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Home Standby Generator 11 kW 12.5 kW
Maximum continuous power,LPG(Propane) 11 kW 2.5 kW
Maximum continuous power,NG(Natural Gas) 10 kW 11 kW
Rated voltage 120/240
Amps 91,6/45.8 LPG,NG 104/52 LFIG,91.6/45.8 NG
Harmonic distortion Less than 5%
Main line circuit breaker 46 amp 2 amp
Phase Single
Frequency 60 Hz
Unit weight 425.5 lb.(193 kg)
Size(LxWxH) 49 x 28 x 28 in.(124.5 x 71 x 71 c )
Type Milwaukee Series OHV Commercial V-Twin
No.of cylinders 2
Displacement 717 cc
Cylinder block Aluminum with cast iron sleeves
Ignition system Solid state—magneto
Spark plug F7RTC(NGK BPR7ES)
Governor Mechanical
Starter Electric 24V DC
Oil capacity 1.6 qt(1.5 L)
Oil Type 5W-30 Full Synthetic*
RPM 3600
Mode switch auto Auto start on utility failure
Mode switch manual Starts on demand
Mode switch off Stops unit/control and charger acth e
Ready to run/maintenance messages Standard
Programmable start delay Standard
Engine start sequence Standard
Starter lockout Standard
Battery charger/low battery indicator Standard
Charger fault Standard
AVR over voltage protection Standard
Low oil protection Standard
Safety fused Standard
Overcrank/overspeed/underspeed protection Standard
*Unit ships without oil.Add oil before starting the HSB.
Part No. 101049
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The 717cc engine was developed by Champion Engine Technology for use in Champion home standby generators.The V-Twin cylinder
design provides high output,efficient operation,low maintenance and demonstrated long life.
Based on the engine's power,performance and reliability,it was selected to power the 12.5kW Champion Homo Standby Generator.This
engine design has been used in production since 2015.
The following are the engine specifications:
Type.. . . _. Milwaukee Series OHV Commercial V-Twin
No.of Cylinders 2
Displacement. _ _.717cc
Cylinder Block Aluminum with cast-iron sleeve
Cylinder Head.. . __.. _. Automotive harden valves and seats
Ignition System . Solid state—magneto
Governor Mechanical
Starter... Electric 24V DC
RPM _ 3,600
Oil Capacity _ _ .. .. __ 1.6 qt.(1.5 L)
Crankcase Cover Bolts 27 Nm(20 Ibf-ft)
Connecting Rod Bolts 12 Nm(9 Ibf-ft)
Rocker Cover Screws 10 Nm(7 Ibf-ft)
Cylinder Head Bolts . 40 Nm(29.5 Ibf-ft)
Intake Manifold Screws 9.5 Nm(7 Ibf-ft)
Carburetor to Intake Manifold 9.5 Nm(7 Ibf-ft)
Blower Housing 9 Nm(6.6 Ibf-ft)
Flywheel Nut _ . 196 Nm (145 Ibf-ft)
Ignition Coil Bolts 9.5 Nm(7 Ibf-ft)
Starter Motor Bolts 24.4 Nm(18 Ibf-ft)
Spark Plug 18 Nm(13.3 Ibf-ft)
Air Cleaner box to Carb - 9 Nm(6.6 Ibf-ft)
Exhaust pipe nuts 18 Nm(13.3 Ibf-ft)
Idle/low-speed Jet . 1.9 Nm(1.4 Ibf-ft)
Main Jet _ 3.9 Nm(2.9 Ibf-ft)
Fuel Inlet Chamber Screws 2.9 Nm(2.1 Ibf-ft)
Part No. 101049 :'
NFPA 37 2010,section 4.1.4,Engines Located Outdoors. A.4.1.2(2)Means of demonstrating compliance are by means of
Engines,and their weatherproof housings if provided,that are full-scale fire tests or by calculating procedures,such as those
installed outdoors shall be located at least 1.5 m(5 ft.)from given in NFPA 555,Guide on Methods for Evaluating Potential for
openings in walls and at least 1.5 m(5 ft.)from structures Room Flashover.
