HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Control Notice of Acceptance; Outswing Commerciaal Steel Door Impact61 b, ST. LUCIE COUNTZ' DING D�ION � REVIEWED FOR CO C REVIEWED BY z' DATE PLANS A`D PERMIT N :STB KEPT ON JOB IaM on OR NO INSPECTION WELL BE MADE- t<IIANUt DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA btETRO•DADE FLAGLER. SUILDIZXG BUILDING C009 COMPLIANCE OFFICE McTRO-DARE~ FLAGLER-BUILOINO I.10 WEST FLAGLER STREET. SUITE 1603 1611AM1,-FLOR(DA 33130.1563 PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE - (305) 373-3001 • FAX (30S) 373-2903 Firedoor Corporation of Florida VONTR-LICENSING SEC TION CTION 1350 PF.tiV. 7d Streett305)•373�7323'TAX '(30i)•373•:339 Miami FL 33147 CONTRACTOR ENFORCEMENT SECTION (305) 37$-2966 FAX (305) 375.2903 PRODUCT CONTROL DIVISION' Your application for Product. Approval of: (305) 375-2902 FAX (3051 37Z-633S Series 3070 Hj1fJ)--FV Firrs/t WKsion Outswinging Commercial Steel Door- Impact under Chapter 8 of the Metropolitan Dade County Code governing the use of Alternate Materials and Types of Construction, and completely described in the plans, specifications and calculafions as submitted Applicant, along with Drasving No. 97-1204.02, Sheers 1 tliru S of S. has been recommended for acceptance by the Building Code Compliance office to be used in Dade County, Florida under thespecific conditions set forth on pages 2 et. seq. and the Standard Conditions on page 3. This approval shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Office of Code Compliance reserves the right, to secure this product or. material m-anydme from -a jobsite•nrrrramxfaoturces-piant for quality control testing. If this product.ofmaterial fails to perform in the -approved -manner, the Coda Compliance- Office may revoke, modify, or.suspend.the use Ofs6ch product.ormaterial immediately. The applicant snail re-evaluate this product or material should any arnmendments to the South Florida Building Code be enacted affecting this product or material. The Building Code Compliance Office reserves the the right to revoke this approval, if it is determined by the Building Code Compliance Office that this product or material falls to meet -the requirements of the. South Florida Building Code. The expense of such. testing %vilf be incurred by -the manufacturer. Acceptance No.:97-1204.02 Expires:1110510I Raul Rodfiguez Product Control Supervisor THIS IS THE COVERSHEET, SEE *DDIT40NAL-PAG£S.FORfiPECIIFIC— —AND—G- ENERAL C•ONDIT-10 S BUILDING CODE COMMITTEE 'this application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the Metropolitan Dade County Building Code Compliance Department and approved by the Building Code Committee to be used in Dade County, Florida under the conditions set, forth- above. hatles Van 4;r Director Building Code Compliance ! Approved:111105/98 -1- Metropolitan Dade County .��.••••------•-••• ••--•• 1.1 V.1 7 •-. • ? f T 11 J < i � r T _ �I Y 1.1 h firedoor Corporation o Florida ACCEPTANCE No.: 97-1204.02 APPROVED : �j�lV _ 0 _S 1990 EXPIRES NOV 0 5 2001 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: SEECiF[C COYdrTIOI�S r 1. SCOPE 1.1 This, approves a commercial steel door, as described in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptant designed to comply with the South Florida Building -Code (SFBC), 1994 Edition for Miami -Da_ County, for the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFBC Chapter 23, < not exceed the Design Pressure hating values indicated in the approved drawings. 2. PRODUCT DES0UPTION 2.1 The Series 3070 HMD-FV Flush wNision Outswing Commercial Steel Door - Impact Resista and -its components shall be constructed in strict compliance with the following documents: Dra%%i- No 97-1204.02, titled "Series: 3070FV Steel Door" Sheets 1 through 5 of 5 prepared i manufacturer, dated 09/01I98., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control approval star with the Notice of Acceptance number and approval date by the Miami -Dade County ProdL Control Division. These documents shall hereinafter be referred to as the approved drawings. 