERS • 1950 Northwesi 18th Street Pornpano Bach, Florida 33069 Phone: (954) 968-3100 Fax: (954) 079-5o 15 Website: waaw.de:lcoa.com Ernait: postmasterUcielcoa.com a inin.24 rage i = V:1riCS %Y = vprics min. 14 -a, mill. 0,024" thick x 10' lung x 1-318" v ide x Standard thiihing and trim pivc,.s, Corrosion re,;iscavt galvalunle or !pk- llliud. Cc1mmion rosi3mnt, formed, plulQd C011tirlclJds itccWipi 161. 111ct:11 panel initaliation P:iv ? UP7 1"Ootin_� Product Coulru! Examilwl. WY-Zb-W1 44;ub WWW-CI61Gud-GUM w OELC:0.4 INDUSTRIES, INC, 1 Y�JJYJ f �JJV J./ Product Control No.: oo.01 tB.Ot TILADF NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED BY OTHERS 1 o(luct Product Dimensions Description Manufacturer ,430 Flat N/A Saturated organic felt to be rr . ric used as a nailed underlayment. '43 Crated Base Sheet N/A Saturated and coated organic generic base sheet for sin ele or double ply underlayment~ Fire Barrier Board mint. '1/+" ihick Fire barrier for Class 'A' fire Georgia-Pacific ("Dens Deck") rating, with current PCA Fire Barrier min. 450 grarnsrm2 Fire barrier for Class'A' fire Partek Insulations, M1 ("Roctex. -) rating. Inc. Fasteners min. R 10 coarse thread Corrosion resistant, pancake generic (Panel Clips) wood screw. head, self -drilling, self - threading screws Sealant N/A Sealant for use at foam closure generic strip. • EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 're,t_Agency Test Identifier Test Name/Report Mate The Glidden Co. Technical Literature Salt Spray lanuary 1993 ASTiNI 6 117 The Glidden Co. Technical Literature Accelerated Weatherines January 1993 ASTM G 23 Celotex Corporation 320303 PA 100 July 1999 Testing .Services Hurricane Test 0182-0420-99 PA 125 September 1999 Laboratory, Inc. 0182-0718.99 Celotex Corporation 520303b PA 100 October 1999 Testing Services qzh�C�OA it-jC31. 3R-rRlIVC. METAL ACWHuG MANUFACTURERS ` 1960 Northwest ISth Street Page 3 of 7 Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 Phone; (964) 968-3100 Fax: (964) 979-5015 Frank Zuloa�*� R1ZC Wobsite; wrvw.delcoa.corn p • Email: postmaster®delcoa.com Rooting Product Control Examiner r 02-2G-Ol 14:37 www•detcoa.co:n I1vow A0 r -%Y. + DFt COA INDUSTRIES, INC. Systems SYSTENI A-1: DSL-13 through DSL•)I Snap Lock Panel, Deck Tylie: ' beck Description: Slope Range: Nlaxintant uplift Pressure: Wood, Non -insulated New Construction 19/32" or greater plywood or wood plank. 2":12" or greater Peuduet Control No.: 00-1)118.01 9 FM 9 VA ItV13U3Tt:IIEs1�. INO_ METAL p001MUG MANUFA�ERg 19$0 Northwes118th Street Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 Phone: (954) 968-3100 Fax: (954) 979-5015 Website: www,delcoa.com Email: pestrnaster®delcoa.com The maximum allowable uplift pressure for the 13" through 21" wide panels shall be -93 psf. Deck Attachment: In accordance with chapter 29 of the SFBC, but in no case shall it be less than 8d annular -ring shank nails spaced 6" o.c. In reroofing, where the deck is less than 19/32" thick (Minimum 15/32") The above attachment method must be in addition to existing attachment. Underlavment: Minimum underlayment shall be an AST�IM D 226 Type If installed with a minimum 4" side -lap and 6" end -laps. Underlayment shall be fastened with corrosion resistant tin -caps and 12 gauge i ''A" annular ring -shank nails, spaced 6" o.c. at all laps and two staggered rows 12" 0.0. in the field or the roll. Valleys; Valley construction shall be in compliance with Miami -Dade County Roofing Application Standard RAS 133 and with the current published installation instructions and details in Deleoa Installation Manual. Fire Barrier Board: For class A oe 8 fire rating, install minimum Y4" thick Georgia Pacific "Dens Deck" (with curent NOA) or minimurh 41rirrt thief: of Roctex Oy Ab Insulation. Inc. (with current NOA) "Rocroof' or 5/13" water resistant type X gypsum sheathing with treated core and facer, over the deck prior to installing the undeelayinent in compliance with Miami Dade County Protocol RAS 133. Hetal Panels and Accessories: Install the "Snap Lack DSL-13" through "Snap Lock DSL-21" and accessories in compliance with the current published installation instructions and details in Delcoa Installation Manual. Flashings, penetrations, Valley construction and other details shall be constructed in compliance with Miami -Dade County Rooling Application Standard RAS 133. Panels shall be installed with approved continuous clips, attached to substrate with corrosion resistant # l0 s4re%vs of sufficient length to penetrate through sheathing 3/16" at a spacing not