having combustible walls.A minimum separation shall not be To comply with condition 2 the weath arproof enclosure has
required where either of the following conditions exist: been constructed of non-combustible materials and full-scale
1. The adjacent wall of the structure has a fire resistance fire tests have been performed to demonstrate that a fire within
rating of at least 1 hour. the enclosure will not ignite combustible materials outside the
2. The weatherproof enclosure is constructed of
noncombustible materials and has been demonstrated Based on this testing and the requirements of NFPA 37,Sec.
that a fire within the enclosure will not ignite combustible 4.1.4,the guidelines for installation o the Champion home
materials outside the enclosure. standby generator are changed to 17 7 inches(45 cm)from
the backside of the generator to a combustible wall. All
other location and distances remain tie same as noted in the
Operators and Installation manuals.
These guidelines are based upon fire testing of the generator
enclosure and Champion's requirement for air flow for proper
operation.Local codes may be differE nt and more restrictive.
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vertical clearance
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Part No. 101049
The National Fire Protection Association(NFPA)standard NFPA 37 establishes criteria for minimizing the hazard o fire during the
installation and operation of stationary combustion engines.NFPA 37 limits the spacing of an enclosed generator rom openings in walls,
structures and combustible materials outside the enclosure.
NFPA 37(2015):Section 4.1.4 stipulates that engines installed outdoors shall be located at least 5 ft.(1.5 m)fro structures having
combustible walls.Further,a minimum separation shall not be required where the following conditions exist:
1. All wails of the structure that are closer than 5 ft,from the engine enclosure have a fire resistance rating of t least 1 hr.,or
2. The weatherproof engine enclosure is constructed of noncombustible materials,and it has been demonstra ed that a fire within the
enclosure will not ignite combustible materials outside the enclosure.
Intertek Group PLC performed a full-scale fire test under a worst-case fire scenario within the stationary generato enclosure to determine
the ignitability of combustible material near the stationary generator.The enclosure is made of non-combustible aterials and the results
and conclusions of the test indicate that a fire within the enclosure would not pose any risk of ignition to nearby c mbustible materials
or structures.Intertek Group PLC is certifying that this model complies with clause(2)of Section 4.1.4 of NFPA 3 when installed at a
minimum distance of 450 mm (17.7 in.)from a combustible wall,
Part No. 101049
These items are important to the overall performance of the Engine exhaust from the unit is hot
HSB generator.Many items covered in this section are not �,� and dangerous.
optional and are requirements under Federal,State and Local
codes.As with all generators,your generator must be installed
in accordance with current NFPA-37,NFPA 54,NFPA 58 and Exhaust must be allowed to dissipate into a free
NFPA-70 standards.Contact your local electrical inspector or city air zone as listed in the applicable codes with no
hall to insure you are aware of all codes and regulations.Install obstructions.
the equipment in compliance with the National Electric Code
(NEC).For Canada installations,refer to Canadian Electrical Code Direct the HSB exhaust away from or parallel to the building or
(CEC).Contact your natural gas supplier to verify that increased structure.DO NOT direct the HSB exhaust toward a potentially
BTU gas demand can be handled with the existing NG meter.The occupied building,structure,windows,doors,ventilation intakes,
same should done for LPG fueled generators.This generator in soffit vents,crawl spaces,open garagE doors or other openings
the enclosure is designed to be installed outdoors only. where exhaust gas could accumulate End enter inside or be
Champion HSB units are run and tested at the factory prior to drawn into potentially occupied buildings or structures.
