HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Control Notice of Acceptance; Outswing Commercial Steel Door- ImpactPRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE -4t ACCEPT Firedoor Corporation of Flot•IdST.y,UC1E COLS. 1 1350 N.tiV. 74 Street LE F Miami FL 33'VjEWED DATE AttAhtl-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA' METRO•DADEr FLAGLEEt BUILDING SUILDING C00i CO3fFL1ANCR o6FicE NIETRO-DADEa FLAGLER BUILDING 140 WEST 1 LAGLBR STREET. SUITE 16o3 • htl!►SI1.-ftARtCi�l 33130•IS�I t30f3 37i-?00t • FAX (300 31S-290S IM 1305)1714327' FAX'(3051•373•21SS9 ► R ENFORCEMENT SECTION h40T,+. (30S) 37S•3966 FAX (30S) 375.3903 DIVISION Your application for Product Appro g 0 L NSpECT10"i '' " piton75-2 covTR(30) 372-6W, (30S) 375-2903 FAX (30S) 372-6335 Series 3070 HjlfD-FV Flush WNsion 0tits winging Commercial Steel boor- I»,pact under Chapter 8 of the Metropolitan Dade County Code goveming the use of A.ltemate Materials and Types of Construction, and completely described in the plans, specifications and calculations as stibmiited Apptican4 along with Draiving No. 97-1204.02, Sheets 1 thi m S of S. has been recommended for acceptance by the Building Code Compliance office to be used in Dade County, Florida under the specific conditions set forth on pages 2 et. seq. and the Standard Conditions on page 3. This approval shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below, The Office of Code Compliance reserves the right to secure this product or material ut-anytitne:from'$ jobsite•b-trtanu'fat)turc?s,plant for quality control testing. If this product.ofinaterial fails to perform in the -approved -manner, the Code Compliance Office may revoke, modify, or.suspend.the use bfsach pxoduet.or-Xnaterial immediately. The applicant shall re-evaluate this product or material should any amm- endments to the South Florida Building Cade be enacted affecting this product or material. The Building Code Compliance Office reserves the the right to revoke this approval, if it is determined by the Building Code Compliance Office that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida Building Cade. The a`pense of such testing will be incurred by the manufacturer. Acceptance No.:97-1204.02 Expires:ll/OS/Ol 'Raul Rodliguez Product Control Supervisor THIS IS THE COVERSHEET, SEE *ADi%IQNAL.-PAE;£$.f<)R SPEC--IFfC- -AND-GENERAL ,00NDIVOiNS BUILDING CODE COMMITTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the Metropolitan Dade County Building Code Compliance Department and approved by the Building Code Committee to be used in Dade County, Florida under the conditions set forth -above. Approved:11106/98 A- s • :s Danger, r. . Director Building; Code Compliance Metropolitan Dade County iredooT r Corporation of Florida ACCEPTANCE No.., 97-1201.02 APPROVtD : Nov 0 _5.1998 IExPIRZS NOV 0 5 2001 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE:. SPEciI+'rG GOYDITIONS 1. SCOPE 1.1 This approves a coramerciat steel door, as described in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptant designed to comply with the Soutii Florida Building -Code (SFBC), 1994 Edition for Miami -Da - County, for the locations where the pressure requirements, M determined by SFBC Chapter 23, < not exceed the Design pressure 17ating values indicated in the approved drativings. 