3. LIYIITATIONS 3.1 This approval applies to single unit•applica.Lions,ofsingle,dooronly,.assho%vn is approveed drawiq 4. INSTALLATION 4.1 The commercial steel door and its components shall be installed in strict compliance with the approved drawings. 4.2 Hurricane protection system (shutters): the installation, of this unit will not require a hurrica - protection system. - 5. LABELING 5.1 Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami -bade County Product Control Approved". 6. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.11 This Notice of Acceptance 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, clearly marked to show the components selected for the proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by the Building Official or the South Florida Building Cod. (SFBC) in order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. lSbr4 I. C_La"de, Ishaq I.rChanda, P.R. Product Control Exam' Product Control Division -2- 1.1H C-C!AT JN.4 C.C.-C.T-AHW r• riredoor Corporation of Florida CEPTANCE No.: _ _ 97-1204,02 T APPROVED : NOV o 5 1998 EXPIRES NOV O' 5,7001 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: STANDA-MCONDIT)ONS 1, Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and the original submitted documentation, including test supporting data, engineering documents, are no older than eight (8) years. 2. Any and all approved products shall be permanently labeled with the manufaetureeS name, city, state, and the following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", or as specifically stated in the specific conditions of this Acceptance. 3. Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if a) There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code affecting the evaluation of this product and the product is not in compliance with the code changes; b) The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one originally approved; c) If the Acceptance holder has hat compiled with all the requirements of this acceptance, including the correct installation of the product; d) The engineer wha originally prepared, signed and sealed the requh-ad documentation• iaitiallytiAl:sinel i no longer practicing the engineering profession. 4. Any revision or change in the materials,use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall automa:icall be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through the filing of a revision application with appropriate fee) and granted.by this office. 5. Any of the following shall also -be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a) Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process. b) Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purpose 6. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Notice of Acceptance is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. 7. A -copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other documents, where -it applies, shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at thc'job Sit at all time. The engineer need not resealthe copies. S. Failure to comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal of Acceptance. 9. This Notice of Acceptance consists of pages 1, 2 and this last page 3. Ishaq I, thanda, P. E., Product Control Exami Product Control Division END OF'I HIS ACCEPTANCE -3 - 1 __ .zT T11J LL _L T_ll Yl.l h 0 . ' -FRAME ELEVON -2mv-Pl MR LOCK'OP71O!( 'A' FRAME ELEVATION RTi LQOC-?�9 [Ad( oP710¢d '0 FRAME ELEVATION P)WJCAR WA-0 Ur FRAME ELEVATION 91 LOCK OPRON 'E' FRAME ELEVATION LORt LOCK 25 3CAL- Ile . Y_o- LOCK OPAGN W \ qp \ � 9 \ FRAME ELEVATION _MOWN 31.32 LOCK OPilott F' db rw'r.to�:r• . FIREDOOR FABRU Ail: MEMO CORPCAPWN (W ru I" lR wsl i4K 51Awi YWal. f,AM% 33147' r Haw-- (3aW 605 -ISM lAx. 4m) 636-RP37 AMIW EMC GMXC CONC.O"Su C ►A wx A+bi47 =l'ck34 n _ J2 xa Arl7Dm is Ct'b/1Y'JC'big emE WCA"_—_"m�.5 llas9 o'...ls_M��1...Lti.n•uLti. rlcl+�f cw..s Wsm MUM? fill[ OS,lL#= 9ff?