being shipped.They do not require any type of break-in period. Install the unit on higher ground where water levels will not rise
and endanger it.This unit shouldn't be operated in standing
The installation of the HSB must comply strictly with NFPA 37, DO NOT place HSB waterproof enclosure under a deck or other
NFPA 54,NFPA 58 and NFPA 70 standards. type of structure that may confine or restrict airflow.Operate
The Champion HSB is shipped from the factory set up for natural HSB only outdoors,where adequate ve tilation and air movement
gas(NG)fuel.The HSB can be converted to LPG if required. is available.Avoid installations under decks,inside garages or
Orifices in the master mixer assembly(carburetor)MUST be carports,in basements,along home exterior within 5 feet(1.5m)
changed.The LPG orifices are shipped with the unit and include of home vent,roof overhang vents,a window that can be opened,
installation instructions. or other such home invasion points.Use the same precautions
when installing HSB at property line,close to a neighbor's home,
Install the unit in a location where the sump pump discharge, or any building or structure that houses animals.
rain gutter downspouts,roof run off,landscape irrigation,natural
ponding or water sprinklers will not flood the unit or spray the DANGER
enclosure entering any inlet or outlet opens.
Position the unit in an area where prevailing winds will carry Running engines give off carbon
the exhaust gas away from any potentially occupied building or monoxide,an odorless,colorless,
structure. invisible,poison gas.
Install the unit where leaves,grass,snow,ect.,will not obstruct
air inlet and outlet openings.If prevailing winds cause blowing or Breathing carbon monoxide will cause fatigue,
drifting,you may consider building a windbreak,planting trees or headache,dizziness,vomiting anc in prolonged
shrubs within the guidelines and codes applicable. conditions,even death.Carbon monoxide detectors
Watch out for roof overhangs.Snow, ice or rain shouldn't be MUST be installed and maintains indoors according
permitted to accumulate on the roof and then cascade onto the to the manufacturer's instructions recommendations.
unit, Smoke alarms cannot detect carbon monoxide gas.
The back of the HSB locates the fuel arid wire entry points.When
placement/mounting is done this side enerally faces the closest
point to each of those sources.
Part No. 101049
It is always recommended to prepare a drawing showing location TOOLS REQUIRED
of HSB,typical gas utility approach,circuit connections and full 1. General SAE and Metric hand tool ,wrenches,sockets
load connections. and screwdrivers.
Similar considerations should be given to the location of the ATS 2. Standard electrician's hand tools,drill and bits.
(automatic transfer switch)in relationship to the HSB generator.
The closer to both the fuel meter and the main utility panel 3. Monometer(for checking fuel pressures).
the better.The key point here is,the closer to fuel meter is the 4. Meter capable of measuring AC/D C Voltage and Frequency
suggested direction to go,wire is cheaper to run and more 5. Safety apparel
Inspect the unit.Carefully inspect the HS for any damage
SUGGESTED PREPARATION that may have occurred during shipment and delivery.If loss
A concrete pad can be poured or purchased through Champion or damage is noted at the time of deliver ,have the person(s)
making delivery note all damage on the f eight bill and affix
(model 100616)and the HSB secured to it.In some areas a their signature under the consignor's me no of loss or damage.
concrete pad is required due to high wind potential.Check If loss or damage is noted after delivery, eparate the damaged
local codes to see what type of mounting base is required.If a materials and contact the carrier for claims procedures.Parts
concrete pad is required,all federal,state and local codes should damaged in shipping are not covered under Champion warranty.
be followed.Unless mandated by federal,state or local code,a
concrete pad is not required. Unbox the unit,by removing the exterior shipping carton.The ATS
is included,remove the packaging and lilt it out.Remove the 4
If no concrete pad is being used,Champion recommends using shipping brackets,2 on each end that hold the HSB to the wood
a mixture of pea gravel and sand or crushed stone for placement shipping pallet.This pallet is for shipping transportation only and
of the mounting pad.The mounting pad MUST be level,The cannot be used as a mounting pad in an form.Exercise caution
gravel mixture or crushed stone is to permit water runoff, when removing the HSB from the wood pallet,dragging it off the
drainage and reduce ponding of water around the HSB, wood pallet will damage the HSB base,The HSB must be lifted
Dig an area 5 inches(12.7 cm)deep that is 6 inches(15.2 cm) from the wood pallet to separate.