2. PRODUCT MOUPTION 2.1. The Series 3070 HMD-FV Flush wNision Outswing Cominetcial Steel Door : Impact Resists and its components shall be constructed in strict compliance with the following documents: Dra«i- No 97-1204.02, titled "Series: 3076FV Steel Door" Sheets 1 through 5 of 5 prepared i manufacturer, dated 09101/98.; bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control approval sta.� with the Notice of Acceptance number and approval date by the Miann-Dade County Prod Control Division. These documents shall hereinafter be referred to as the approved drativings. 3. LIMITATIONS 3.I This approval applies to single unit.applications.ofsingld,dooran]y,.assha%m lnapproued drawing 4. INSTALLATION 4.1 The commercial steel door and its components shall be installed in strict compliance with the approved drawings. 4.2 Hurricane protection system (shutters): the installation of this unit will not require a hurrica protection system, 5. LABELING 5.1 Each unit shall bear a permanent label With the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and . following statement: "Miami -Dade Couny Product Control Approved". 6. BMLDING PERIMIT REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in Scction 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, clearly marked to show the components selected for the proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents requited by the Building Official or the South Florida Building Cod-, (SFBC) in order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. ishaq I'Chanda, P.E. Product Control Exam'. Product Control Division -2- I.IH 4G:GDT TM4 AA-r.T-AHIJ 7 rir door C rEoratlob of Florida CEPTANCE No.: 97-1204,62 APPROVED May 0 3 1998 EXPIRES NOV 0' 5 ,OQ i NOTICI✓-OF ACCEPTANCE: STANDA-MCONDIT)ONS 1, Renewal of this Acceptance (appioval) shall be considered aRer a renewal application has been filed and the original submitted documentation, including test supporting data; engineering documents, ere na older than eight (8) yeais. 2. Any and all approved products shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturers name, city, state, and tht following statement; "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved'; or as specifically stated in the specific conditions of this Acceptance. 3. Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if a) There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code affecting the evaluation of this product mad the product is nut in compliance with the code changes; b) Tho product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one originally approved; e) If the Acceptance holder has iiotcomplied with all the requirements of this aceeptance, Including the correct installation of the ptoduct; d) The engineer who originally prtpared, signed acid staled the regWied docutentatiod- iaitiailytob.raittad no longer practicing the engineering profession. a. Any revision or change in the materials, use; and/or rnaaufacturc of the product or proctss shall autorna.icall be cause for tertrtination of this A.ccepiakb, unless prior written approval has been tequested (through the frying of a revision application with appropriate fee) and granted,by this office. 5. Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a) Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process. b) Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for Wei. advertising or any other purpose 6. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. if any portion of the Notice Qf Acceptance is displayed, 'then it shall be done in its entirety. 7. A copy of this Acceptance as well a$ approved drawings and oilier documents, where -it applies, shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at thejob sit at all time. The engineer need not reseal the copies. S. Failure to comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal of Acceptance. P. This Notice of Acceptance consists of pages 1, 2 and this last page 3. Ishaq I, thanda, P. E., Product Control Exami Product Control Division END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE .3- ti FRAME ELEVATION rvocx�oe�ir� 'n' ' A• FRAME ELEVATION MaRTi �9 L= OP71QN 0' FRAME ELEVATION COCK OPTION' *W' FRAME ELEVAT=. 11019 lp COCK'OPI= `C— FRAME ELEVATION u �sEo � K se LOCK OPAQN 'e. FRAME ELEVATION LOCK nDW t.32 W.ftu tN' • r-a- Lm OPTION f Hi ij7l3i�i:+ ti(IC.t�:r• . FIREI}04R FABrtthir RR ow WRt=G mbi O< ru I.Mo mmms7 141K SIREFT >+AIV. FUQM% 331n- rmaw--- (3ow 69I-1— JU- 4XW) 678-RPS, AM= E4Q OMM CORC'ORISO C Pm Dar R-n+a] Z4Fs�f38S�20 80.70/2 KK MIJOt®A ConriC'Aix am =N VA:m mom cue ppC�Lova_�1tpti n5 H.18 f6:t➢dtl OW ODWLd= qn et �OCR4Af11q.4i-l�n� �� WR. T Rdnl Or9 T gSHriNNON SwAr 1.RC: SERIES: 3070FV- STEEL DOOR- api""s .w" 97--1204.02 "•`t of FRAME EL VA.TIQN "!Lr AR 5S LOC(S OP=W 'rr FRAME ELEVATION` 1= .OEAOLOCK.34.al SCAM i/4' � 10' LOCK OPUGH 'K' FRAME ELEVATION L 8 6CA1: 1/a' 111Y' LOCK OP710N; ,r . 1 t 0�:� FIREDOOR FAQt�0U,�►CIL. nRCDM cowomomo am x0AM5r taw\ TS�1R1Ci i WI116, r\o�pa y7\a7' nartc Wp61 e9\-19a rues CM33 Q2" W Arpum D=Xffffim Qmwll C Mw6fMr.'RD0" .1 12 i SEA. Uffan K =nuuiP" nr sm amm mE. t1 I.. R1pORi�0.M(9L /IEGQ,1. grOtC WE COV4W E eF1Ct XCV p110C �.r1--1304� 02 p�Ip Otitw Or. 9 i 98° S1WV8QN "Me DIM - SERIES:. 3070FV- STEEL DOOR ' 9.7-1204.2 2 O • ,l �7 f s.f aw•Y ��n.wu �! I.Va FT O FRAME CORNER CONSTRUC ION ' L3.` 9LL i1101an5 SPA(111G FRAME Fy AMON �/4'rr ! e FLOOR CUP' CONSTRUCT(GN- _ 21 , AMCF40R rR_ n-. .. a- *Alt •�... • tf. • �. l 2" T-W' 000W OPENING W tL 3 =4" OVERALL. FRAME WDTH FRAME SECTION aext a/m • r6a- X9 ,• (ELSIf�G YAipAts' • m co-d 7D AL J409 w 4 _ e '•• fin. •w� rfR�v INRESH= Bra M C FRAME DETKI- 77 WOOD STUD WALL _ ' i;Qf•CFn�� E7. �L n�s�un�:1•, FIRED04F� FIREDOOR CORPOROMON• OF ►U i3sc M=rmxsr 74ru 5lnw . YWA, mask Di..T' i o�onc tm�1 dt—uoa: � fX1(: t107) Z7�N1Q? , APPUEL CaCw�C'-COofC� e' PA. 64Y 12:-641" 1 1 Mom 03-Q9iP =o m-mi. 3" ROM ewm WDC NVokc 9ommt12So 8ti10[1C-0faK *4uvcc 4fp4. MQ)lNIfcM44�- 4'7�oaC.D1, DafE:. fyiAwi`8t" 9/3 /98 smmo aw- 9 U Imu: SERIES: 3070FV STEEL DOOR. pfiATiYGS. •we91- scAu. 37 = t 204.02 :- FIREa0 R. FAMMCAtta use mftw.,EW 74"- SWil DOOR CORNER CUNSTRUCTION I i 'A I trt L -Yft-tw�- K k I ffU -T� t"t ^ srx amm unto. 11 Q4 410 sft 9/lz9s swmw: soar, AnD M SERIES: 3070F\ STEEL DOOR CaAmm' SLA THRESHOLD, DETAIL (OPTIONAL) VISION, CONSTRUCTION- • FRAME SECTION ft I.M.