* WAPWUnj-_ tny.pj DAW_ OD�gN �Y 9 7 B 5►u�noN s.cc, uac, SERIES: 3070R STEEL DOOR all"445 aWIU X�u' 97-1204.02 �t o `l . .I v — Z- µ omay BLOCX WALL GROUT rT— FILE0 VA? �y N 7 • FRAMES CONSTRJC'i)01`1 i3 T•r-,),3. siu.'waas SpAcmc ...:...a FRAME t->r_.AMON sate FLOOR CUP CONSTRUCT(ON . 4 INC s � OPi1on 0R v ` C7" •• QOR O w S-4- OVERALL FRAME WOM FRAME SECTION CY .dAlc Jva • N Y• 2- t' a 111 c WALL I}NDJOB e i �lipb INRESK= Whroo Wi-4 le OE ML WOOD sruo wALLw. is:w c cOr,�sei�;ti_ R[S�Olir:tY', a�OCLOPh •: FRREDOOR FASs?ICAIr•7 FIREOOOR CORPOROMON OF I:l{ t]so fdogmsc 7+ru Slaw . uYaa, flplN, Sy,.r l PNapL- CJ�1 H�-�S00 1 rya: pool t7aa197 , Amm CMCuUJ oc-cowtvVANC• PA, sm 17-14W � WAL 11HN41g[7 is Mum Im SOL, �OiRN FLQM gg(N!i WK t7uw Lamm gnsm ilulto YC CAE 3mgeL of offm ACM* cM441: oacc: **AM Br 9/3/9B A�1NOM • MT Dim: SERIES: 3070FV STEEL DOOR OG�9NR MlYWI "tn 97—1204.02 t f1p DOOR CORNER CONSTRUCTION WKCrrt►•a snwaiaownar v.u�+c /rro�✓r []OC�•AG AT11 � r _ HULLO:' •�- I= IREDOOR FAsracArii npx000a COMN"W u or 07 1]]0 raMar omw "K_:+ V V^ Ixoaya �yt+t + AMMO CWWBMM mn MSWu- r'I,L nvl It-a101 NMLgW. nwM 7a113' L>QI aao.omo . �� '+• �, , {r r, i; - _ rc aRaC+O JS WMI{TWR lYPlf 1N , •� . � . SOmN Aaaa� ta&� as ton •• tlalaYCl Dma auto �L �: •�: 85 r . • artmag an QW.M E QRa ze OR 9 l SS SlspldPiOet w your nrLr_ ERIE COMSTEEL DOOR s Ti11$SKOLO t?ETatl ll'-V{OPTlONAI.j • ++ OR n • . ta¢ oa,a,+es.urece F • VISION CONSTRUCTION • . _ FRAM�E.SEcnoh _ • . .s 97-- l 204.02�M .:v T • 1 ITCm QUAfr'1J7Y —,— - A1ATr_RIALS — -I OASIC NPAENs3om 1 I 16 GAUGE 1KL000 FRAME 28 G[UGC I4S 1 DOOR 6;N A'NI 4s� , ,., 5 3 4 x 2" X .058 7 1 1 3 4' 1I+11x x v4a 3 a + t i1iM�f qE ORCCMEK? tO 0R) t- t/4' x td' x 3/16' _FRANC GROAT N. A. 5 6 S'3)'PER .IAMB (MOLT SPACER x 18 CA. 6 6 01 PER JAUIO FLAT HEAD_ W000 SCREW 3 ' x S" PEA JMW FLAT MCAD SLMW ANIHOR 0R 3 a X 5" �O 6 03 ra : MASGrIRY -r A wms OR N. A. 9 6 _L3) PFA-JAM MRE A► CIMRS K A. 10 1 Ppl.1fS . ° GORE MAGrIE PtTA00GTS 1 r/3r It 1 228V 91R62jM 3 4'XrX36- 3 4' X 3' Ic 36' 6o63-T 'Al 12 1 896v'T1RESI10LD 1 NATIONAL COARD .1 ' X $' x 36' 6063-ft AL 13 2 12 aA. LO;K,R&wORQDq"T I 1 G ] 1/W x 12' ' 14 2 (1j PER 4*w nook New" I' X 1 3 4' X 4 1 X 11L EA 15 2 16 CA. MAMA 13 C' It 1 21 3r X 13 6' 16. 4 NI11FE. RQl1FORCEMENT 7 1 4' X LGr x 3/76' ' 17 1 1 CA $ME WWORMUENT i2CA 7I 1 3/B' X 6 7 n6- Is 2 1510 Q= FRAYe1C T110 2 x REOIRRED 19 1 cou KBER FRAMNG 7 S ' call M/ ra"D CANT i5z-" Ia 20 I CLEAR SII M $MAW 8Y GY. h A 1 21 1 LE1:AN GG1SS 100 So IN MAX 1/4- 22 1 ONGRAL DOORS WIM.1N3ULOIRC GY FAU009 w x sAr a ayr a lr uro 1 1s g& Sna ?3 1 APPNW DOOR %=ff• Iw0UUWG OY AIR C&JvMS 1 1L4- s 19/Y' - firMpg ■ 11 CA. 24 1 Cmuo "wma STAKEY 4 t x 4 t - x .13+' 25 1 LOCKSU. ALMET No. 1000 N. A, 26 1 BEA080LT ALVET 30 N. A. 77 1 PANIC OAR V001 OPJM /+Q 9"/ N. A. 28 1 MORTISED LOOKSET ALMET NO. 4000 N. A. 1 MORIISEO LOWSET COW RUSSWA NO. UL2200 N. A. 30 1 MORTISED LOCKSET FALCON 1M500 N. A. — 31 1 LOCKSET FALCON No. TSOO - N. A. 32 1 OCA080LT FALCON NO. 06M N. A 33 1 PANIC OAR UONARCH NO. 16-R N. A. 34 1 LG"SET SKLA-.Z No. ALPD N. A. ' 3S 1 OEA080L7 SCNLACE No. 836cm N. A. ]6 1 _ LOWSET VALE NOL 5.100E N. A. 37 1 RUST IN1 MVE PMMER ' N. A. _ 3 16' X 3/8' 3e 1 W-ATNER SWPP-P241-30 PEUKC 39 1 WEATHER STAiPA Sala PEMIIO T/Y X 1/4' 40 A e x T 1 4' FN SYS, 7" O.0 J6 x 1 1/4' 41 4 /e x 7 ' 6St SMS. C.0 x 7/9' 42 8 fie x 2- F 1 FROM twos 8 13' O.C. LO X r /10 NjVf; 1'MELD STRESS OF 45.000 PSI ALL'FRAMES ONO DOORS L0rV0/1ENT5 TO Be STEIEL Ftredoor Corporalton of Florrdo Series: 3070 CV;OUT—S1yIn1GIkG COMMERCIAL STEEL ENZRANCE DOOR V8osed-on GTL # 1824) 0.1 etze: SO" by 86" hrgh DESIGN PRESSURE RATING +110 PSF POSITIVE —110 PS£ POSITIVE 1�esri,l;t FIREDOOR FA13 CA: FIRCOOOR CORPOPAM4 OF N Trio Ntmfflt6T 71061 Plat M•VO.. RouD• is I17 r Pac (J51 Y51-17GC iz Will JU$-4127 APOLYa olePcmuc oa eE•1Y P.6. OOa 12 0493 NW1•/p. NWR01 7J110 IELrz (30 420-OMO 11110I l4l% 1WWJr. WK o•�—as au" Y7 l i� �W YRSRM OWIGWC L7� QQIl1YCE lYFl7E PCg7lAUICfi10.t'1� La.O W tE� Ort,1r• Ar 9/ 1 98 + YAEEr �nE: SERIES: 307OF STEEL DOOR ORAliYGS Nyrryryl rp—T' 97-1204.02