longer and wider than the foot print of the HSB.The HSB is 49 Contact your natural gas(NG)supplier about the meter size.Most
inches long x 28 inches wide(124.5 cm long x 71 cm wide). meters must be replaced with a larger B U size,due to a larger
Cover the dugout area with a weed barrier or landscape cloth if demand of BTU's from the HSB and appliances during operation
desired. (utility outage).This also applies to HSB utilizing LPG.
Fill the area with pea gravel and sand mixture or crushed stone. SUGGESTED PLACEMENT
Final stone level must be 2 or 3 inches higher than the original
ground level to ensure water run-off and drainage. The Site Selection has been completed,all federal,state and
local codes have been reviewed and app ied as mandated by the
NFPA standards and all other related co es/standards.
Preparation has been completed and everything has been
properly prepared to place the HSB.
The rear right side of the HSB locates the fuel and wire entry
points.When placement is done this sldE generally faces the
closest point to each of those sources fo fuel and wire entry.
Compact the fill,this is to provide a firm base for the HSB.
Remember the final stone level must be 2 or 3 inches higher
than the original ground level to ensure water run-off and
Park No. 101049
- Once Site Selection,Preparation and Placement has been
completed,you can proceed to Installation Preparation.Without
these in place you may encounter problems moving forward.
There are a number of key items that MUST be addressed prior
to the physical installation of the HSB.The installation of the HSB
must comply strictly with all applicable codes,standards and
regulations(NFPA 37,NFPA 54,NFPA 68,and NFPA 70).
Check and confirm that the HSB on board controls are"ALL'in
the"OFF"position.This includes; Control panel circuit breaker,
exercise control and both LED controllers.
Champion HSB units have been run and tested at the factory
A CAUTION prior to being shipped.They do not require any type of break-in
The HSB weighs approximately 300-400 Ibs
(136kg-181kg)depending on the model. Proper tools, 0 CAUTION
equipment and qualified personnel should be used in
all phases of handling and moving the HSB.Do not lift The HSB is shipped without oil in the engine.Add oil
or move the HSB without assistance.Do not lift the to full capacity as stated in the specification section
unit by the roof or any other enclosure component as before starting the HSB.
damage to the HSB and possible injury of handling/ Never operate the HSB with the engine oil level below
moving staff may occur. the"ADD"mark on the dipstick,doing so could damage
the engine.Check the oil level and add the appropriate
Two(2)5 foot(1.5 m)lengths of 3/"steel pipe(supplied by viscosity and amount indicated on the oil dipstick full
the installer),are required to lift the HSB.Insert the steel pipes line.Oil viscosity 5 w 30 full synthetic.Refer to Owner's
through the lifting holes located near the HSB base in the manual.
composite pad,on each end.
You may also lift the HSB using a properly rated strap,lift,hook IN THE THIS SEGMENT,"INSTALLATION PREPARATION,THE
and hoist procedure attached to both steel lifting pipes,provided FOLLOWING WILL BE COVERED;
that you use spreader bars to ensure that the belts,chains or 1. Fuel Requirements and Recommendations
cables DO NOT touch/contact the HSB.
Once the HSB has been placed,check to make sure it is level.If 2. Fuel Consumption
it isn't,make adjustments prior to installation procedures start. 3. NG Pipe Sizing,flexible fuel line
4. LPG Vapor Pipe Sizing,flexible fuel line
6. Full Flow Shut Off Valve
A WARNING 7. Sediment Trap
Improper installation can result in 8. Checking Pressure with a Manometer
' personal injury and damage to the 9. Battery Requirements,Installation&Service
generator.It may also result in the
warranty being suspended or voided.
All the instructions must be followed
including location clearances and
pipe size.
Part No. 101049 M