to exceed t 6" o,c. Page 4 of 7 �f `frank Zuloaga, RRC Roofin; Product Control Examiner Y JJ %v WW -aCI t L;uc.. uU111 h DELC'O.l INDUSTRIES, INC. Product Control No.: 00-4)118.01 .N . SYSTEM s CONTUNUED SYSTEM A-1 (Continued) Contntchts; 1. Panels shall be roll Formed in continuou; lengths From eave to ridge not exceeding 45 feet is; compliance with �iliami-Dadd County Rooting Application Standard RAS 133, 2. Anchor continuous clips as needed to meet cr exceed design pressures determined in compliance with Chapter 23 of the South Florida Building Code (See System Limitation #2) but fastener spacing not to exceed 16" O.C. SYSTEM UNII'T'A,?IONS 1. Panels shall bz roll formed ih continuous lengths from eave tO ridge. Maximum lengths small be as described in Miami=Dade County Roofing Application Protocol RAS 133. ?. All panels shall be permanently labeled with thin manufacturdr's narrie or logo, city, state And the following ststtment: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved. �� �NCA �Im I h: DI-hDA InIGB. INC. METAL ROOFING MANUFAGTUFIERS 1960 Northwest tt3th street Pompano Beach, Floride 33069 Ph6ne:.(954) M-3100 Fax, (954) 979.5015 Website: www.delcmLcom Emall; postrnaster6delcoa.corn Pnge 3 of 7 Frank 7uloagn, RRC Rooting Product Control Examiner UIL"-LO--d1 1Y Y%y WWW• 00 l I Ljm• VVIN DELCOA INDUSTRIES, INC_ Product Control No.: 00-01 MoI PROFILE DRAWINGS DELCO.% DSL-13 MROUCH DSL-21 SY:tr LoCk Isbc - LI STFi 1 irS. 1IV aC. FAME RoanNG MANUFAEFURER9 1950 Northwest I Bttt Street �. Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 � Phone: (954) 988-3100 Fax: (954)979-5015 Page 6 o F 7 Website: www.delcoa•oorn Email: postmaster@detcoa,com - Frank Zuloaaa, RItC 1Zoofins Product Control Examiner d'L-'Lb-M1 t4c�+1 Www•eetcoa•cbm li-aati'/aaaiil� r•�� 9 c DE.LCOA INDUSTRiES. INC. hrotim:i Culitrot Nu,: 00-0118,01 VVv. delcoa : cone Delcoa Industries.,, Inc. 1950 NW 13'1' Street „ Pompzno Beach. FL 33069 954-968-3j00 ACCEPTANCE vp: Applwvtu ; EXPIRES , 00-01119.0 t Al,weh W. 2110I) txoventber 25, ZOU2 IYaTICIr Of• ACCEPTAINC_E STANDAR" D CorYUITIONS i Renewal ofthis Acceptance (approval) shall be considered aftera retietv;tl ;application has been riled and tits original submitted docutnentation, including test supporting data, engiaeerinb dactiments, are no older than eight (8) ybars, 2 Any and all approved products shall -tie permanently labeled with the manufacturer's name, City, state, and the following statement: "Watni-Dade County Product Control Approved", or as specifically stated in the specific conditions of this acceptance. 3 Rdmewals of Acceptance will not be considered ir: a) There has been a change In the South Florida Building Code affettilid the evaluatiori of this product and the product is not in compliance with the code chatiges; b) The product is no longer the same product (identical) is the one originally approved; 0tf the Acceptance holder has not complied with all the requirements of this acceptance, including the correct installtition of the product; (l) The engineer �vito prigirially prepared, signed and sealed the required documentation initially submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering profession. 4 Any revision or change in the materials, use, and/or nlanufacttrre of the product or process shall • automatically be cause for tertrtination of this Acceptance, artless prior writietl approval has been requested (through the riling of a revision application with appropriate fees) and ,ranted by this office. ,R • 5 Any of the following shall 10so be gtounds for removal of this Acceptaiiec: :t) Uttsatisfttctory perfonnancd of this product or process; b) t`listase of this Acceptance as an endorsement orally prodtict, for talcs, advcrtisirtu or any other purposes. 5 Tile Notice afAeceptanee number precedtW by the words Miami -Dade County. Florida. and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If' rty portion of the Notice of Acceptance is displayed, tlteli it 511a11 be done in its elltit' ty. 7 A copy of this Acceptance as welt its approved drawings stud other doctmietits. where it applies. 0.111 be provided to the user by iltc martitfacturtdP or its distributors tnid shall be available for itlspeetion at the job sire at :ill ;i;hes. The copies n6ed not be reseeded 6v tile ertgiruvr. 3 . Failure to comply with any suction oethis Accoptdncc shall be cause fur iertttination and removal of Acceptance. 9 This Acceptance contnlns panes i throti,h 7. END 0FTHIS ACCEPTANC1% P;tgc 7 or 7 Frank Uoaiol, RRC hoofing Product Control Examiner