- 97' 1204.02 ITEAI 01JANUTY --r-- MATERIALS EIAStG WAENSIoM" 1 1 66 GAUGE Y&L"o FRAME a y�- Sa CANCC IRSTON DOOR a 5 3 4 x T L _056. 7' 1 3 4 IHIOK X .048 S a 4 HINGE gEP1roRCEMFI�T (ODOR) FRAME GRANT 1 %/47 :t Icr X 3 fi 3 7 N. A. 5 6 (31'PER JAMB BOLT SPAZXR 2' X 25/e x 18 CA 6 6 -(� FfR Jr B FKAT WAD W000 SCREW OR _ J ' X 5' 7 0 5 6 (3 PEA JA718 FIAT HERO SLOCK ANCHOR (OR J B' X S" 3) F0 MASONRY'I' ANCHORS 0R N. A. 9 t0 6 (3) PFA -AM WE A NDOM N. A. t PM14 `OORE (APAQIE PROOIIC45) 1 21/32• 1t 1 22DY 1161691OtA 3 -xrxw' 3 4' x 31 X"36' 112 I 896v RNRe"me 1 NAT16NAL GUARD .1 • X $' x 38' 3-jlyK, 13 2 12 GAti LOc dIFW RCCMENT 1 (1) PER jou BOOR ANCHN ! IIX 2 3 t/6' X la1 Z !' X 1 3 4' X 4 11r x 19 GA 15 2 16 t A QGNNFI T3 t:' 7t t 21 32' K 131 6' 16. 4 - FQAI18 NPIGE mJIT 7 t 4T K WQ' K rAf ' 17 1 12. QAL STROKE UENF 12ZA X 1 3/a X 6 7/16' Ta 2 %=.FRAmm TWO 2-X REQUIRED 19 1 cU mm FRA1N G 7 8 ' OFU 11/ FXLED CMITTREQUOUV 20 ! QEAR SIOWN SEALAAIr GY C.Y. 11. A 21 1 1 LOW GEASS 114010 IN, 14AX 1 ofr 22 1 tlrwAm a00RS t1S10N, fAOIADINC BY i1RE000R 1Mr A tyt4• ■:MV a,4r u«o . ,a r.► saGt •- 23 1 • APPLSM DOW N.SOIr n0ULONG BY ARE 40OW A19 .-: F1/Y' 7 AA : (r ume v 1 EN. Sam 24 t CB1500 I/NGES S7AFILEY 4 t x. 4 tom' 7t ,134' 23 t LOCKM. Amu NQ WOD N. A.. 26 1 WAOMT AtuCT 36: N. A. 27 1 PAML BAR van aOP+INc K0. 96/so .. a, A. 28. 1 110RASE0 LOCKSET_ AWET NO. 4000 N A, 211 ! WORMED IOCKSU COi0114 RUSFtYL-N0. WA2= N. A. 30+ 1 MORIIS&D•LOCKSETTALQOM MW N, A. 31 1 LOOM• iALC011: NM 756D` N. A. 322 1 0EA0800. iALCOK 80. OM, N: A. 33 1 PANIC QW YORARCM NO, 18-R N. A: 34 t 10CKSET SMKA6E NO. APO N: A. 35 1 OEA090L7 SCIAJ_a N0. ONO*: N. A. }6 ! LOCI:SET YALE N0. 5m. N. A. 37 1 RUST 1NN18RI:E vRimet N. A. _ 3/16' X 3/4' 3D ! WAVER SMPP.P241-30'PEUKC 39 1 WAINER STAMP SO POM 7/Y X.1'A 40 a 8 X T 1 4' Fit SITS: 7- MC /8 X 1 1/4' 41 a /0 X 7 ` FR SASS O.C" /8 X T/U 42 8 1 fIG X 2- MfIS, 4 ILE PROW &NOS 8 IS' 01C_ I PIG X r • UNNU 1 t1EW STRESS W 4S,000 PSI -AM M FRAMES MO DOORS tWOKENTS 10 DE SIUL Firedoor Corparolion cT Florida Scr:as 3070 FV.OUT-SWItdC*C COMMERCIAL STEEL ENTRANCE DOOR' (eased m FTL # 1624) ewt szc: 4w by W high OESIGK PRESSURE RATING +110 PSF POSITIVE -110- PSF POSITIVE •�5 i E9i.1:.bti: . FIREQOOR :FA052,9CA: FIRE000R CORpgRA wq OF I" Ti70 NtQK1N6T 71Ns ¢i,St rwrNS RONto+ J1�.7 vINfC (31St tia'I-1j� � nut: ho:) w-qYa opm OtCINCFAIc OKFNtYP7S• P.M Oat IZ-4423 NI vm. lrwpm- 730t3 mcs (3m 820-CMD Moo is Cs1t1'nm 1RlIt'. w NMTA fkaw N!., COX P.Kam . ks L1m MT" 1 t AmWR 0.1II 1FU(Dm-Cox 01MUF1ICE-ma- eODlltlfXl.k1->M60 9/1/98 Vag uttc SERIES: 3070F STEEL DOOR a147i01K:$ NIFY(AfA'- LCAIE. 57-1204.02 '"�'